Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 142: The Snake's Lair

"I told them to get here by using this thing, so we'll be waiting here for a while," Marvin rubbed his wet and swelled eyes as he said that to little ball.

"Can that thing really be used to communicate in the wilderness?" Fatty Liam asked while pointing at the love token clutched within Marvin's hand. There is no network connection in places where there's a huge amount of magic power.

In the wilderness, the modernized long-distance communications methods that are popular, useful, foolish, and widely used in the lives of an average person are useless. When you are in the wilderness, even very high-frequency waves can not simply penetrate the thick magic power present in the air.

The advantages of smartphones and similar devices blur down to zero, the very moment a person steps foot inside the wilderness.

Though modern devices still work perfectly in the strongholds and the cities ruled by warlords. It's because the magic power is filtered in the strongholds so that it won't eat up the frequency waves used for communication and similar purposes while in the wilderness, the trees in the forest, the stone and air infused with magic power, and the magic power in the surroundings as a whole literally eat up the frequency waves.

That's why communication talisman are the preferred method of communication in the wilderness. The military also uses items specially prepared for communication purposes as the magic power communication line shared between two talismans can be easily hijacked by a person who has great control over the source of magic power–mana.

"It isn't as good as the newly released virtual network that is only accessible by highly privileged peoples and their descendants, but it still does the work. It's a pretty mystical item as it converts feelings and emotions into words. I got a positive answer from Leilani just now, she and Bai Yue are safe and they are heading our way and I believe they will be here in a few minutes or so," Marvin said, breathing in and out to calm his tense nerves, as he thought that communication was never a problem, to begin with, he had handed over a communication talisman to Bai Yue before coming to the wilderness as he feared that they might split up, after all, but it seems like there would be no need to use the talismans as the love token Leilani shared with him was more than enough.

"That's great to hear," Fatty Liam said. "Though I wonder when they will mass-produce devices that can connect to virtual link and sell it to the public."

The experts in the field of technology have created a network using magic power itself. They named it virtual link. Its uses far exceeds what the world has ever known. The thing is, only the privileged and their descendants could purchase a device that can connect to the virtual link and access the information shared in it.

Fatty Liam's grandfather was a very successful man. A person that held a certain authority in the Earth Federation. It wasn't without a reason as he was an alchemist that could create high-level elixirs. The alchemist were respected and the persons at the helm of this profession were adored by the experts. His grandfather was among one of the best in this field, and by using his connection he purchased a device like that for his most adored grandson.

"Even in these turbulent times, many people chase after profit. The creators of the virtual link will first maximize the profits from their godly creation by auctioning the first dozen or so of them to the highest bidder. It will be publicized only after the passage of a few months or years," Marvin said, feeling that he's matured a lot after seeing Xiao Xie's memories.

He knew now, magical beasts, demons, and the other creatures that threaten his race weren't the only danger that inhabits the lives of an ordinary person but some among the Earthling and their allies were also a huge source of danger. If this wasn't the case, he wouldn't have witnessed slave traders and the criminal organization run by a mere high schooler(king). He also wouldn't have witnessed the massacre of humans and demi-humans that occurred because of their greed during the chase of Xiao Xie's bloodline. 

Xiao Xie nodded, agreeing with each word uttered by its master.

"You've matured a lot it seems. Bro, your words make a lot of sense to me. It has even given me an epiphany." Fatty Liam said as his eyes glittered in the light of wisdom, "I think we should do the same thing with the mana channel opening pills. It will be more profitable for us if we use auctions, sell the pills to the highest bidder."

"You've also matured," Marvin said with a laugh, as he didn't believe that the words he casually uttered will lead to Fatty Liam gaining a profitable epiphany. "The plan is good and all but we'll need to talk with Leilani first and foremost, the gains we earn from using this type of pill will attract a lot of trouble, after all, and she'll be bearing the frontal brunt of it," he added.

"Your wife will surely agree to help us, and I can even ask my grandfather and his friends to interfere in case the situation becomes life-threatening to us," Fatty Liam said. 

It was pretty common for an honest man to get in trouble with others in power, and even die because of his treasures. This has been a case since the time ancients. Both Marvin and Fatty Liam understood it and they also knew that these types of trouble can only be averted if there are extremely powerful or are backed with powerful families.

"Your approach is good, but you're forgetting something. He is only your grandfather, not ours, and no one in this world would like to help someone else for no reason when they are most likely to land in troubled water themselves. From what I know about the future of this world, the people who'll gladly help us from poachers and thieves will claim shares over the pills I create. They will rightfully leech off our hard work albeit it'll come with a legal tag." Marvin said as drowsiness started to take a hold of him.

"Damn! I didn't thought so far, but aren't they both thieves. What do we do in this situation?" 

Little ball could no longer make head or tail of this situation. His intelligence could only take him so far, but the same couldn't be said for Marvin, who was born a man but evolved to become a dragon amongst the lot of them.

"I got a plan that will solve the main problems and I'll talk about it in detail once we return to our stronghold," Marvin said. 

"The greedy nature of humans, demi-humans, and all other species remains unchanged no matter what the era." Xiao Xie said as it stared at the plentiful and handsome face of its master.

"I still can't get used to a snake talking," Fatty Liam said as he stared at the little aqua blue snake with a bewildered expression.

"You better get used to it since this little bastard is serving us as a servant till my death or for all eternity," Marvin said as his cheeks stretched back to expose a teasing smile.

"Can you show some respect to this monster lord? If not, at least don't refer to me as "it". I am a female snake. You can use she when referring me," the snake powerlessly said with a pitiful and meek look on its face as it felt defeated.

"We here don't give special privilege to females. Aren't I right?" Marvin said as he glanced at Fatty Liam.

"Yes, it should be glad that we aren't roasting it to eat roasted snake meat." Fatty Liam said while laughing and slapping his belly that moved like waves of water with each slap.

'Damned bastards!' Xiao Xie internally cursed both of them, but she couldn't do anything about her circumstances as she was just a slave that moves according to the will of her master.

"You don't seem fine, is something wrong?" Fatty Liam asked as water streamed down the corner of Marvin's eyes.

"Just a little tired. That's all. I am gonna close my eyes and rest for a while. Wake me up when my wives get here," Marvin said to him as he then turned to lazily glance at Xiao Xie, "You go and get my beloved. Take this token with you, so that they won't mistakenly attack and kill you."

"Yes, supreme master!" Xiao Xie readily accepted his proposal as she wanted to get as far away from him as possible. She headed away from the stream and into the trees.

After the little snake went away, Marvin smiled.

"You must return before the sun falls," Marvin commanded telepathically by using the blood contract that laid inbound in the center of his forehead before he closed his eyes.

He was resting on the ground as he has taken quite a below while dealing with the insidious snake. He was being assaulted by headaches. His vision blurring and clearing rapidly as the discomfort that came with dizziness grew increasingly.

These were the adverse effects that came after using his special ability to stop the time of a being who was far stronger than himself. Although it didn't seem to be worse than the last time, the adverse effects of using the time halt ability this time was deadlier when compared to the past as the lethality of the adverse effects increased because of the discrepancy in Marvin and the monster lord Xiao Xie was too big. 

It was just that his body was able to cope better with the adverse effects of time halt ever since he become one with the blood of the ancestor of his father's family. He guessed that it is because even though he was once a demi-human, a mixture between the human race and the time race, right now, he has evolved to become a member of the time race by using the blood of the dragon God of time.

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