ReLife Player

Chapter 196

Unlocked chapter (1/2)

Thanks to Salvatore! ♥

[What it means to be an adult (2)]

“You’ve probably learned this during the 1st and 2nd-grade sex education classes, but for a baby to be born, sperm and egg need to meet…»

There was a class held once every semester.

Sex education.

Children beginning to be curious about sexuality listened intently to the explanation given by Im Dohon, with his serious face.

…Surprisingly, there weren’t many omitted parts.

The kids gasped as the new screen appeared.

Even though they covered their eyes, the kids peeked through their fingers, catching every detail.

Sitting next to him, Minji’s face was flushed red from the sight of a man’s body earlier.

“…And as males grow with spermatic cords, testicles, and penis developing, the uterus also starts to grow…»

“And the second sexual characteristic of females is…»

“Teacher! Skip the female part!»

“Hey! Boys! What are you staring at now!»

The classroom was in chaos.

As soon as the screen changed, the girls screamed at the boys.

In response, the boys, eager to see the female body, gawked, trying to catch a glimpse.

“Be quiet. I’ve told you this before class too, but there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Both boys and girls should know about each other. It’s easier to understand each other that way. Sit down and be quiet.»

Im Dohon sighed openly.

He seemed tired of the children’s noisy reactions, unlike previous years.

And it was understandable.

He had shown the illustrations quite vividly.

Moreover, it was the time when the children were starting to understand these things.

Interestingly, the knowledge they had learned so far was mostly useless.

Eunha still remembered.

In the first grade, their homeroom teacher, Yoo Ji-na, had blushed while explaining the reproductive system to them.

The picture she showed the kids back then was a bizarre one where a man and a woman, both wearing clothes that didn’t reveal their skin, were drawing circles with their feet.

“Who would understand the concept of sperm and egg meeting to create a baby just from that?»

It was a story so ridiculous that he still laughed about it.

Eunha shook his shoulders while looking at the picture of the woman’s body while resting his chin.

Come to think of it, he didn’t know where the teacher from the first grade was now.

Suddenly, he remembered her, who had been their homeroom teacher in the first grade.

She had quietly transferred to another school after becoming a second-year teacher.

Judging from the fact that she transferred shortly after being appointed, there seemed to be some problem.

Even after five years, he still thought of her as a fragile person.

He didn’t know what had happened to her.

“Oh, I forgot to mention this. Boys, around your age, you might start getting interested in sex, and maybe even have wet dreams as your reproductive organs grow…»

This time, the boys’ faces turned red.

The girls, looking surprised, stared at the boys, and the boys, feeling unjustly accused, defended themselves.

“Don’t tell me even No Eunha is…?»

“Hey, what are you thinking? Do you know how rude that thought is?»

Eunha laughed seeing Minji hesitate while speaking. He left his seat afterward.

Then, the kids, who had just learned about where sperm came from and how sperm and eggs met, fell into a panic as a group.

On the other hand, he found it amusing to see the kids mutter, wondering what was happening, and recall the stories.

“…I can’t believe it. How does that even happen?»

“I don’t understand what you’re saying. What do you mean by ‘that even happens’?»

“How do you pee…?»

“Didn’t you see it in a drama?»

“Why would that be in a drama!»

“Then how did you think babies were made?»

“Sperm and egg meeting!»


“…That was the biggest concern I had until now. I knew what happened when a man and a woman lay down side by side on a bed, but… How is that even possible?»

“The human body is mysterious by nature.»

Eunha laughed at the shocked Minji.

The power to turn the surreal into reality in this world, mana.

The only institution capable of that was the heart of a living being.

In that sense, organisms creating new life in a world where God was dead was akin to being the creator.

“Men and women were different creatures. Now I know, I….»

Eunhyuk’s voice, lost in thought, was heard from nearby.

His face looked as if he had realized the truth of the world, which was quite amusing.

Then Eunhyuk suddenly seemed to realize something and lowered his head deeply.

“Wait, then I was born because my mom and dad did that, right? My mom and dad…»

The children who heard his words fell into shock again, and somehow the story he had mumbled spread throughout the classroom.

“Those of you here were born in a competition of about 200 to 300 million. So be proud of yourselves. Be thankful to your parents who brought you into the world.»

It was something he was embarrassed to say.

Turning his head away, Im Dohon somehow managed to steady his voice.

“Anyway, I don’t want you to be ashamed of the changes that will happen to you in the future.»

With those words, Im Dohon ended the class.

Ever since receiving the sex education class, there has been a change among the children.

At some point, the kids who used to treat each other casually started to distance themselves from those of the opposite gender, thanks to the lessons.

There was a strange emotion in the way the boys looked at the girls.

Interest in the opposite sex.

The same was true for the girls.

While they interacted as usual during their daily lives, they began to look at each other differently.

“Wow! Hey, look, Jung Hayang is wearing a bra!»

Among them were kids who showed keen curiosity about matters related to sex.

This was one of them.

A mischievous child, sitting in the front row, stared intently at Hayang and noticed the straps reflecting against her white clothes.

The boy, curiously, couldn’t resist and pulled the sports bra strap, which led to excitement among the other kids.

“That’s too much.»

All eyes turned to Jung Hayang.

The boy, once again, confidently pulled the sports bra strap, and the tight strap made a slapping sound against her back.

Hayang turned her head, her face reddening, her eyes watery.

“Hey, why are you crying over this? I just pulled it out of curiosity…. I didn’t even touch it!»

Jung Hayang cried.

The boy was clearly flustered, as he hadn’t expected this to happen.

“What do you think you’re doing, don’t you realize that’s sexual harassment?»

