ReLife Player

Chapter 193


The Player Middle School Academy’s first-round exam selects applicants at three times the capacity based on their elementary school grades and basic ability test results.

The basic ability test includes questions covering the 6th-grade curriculum and mana utilization.

Therefore, students applying to the Player Middle School Academy had to study in preparation for the basic ability test.

Not that I need it.

Eunha was confident that he would easily pass both the first and second rounds of the exam.

Still, he attended the study sessions organized by Sirius for prospective students of the Player Academy. The reason was to inform his friends of the past exam questions.

Apparently, Alice Group also runs a study group.

Thanks to this, his friends were actively exchanging information with each other in hopes of joining the Player Academy together.

He also exchanged the information he had gotten from Sirius with his friends.

“Student No Eunha, are you listening?»


I didn’t intend to listen.

I just need to take my notes.

Eunha apologized to the lecturer, who was hired by Sirius, and sat down.

He flipped through the book to see if there was anything he didn’t understand, but there wasn’t.

He decided to take his time with the class to prepare for the basic skills test.

“If you’re not going to study, why did you apply to the Player Academy?»

Mr. Sirius Woolen’s second son, Gong Baek-ki, grumbled, as if he were purposely trying to be heard.

He and a few others couldn’t help but chuckle.

The kids gathered here all had the goal of becoming Players, willingly or unwillingly.

In their eyes, his lack of enthusiasm and laziness were not understandable.

Seohyun had told me not to worry about it.

The day Eunha first entered the study room.

Han Seohyun told the children not to touch Eunha.

After that, the kids didn’t treat him as badly as before, and the teachers didn’t pay much attention to him when he wasn’t paying attention in class.

Moreover, his father was now the right-hand man of Han Do-Young , the second chairman of Sirius Group.

Kids sponsored by Sirius couldn’t openly disrespect him, considering his father’s background.

Kids whose parents held mid-level positions within the group or those who were skilled in handling mana subtly showed their displeasure bit by bit, much like Gong Baek-ki.

If they caught onto anything remotely suspicious, they might start a fight right away.

I don’t care, they can compete among themselves…

Honestly, their skills are not impressive at all.

According to Eunha’s observation, these kids from the subsidiary companies weren’t exceptionally skilled.

At best, they were only good enough to become Han Seoyeon’s full-time players in the distant future, and even then, they would be capped at Class B by the Mana Management Organization.

They’re not the only ones, anyway.

The reason the group sponsored them was to leave a debt for the exceptional players they could become.

The conglomerate groups recruited candidates around autumn for a similar reason.

The kids here were simply reaping the rewards of their parents’ hard work for the group.

“We’ll take a short break and start the second round of exam preparation in the garden.

This time, we’re going to work on maintaining a barrier, which is part of the Advanced Basic Mana course.»

It was finally time for recess.

Eunha got up from his seat and looked for the snacks prepared at the back.

They were indeed from Sirius.

Even the modestly presented snacks were something you couldn’t find in the market.

“Coming here was a good choice. I knew it. If only I had brought Eunae too…

…Surely, Alice’s group doesn’t serve sweets made by Mr. Jung himself?»

Should I change study rooms?

Eunha pondered as he grabbed another snack.

Meanwhile, the children who were hanging out with Gong Baek-ki were looking down on him as he stood in front of the snacks, deep in thought.

“What’s with him, is he here to study or to play and eat?»

“I really don’t like him, he’s strangely unfriendly, he doesn’t try to fit in….»

“Gong Baek-ki, why don’t you give him a taste of his own medicine next class? I asked the instructor, and he said we take turns deploying the barrier on one side and breaking it on the other.»

“You’re so good with mana, shouldn’t a barrier be easy to break down?»

“Eunha, he’s just known for being good at mana, but I’ve never seen him actually use it.»

“If it’s you, Gong Baek-ki, isn’t he a piece of cake?»

The kids were wasting precious time making assumptions.

Even though there was a delicious and expensive snacks in front of them.

Pouring a new drink into her cup, Eunha didn’t pay much attention to what they were saying.

Don’t bother me.

Just treat me like I don’t exist.

I’ll just take what I need and leave quietly.

He used the remaining time efficiently, enjoying the refreshments.

At the Player Academy, there was one scene that everyone seemed to accept as normal.

