Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 57: Pain and Gain II

Until now Arrora had a glimmer of hope to reach Don's cultivation level when she reached the great master realm but hearing him say he can kill a great master without batting an eye destroyed that small hope however she still felt happy for him.

Dwarves on the other hand, jumping and laughing in joy hearing Don and Arwen knew he didn't simply breakthrough but fought with death a moment ago

"Benedict is this going to be this hard for bound energy too?"

Don realized how difficult it is to cultivate using this device even for him and he knew if this was the case for the elves and dwarves too they wouldn't survive the process. Hearing Don's question Benedict didn't take much time to answer as he removed his black glasses and said

"It will be hard but not like yours and we can distribute the bound energy to multiple people so the energy won't be too concentrated and powerful"

Although Benedict and Arya seemed calm yet when they guessed Don was going to send people to cultivate bound energy their eyes started to sparkle in excitement because if Don let them the cultivators of bound energy could rewrite history.

Hearing Benedict's answer Don nodded and looked at Arrora, Arwen and the dwarves before him.

"Are you ready to try the bound energy?"

Arwen's heart skipped a beat when he heard Don, although he had some ideas that Don will let them use the bound energy but hearing from his mouth made Arwen tremble in excitement as well as a little bit of fear. Amaryll grabbed Arwen's hand and looked at him with a worried face she opened and closed her mouth without uttering a word but Arwen patted her hand to reassure Amaryll and nodded towards Don.

Don didn't need to look Arrora because he knew she won't let go of a chance like this to increase her cultivation level and just like he thought she had already given him a nod.

"Let's do it me king" the dwarves stood before Don rubbing their palms as well as headbutting each other in excitement, their small stoic body structure made them look like children playing when Don saw the excited dwarves.

"Alright, Benedict Arya lets do it" before even Don could finish what he was saying Benedict started to walk towards the device with a grin while Arya gave Don an embarrassed smile and followed Benedict to the device.

While Arya and Benedict working with Reghys in the device Don saw Amaryll bury her head on Arwen's chest. Amaryll saw what happened to Don a moment ago and in her mind, Don and Knight were the most powerful people she met but seeing Don nearly die made her shiver in fear and she couldn't let her brother go through the same process even though Benedict said it would be a different case. While embracing Amaryll, Arwen knew she wants to stop him but he remembered the bandit attack in the village as he let go off all the fear and looked Amaryll's worried face

"Don't worry it's going to be alright"

Unlike the elven siblings, the dwarves Dhursir and Stodemar already started to walk towards the device laughing and singing as Don saw she started to follow the dwarves after she gave him a nod.

Finally, after a few minutes of changing the wires and stuff Benedict raised his hands and gave Don and Knight a thumbs up as Arwen patted Amaryll's shoulder and made his way towards the device

"Brother its look we gonna need a whole lot of stones"

Catalie said as she flicked her wrist to create the barrier

"We will get many times more the stones Cat you'll see"

The DOn turned his gaze towards Knight

"Knight if they successfully cultivated the bound energy I want you to be the head of the operation"

Knight didn't need Don to explain further because Knight knew this device was going to be their key to conquer this world so they couldn't give access to everybody but only to the people who took the oath. Also, Knight was like the commander of their little army because of that he knew the best candidates to put through this device so they don't waste the precious stones.

While Don and Knight talking the device already started to let out its buzzing noise and fire sparks but not much as when it did with Don. Amaryll didn't even move her gaze from Arwen a bit and looked at Arwen with her clenched fist against her chest.

"Brother they are leveling up"

After a few minutes the device started Catalie saw the magical fluctuations around the dwarves, Arrora, Arwen's body skyrocketing. When she pointed this out to Don she couldn't keep her body straight as she giggled and jumped in joy and Don could see the light around them getting brighter by the second.

However, Don could also see the four of them trying their best not to shout as everyone knitted their burrows as lines appeared on their foreheads indicating they were fighting against the pain in their body.

