ReLife Player

Chapter 195

[What it Means to Become an Adult]

Children experience their puberty around sixth grade in elementary school.

They grow taller, their bones become more prominent, and they start to experience it.

Their bodies are transitioning into adulthood, even though their minds are still stuck in childhood.

Nevertheless, children who wanted to become adults look around at their bodies, which are visibly changing from day to day, and enjoy the feeling of becoming an adult.

And they may think.

I want to be a better adult.

“Minji, what kind of tint do you use?»

“This? It’s a tint that Luminous Beauty just released for elementary school students. It’s a buy-one-get-one-free deal, so if you’re going to buy it, buy it now!»

“That’s a nice color. What color is it?»

“It’s Luminous Beauty No. 3 Marmalade Wine, and if you put some Vaseline on it, it’ll make your lips look lively and pretty!»

Today, the girls gathered around Minji’s desk as soon as it was time for recess and talked about makeup.

Recently, more girls have been bringing pouches and hand mirrors to school.

This is because Doan Elementary School sent out consent forms to parents of sixth graders.

The majority of parents allowed their children to wear makeup.

Some girls wore light lip tint, while others had white powder on their faces, and some were wearing eye shadow or blush.

“…Captain, there’s something I’ve been thinking about every time I see girls lately.»

“Uh, what is it, tell me.»

“I feel like girls are becoming people I don’t recognize.»

“In what way? Externally? Internally?»


The girls had taken over his seat while Eunha went out into the hallway to get a drink of water.

Minji was having an intense lecture with Minyoung, a girl from another class, about how to apply makeup correctly.

Eunhyuk, leaning against his locker, was sneaking glances at it.

His eyes widened.

Gathering his brows, he thought about Eunha’s question.

“…Both of them. They don’t seem like the kind of kids I’ve known lately. I’m not sure I want to get too close to them.»

“That’s understandable. Boys and girls have completely different interests, so it’s hard to talk to them.»

“She’s also super weird. Look at her, Minji. She’s got red lips like the old lady down the street, a white face, and cheeks like Anpanman.»


What Eunhyuk said in disbelief was something Eunha agreed with.

This morning, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

I really can’t tell you how surprised I was to find Minji waiting for me at the front door, wearing a different makeup than yesterday.

I thought she was dressed as a pierrot or something. I had a hard time holding back the laughter….

If my mom hadn’t pinched my butt, I would have burst out laughing.

On the way to school and in class, I thought I was going to die laughing.

Even Im Dohon, who made eye contact with her in class, couldn’t keep a straight face for a moment.

“I can sort of understand Pikachu, but what is with that Anpanman? It’s not like Jam Ajusshi and Butter Noona just moved into the neighborhood….»

She wasn’t the only one.

The girls, as if they had discussed it beforehand, all appeared with white faces today.

Minji was no exception, and Minyoung, who was assisting her, looked no different.

“Anyway, it’s very strange, and I feel strangely distant and…, I don’t know how to say it, but it’s like there’s a wall in the middle, and I can’t get over it or break it.»

“You’re feeling the same way.»

It wasn’t just the girls who changed.

The boys were growing up too.

Most noticeable was their height.

In a year’s time, they had grown in both height and physique, and were beginning to resemble grown men.

The same goes for Eunha, who is almost 160 this year.

By touching his neck with his fingers, he could vaguely feel the protruding bones.

Moreover, Eunhyuk, who had surpassed 160 cm, had broadened his shoulders.

I’ve known you since kindergarten, and I’ve watched you change.

So how could I not recognize you?

“Well…, is that it?»

“It’s natural to feel a sense of distance. They’re girls, and we’re boys. Don’t avoid them just because it feels uncomfortable. You’ll regret it later.»

“Yeah, okay, I get it, it’s the captain talking. I wasn’t going to avoid it in the first place.»

Eunhyuk nodded obediently.

Eunha, who remained silent, gazed at the boys gathered at the back of the classroom.

“Wow, they’re so pretty. Hey, how can she be different from them, they must be the same girl.»

“Wow, her chest is really big.»

“Hey, shut up, the girls can hear you!»

“What? I was just kidding.»

They were children just beginning to harbor curiosity about sexuality.

They were busy searching for idol photos and listening to songs on their smartphones.

Well, it was the age for that.

Eunha couldn’t deny it either.

His ears twitched involuntarily.

Eunha just found it less interesting.

…My sister has set the bar too high.

With a sister who could even pass for an idol, it was hard to look elsewhere.

“But still… Seona seems fine.»

Eunhyuk looked away and muttered to Seona, who was sitting down and reading a book.

Seona wasn’t caught up in the makeup boom. According to her, it can be bad for her skin and she doesn’t feel the need to do it.

