ReLife Player

Chapter 200

Unlocked chapter (1/1)

Thankss to Tom!

[Please take good care of me (3)]

Mo Jiran was a student in the lower ranks academically among the third-year students at the High Academy.

All his friends felt the same way.

This made him and his friends anxious.

They all had pride in being part of the Academy since middle school. And it wasn’t just them.

Students who had been in the Academy since middle school looked down on those who entered from high school, creating a sense of superiority.

That’s why people distinguished between those who graduated from the secondary academy and those who graduated only from the high school academy, even if they were in the same 25th class.

“Hey, Mo Jiran. Don’t you find those newcomers to the third year this year annoying? They don’t even have a foundation.»

“It’s frustrating seeing these people with no substance. And on top of that, from next semester, the clans are sending their members as instructors….»

Mo Jiran and his friends had a sense of superiority over the newcomers who entered the High Academy.

They encountered their limits of talent when they entered the High Academy. But seeing these newcomers, who they had looked down upon, becoming stronger than themselves was discomforting.

Furthermore, in their third year, newcomers from outside were admitted.

People who hadn’t learned anything about players or battle tactics in just one year, or to be precise, just one semester, what could they possibly learn?

They thought so.

Why are these people so desperate to fight against the monsters? Are they insane, ready to die or something?

Filled with resentment toward the monsters, they absorbed the knowledge given to them like sponges and quickly adapted to the environment.

Mo Jiran and his friends had completely lost their positions due to these newcomers. Yet, they had to find a way to get into a prestigious clan within the country.

Even though they had graduated from middle school, they couldn’t enter a mediocre clan that they hadn’t even heard of.

It would be too embarrassing.

The problem was, even though they had finally managed to get a meeting with an officer of a famous clan today, the officer hadn’t shown any interest in them.

“Mr. Mo Jiran’s grades aren’t bad either… Honestly, even this level of performance is abundant outside.

The only merit you have is that you and your friends have been in the middle school academy….

But Mr. Mo Jiran, just as you know, our clan doesn’t select people based on their good grades or education.

It might be better for us to consider other clans.»

“Well, we’d do anything for the clan. With our passion and diligence, we won’t lose to anyone!»

“…Passion and diligence exist in everyone. If you want to demonstrate that, it’s better to look for a job in a company rather than exploring clans.

You may have learned in the academy, but players are all about skill.»


“But still, it’s not something we can’t consider. Mr. Mo Jiran and his friends at least have average grades….»


“Bring me someone with decent grades from the 25th class graduating next year, and I’ll think about it.

If Mr. Mojiran brings someone, we’ll give him a good place in the clan.»


“…Mr. Mo Jiran, could you try a well-paying part-time job? Our clan has decided to send instructors to the academy starting next semester…, and we want to identify a good student from the third year in advance.

There are some things that can’t be evaluated by grades alone, so if you have an opinion on a fellow student, Mr. Mo Jiran, please let me know….»

The officer’s words fell on deaf ears.

He realized why the officer had taken time out of his busy schedule to arrange this meeting: It was for securing a better position in the clan’s power struggle, which would happen in the so-called clan politics, next semester.

“Who do they think they are to treat us like this…?»

“Even if they’re a prestigious clan, this is going too far, isn’t it? How can they treat people like this?»

Mo Jiran couldn’t recall how he had ended the meeting.

When he snapped back to reality, he found himself aimlessly walking the corridors of the training center.

His mind was filled with the thought that he needed to release some tension from his body.

“Why are there so many people here today? It’s vacation, come on!»

“Everyone is training now because they say next semester is important? It’s already too late….»

As he muttered to himself, Mo Jiran spotted a female student leaning against the glass wall in one of the training rooms.

Blue hair.

This was a characteristic that immediately identified her as an academy student.

<The Seed> Ryu Yeon-hwa.

She was borrowing one of the training rooms.

He knew that nothing good would come of facing her as <The Seed>.

So he tried to turn away.

“Hey, what are those?»

“Why are there children here?»

“What kind of elementary school is this? Don’t you know that outsiders are not allowed?»

No Euna was also quite a famous name in the academy.

She stood next to Ryu Yeon-hwa and was known for her beauty, which rivaled hers.

On the other hand, not much was known about her skills.

