Super Urban Master

Chapter 23

Chapter 23-The Fury of the Zuo Family

Unfortunately, before that guy could fly out his fourth dart, he fell down from the air heavily. With a “plop”, a cloud of dust raised and the dart in his hand flew far away.

He looked dead, and it was hard to tell how he had died at a glance. If looked closely, people would find there was a few tiny needle holes on his head, and the silver needles had pierced into his brain.

Got rid of this expert, Qin Hao felt relieved, then he realized his left hand was pressing on something soft and elastic. He lowered his head, and found that his hand was grabbing An Ru’s soft and towering chest. He even sat on the lower body of An Ru. At this moment, An Ru also reacted and her face immediately flushed red.

“Oh, sorry.” Qin Hao hurriedly loosened his hands and stood up, but when he was about to stand up, he fainted and fell on An Ru’s body. It turned out that the dart was poisonous and the poison was currently working.

“Mr. Qin, Qin Hao, what happened to you?” An Ru couldn’t care about her pudency as she hugged Qin Hao and shouted loudly.

Qin Hao could hear An Ru’s voice, but he couldn’t move. His consciousness was weak. He asked himself, “Am I going to die? No, no. There are still a lot of things that I haven’t done yet.” Just when he thought he was going to die, a surge of spiritual energy began to revolve in his body, fighting against the poison in his blood.

Soon, Qin Hao realized what was going on. This was the effect of the Eternity Spell. He didn’t expect it to be able to heal automatically. It was truly self-healing treasure. What ridiculous was he never pay much attention to it. In his mind, he only paid attention to exercise on the martial arts and studied on how to improve his martial arts. He ignored the practice of the Eternity Spell and till now he was only at the first level of Qi Refining stage.

He would have to pay more attention to exercise the Eternity Spell. At this moment, Qin Hao had a new understanding of the Eternity Spell, it was really a blessing in disguise.

Qin Hao lied down and let the Eternity Spell heal his body automatically. It was a pity that he was only at the first level of Qi Refining stage. If he was at higher level, the healing speed would be faster.

Due for Qin Hao had fainted, the main culprit of this incident, Qiang Zi, escaped in panic. In fact, if he didn’t go away now, Qin Hao would not be able to fight anymore, and he could easily handle Qin Hao and the rest by himself. However he was too scared to come back, and just wanted to leave as far as he could. The opponent he met was not a human, but a devil in his heart.

Seeing that there was no response from Qing Hao, An Ru called ambulance immediately.

Qin Hao was sent to the hospital soon. Since it was delivered by An Ru, the hospital paid great attention to him. They urgently sent Qin Hao to the emergency room while An Ru waited anxiously outside.

As planned, Qin Hao was to help treat others, but on the contrary, the person who was going the heal people had been sent to the hospital instead. An Ru felt guilty and helpless at the same time. She was regretful. If she didn’t take the short cut, then perhaps the incident wouldn’t have happened.

“All, Out of the way.”

Just as An Ru was anxiously waiting outside the emergency room, an arrogant and domineering voice came from the other end of the corridor. A group of people aggressively came in, and people dodged to the side.

An Ru looked towards the group of people, and saw that the person in the lead was a middle-aged man with dignified and angry expression on his face. His entire body was exuding the arrogant aura of someone in a superior position. He wore a windbreaker, took an ivory cane in his hand. He was followed by four bodyguards in black suits. A doctor in white coat was carefully leading the way.

An Ru recognized this middle-aged man. Since they were all from the upper class, they even had some overlapping. He was Zuo Kun, the head of the Zuo family, the wealthiest family in Changhai City.

As the leader of the Zuo family, Zuo Kun rarely came out to do anything by himself. What happened today? Not only did he personally come to the hospital, but from his looks, this matter was not a normal one. Look at the furious expression on his face, who provoked him? An Ru was suspicious. There was a burst of noise coming from behind. With a “hualala” sound, a group of reporters holding video camera, followed closely behind them. Fortunately, there were more than ten black-clothed bodyguards who blocked their way.

“Mr. Zuo, what do you think of your son’s injury?”

“Mr. Zuo, who injured your son? Because of a woman, or something else? ”

Some reporters screamed out questions.

Zuo Kun’s face was calm. He ignored the reporters and followed the doctor who led the way into a ward. The four bodyguards followed him stood outside the door.

Listening to the noise from the reporters, An Ru knew that Zuo Kun’s son had been injured. The situation was probably very serious as Zuo Kun had come by himself.

She knew Zuo Yong, Zuo Kun’s son. He was a pervert who played women, and whenever he saw beautiful women, he would play with them. He had harassed her a lot before, but because of her special identity, he didn’t dare to bother her too much. Being Beaten by somebody, he really deserved it.