“Well, at this age, it’s better to be natural than to decorate your face with makeup.»

At least at this age, Eunha thought she didn’t need to wear makeup.

In his second life, he thinks being an elementary school student is the coolest thing he can be.

There was no need to add anything to it.

No makeup will ever match his skin at this age.

And there’s no need to try to be an adult.

If you wait, the time will come.

When that time comes, you’ll have to grow up, even if you don’t want to.

So enjoy the moment for what it is.

“Did you talk about me?»

“Oh, I didn’t?»

“You lied. You just said my name. Do you think I didn’t hear that?»

Seona, who had turned a page, suddenly turned her head.

Her red eyes narrowed and her tail wagged gently as she questioned Eunhyuk.

Ain’s physical abilities are more developed than normal.

There was no way she couldn’t have heard Eunhyuk’s low muttering.

“What were you talking about? Didn’t you say something about makeup?»

“It’s nothing….»

“If it’s not a big deal, tell me.»

Seona stepped in front of Eunhyuk.

Putting her hands on her waist, she pouted her lips and asked.

She was the tallest of the girls in the class.

Seona, who was a palm taller than Eunha, had shown more feminine traits since this year.

She was gradually shedding her childishness.

When she approached him, Eunhyuk couldn’t help but look around, unable to find a place to rest his gaze.

But Jin-seona, she, she really….

Eunha clicked his tongue inwardly.

There was no way Seona couldn’t have heard Eunhyuk’s mutterings.

Actually, she knew.

And she was doing this knowingly.

She seemed to enjoy seeing him flustered.

There was no other fox like her.

“C-Captain… What were we talking about?»

“Why are you asking him about that? You talked about it, don’t you remember that?»

“No, not that….»

“Yeah, just settle it between yourselves.»

I didn’t want to get involved in a conversation where the answer was obvious.

Leaving the two of them behind, Eunha sat down in the empty seat as Seona got up.

Hayang, who was reading a book, glanced over as he sat down next to her.

“What are you reading?»

“I won’t tell you.»

“Okay, then.»

“…Tch, I’m reading ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.»

When Eunha didn’t show much interest, Hayang puffed out her cheeks.

Eunha just smirked.

Then he noticed that Hayang’s lips were an unusually reddish color.

“Are you wearing tint too?»

“Is it a lot?»

Startled, Hayang flipped the book she was reading over on the desk.

Taking out a hand mirror from her bag, she checked her lips back and forth.

I used to think that the Mukminji was fast in these matters, but Jung Hayang was now at the age when she might start caring about these things too.

He felt a new sense of wonder.

A boy’s changes come slowly, while a girl’s changes come suddenly.

“When did you do it? You didn’t have it earlier.»

“The girls did it in the restroom earlier. You know, Yeonji, she said ‘Even if you become Alice Group’s direct heiress, you have to use our cosmetics, got it?’»

“Oh, her?»

I had seen the girl Hayang was referring to at least once.

Chae Yeon-ji. She’s a child of Alice Life, and apparently she’s in charge of the faction base among the children of Hayang’s affiliates.

Apparently, she had been interacting with the affiliate children even before she was transferred to Alice’s direct line.

She was also able to rally the affiliate kids on school in a short amount of time.

“I think Yeonji is right, so I’m going to start wearing at least one tint from today. What do you think?»

“It’s fine. It’s better than Minji’s.»


“Um…, honestly?»


Hayang clenched her hands tightly.

Eunha suppressed his laughter inwardly, seeing Hayang, who had stiffened her face as if in tension.

Finally, he spoke seriously.

“My sister is prettier.»

“What’s that-!»

Although she had lost some baby fat, Hayang still couldn’t completely shed her childishness.

She was still as cute as a puppy.

The word ‘cute’ suited her better than ‘pretty’.

But she didn’t ask.

She should’ve asked if I find her cute.

Eunha stood up to avoid Hayang, who was teasing him.

Just then, the bell rang.

Throughout the day, Hayang glared at him with a sullen face.

“Why are there so many kids over there?»

“That’s right. Is there a celebrity here?»

After-school hours.

Eunha, leaving the classroom with his friends, raised his eyebrows upon seeing the kids gathered in front of the main gate.

Someone stood at the center of the gathering.

Initially, he thought it might be someone from a television show.

Even passing students stole glances at the group.


Minji, who had been running noisily, stopped in her tracks.

From a considerable distance away from the kids’ gathering, she pointed with her finger.

Eunha recognized someone.

It wasn’t a television personality.

Yet he knew the face—.


Because it was his sister.

The moment Eunha’s older sister, Euna, spotted him beyond the group of kids, she waved her hand enthusiastically.

In case he didn’t see her, she even jumped up a little.

