Super Urban Master

Chapter 24

Chapter 24-The Cause of Disease

In front of him, the door of a ward was opened and a middle-aged man who was escorted by several bodyguards in black suits walked out arrogantly. He left in a hurry, the doctors, nurses, patients and their family member all dodged to the side.

“This … Which patient’s family member is this? How arrogant!” Qin Hao unhappily sent his Spiritual Sense into the ward.

There was one patient lying on the bed and a few people who were looking after him. Qin Hao was familiar with this person, it was Zuo Yong, the young master of the Zuo family and the one he had taught a lesson to.

So it was someone from the Zuo family, no wonder they were so arrogant.

“They are from the Zuo family.” An Ru whispered from behind.

“Hum, let’s go.” Qin Hao showed a strange smile on his face and walked forward. When An Ru saw that evil smile on his face, she didn’t know why he was smiling like that, but felt confused. Even though she was puzzled, she couldn’t ask the reason, but to follow him to leave.

This time, two of them arrived at An Ru’s villa safely and smoothly.

After they got out of the car, a middle-aged man with a full black beard opened the iron gate for them. His name was Wang Zhong. He was the doorman and guardian of this villa.

The driver’s eyes were filled with envy as he watched Qin Hao enter the villa. In this villa, except the middle-aged man who opened the door, Qin Hao was the second man who got in. Even An Ru’s secretary, Liao Fei, did not get such a privilege. Fortunately, Liao Fei was still lying in the hospital after being kicked. Otherwise, he would have been even more jealous when he saw it.

“Miss, you’re back.” Wang Zhong greeted An Ru. His hawk-liked eyes swept over Qin Hao suspiciously. He was also very curious, An Ru never brought a man back to this villa, why she brought this young man in today? What was their relationship?

An Ru’s boyfriend? He didn’t look like. This man was too young. He must be much younger than An Ru.

At this moment, Qin Hao was also paying attention to Wang Zhong. From Wang Zhong’s face which was filled with vicissitudes of life and those deep eyes, Qin Hao could tell that he was someone with a story.

What arouse Qin Hao’s attention to Wang Zhong was not his looks but the looming killing aura inside. On the surface, he looked like an ordinary person, but Qin Hao could feel the killing aura the moment he entered. He could feel that this person had been gone through countless life and death situations, and had definitely killed people before, not just one or two but more. Otherwise, there would not be such a strong killing aura inside of him.

Qin Hao scanned Wang Zhong with his Spiritual Sense. If there was no mistake, this person should be a Martial Cultivator.

This made him could not see through An Ru even more. How could this woman let a Martial Cultivator to be her doorman? And how could a Martial Cultivator like him was willing to be a janitor for an ordinary lady? There might be some secret behind.

“Uncle Zhong, this is Mr. Qin. I invited him to treat my mother. He will come here once every month.” When An Ru entered, she told Wang Zhong the reason why she brought Qin Hao in.

Wang Zhong didn’t care too much about a young man like Qin Hao at first. When he heard An Ru’s words and realized that Qin Hao was able to cure An Ru’s mother, he couldn’t help be stunned. After carefully looking at Qin Hao, his eyes suddenly flashed with a strange light, as if he had discovered something. However, he only nodded and didn’t say anything.

Qin Hao followed An Ru into Mother An’s room.

When mother An saw Qin Hao, the taciturn woman became excited. She stood up and held Qin Hao’s hands. She said with a trembling voice: “Young man, thank you for saving me before. Ru, you need thank him seriously. ”

“Mom, don’t worry. I know.”

“That’s good.” Mother An was full of joy, “Young man, I didn’t expect you were skilled in medicine at such a young age. Last time you helped me with needles, my headache was already relieved a lot. These days, I’ve been looking for you to help me treat my illness again, and you’ve finally come today. ”

“Mom, that’s why I invited him to come.” An Ru said.

“Well, young man, please take a seat. Hurry up, serve the tea.” Following Mother An’s instruction, a maid came up with a cup of tea.

Qin Hao thanked her while holding her hands. However, his face suddenly changed as if he had discovered something wrong. He hurriedly said: “Lady, please sit down. I need to check your pulse.”

He had only judged Mother An’s condition through his eyes last time. However, when he held Mother An’s hands this time, he felt her pulse was very strange. Qin Hao became serious and it was necessary to examine her body carefully again.

