ReLife Player

Chapter 199

[Please take good care of me (2)]

It’s going to take a while to get the ice cream.

Naturally, the break was extended.

The kids flocked to Euna and listened as she told them about her life at the Player Academy.

“I’m going to go get some drinks outside.»

“Eunha, do you have money? If not, take my wallet.»

“It’s okay, I got money from mom.»

After spending several hours in the study room, he felt suffocated.

He decided to take a short break, get some drinks from the vending machine, and get some fresh air.


It was the moment when he was about to take out a Pocari Sweat.

His attention shifted to the training ground located behind the vending machine.

The training ground on this floor was entirely made of glass on the front side, making it easy to see inside from outside.

“Why is this girl, who said she was going to the bathroom, waving a spear here?»

A glimpse of blue hair could be seen behind the vending machine.

Ryu Yeon-hwa was the only one in the Player Academy with hair that had turned blue due to the mana in her body.

Eunha approached the training area where she was wielding her spear.

There’s not a single flaw.

Creating imaginary enemies in her mind, Ryu Yeon-hwa swung her spear as if striking with it.

With controlled movements, adjusting her stride and adjusting her strength, she swung the spear so cleanly that it elicited admiration.

“…amazing, you can’t reach the level of being called the strongest with just her gift.»

On Taeyang, who had helped defeat the second-tier monster Maegu, who ruled the Gyeonggi Northern Government Centerin in the Red Dungeon also had the skills to be called the strongest.

On Taeyang.

He was….a protagonist no matter how you look at it, but he wasn’t the strongest.

He had graduated from the academy around the same time.

He joined the player academy to support his sick mother and younger sister, and he grew stronger as he recruited players with outstanding skills to join him.

He not only received sponsorship from the Galaxy Group but also got engaged to a direct heir of the Galaxy Group.

After graduating from the academy, he joined the Changhae Clan, conquered the Red Dungeon in the Northern District Building, and implanted the image of <Braver> in the minds of the people.

That’s why his selection as the Third Genereation of the Twelve Seats was also a predetermined event.

“He was strong too, but… if you really compare, it was because he had allies that he was strong.»

So On Taeyang was like a protagonist who would appear in a boy’s comic.

Because he had allies, he was a man who seemed to infinitely grow stronger to protect them.

He was also a growth type.

Unlike Kang Hyun-chul, who reached the top ranks with his martial prowess alone, and Lee Dojin, who reached the top ranks with his brain, Ryu Yeon-hwa was different.


Ryu Yeon-hwa swung her spear horizontally. Following the line created by the spearhead, ice grew like a jagged dagger in the air.

The ice, created momentarily, couldn’t find a stable point to support and fell to the ground, while newly formed ice crystals fluttered around her.

“That’s really envy-inducing.»

<Flame Demon> for Kang Hyun-chul <Flame>.

<Brainwave> for Lee Dojin <Enlightenment>.

<Divine Spear> for Ryu Yeonhwa <Frostization>.

Gifts that could transform the mana in one’s body into another substance from the moment it was manifested, without any restrictions, were extremely rare.

There were only two people in the country who possessed the Gift of <Frostization>.

While someone might want to freely manipulate ice, they faced the limits of their imagination and couldn’t handle it.

In contrast, she wasn’t limited by the constraints of her imagination.

I wonder… should I check it out?

Eunha quietly opened the training room door and reached for a box placed next to the entrance.

It was a wooden sword used for practice.

From there, he pulled out two relatively intact wooden swords and dashed towards Ryu Yeon-hwa, who was swinging her spear in the center of the training room.


Ryu Yeon-hwa turned her body in surprise.

Seeing him rushing towards her with wooden swords in both hands, she hesitated.

Her judgment was quick.

Seeing him holding wooden swords in both hands, she turned her back without showing her vulnerability and changed direction.

Eunha, who pressed the brakes during the run, adjusted his steps in zigzags.

He raised the wooden sword high, avoiding the attack.

What is this kid doing…!

Avoiding the attacks as if he knew her own attacks, No Eunha narrowed the distance while dodging.

She swiftly swung her spear, adjusting her stride and raising the spear upward.

Eunha, who avoided the attack by jumping sideways, dashed forward to avoid the next attack.


Ryu Yeon-hwa swung her spear horizontally. Following the line created by the spearhead, ice grew like a jagged dagger in the air.

Eunha used her upward attack to jump backward.

