Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 56: Pain and Gain

"Don are you sure you want to do this?"

Don was standing near the energy converter as Knight, Arrora, Arwen, Amaryll and the dwarves Dhursir and Stodemar looked at Don from quite a distance behind a transparent barrier created by Catalie.

Behind the device Arya and Benedict which seemed like adjusting some nuts and bolts. Don could see the Prism on the center of the device started to shine as one side of the prism was connected to a stack of magic stones.

"Are you ready?"

Benedict walked towards Don with a metal plate in his hands which was also connected to the prism in the center.

"What if something goes wrong?"

Amaryll asked while looking at Benedict placing the metal plate on Don's chest

"Nothing would go wrong it's just using more pure battle energy to cultivate"

Even though Knight reassured Amaryll, he himself was worried about Don. Knight knew the ten times more pure and powerful means it would take a toll on his body ten times more than their usual cultivation, it's the first time Knight seeing someone attempting to use this kind of powerful energy.

However, if he successfully managed to cultivate using this device and energy his cultivation would soar through. Standing beside Knight Arrora could see Knight is worried about Don but not showing on his face but Catalie on the other hand, popping her fingers and looking at the device and Don without batting an eye.

Finally after much preparation, Benedict and Arya put black glasses on their face to cover their eyes and started walking away from Don and the device towards the barrier set by Catalie.

On the other side of the barrier, only Reghys and Don stood there by the device

"Are you ready?"

Reghys asked as Don nodded and sat on the ground to start the cultivation.


Reghys snapped her fingers, the tubes and wireworks connecting the prism with Don and Stack of magic stones started to glow brightly and Knight could see the hall became dimmer like the device sucking all the light in the hall.

Benedict glared at the scene while rubbing his hands together in excitement.

Don felt the metal plate on his chest heating up and the pure battle energy strands entering his body but suddenly smoke and fire sparks started to come out of the device. Everyone standing behind the barrier could feel the heat radiating from the device.

"Benedict, What's happening?"

Arrora was sure that a device not meant to do that when she saw the smoke and fire sparks but seeing Benedict shook his head a bad feeling emerged in her mind.

"Don do you want me to stop?"

Reghys had to raise her voice because of the buzzing sound produced by the device but Don shook his head slowly. Just by seeing how he shook his head Knight realized it was very hard for him to even move his head.

The pain flared more and every muscle in Don's body tensed up. Straining to keep his back straight Don waited for the pain to subside, as the pain got worse and worse. He could tell his entire body screaming in pain to stop what he was doing, stop and find relief from this hellish pain. For a moment Don thought about everything he might lose if he gives in to the pain and everything that would come of it.

Fighting through the pain was becoming increasingly difficult as he gritted his teeth and hoped it would minimize the pain he was feeling, but above all else it became increasingly annoying to have to deal with the blood running through his nose. However, Don felt like there wasn't much that could be done either way and guessed the best course of action was to simply deal with it and continue to circulate the battle energy through his body until the pain began to reduce.

By the time went by Don felt exhausted and unable to focus however

he was absolutely determined to not let this pain and exhaustion make this day an unfruitful one, so he pressed onward.

No one could watch the scene without worrying about his life, Knight had already shouted at Catalie for crying when she saw the blood coming out of his nose but now Knight himself wanted to stop the process.

"Knight he's going to die if he continues"

Amaryll could see the blood coming out of his nose increasing as now his ears started to bleed

"Knight let us go save our king don't ye see he be bleeding"

The dwarves would have tried to break the barrier if it wasn't for Knight stopping them but before Knight could do anything the device started to shake violently

"What's happening?"

Almost everyone shouted at Benedict when they saw the shaking of the device and the room getting darker

"I think the device is overheating"

Arya shouted at them because of the buzzing noise of the device

"You think"

Knight knew it doesn't take a genius to figure out the device is overheating and he turned to look at Catalie who is weeping without letting out a sound to not getting scolded by Knight again.

"You take this bloody barrier away"


At the moment Catalie raised her hand to shut off the barrier Don's voice echoed through the hall, his voice was so loud but everyone could feel the pain in his voice.

"You will die idiot "

Knight punched the barrier and roared at Don, Reghys couldn't believe that Don taking this much pain seeing the blood coming out of his nose ears and even his eyes were bleeding.

At that exact moment, everyone trying to stop Don a sudden force exploded in the hall and the darker room started to get brighter and brighter

"He's breaking through"

Knight knew the explosion was Don breaking the barrier between the moon level and star level but he couldn't smile or express his happiness seeing Don fighting the extreme pain.

"Do not stop the device it could kill him"

Reghys heard Knight shouting from behind the barrier and she could also see him breaking through.

Everything hurt. Don's head hurt, chest and his whole body screaming in pain. The voices in his head told him to stop cultivating and find a way out of this misery. However

Soft moans and grunts escaped Don's mouth as the pain started to settle down. Don could feel the pure battle energy circulating through his veins and healing and rejuvenating his organs. Don felt so refreshed and light.

Noticing Don's face and body loosened up Reghys knew he successfully cultivated this new pure energy yet she was sure that she saw a black mist evaporated from his body but if she asked Knight or Don they would tell her that it was the impure substance in the body which could only be removed through cultivation to prolong the cultivator's lifespan.

Reghys snapped her fingers as the noise coming from the device started to fade away and Don slowly opened his eyes. Reghys was able to see the small glimmer in his skin and she could also tell he put more muscles seeing his body frame.

However, she could say anything she saw a furry light hitting Don,


Knight stood in two legs and embraced Don as Don patted on Knight's back and let go of the bro hug

"Me King"

"Don you scared us"

Don saw the dwarves running towards him with Amaryll and Arrora. Even though Catalie couldn't physically touch Don she was circling him and checking if there are any injuries on him.

"I am fine everyone"

Seeing the worried faces of everyone Don said to reassure them

"Don how do you feel? How powerful are you now?"

Arrora gently placed her hand on Don's shoulder from behind and asked him. At the moment Arrora asked the question everyone stared at Don for his answer and Don saw Benedict and Arya trying their best not to grab him by his collar and ask him the same question because Don knew that they wanted to know the results of their invention.

Seeing everyone's gaze towards him Don circulated his battle energy and a fist-sized dark purple fireball appeared on his hand

"Let's just say I can kill a great master without batting an eye"

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