It’s been going on for four years now, so you get used to it, even if you don’t like it.

It was even jokingly referred to as an annual event.

“Here we go again.»

“I’m jealous, really. This never happens to me….»

As students walked out of class, they gossiped about the players walking down the sidewalk.

Park Hye-rim, the woman with the scepter, looked around, unperturbed by their stares.

There was only one reason she took the time to visit the Academy every April.

“─Found it!»

Looking around with a quite polite manner, she spotted the person she was looking for on her way from the lecture hall to the cafeteria.

It was No Euna, who walked with a ponytail, exuding a bright aura like any other high school girl but causing numerous clans to compete for her under the protection of the <Queen> as <The Seed>.

Park Hye-rim had a purpose, and she ran regardless of whether or not she attracted the attention of those around her.


“So, Eunha gave me candy for White Day this time…, and it’s…uh…?»


Waving her hand excitedly, Hye-rim approached, holding her scepter.

Eunha, who was chatting with Yeon-hwa and Chang-jin, turned her head in surprise.

She was quick to act.

“Yeon-hwa, Chang-jin, I’ll eat lunch later, but I think I should avoid Hye-rim first!»

“Give me your luggage.»

“Why don’t you just say no, no thanks.»

“Chang-jin you…, you know how many times I’ve done that…. I’ll leave now!»

Euna, who had increased the mana in her body, left her luggage with Yeon-hwa and ran.

Park Hye-rim followed closely behind.

Even though she was a supporter, there was no way that she, who occupied one of the T1welve Seats, could not chase after Euna, who hadn’t even become a player yet.

“Euna, why are you running away?»

“You’re chasing me!»

“I’m not chasing you, so stop!»

“No, I’m scared of your face!»

The scene at the player academy was truly crazy.

The hide-and-seek game between Euna and Hye-rim was famous to the point that it was known by everyone except the newcomers.

“I’ll take good care of you! Really, believe me!»

Since the day she first approached Euna four years ago, Park Hye-rim has been trying to make her her own <The Seed>.

There was no shortage of talent in South Korea for <The Seed>.

But the more she learned about Euna’s skills, the more she wanted to teach her.

What’s more, she was also the owner of the Gift of <Miracles>.

It couldn’t be said that she didn’t have a selfless desire to study the <Miracles> .

“I told you! I’m already being taught by Seoyeong Unnie!»

“I know! I know too! In my opinion, Euna, you don’t have the qualities of a Caster, but rather those of a Supporter!»

“How would you know that, I’ve never healed anyone!»

“You don’t have to heal people to be a Supporter! You can be a Supporter by using strengthening magic or assisting in battle!

That’s why Eunha, you have the qualities of a Supporter! You’re definitely not a Caster!»

“Anyway, I’m fine! I’m going to learn from Seoyeong Unnie!»

“Don’t say that!»

If the two of them ever met, they would have the same conversation over and over again.

But this time, she wouldn’t let it happen.

Hye-rim moved her barrier towards Euna, who had grown as tall as her within just a year.


“Nice! I caught yo…whaat?»

At the perfect moment, Euna raised a barrier in her path.

Euna, who was running blindly, had no choice but to crash into the barrier.

But suddenly, Euna reached out her hand and created a rectangular-shaped barrier on her side.

The protruding barrier acted like a punch, pushing Hye-rim away and rendering her barrier useless.

But it didn’t stop there.

While still in the air, Euna created a long barrier underneath her in the same manner.

“This can’t be! Where did she learn this?»


Her improvisation was truly remarkable.

Judging by the lack of impact, the barrier seemed to absorb the shock.

No, that wasn’t the most important thing.

Euna soared into the air and reached out towards a distant rooftop.

Mana, formed like spider silk, stuck under the roof, elongating and shortening as if a rubber band had been stretched and released.

“She’s really suited for a supporter…»

Hye-rim couldn’t help but marvel.

How was her skill improving so rapidly?

“No, this isn’t the time for this. I have to find Euna before another mission comes…»

Regaining her composure, Hye-rim chased after Euna once more.

Quickly moving to the building where Euna had disappeared, she deployed her detection net.

No matter how hard Euna tried to hide her presence, she couldn’t evade Hye-rim’s magic.