He couldn’t use his internal mana…

If he manifested his internal mana, Ryu Yeon-hwa would also manifest her internal mana.

If she did, he’d have no idea what she would do and would be easily defeated by her.

Rolling on the ground with a fall, Eunha ran along the wall without checking her position.

He was being chased.

Unfazed, Eunha leapt to the opposite wall.

Without hesitation, Eunha jumped towards the opposite wall. He fell towards the spot where Yeon-hwa, who had been chasing him, was standing.


She hadn’t expected it.

She hadn’t expected him to fall from above toward her, wielding a spear with a long reach.

But she had been trained in spearmanship since childhood, and she did as her body told her, she simply twirled the spear to the side.

It’s over now.


The sensation of dueling without using any mana in her body wasn’t bad.

She felt like she realized what she was lacking, even if it was only for a short time.


Her disappointment turned into astonishment.

As if she knew an attack would come from the left.

She struck the spear powerfully from above while falling in mid-air.

She parried the knocked-away spear with her spear and tried to strike downward diagonally.


She bit her lip.

He threw the wooden sword he held in his right hand at her, who had been momentarily exposed.

It’s okay.

Getting hit by the dagger wouldn’t kill her.

But this was a sparring disguised as a real fight.

She retrieved the thrown dagger with the spear, then attempted to step back.

…Not enough!

If she continued to swing like this, the spear would hit the glass.

Even though it was reinforced glass infused with mana, she couldn’t wield the spear in such close quarters.

There was only one answer.

If she couldn’t avoid it, she had no choice but to charge head-on.

Gripping the spear horizontally from the ground as she ran, she bent her waist and jumped.

While running, she moved the position where she held the spear with both hands closer to the spearhead, and when the dagger was about to reach her, she stood the spear vertically.

She deflected the dagger with the spear.

Then, while Eunha, who had landed on the ground, couldn’t rush at her, she threatened him, spinning like a windmill.

In the midst of turning it back…


For some reason, he had read her movement direction and attacked.

Naturally, she had to block his dagger, which had reached close quarters, as soon as she grasped the spear.

She was knocked backward with her feet on the ground by the strength of a child who was four years younger than her.

It didn’t stop there.

He didn’t let this opportunity pass him by, attacking relentlessly to prevent her from swinging her spear.

…There are no rules!

It was irregular.


She couldn’t predict his attacks.

He dug into her as if he knew the direction she would move.

While being pushed back, she tried to secure some distance by taking a step backward.

As if he wouldn’t allow that, he rushed at her like a beast.

Even so, it didn’t matter.

A spear was not just for stabbing.

As the spear was knocked away, she turned her body and aimed at his flank.

When he hesitated for a moment, she stepped forward.

Simultaneously, she returned the spear, held in reverse, and using both hands, she thrust him forward like turning a windmill.

But he read her movement direction and attacked, digging into her like a lion.


Again, the spear is not just for thrusting.

This is not a joke…!

Eunha clicked his tongue inwardly.

His immature body was unable to block all of her attacks.

He hadn’t used any mana, and his muscles were telling him to stop.

Of course, he was tired, too. A bead of sweat hung from the tip of his chin, glistening in the light.

This should be the end.

The eyes of the two, who had almost equally divided the sword and the spear, met.

With an unspoken agreement, the two shifted from being the pursued to the pursuer.

He intentionally ran along the glass wall, making it difficult for her to wield the spear properly, and grabbed the dagger he had thrown like sliding.

Spinning in circles, he charged towards her again, striking the wall, just like before.

This time, Ryu Yeon-hwa didn’t panic.

With power in her footsteps, she kicked the knocked-away spear like a volleyball and swung it down.

This time too, he avoided it.

She swung the spear that had passed over her back with a broad motion.

Again with the spear head.

She attacked and defended at the same time, never breaking the line.

Even so, he managed to evade the attacks from a razor-thin line, finally reaching right in front of her.

…No way.

He discarded his wooden sword.

It was easy to see what he was going to do with it.

With all his might, he would aim for her waist.


She was half right, half wrong.

He didn’t swing the wooden sword.

Instead, he leaped from the ground and aimed for her throat, unafraid of the spear’s blade that loomed before him.

Yeon-hwa was flustered.

It was too late to block with the spear.

Moreover, the dagger that had already grazed the spear was flying towards her eyes.


“…You’re really strong.»

“You too…. You’re really Euna’s brother.»

“Why does my sister’s name come up?»

