ReLife Player

Chapter 192

[White Day]

It had been a month since receiving chocolates on Valentine’s Day.

March 14th.

White Day had arrived.

For Eunha, it was a somewhat troublesome day in various ways.

Buying cheap candies from the market attracted some attention from people around, and among them, Han Seohyun was undoubtedly the one who stood out the most.

“Oppa, why isn’t unnie coming?»

“Because she’s good at making others wait and not at coming on time.»

Eunha explained to Eunae, who kicked a rock at her feet.

His sister, who had insisted on following him when she heard he was meeting Han Seohyun, was wearing the prettiest outfit she owned.

She was even carrying a small bag on her way out the door.

“But she’s late for the appointment….»

“It’s because this noona is a bad one.»

“Seohyun unnie isn’t a bad one unnie, she’s a pretty one.»

Eunha smirked at Eunae’s defense of Seohyun.

It was strange how Eunae obediently followed Seohyun.

Seohyun didn’t seem to mind having Eunae around, and that was why he had brought her along.

“Oppa, oppa, what candy will you give to unnie Seohyun?»

“Chupa Chups.»


“What? Chua Chups are good.»

Eunha found Eunae’s gaze, which had lost words, strangely unfamiliar.

He felt bad, so he tried to make excuses, but Eunae still didn’t speak.

“I’m kidding. Do you think I’m going to give her Chupa Chups?»

I brought some, but I’ll have to eat them myself.

Eunae sighed in relief when she realize Eunha was joking.

In the meantime, Eunha pulled some candy out of the paper bag and put it in his back pocket.

“It’s not right to give her that! Unnie said so! You should give a gift that she’d be happy to receive when she opens it!»

“You remember everything she said, our Eunae has grown up.»

“I’m 7 years old now!»

“That’s right… I defeated a goblin when I was that age…. If you’re seven, you’re practically an adult.»

But Eunae, oppa is happy with just Chupa Chups.

Eunha didn’t voice the thought that came to mind.

He knew Eunae would be mad.

Luckily, he had given Eunae slightly better candies instead of the large Chupa Chups he had planned to give her.

He thanked his mother silently, who had warned him in advance.

He only realized it was White Day when he was leaving for school in the morning, thanks to his mother.

Anticipating an unfortunate future, he sent Minji waiting outside first, and then bought some candy to give to her on the way to school.

This saved him from being criticized by the girls.

‘All right, I’ll let this slide. If you hadn’t given me some, I wouldn’t have let you go.’

‘What’s the matter? Last year you only gave me Chupa Chups…. Your mom told you, didn’t she?

‘Thank you so much, I’ll make you delicious chocolate next year!’

Then I remembered Han Seo-hyun.

Wednesday was a day when classes ended early.

After finishing the fourth period, Eunha borrowed his mother’s smartphone and made an evening appointment with Seohyun.

What a prickly voice I had to listen to then, ugh.

While it might have been an enjoyable day for those receiving the candies, for the one giving them, it was a day of constant tension.

“Sorry. Did I keep you waiting?»

Seohyun got out of the car.

After finishing school, she had come straight here. She was wearing a checkered blazer that hinted at her elegance.

Her elegant and sophisticated school uniform design attracted the attention of passing people.

But more than anything, the reason why men turned their heads unnaturally was because of her exceptional beauty.


“…Eunae is here too?»

Seohyun showed a slightly belated reaction upon seeing Eunae, who suddenly emerged from behind Eunha.

She approached the running Eunae and patted her.

Then she looked at Eunha, who was standing quietly, and opened her mouth.

“You didn’t mention that Eunae was coming too? I thought I was only seeing you.»

“Yeah, it’s a sudden arrangement…. Eunae wanted to meet you when she heard I was coming to see you.»

“That’s right, I wanted to see unnie!»

And when it’s just the two of us meeting, there’s so much to be mindful of.

Eunha gave a nonchalant expression to Seohyun, who was glaring at him.

She stared at him intensely for a while, seeming dissatisfied with something.

But when she looked down at Eunae, she naturally smiled, a smile that could soften anyone.

“…Alright, I’ll see her this time. But next time, please give me a heads-up before making an appointment. Thankfully, I didn’t have any other plans today. If I did, what would you have done?»

“Well, I guess we’ll just make another appointment.»

“…You’re not lying.»

“Have you ever seen me lie?»

“Yes, a lot.»

Eunha felt unnecessarily resentful.

He felt like his trust was being doubted so much.

Despite this, he suppressed his emotions and handed over the paper bag he was holding.

“Here, a Valentine’s Day return gift.»

“…Thanks. I didn’t expect to receive something like this from you.»

“By the way, it’s not something expensive.»