“I found you! Euna! Could you please be serious for once!?»

“No! I’m going to learn from Seoyoung Unnie!»

Euna, who had been hiding nearby using invisibility, was caught by Hye-rim.

Hye-rim glared with shining eyes, and Euna struggled to break free.

For the passersby, it was no different from a spectacle.

People who were on their way to lunch stopped and stared at the two making a scene—.

“—What are you two doing here?»

They couldn’t avoid the notice of Shin Seoyoung, who had been appointed as a high school academy instructor starting this year.


Ignoring the gazes of the people around them, the two unruly girls turned towards her without hesitation.

Yet, Shin Seoyoung seemed visibly uncomfortable.

“What in the world are you two doing?»


The two girls stared back.

Shin Seoyoung stood there, her aura unsettling, as if lightning was striking, winds were blowing, and flames were dancing around her.

“So, is this it? Are we done?»

All the kids were lying on the ground, exhausted. The only one standing was Eunha.

While the others on the ground were gasping for breath, Eunha was leisurely catching his breath, enjoying the breeze.

“Teacher, is this enough?»

“…Huh? Uh, yeah… Yeah, if this is your skill level, you can easily get into the Player Academy.»

Gong Baek-ki was unable to break Eunha’s barrier.

Even if the kids attacked en masse, it was too much.

On the contrary, as soon as the roles were reversed, Eunha shattered the barriers of the children, including Baek-ki.

The instructor, who was watching the whole process, could only nod with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“What? Do I have to do this with the teacher too?»

Too good for an elementary school student.

The lecturer, who had been impressed, was stunned.

Realizing that he had taken a step backwards, he coughed humbly and shook his head.

“I, I’m your teacher, not your bully. How else am I supposed to train with you?»

“Really? I thought you were having fun earlier when they swarmed and attacked me, so I thought you wanted to join in. Or not?»

“Yeah, yeah, mhm, it’s a misunderstanding.»

The instructor, who avoided eye contact, grunted.

Eunha smirked.

He decided to end the warm-up.

He felt lighter, like he was stretching, as he fought off the kids until they were exhausted.

“You…what the… if you’re so good, why did you come here?»

“I came to receive the family sponsorship, why?»

The first of the fallen children to regain his senses was Baek-ki.

The way he looked at Eunha was different than before.

“…I can see why Han Seohyun wants to take care of you. I’ll admit you’re strong. You can be the best.»

“The best? What a load of crap…»

Eunha couldn’t believe it.

Before regressing, Baek-ki had been one of those who looked down on him when he entered the Player Academy without any sponsorship.

After graduating from the Player Academy and becoming Han Seoyeon’s exclusive player, he had held his head high as if he owned the world.

Now, Baek-ki approached with ths kind of attitude.

“Be Han Seohyun’s right arm. I’ll be her left. Let’s work hard to become her exclusive players together.»


Why is he like this?

Eunha looked at Baek-ki , who was looking straight at him.

He wanted to decline.


Unable to bear Baek-ki’s attempt to treat him like a superior, Eunha spat out a curse.

Even so, Baek-ki didn’t wipe the smile off his face as he extended his hand.

“Don’t you want to become Han Seohyun’s exclusive player too?»

“Uh, absolutely not, so don’t ask me again.»

“Then what’s the point of being a player? Isn’t being an exclusive player who can get Sirius’ favor and assist Han Seohyun’s noona a successful life?»

“Your goals and mine are different.»

He didn’t look like he was going to withdraw his hand.

So Eunha decided to turn away.

Class was over anyway.

He was going to go home.


He stopped walking and looked back.

Gong Baek-ki was helping the fallen children to get up.

“Why did that one become Han Seoyeon’s exclusive player?»

Baek-ki was Han Seoyeon’s exclusive player.

Not Han Seohyun’s exclusive player.

In the first place, Han Seohyun didn’t exist in the future as he knew it.

He’d never heard her name before.


Did something happen?

Unlike before his regression, Gong Baek-ki’s arrogance seemed to have softened considerably.

So he can only hope that Baek-ki can become a competent player at Sirius, where his father works.

Or better yet, become Han Seohyun’s exclusive player, as he hopes.

“…There are many futures I don’t know.»

Lost in thought, he looked up at the sky.

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