Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 143: Aftermath

When the fight began in the blood valley of the blood fiend wilderness, the big shots of the fortresses of both humans and blood fiends were alarmed, as they looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

They knew that the draconian snake has risen to its position as a monster lord by leaving behind a trail of blood, and although it was a rank-4 monster lord, they didn't have what it takes to slay even a rank-3 monster lord. They could only fight the beast by staying inside their fortresses, using the weapons and energy shield as the means to fends off the terrifying beast.

Though now it seemed like the situation has pacified.

The Lord of the 'Half Moon Fortress' sat on her throne placed on a raised platform with her smooth and mouth-watering legs crossed and her hand intertwined as she looked away from the direction of the blood valley with a happy smile exposed on her gorgeous face.

"The rampage of the damned beast has finally stopped. It seems to me that the monster lord must have killed the ones who provoked it. It's a relief to know that the ones who provoked it were killed before they could come running towards the fortress here, or else we would have been embroiled in a deadly and useless battle," Gianna said as she looked at the 2 people sitting on the chairs placed below the raised platform. One on the right and one on the left. Both of them were her loyal knights. Although one of them holds indescribable intentions for her, one that far surpassed the level of loyalty to one's lord.

"That's great news," Midgard, the middle-aged knight said while feeling relieved. He was too old to wink at death right in the face.

"My lord, should we send some soldiers of the Earth Federation for scout purposes?" Ballard said as he looked at her red blush succulent cheeks. His eyes showed nothing else but the emotion of love that he holds for her.

The Bloodfiend wilderness encompasses a very wide area. Though it was divided into two main regions. The outer region and the central region. The blood valley was a pathway between the two regions. In simpler words, it connected the outer region with the central region. At the left and right entrances of the central region of the blood fiend wilderness, the fortresses of Earth federation and demon alliance were located. The blood fiends were a part of the demon alliance, while the half-moon demi-humans were a part of the Earth Federation.

Gianna belonged to the half-moon race and she was the lord of this fortress. Her duty was to report things that happen here to the branch of the Earth Federation established in stronghold 69. If one of the monster lords inhabiting this place is aroused for some reason, her duty was to scout that place, search for the reason, gather information, and compile a report before sending it to her immediate superior.

"Leave it be," she said to Ballard.

"Why? You'll be punished for not following the rules of the Earth Federation," Ballard said. He was worried for her sake, and he wanted to do everything in his power to make life easier for her.

"Have you never heard that curiosity killed the cat? It won't do us any good to send anyone to the blood valley from now onwards. If the monster lord is in a foul mood then it'll kill every single person that steps in the blood valley. I am tired of seeing other die day by day," Gianna said with a sad look on her face, her emotions reflecting through her eyes.

She can't count the numbers of times she had to report the death of someone who died under the fangs of demonic beasts. The death of those who died because of some dangerous environment they found themselves in, while also some of those who were killed by fellow humans and demi-humans.

Truth is, over half of the deaths that occurred in the wilderness, were caused by humans and demi-humans, especially bandits, psychopaths that kill with a beaming smile plastered on their faces, and greedy bastards that will do anything for the sake of profits. Therefore, the most dangerous existence within the wilderness was not magical or demonic beast, but the monster lords and evil humans and demi-humans.

"My lord, please don't feel sad. My heart hurts when I see tears in your eyes," Ballard said. He wished to walk up to her and embrace her right here and now, but he was just the son of the head of the family that had sworn eternal servitude to the half-moon race. A person belonging to the slave family can never rightfully marry a member of the half-moon race.

"I am not sad. It's just that dust got in my eyes, and that's why I am tearing up. Anyway, go on and issue a ban from entering the blood valley."

As the crown princess of the half-moon race, she had to uphold her duties and prove her worth to not her race, but also the Earth Federation. All that responsibility piled up on her lithe shoulders, and she couldn't help but want to run away from everything that burdens her. But then again, who will take care of her race? She can't let her younger sisters take on her burden just be because of her selfish desires.

"As you command, my lord! What is the limit of the ban?" Midgard asked while half-kneeling in front of her.

"Indefinite. The ban will only be lifted once the threat of this situation pacifies."

"The higher-ups of the federation will be upset with your decision. The blood valley is one of the three most profitable places in the blood fiend wilderness, after all. My lord, I am saying this for your sake. If we don't give them a valid reason then they will send trouble our way. What answers should we provide them?" Ballard said, worrying that she'll attract the ire of her immediate superiors and suffer under their hands.

"Ballard, do not influence the judgment of the lord!" Midgard said, staring disappointingly at the man wearing black fur robes and grey armor, metallic gauntlets, and iron shoes.

"But-" Ballard wanted to say something in his defense, such as that he was saying it for the sake of Ginna but she interfered before he could more than a word.

"Enough. Isn't it simple? The blood valley is a part of the outer reign that is supposed to only contain weak magical beast and at most rank-10 demonic beasts but it's actually anonymously ruled by a powerful monster lord that has surpassed the ranks of demonic beasts, and all of the old geezers know about its existence. They know that it is one of the most powerful beasts in this wilderness and they also don't dare to provoke it under the orders of the federation president. Right now if we were to send someone there to take a look at the situation or allow others to still visit that place, we'll attract the ire of the monster lord. It will one for us then," Gianna said.

Magical beasts can use elements attacks such as fireball, water jet, and so on, but they have low intelligence and thus can not open their mana channels. Demonic beasts are beasts that are in the process of opening their mana channels. The opening of every single mana channel improves their strength, agility, vitality, and magic power. While monster Lords are beasts that have opened all their mana channels. Not much is know about them, but a lot of classics that contain detailed information about these beasts are stored in the library of the great magical academies.

"They won't accept this excuse! I am saying this for your sake, my lord, please take this situation more seriously, or else you will be forced to marry him." Billard said through gritted teeth.

The son of the manager of the Earth Federation branch in stronghold 69 has profusely chased after Gianna's skirt. His intentions clearly wanting to get into her pants. As he was the only son of the branch manager, he also pressured Gianna to marry him. A single mistake and he'll force her to marry his son.

"I know what you mean and I know the position I am in. Don't worry, I won't sacrifice myself for the others. I don't fear the monster lord as our weapons can fend it off, that's true, but there is a high chance that the blood fiends will take advantage of this situation and wage an all-out war with us. They will direct keep on attacking this place until it is destroyed."

She knows for a fact that the federation won't want to lose a fortress even if it's ruled by them who belong to the half-moon race. After all, their race was a part of Earth federation and the ally of humanity ever since the beginning of the apocalypse.

"My lord, you are indeed far-sighted. The very possibility of the fortress being destroyed will stop them from troubling us," Midgard said.

"My lord, you're tired so please rest. I'll compile the report for you. Then send it to you for check." Billard said as he then walked out of the lord's chamber with Midgard.

"I can finally close my eyes!"

Gianna closed her eyes, falling sleeping after a few seconds. Seems like she was too tired almost as if she has been working for more than an entire day.

The blood fiends were in a similar situation. The first ones to attract trouble their way being very well lose everything. The humans could team up with the snake lord if they somehow provided the snake lord and destroy their fortress. That's why the blood fiends restricted everyone from going to the blood valley.

No one knew that the rank-4 monster lord that they feared had been killed by Marvin Noah, the descendant of the Dragon god of time!

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