“Euna is amazing. I’ve never sparred with her myself, but…»

Both of them lay exhausted in the training room without their armor.

Eunha, his clothes soaked with sweat, lay sprawled on the ground, facing the ceiling.

He was lying on the floor with his sweaty hair stuck to his cheeks.

Meanwhile, Ryu Yeon-hwa, still holding her spear, didn’t let go.

It is said that Nam-gung seong once said, never let go of the spear under any circumstances so that it can become one with you at any time.

“Euna said she learned mana control from you. Turns out that was true.»

“I only taught her the basics.»

“Still, it’s impressive. Even now.»

The outcome of their sparring was difficult to determine.

Eunha’s dagger shattered into pieces during a critical moment, unable to withstand the impact.

The reason for the scattered pieces of wood around him was due to that moment.

He only had the handle left in his hand.

Meanwhile, when the dagger approached her neck, Ryu Yeon-hwa instinctively pulled in her mana.

So, he ended up being attacked by an ice chunk up close.

“Are you okay?»

“…It hurts a lot. My hand still feels numb.»

“…I’m sorry. Really.»

Currently, Eunha was in a state where he couldn’t let go of the dagger, which was the only thing left of his broken sword.

Yeon-hwa had frozen the handle while holding it.

She hurriedly applied first aid, but his frostbitten hand didn’t move well.

“Please remove the handle.»


I gave up trying to remove the handle by myself.

Eunha reached out to her.

She carefully took the handle out of his hand while tilting her head.

His hand was still frozen as if he were holding the handle.

“Is this really okay?»

“…It’ll be fine.»

Eunha, who had been targeted by her magic before regressing, wasn’t particularly shocked.

He was just pretending to be in pain deliberately, finding her visibly apologetic demeanor unfamiliar.

The fact that this person was the <Divine Spear> Ryu Yeon-hwa I knew…

It was hard to believe, but I thought it wasn’t a bad change.

Before regressing, <Divine Spear> Ryu Yeon-hwa was an incredibly lonely person.

He had never seen her talking to anyone or being together with someone.

Baek-ryeon wanted to be close to her, but she insisted on her role as a guardian of the fairy, not a human.

So I was a little glad.

The Ryu Yeon-hwa who once shared the meaning of protecting Baek-ryeon showed a human side, not a spear.

That was the moment.

“Why are there kids in the academy facility? Don’t outsiders know they can’t enter the facility?»

“Some say they want to use the training ground during the vacation… They block the training ground because of children’s games… Aren’t they going too far!?»

“<The Seed> members, right? What are they doing using the academy facility like this?»

The intention of the non-invited intruders, who suddenly entered Yeon-hwa’s reserved training ground, was clear.

They wanted to pick a fight.

These idiots, seriously?

There are no dumber people.

Judging by the atmosphere and their weapons, they were undoubtedly third-year students from the high academy.

In that case, even if they had heard about her skills, why were they provoking her?

Surely they didn’t think they were stronger just because they were third-year students?

If so, they were even more stupid.

Measuring a player’s strength by age is such a foolish thing to do.

“Have you all finished using it? Don’t play kids’ games at the academy, do it at home.»

“Let’s practice too! You don’t know how important the second semester is for us!»

“…I made a reservation here. There’s still time left. Look for another place.»

Yeon-hwa, who returned expressionlessly, replied to the people who entered the training ground.

But there was no way they would just listen and leave.

Their initial goal was to yield to her.

“Then let’s fight. Let’s fight, and the winner gets to use the training ground.»

Eunha sighed.

I don’t understand how people can grow up like that in this world.

There must be a factory somewhere in this world that produces idiots.


While thinking that, Eunha noticed that Euna and his friends, who had come in behind the newcomers, were saying something without speaking.

I noticed someone expressing dissatisfaction.

Among them, I interpreted what Euna, who pressed her face against the glass wall, said.

Yeon-hwa! Just step on them!


It seemed Yeon-hwa confirmed it too.

Having regained her strength, she approached the person at the front and replied.


Upon hearing her words, people chuckled.

Meanwhile, Eunha sighed, anticipating what would happen next.

This is such an important time for the third-year students at the High Academy…

If they continue like this, they might not even catch the clans’ attention and end up in the hospital instead.

Eunha was sure of it.

Looking into Yeon-hwa’s eyes as she gripped her spear.

The so-called “Unrivaled Yeon-hwa» was about to rise.

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