However, No Euna was peeking her head out of the glass wall to see what was going on inside.

Beside her, a group of elementary school children were doing the same.

He also noticed that there was another child in the training center besides Ryu Yeon-hwa.

“Are they really here to play?»

“Some of them must be guaranteed a future because of <The Seed>. Plus, they have time to play with kids….»

“What are they going to do when they hit their limits later on? They can’t see the future, really.»

Mo Jiran didn’t like their behavior.

Even though No Euna looked back at him when she withdrew her face from the glass, Mo Jiran moved forward, determined to vent his frustration.

Ignoring No Euna, the kids, and even Yeon-hwa’s gaze, he led his friends into the training room.

“…Let’s show them where they belong.»

You’re all in the wrong.

Even if he only had average grades among the third-year students, he was proud to have the skills to discipline first-years.

Even if Yeon-hwa was <The Seed>

<The Seed> was only called that because they were sponsored by a prestigious player, not because they were necessarily stronger.

Of course, those who were called <The Seed> had the ability to do so.

Still, he didn’t care.

What was that guy?

I don’t remember his name.

But I do remember a man collapsed in the middle of the training ground.

He had once worked on repairing highways shortly after graduating from the Player Academy, but he couldn’t get any contracts due to his lack of experience.

“He begged me not to take everything from him… except his device, whining and begging with tears streaming down his face.»

Maintaining monsters on the highway was a pretty thankless job.

The people there needed entertainment to pass the time, and he ended up challenging the fallen man to a match.

Survival of the fittest.

At that time, he had stripped everything from the man, leaving him with just his underwear.

Now that he thought about it, he vaguely remembered the faces of the people the man had brought with him.

In the end, they faced the limitations of their talent and were left unacknowledged and were forced to work on the highway or do other odd jobs.

In the player industry, talent was more important than anything else.

Diligence and effort too.

In the unpredictable world of players, they weren’t treated properly.

Back when Eunha had low mana levels, his exceptional sense in handling mana was the reason he became a named player.

Without talent, you faded away.

The people who were currently lying on the ground would also eventually fade away due to their lack of talent in the near future.



“Now, uh…!»


“Isn’t he getting up?»

It was pitiful to the point of tears that such people were attacking Ryu Yeon-hwa, who would become the strongest woman in Sotuh Korea in the distant future.

With just one blow.

With a swing of her spear, they fell to the ground, and even a swarm of them was no match.

Spinning like a windmill, Ryu Yeon-hwa battled them until they collapsed in exhaustion.

“That’s enough…!»

“We’re wrong…!»


“Please, please…!»


Ryu Yeon-hwa didn’t blink an eye as she watched the people struggling to get up, even if they had visible wounds.

It was a different reaction than when he was hit earlier.

“I should avoid them. I’ll get hit for nothing.»

I don’t know when this will end.

Eunha, pressed against the wall and made his way back towards the entrance.

As soon as he exited, he was greeted by Euna and his friends.

“Captain! That noona is really amazing! I didn’t know a spear could be that cool!»

“That noona handles the spear well, that’s why. You, just continue with your sword as you were.»

“…I also want to be someone like her.»

“Give it up, it’s too much for you.»

Minji’s eyes narrowed.

Eunha ignored her, shrugging his shoulders.

Ryu Yeon-hwa is a prodigy.

Such a person doesn’t slack off in their efforts.

That’s why, even before the regression, no one had reached her level.

Even Kang Hyun-chul and Lee Do-jin were stunned by the amount of practice she put in.

It’s too much for Minji.

“…She is amazing. So is Lee Do-jin, but Yeon-hwa’s movements are so neat.»

“You have good eyes.»

“I was born like that.»

Seona replied with an obvious tone.

Eunha was at a loss for words.

Since the incident last year, she had become resilient to the public’s gaze.

“Jin-seona, you’ve grown so much.»

“I’m still not taller than you.»

“That’s not what I meant.»

“I know. It means that I can say that because you guys are here.»

Seona wagged her tail with a cough.

Eunha smirked.

Her vision was excellent.

As an Ain, her physical abilities were also superior to others.

She possessed the appropriate qualities as a Telepathist and Navigator.

And so did Jung Hayang.

“Why are your hands so red? How did this happen?»

Hayang asked with a serious expression.