“Oh, your sister. Isn’t she supposed to be at the academy at this time?»

“Yeah… Why is noona here?»

Seona’s confusion mirrored Eunha’s own.

Nevertheless, Eunha couldn’t suppress his delight.

Ever since she entered the Higher Academy, he had only shown her face once a month, and now she had come to the school in person.

Eunha ran the remaining distance and approached Euna.

“Noona, what’s going on? If you were coming to the school, you should have told me. I would have come out immediately….»

“I wanted to surprise you! We had outdoor classes today, so I attended class nearby. There’s still quite some time left, so I thought I could see you!»

He was thankful for the outdoor class.

When Eunha jokingly asked if all the classes couldn’t be held outdoors, Euna also joked, “Should we?».

By the way, there are so many kids….

The children gathered around Euna blinked.

Some of them were even staring at her.

While Euna could be considered a beauty anywhere, Eunha was annoyed that all eyes were on her until he arrived.

At that moment, Euna pressed his cheeks with both hands.

“Stop it! I told you not to frown. What if you end up looking like Dad?»


Euna didn’t seem to mind the children’s stares.

A feeling of pride welled up in his chest as he watched them look at her.

Eunha decided to ignore the other children’s stares as well.

“We just need to get back to the academy by dinner. Until then, let’s go together! We can go for French toast, I know a place!»

“That sounds great!»

The corners of Eunha’s mouth turned up.

He didn’t realize his friends behind him were clicking their tongues and shaking their heads.

“No Eunha, that’s…. Why aren’t you like that to us like you usually are to Euna and Eunae?»

“Wow, you can carry a player device from high school academy. That must be Euna’s device! The bracelet is really cool!»

“Euna, you’re so pretty. I want to be just like you.»

“Me too, me too! Euna unnie is so pretty. Eunha really likes her.»

Eunha took Euna’s hand without listening to what his friends were muttering.

She held his hand with the hand that didn’t wear the bracelet and smiled brightly.

The two of them chatted happily as they walked down the hill.

“Come to think of it, noona, do you wear makeup?»

“Just skin care, lotion, sunscreen, and whitening cream.

I might get various troubles if I sweat while moving… Ah, on days when I attend lectures, I draw my eyebrows and lips a bit.»

“…I think the bar has become too high because of you. Yoo-jung and Baek-ryeon were too, but…, after all, my sister is more….»

“Huh? What did you say?»

“Nothing, I said you’re pretty.»

“Thank you, Eunha, if you say I’m pretty, I must be.»

At Eunha’s casual remark, Euna hummed a tune.

She even put a rhythm by tapping the ground with the bracelet on her wrist.

Eunha, who couldn’t carry a tune, added some chorus.

Euna chuckled softly, wondering if that was okay.

“Oh, that’s right! I got permission from the academy to use the training grounds for the summer.»

“Really? Then book the training center. We need to prepare for their academy exams.»

“I’m going to invite Yeon-hwa, too. I asked her and she said she wants to see you guys.»

“Yeon-hwa noona? Yeah, that’s fine, as long as it’s Yeon-hwa.»

If Ryu Yeon-hwa helped with the academy exams, it would surely be helpful.

Eunha answered positively.

But he couldn’t answer the next question in the same manner.

“And Chang-jin said he’d help too. You know Chang-jin, right?»

“…Well…, is noona close to him?»

“We three hang out together quite often. Chang-jin is really good. He’s also <The Seed> like me and Yeon-hwa. He’ll definitely be helpful for the kids too.»

“…Well…, he might be helpful, probably. He might be helpful, but…»

For some reason, I didn’t like it.

There were reasons in my past life that made my relationship with Han Chang-jin not good, but it seemed I didn’t like him being especially close to Euna.

“…Are you uncomfortable, then I shouldn’t call Chang-jin?»

Euna smiled vaguely and looked at Eunha’s eyes.

She was incredibly perceptive.

“…No, it’s okay, I’m sure he’ll be useful somewhere.»

And at this point, Eunha couldn’t just push him away.

It would be better to keep him close and observe him so he wouldn’t harm her.

That’s how Eunha thought.

The next day.

Eunha went to school and as soon as he put his bag down on the seat, he was harassed by the boys.

“Eunha, that person I saw yesterday was your sister! She was so pretty! Introduce me to her!»

“Is that the person Eunha’s sister? How can she be prettier than my sister? My sister is just farting around the house…. I’m so jealous!

“Does Euna have a boyfriend? If not, can you give me her number and I’ll take care of the rest!»

The kids who had been talking about Euna since the morning were cheered on.

Eunhyuk, who knew about Eunha’s personality earlier, left the classroom,

to see if Im Dohon was coming.


Well, I had no idea who Anpanman was, so if you were lost like me here is the picture.

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