Super Urban Master

Chapter 300 - Li Zhanwu Acted Shamelessly to Keep Qin Hao.

Chapter 300 Li Zhanwu Acted Shamelessly to Keep Qin Hao.

Famous Sword Sect, as one of the seven major sects, used to be grand and magnificent. But the groups of buildings as manifestations of the big sect now remained only dilapidated walls and bricks.

Numerous houses had been blown down directly from the middle, leaving huge and palm-shaped pits with bloody dead bodies in addition to building debris.

Of course, there were still some people of the sect who were alive, but they were no different from the dead.

Their eyes were glazed, their pupils dilated, their faces frightened, and they did not know what kind of shock and terrible things had happened to them. Those who had survived were simply petrified.

Just as ordinary people suddenly met evil spirits at night and were scared to death.

“This, this… this is the work of human? Or an act of god?” Those Martial Cultivators who had surrendered never saw such a powerful approach and they were all stunned. They preferred to believe that it was a natural disaster. However, seen from those palm-shaped pits, they were clearly from humans.

Who had such a power of terror?

Li Zhanwu remembered a man, Qin Hao. In Shaxian town, he used this kind of blow to kill Martial Cultivators. Not only he but also the people of Sky Group had all seen it.

“General, has instructor Qin had arrived here first?” Liu Yan was beside Li Zhanwu. She said in a conjecture tone, “Only he has such strength.”

This made those beside surrendered Martial Cultivators be even more scared. Instructor Qin, of course, they knew which instructor Qin she referred to. As for the Shaxian Town event, they had heard about it. So many Martial Cultivators all perished in front of him.

It was said that he was a terrible man. However, they did not know how terrible he was. Seeing the scene, then they realized that it made sense for all the elite Martial Cultivators to perish under his palms.

Terrible as Qin Hao, they felt lucky that they had surrendered. Or they would be like those people who would never know the truth even after their death.

After listening to the words of Liu Yan, Li Zhanwu nodded but also shook his head, “He is able to do this. But hasn’t he gone to Serenity House? Has he come back? If so, he should be with us, not alone. Even if he wants to do it alone, at least he should let us know. How can he kill a whole sect without telling us?”

“Is it possible that this is done by other Void Stage experts?” Chen Feng cut in.

“Other Void Stage experts? Visitors from Semi-Ancient Martial World? If so, who has so much hatred with Famous Sword Sect? With one palm and such a large sect was destroyed.” Li Zhanwu was still very confused.

Chen Feng touched his forehead, “General, why don’t we go to the next sect to see if it is also in this kind of situation. If not, the killer may be the enemy of Famous Sword Sect. If so, it is likely to be instructor Qin. Because only us need to conquer them all. For others, they could be the enemy of one sect but not all sects.”

“Great. Let’s go to the next sect.” Li Zhanwu instantly made the order.

Chen Feng’s hypothesis was proved to be true. The next sect had the same miserable situation as Famous Sword Sect. So did the next sect.

All the rest four sects of the seven major sects had been plundered. Every cultivation resource treasury had all been robbed too. The valuable resources had been all moved away. The rests were less valuable for Li Zhanwu to handle with.

“Qin Hao. Damn. This isn’t over.”

Li Zhanwu was so angry. He was sure that it was done by Qin Hao. The bastard must be in a rampage and killed all of them. He had thought about to take in more surrendered experts. But now he would not make it.

Li Zhanwu was in a rage. He jumped and cursed with anger.

Seeing Li Zhanwu’s angry look, a few surrendered people among the crowd discussed, “That instructor Qin is so audacious. He acted without General Li’s order. General Li is so angry. The instructor Qin will probably be punished. At least he should be punished seriously.”

Another man from Sky Group heard the discussion. He looked at them with contempt and hummed, “You know nothing. General Li can only complain without Qin Hao on the scene. In the face of instructor Qin, he dares not to complain. If it is not true, you can call me grandson.”

“Uh…” Several people felt quite speechless.

“General, I think it’s necessary to report to the capital city to see if the instructor has come back. If he has done that he has no need to keep it a secret.” Bald Head said after Li Zhanwu finished complaining.

Li Zhanwu took a deep breath and shouted in an angry tone, “Ok, contact with the capital city to confirm the situation.”

“Yes.” The communicator immediately contacted capital city via satellite radio.

Soon, the communicator finished and reported.

“General, the capital city replied that instructor Qin had returned to the capital a month ago. But they had left a few days ago, and now the location is unknown. The capital city asked if they had come to us.”

Hearing the report, Li Zhanwu bit teeth while scolding again, “Damn. It was done by that bastard. He has come back for a month and hasn’t sent us a message. That’s too excessive. I won’t let him go.”

“Old Li, whom you won’t let go?” There was suddenly a voice in the sky answering to Li Zhanwu’s words. It was not loud but everyone on the scene heard it clearly.

Everyone was surprised and raised their heads. They felt dizzy as a man in the sky moved down quickly. Within one second, he had fallen down before Li Zhanwu.

A young man, a young man with overwhelming aggressiveness. That was Qin Hao.

Sky Group people were not surprised to see him appear in that way. They had gotten used to it. However, those who had surrendered had never seen him and were all shocked.