She, too, had the qualities of a Navigator, capable of quickly grasping information and reading vast amounts of data without mental breakdowns.

With her vast mana reserves, she seemed like she could play the role of a Caster too.

Can they meet my expectations even when they graduate from the academy?

It’s hard to say for sure right now.

Eunha tried to dismiss it, saying he was fine, attempting to move his hand that Euna was holding.

Attempting to move, but…

“Did Yeon-hwa do this?»



“I got hurt during sparring for a moment.»

“No matter what, if your hand gets like this, what will you do! Ryu Yeon-hwa is really… “

Eunha tried to pull her hand away, but Euna grabbed his hand tightly.

Examining his swollen, red hand closely, she pouted her lips.

Regardless of the reason, she seemed to dislike the idea of injuring him.

“I’ll scold Yeon-hwa later.»

“But it’s not necessary…»

“Listen to me. Just keep holding my hand like this. It will get better in a little while.»

She had changed to Park Hye-rim’s <The Seed> this year and was learning healing magic.

She had mastered healing magic perfectly.

Since people challenging Yeon-hwa would often get hurt during spars and come to her for healing, she had learned it first.

He silently felt her warm hands caressing his back of the hand.

“Try moving it slowly. Is there anything wrong with your body?»

“I’m fine. Thanks, Sis.»

His fingers had thawed enough for movement.

When she pulled her hand away, the swelling had disappeared.



At that moment, Ryu Yeon-hwa came out of the training center, having finished her admonishment disguised as a sparring.

At first, Ryu Yeon-hwa tried to smile at Euna’s greeting, but stopped when she saw the way she pursed her lips.

“Did I… did I do something wrong?»

“You did do something wrong. You froze our Eunha’s hands.»

“Oh, that’s…, I’m sorry. I really am.»

“Did you apologize to Eunha too?»

“…Uh, yeah. I’ll do it one more time, though.»

Yeon-hwa bowed her head, while Euna scolded her angrily with her hand held up.

Eunha couldn’t help but be dumbfounded, seeing her, who hadn’t bowed her head to anyone except Ha baek-ryeon before, so obediently bow her head to Eunha.

“Eunha, I’m sorry.»

“Oh, no.»

…Did noona cast some kind of magic?

He had to admit it once again.

In his second life, Ryu Yeon-hwa was no longer the person he knew.

Yet there were things that hadn’t changed.

Still, he had high hopes for her.

“…Please take care of her in the future.»

“Huh? Take care?»

Eunha extended his hand.

Confused, Yeon-hwa took his hand and shook it.

“Why are you suddenly shaking hands with Yeon-hwa? Are you….?»

“It’s not what you think.»

“It really isn’t, is it?»


“Really. But still… if things go well between you and Yeon-hwa… that might not be a bad thing either…»

“That’s not going to happen.»

Some things have changed in the second life.

And some things haven’t changed.

Someday, a second fairy will appear in this world.

And Ryu Yeon-hwa would be the spear to protect her, just as she had been in his previous life.

So Eunha said.

Take care of her in the future.

To the only person in the world who could trust her with Ha Baek Ryeon.

“Guys, I’m sorry, I’m really late, right?»

“Chang-jin, where did you go to get ice cream?»

“That’s a bit…, there’s some ice cream that’s hard to get….»

“The ice cream isn’t melted, is it?»

“It’s not melted, and Euna, I took yours out last.»

“Yeah, really?»

Euna took the ice cream out of the bag as a sign that she didn’t care what Chang-jin said.

The kids flocked to the bag.

“Here, Eunha, I got you what you asked for, right?»

“…Yes, it is, thank you.»

Han Chang-jin handed him the ice cream with a sweaty face.

Eunha looked up at him blankly.

“…Please take care of me in the future.»

“Huh? Sure, I’ll take care of you.»

In his previous lives, the two had snarled at each other as if they were enemies.

The future had changed.

In my second life, I honestly don’t know.

I don’t know if I can trust him.

But I can only trust.

“It’s hot outside, isn’t it? Use my handkerchief.»

“Huh? Thank you so much. I’ll wash it so it’s clean and I can….»

“You don’t have to give that back.»

“Should I make some ice for you?»

“…Are you going to freeze me like last time?»

Eunha extended his hand to her.

Yeon-hwa took his hand.

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