"Holy their magical core's are transforming" Reghys opened her mouth wide in shock, her eyesight is more powerful than the humans so she was able to see directly their magical core in their chest. Reghys could see the purple bound energy is merging with Arrora's magical core as well as the other three's and the magical core becoming bigger and glowing a weird gray color inside their bodies, unlike the normal magical cores.

"What do you mean transforming?"

Benedict and Arya were unable to see the magic cores like Reghys and they looked at Reghys for an answer. The dragon woman didn't come back from her initial shock but after a few moments she sighed and explained the changes in their magic cores to Arya and Benedict in detail

When Arya and Benedict finished hearing Reghys their eyes went wide in shock and surprise because they have never heard of a magical core transforming like this. Even when a mage leveling up the only change that happens in the magical core was a color change and it would not glow or grow bigger like Reghys just mentioned.

However, just after a moment of Reghys noticed the transformation they saw Arrora's body starting to float in the air.

"Don she's controlling the air element just like us " Knight couldn't believe what he was seeing but he was sure about Arrora using the battle energy when he looked at the air element around her. Don rubbed his chin and continued to watch Arrora for a moment before speaking

"Yes she is "

Although she was controlling the air element around her using the bound energy Don could see it's not as powerful as he or Knight could do because the concentration of air particles around her seemed like a lot less than when he uses the battle energy to control the air element. However, Don could see the possibilities he had now with the army of hybrids as the normal armies of the same rank would probably not even pose a little threat to them on the battlefield.

"Look like they have finished"

Reghys saw the four of them slowly opening their eyes as the device turned off. The dwarves opened their mouths to laugh but when they saw everyone's looking up they turned to see Arrora floating in the air.

"What ta"

At the moment Stodemar took his gaze away from Arrora she saw his grandfather Dhursir's feet weren't on the ground as he was also floating in the air but not as high as Arrora. Seeing both of them floating, Stodemar closed his eyes and tried to feel the new energy circulating inside his body and imagined that he's flying.

"How are they doing that? Arwen Arwen is actually flying"

Standing behind the barrier Don was shocked and happy to see the four of them successfully controlling the air element around them, of the four Arrora was the one Don saw floating higher than the three of them and Stodemar was the one closer to the ground.

Seeing the four of them floating Don decided to try to use his pure battle energy as he raised his hand towards them and started to control the air element the four of them currently controlling. Arrora felt something forcing the particles she was controlling and turned to see Don was the one doing it.

Just after a few seconds the four of them landed on the ground without being able to control the air element any longer.

"Its indeed more powerful"

Don said as Knight could see the excitement he's trying to hide by hearing his voice and Knight couldn't wait to try the pure battle energy by himself.

While the four of them standing up Don and Knight walked towards them with Catalie

"Congratulations you are the first hybrids"

Knight named them 'hybrids' because they use the bound energy which was created by mixing battle and magical energy together and seeing Knight's proud grin he knew Knight wouldn't let him change the name.

Arwen raised his hand and stopped Amaryll before she could hug him and embarrass him when he saw Amaryll running towards him with an exciting happy smile and just let her grab his hand.

"We need to study them a while to see what they are capable of"

Reghys stepped forward with Arya and Benedict

"Alright and let me know if they can use this later"

Don took out a magical mask he uses to change his face from his space rings and threw it towards Reghys. The face changer can only be used using the battle energy but Don wanted to check if they could use it with bound energy after all Don knew that the bound energy was partially made of battle energy.

Reghys caught the mask and looked at it for a moment and nodded towards Don then turned her gaze towards the four of them.

"Follow me"

"Brother what's next?"

Catalie asked Don while Reghys leading everyone except Don and Knight to the end of the hall with Arya and Benedict to check the hybrids.

"It's time to revisit the slave city"

Knight's lips curved and made an evil grin when he heard Don's cold voice because he knew it's time for some action.

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