Walking in the sky was once just a legend to them. Now they saw it. That was not a legend but a truth.

Moreover, the legendary Qin Hao was so young. At such an age, he had the strength much stronger than old guys in their sects. He was such a genius. They had to admire him.

Today Qin Hao did not wear military uniforms. He wore a fluttering tight black suit. With that handsome face and the domineering momentum and indifference, he also appeared to be heroic and extraordinary, which would drive countless girls to be obsessed and crazy.

“Well, Qin Hao, you, you, you have done all these?” Li Zhanwu pointed to the miserable situation of one sect and asked loudly.

“Yes, it’s me. What’s your opinion?” Qin Hao stared at Li Zhanwu and asked in a calm and indifferent tone.

“I, I… Qin Hao, Mr. Instructor, do you have any awareness of organization and discipline? If soldiers are all unorganized and undisciplined like you, what should I do to lead them and Sky Group?” Li Zhanwu wanted to vent his anger. However, looking at Qin Hao’s eyes with quietness and indifference, and feeling the pressure from his eyes, he had to withdraw his anger.

“That’s your business, not mine.” Qin Hao answered with indifference, driving Li Zhanwu nearly mad.

“You, you, Qin Hao. Stop acting like that. Are you going to irritate me to death?” Li Zhanwu was so depressed.

Those who had surrendered now knew the power of Qin Hao. Li Zhanwu had just now scolded so hard and had said he wouldn’t forgive and absolve Qin Hao. Now Qin Hao was here but he stopped scolding. He acted with depression and appeared to be helpless. They were confused about which one was the real superior, the general or the instructor?

“I’m not interested in it. Ok, no more nonsense. Liu Yan, let Little Monster out.” Qin Hao ordered to Liu Yan.

“Yes, instructor.” Liu Yan quickly stood out and lifted her hand. “Roar”, with a loud sound, a shadow flashed and a huge monster rushed out quickly to the side of Qin Hao.

Seeing the big creature appearing suddenly, those who had surrendered all turned pale and kept stepping back out of terror.

That was it. It had destroyed everywhere when it came to each sect. It was invictus. Those old guys in their sects-those legendary experts-had been forced to fight. They had expected that those legendary figures could stop the beast. However, they could not even stand one attack of it and were killed easily. With too many casualties, they had to surrender.

Little Monster was now a symbol of terror, which had been sealed deep in their hearts. With the monster there, no one could beat it and everyone had to kneel down and surrender.

However, such a vicious monster acted like a kitty beside Qin Hao. It purred and rubbed Qin Hao’s arms with its head.

Qin Hao caressed the monster’s head while his eyes scanned the Sky Group. In particular, while looking at Liu Yan and the other five people, his eyes presented sorrow of departure.

Finally, he had to go and did not know when to come back. After all, they were all people whom he had known for so long. This sudden departure made him really…

Liu Yan and others seemed to feel something from Qin Hao’s eyes. They stood out silently, “Instructor, you…” They seemed to have sensed something.

Alas, people shall all be separated. There was always a departure.

Qin Hao calmed down. He turned to Li Zhanwu and said with a serious look, “Old Li, I have handled it for you. There will be no Martial Cultivators who will be a threat to the nation. That’s the end of my contributions to you. Since now, you have to depend on yourself.” There was sorrow in his words.

Li Zhanwu found something unusual, “Qin Hao, you, what’s wrong with you? What are you…?”

“I should leave.” Qin Hao gave Li Zhanwu a certain answer.

Li Zhanwu was irritated, “What? Qin Hao, you shouldn’t play this trick. We’ve made a deal. You have to stay in Sky Group for at least eight or ten years. Now it has been merely two months and you’re regretting. No way. Definitely no way.”

Qin Hao turned a blind eye to Li Zhanwu’s roars. He turned to Liu Yan and the other five people again. They were taught by him and thus were his apprentices. He found it most difficult to be seperated from them.

“Liu Yan, Bald Head, Nie Jingshan, Wang Hanjiang, Li Bo.” He called their names one by one.

These five people stood straight and answered loudly, “Yes, instructor.”

“You’re taught by me. Remember, do not lose my face. Ok. All good things will come to an end. Take care. I’m leaving.” Qin Hao was about to go after finishing the words. Suddenly, a man rushed here and held his legs.

“Qin Hao. My brother. Don’t be so impulsive. We have agreed, right? That you will stay here for another eight or ten years. At least you should stay for two or three years. Sky Group still needs you.”

Everyone was stunned and no one had thought that Li Zhanwu would play this trick.

Qin Hao had a bitter smile, “Old Li. You’re so aged and you held your father’s legs in the face of so many people. Don’t you feel ashamefed?”

In the face of so many people, he said in such an arrogant tone by calling himself Li Zhanwu’s father. People on the spot had to comment in their mind: Damn!

“I don’t care. There is no way that you’ll leave. You should handle with me before leaving. Or I won’t let you go.” Li Zhanwu made all efforts he could.

What? That was being shameless. You were General Li.

Damn. That was so damn.

To keep Qin Hao here, Li Zhanwu made so many efforts including even committing suicide. He dared not to die, let alone to act shamelessly.

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