Seeing the change on Qin Hao’s face, An Ru immediately tensed up and asked, “What’s wrong, Mr. Qin? Is there any problem? ”

Qin Hao didn’t answer immediately. He held Mother An’s hand tightly and passed a tiny bit of Spiritual Energy into her body. It checked Mother An ‘s entire body. Gradually, his brows wrinkled.

An Ru became more anxious when she saw this. However, she also knew that it was not a good time to disturb Qin Hao during the diagnosis.

After a long while, the diagnosis was completed. Qin Hao loosed Mother An’s hand. Now the symptom was clear, he realized that there was someone caused Mother An’s illness on purpose. The person had left a stream of Qi of Martial Cultivator in her brain, the Qi was able to block the blood circulation of her brain. It’s no wonder that the hospital couldn’t cure it. In order to treat this disease, Qin Hao had to remove the Qi from her body. When he tried to clear it out just now, he found out that he was unable to do it with his current strength. From this, he could tell that this must have been done by a superior. It seemed that in order to clear out this wave of Qi, he had to try again when he reached the late stage of the First Stage Martial Cultivator.

Qin Hao was puzzled. Who did this, why did he do this?

“Young man, how is it going? Can I be cured? “Mother An asked eagerly, her eyes were filled with anticipation.

Qin Hao laughed, “Lady, my name is Qin Hao. You can call me Xiao Qin from now on.”

“Alright, then let’s forget the civilities. Don’t call me lady, just call me aunt.” Mother An said in a kind tone.

Qin Hao nodded, he could not bear to extinguish the hopes and expectations of her. Hence, he replied, “Aunt, your illness can be cured, but it will take a longer time.”

Hearing this, Mother An was extremely happy, “Alright, alright, it’s good that you can cure it. I have been tortured for over 10 years, it doesn’t matter if it lasts a little longer.”

“Alright, then I’ll help you with the needles first. I’ll come over once a month in the future.”

Mother An was very willing to cooperate. She was fully trust in Qin Hao’s medical skills.

After spending half an hour, Qin Hao finished acupuncture for Mother An. By the time he came out, it was already late. Walking through the door, when he passed by Wang Zhong, Qin Hao’s swept over him coldly. Perhaps he could find the answer for the Qi left in Mother An’s head from this guy. However with his identity, it was inconvenient for him to ask Wang Zhong about this.

Afterwards, An Ru invited Qin Hao to the restaurant for dinner and personally drove him back to the entrance of the East Asia Normal School.

The car stopped in front of the school gate. An Ru took out a bank card and handed it to Qin Hao, “Mr. Qin, thank you very much. This is just a small token of my appreciation. Please accept it. The password is eight sixes. ”

Qin Hao looked at the card and hesitated. He couldn’t accept it as Mother An’s illness had not been cured. To be honest, he was too embarrassed to take the money, but he really did need the money currently. So at last, he still took the card. He didn’t ask how much in it, whatever.

An Ru observed Qin Hao closely, when she saw the change of Qin Hao’s expression, she guessed that Qin Hao was in need of money. Thus she continued to said, “Mr. Qin, this is only a portion of the payment. I will pay you much once my mother was healed.”

Qin Hao smiled, “Miss An, you are too polite. You should call me Qin Hao. I’m still a student, so I’m not used to being called Mr. Qin.”

An Ru hesitated for a moment before nodding her head, “Fine, Qin Hao. Then, we’ll meet again.”

“Alright, goodbye.” Just as Qin Hao was about to get off the car, he suddenly thought of a question and asked, “Oh, Miss An, do you know the background of that doorman, Uncle Zhong?”

Hearing this question, An Ru’s smiling face froze for a moment and she said awkwardly, “I’m sorry, about Uncle Zhong …”

Qin Hao understood the meaning behind An Ru’s words. She did not want to tell anyone about Wang Zhong. For the sake of the money, he originally wanted to remind An Ru to pay attention to Wang Zhong. Since An Ru wasn’t willing to tell, then let it go.

After separating with An Ru, Qin Hao didn’t enter the school. Instead, he ran towards the back mountain. He used the Phantom Cloud Trace skill and flew up the mountain like a breeze of wind.

Just as he was about to leap away to the next mountain, a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind. Qin Hao was greatly shocked, it was too late for him to dodge, so he could only punch out.


The two fists collided and Qin Hao’s body was flying out. He hit a tree and was sent out by the impact. He grabbed a tree branch in panic to prevent himself from flying far way, then he fell to the ground with a “plop”. Luckily, it wasn’t too high, otherwise, he would be in a mess. Even so, when he got up, his blood was boiling and he almost spat out blood.

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