In Zuo Yong’s ward, Zuo Kun looked at his son, who was wrapped in a white cloth and passed out like a mummy. He almost exploded out with anger, however, he was not an ordinary person, he held on with his strong sense of shrewdness and self-restraint.

“Doctor, how is my son?” Zuo Kun’s cold voice made people tremble.

The doctor, who had been waiting for a long time, spoke carefully, “Mr. Zuo, after being rescued, young master Zuo is no longer in danger, but …” The doctor didn’t seem to dare to continue his words.

“But what?” Zuo Kun glared at the doctor with a cold expression.

The doctor hurriedly passed on the report in his hand to Zuo Kun. “Mr Zuo, it’s better if you could read it by yourself.”

Zuo Kun took the report without a word. Looking at the report, his hands started to shake, and then his whole body started to tremble. At this moment, anger was the only thing in his mind.

Who actually dared to harm his son like this? If the culprit was standing in front of him right now, he could bite the culprit to death.

However, Zuo Kun suppressed the anger in his heart. Here was the hospital, not a place for him to lose temper.

“Mr. Zuo, I suggest that you send Young Master Zuo to the best hospital overseas, maybe he can wake up. But his ‘man part’ had already been hardly injured by someone. With the current medical conditions, if he wants to recover, I’m afraid…”There was no need for the doctor to continue. It was very clear, Zuo Yong would become a eunuch.

This was the point that made Zuo Kun angry and heartbroken. This was his only son. Although he had a lot of mistresses and also had quite a few illegitimates, however, among the illegitimates, there was not a boy. This made him extremely depressed. He had doted on his only son and regarded him as the only successor, but now “it” was gone, how could he still be the successor.

“The medical techniques is so advanced today, is there really no way to cure it?” Zuo Kun didn’t give up and asked with a dark face.

The doctor hesitated for a moment. He didn’t dare to say there was no hopr, and could only say, “About this, Mr. Zuo, our hospital can’t help. Perhaps other places could make it.”

Zuo Kun waved his hand in annoyance and told the doctor to get out. The doctor bowed and immediately opened the door. The father and son from Zuo Family were staying alone.

Zuo Kun walked to Zuo Yong and touched his face wrapped by white cloth. He gritted his teeth and said “Son, tell me who hurt you. Dad will make him pay a hundred times over. ”

Unfortunately, Zuo Yong was still in coma, and he didn’t respond to Zuo Kun’s words at all.

In fact, the killer he was looking for was close by, in the emergency room to the next door.

After the doctor’s inspection, they found Qin Hao had been poisoned and they began to rescue him immediately. Actually, the poison was strong enough to make one die at once. It was a miracle he could be alive. The doctors were shocked that Qin Hao sat up on the bed in an hour after the rescue. Without saying anything, he removed the needle from his body and walked out of the emergency room. The doctors were so astonished that their mouths were wide open. Even if this poison was cleaned up, it would take at least seven to eight days before he could get out of bed and walk around.

What‘s more amazing was that the long and bloody wound on Qin Hao’s back was scabby. This was the magic of the Eternity Spell. With the aid of the hospital treatment, it helped Qin Hao even more.

Damn it? Was this person a human or a monster? The doctors were so stunned and forgot to chase after him.

An Ru, who was anxiously waiting for Qin Hao outside. She was surprised when she saw Qin Hao walking out. Normally, doctors should come out first. However, at that time, she couldn’t be bothered to care about this anymore. What she concerned about was Qin Hao’s condition.

“Mr. Qin, how do you feel?”

Qin Hao casually waved his hand, “I am fine, let’s go. Hurry up and treat your mother. I still have to go back to school.”

“Back to school?” An Ru was stunned.

“Yes, I am a student from East Asia Normal School.” As Qin Hao spoke, he walked out. He was really anxious to finish the treatment.

“Student?” An Ru was shocked. When they met, she didn’t ask Qin Hao’s identity. Now that she knew, and it was really hard for her to imagine that a student could be so powerful. He beat those hoodlums and saved her in an emergency, and even killed someone, was this something that a student could do? Who was he indeed?

“Oh right, how about the hoodlums? Will there be any trouble? ” Qin Hao remembered these things and asked. After beating down so many hoodlums and killing people, there would be some troubles with the police. Qin Hao wasn’t afraid of investigation, but he was afraid of trouble.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I know a few people in the police station. I will deal with it. They are all criminals and will not have good endings.” An Ru hurriedly replied.

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction. This woman was really a capable lady.

“Get out of the way!” The sudden arrogant voice caused Qin Hao stop his steps and raised his head to have a look.

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