“Why is Hayang crying like that?»

“So immature. How can this happen?»

“No, I just… I was just curious about how it looked against Hayang’s clothes… And the teacher said not to be embarrassed about these things!»

“Are you saying that as an excuse!?»

The girls who had gathered around to comfort Hayang became a shield, especially the girls wearing sports bras, who stared at the boy menacingly.

“Captain…they’re really scary.»

“You shouldn’t mess with them. He poked the bear, don’t pull on the bra straps of girls, even out of curiosity.»

“Why would I do that? I don’t even want to.»

The boys, including Eunha and Eunhyuk, just stared at the boy.

Eventually, no one stepped forward, and the boy who was bombarded by the girls politely apologized to Hayang.

The boy took this opportunity to mend his ways, as Yeon-ji, who had heard the news from the next class, came over with a group of affiliate children.

“…Don’t cry over something like that.»

“It’s not like that….»

“No Eunha, you don’t know, that’s how sensitive this issue is!»

“Right, right.»

For the rest of the day, Hayang had no energy.

Eunha tried to comforted her, and Minji and Seona teased her.

Eunhyuk remained silent.

Ever since he saw the boy who had crossed the border due to his wrong words and actions.

“…My mom said, ‘It’s natural, don’t be ashamed of it, be proud of it’… I’m an adult now.»

She said in a sullen tone.

The children, who were arguing among themselves, fell silent, looking at her lacking energy.

“But I don’t want to become an adult alone. I want to become an adult with you guys… I mean, I want to become an adult together.»

“I understand that feeling. I don’t want to become an adult first either.»

There were still only a few girls in the class who wore sports bras.

Minji was not yet, and Seona, the tallest of the girls, was the first to wear a sports bra.

Maybe that was why.

She was afraid of the growing changes that were beginning to outpace others.

She was scared to adapt to the changing body differently than others.

She felt like she was suddenly falling into an unknown world all alone.

In addition to that, there were probably many reasons why Hayang couldn’t accept her own growth, reasons that Eunha didn’t know.

For someone living a second life, he couldn’t completely understand what kind of concerns his friends were harboring.

But there was one thing he could say.

“Adults naturally become adults at some point. It’s not about when you want to become one.»

“But still… If I have to, I want to become an adult with you guys.»

“And I don’t think you’ve grown up just because you’ve gotten taller.»

“Then when do you think you’ll become an adult, No Eunha?»

Minji, unable to contain her curiosity, asked.

Even the friends who had been silent turned to look at him.


Even after living for 32 years, even after living for 13 years, Eunha had seen many people.

There were those who gave off an incredibly adult vibe, and there were those who couldn’t escape their childishness.

They were all legally and physically adults.

But could they all really be called adults?

The answer was no.

“…When I find a reason to live. When I find what I want to achieve in my life, I think I’ll consider myself an adult.»

In that sense, he was merely a child who had put on the facade of an adult before regressing.

He had only fallen into pessimism after losing his family, thinking his world had ended.

He was far from being mature.

That was why he pushed away the people who reached out to him.

“And a great adult… I think they’re someone who at least takes responsibility for what they say.»

“Then wouldn’t everyone be great adults?»

Minji retorted with a scoff, expressing disbelief.

Eunha just smiled quietly.

You don’t know because you’ve never experienced it.

Taking responsibility is unexpectedly difficult, you know. There are things you don’t understand at this age.

When you find yourself in a position burdened with heavy responsibilities due to aging, you’ll come to know.

What it means to take responsibility is different from making promises among friends.

But well… at least you won’t have to worry about that happening to you.

I know the personalities of my friends well.

They will surely become responsible adults.

Even if it doesn’t happen, scolding will be enough when the time comes.

There was no need to worry too much.

“Someday it will come to you suddenly. The day you find reasons to live, not just surviving out of instinct, but finding a purpose, a reason to achieve.»


“So don’t fall into the misconception that you’ve become an adult just because your body has grown. Don’t be scared just because you’re ahead of other kids.»

The children still don’t know.

How unforgiving and harsh the world is, a world that has once experienced a downfall.

When the time comes, they will have to choose.

To live even if they can’t die.

To despair in the world and die.

Or to find a reason to live.

“Don’t worry too much.»

Because they will find a reason to live.

He found a reason to live in his second life.

That reason was also related to his friends’ lives.

So he wouldn’t just leave his friends to struggle, unable to die or driven to despair by the world.

“No Eunha always acts like he’s fine alone.»

“Captain, you’re really cool!»

“I’ll keep your words in mind, Eunha.»

“Sure, got it.»

The children lightened the serious atmosphere.

Eunha walked ahead, and the children followed behind, running.

“…Summer vacation is coming soon.»

This year was already halfway over.

The entrance exam for the Player Academy was not far away.

Eunha, looking up at the sky, murmured.

And that night—

‘Even if you kill me now… it’s useless! My magic, even if I die, will leave traces!’


‘One of the great beings leading this world, me, Lilith, asserts…! Your years will be tormented day and night by passionate desires!

Like a street prostitute, shaking your butt for men and writhing in sexual desire, you’ll eventually take your own life… Ghyaaah!’

‘…Shut up.’

─Eunha dreamed of the past.

When he had defeated Lilith, one of the Guma.

‘…Ugh, Eunha, don’t come any closer! My body feels strange right now…, please don’t come.

Don’t come…, come, hurry, no, no! It’s not like that…, please, please, please don’t come…please.’


‘I don’t want to show you… this side of me…leave, leave please.’

At that time, <Grim Reaper> Lee Yoo Jung was kneeling with her hands between her legs, tears streaming down her face.

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