“I didn’t want it to be expensive. I wanted to see your thoughtfulness.»

I didn’t pick that out carefully….

Eunha looked away, modestly.

If she thought a single candy would suffice, they wouldn’t have made dinner plans.

It was a loss for him, especially since he preferred having dinner at home.

The spilled milk couldn’t be put back in the bottle, though.

I’d been craving it for a while, so what the heck.

Besides, it’s nice to be outside.

Eunha turned to Seohyun, who had left the candy with the driver.

“Let’s go eat now.»

“Where are we going? We can drive to….»

“It’s not that far, why take a car? We can walk.»

Hyehwa Station, Exit 4.

Eunha replied to her as she was about to suggest taking the car.

It wasn’t a very long distance to walk.

Moreover, Daemyung Street was a bustling area.

Perhaps because it was White Day, there were quite a few people, but it was more enjoyable to walk and explore the streets.

“…Okay, sure.»

“Then, let’s go.»

“Unnie, let’s go!»

“But what are we going to eat?»

The two held Eunae’s raised hand.

As Eunha led Eunae, Seohyun followed, walking down Daemyung Street.

Passersby stared at her uniform from the prestigious middle school she attended, and their mouths dropped open when they saw her classy appearance.

It was not uncommon for people to approach her.

Especially students in uniform.

Of course, those who tried to approach her were blocked by bodyguards hiding in the streets.

Eunha glanced at the bodyguards, who moved automatically without Seohyun’s orders, and clicked his tongue.

It was Sirius, after all.

“Have you ever heard of a sandwich?»

“Are you trying to make me look like a fool? Are you really planning to have sandwiches for dinner?»

“Don’t be so annoyed. It’s not just an ordinary sandwich with ham and vegetables between slices of bread.»

Seohyun probably didn’t know.

Shrugging his shoulders, Eunha led the way into a shop he occasionally heard about near the Sungkyunkwan University entrance.

“Mom gave me a card and told me to enjoy something good with you. Order whatever you want.»

“Even in a place like this, I can’t eat….»

“Unnie, these cookies are so good!»


It was a good idea to bring Eunae over.

She didn’t say much out of consideration for Eunae.

“I’ll order first. You can order as soon as you decide on the menu.»

Eunha moved to the counter without looking at the menu.

He had already decided what he wanted to eat here.

He ordered a flatbread sandwich with meatballs and American cheese as the base, with sweet chili sauce as the main sauce for the set menu.

In Japan, when you order a set menu, you get french fries….

The cookies were delicious too, but that was fine as well.

He recalled his visit to Japan as the protector of the Second Fairy, Ha Baek-ryeon, while pouring Sprite into his cup.

While waiting for his ordered sandwich, he planned to have a drink.

Meanwhile, Seohyun and Eunae seemed to be choosing their menu items.

“Are you ready to order?» “I’ll have the meatball set!»

“…Vegetable set for me.»

“What type of bread would you like?»



Eunae, who was hanging around the counter, was energetically placing her order, while Seohyun frowned at the point where she had to choose the bread.

“Sure, here are the bread options.»

Honey Oat, Harty, Wheat, Parmesan Oregano, White, Flatbread.

Seohyun hesitated for a while as she looked at the stickers on each bread type.

“…Honey… Oat.»

“What size sandwich would you like? 15cm? Or should I make it 30cm?»

“30cm! Please cut it in half!»

“…15cm, no 30cm. Cut it in half….»

Eunha watched.

Seohyun’s face, as she interacted with the cashier, growing more and more rigid.

The way she subtly watched Eunae placing her order.

This was the first time seeing her so flustered.

Eunha suppressed his laughter.

The cashier was still a cashier.

With a strong sense of service, the cashier continued regardless of whether Seohyun was flustered or not.

“What kind of cheese would you like?»

“Do you want all the vegetables?»

“What kind of sauce do you want?»

Seeing Seohyun so flustered and stiff was a first.

She was already speaking whatever the waiter recommended, as if she didn’t know what she was saying.

Then Eunha noticed it—Seohyun’s clenched fist, trembling.

This won’t do.

She’s going to get annoyed at this rate.

It seemed like he had to step in.

He hurriedly approached her side.

“For the sauce, please use red wine vinegar and olive oil. And for the cookies, white chocolate macadamia, please.»

“Okay, understood. Is that all right?»

“Is that okay with you?»


Seohyun, bowing her head, replied shortly.

Eunha took hold of her sleeve and guided her to the section where they were pouring the drinks.

“What would you like to drink?»

“Are you going to do this too?»

Seohyun complained.

Eunha just chuckled lightly, easily brushing off her irritation.

“Don’t get so annoyed. You might ruin that pretty face of yours.»

“…I’ll have orange Fanta.»

“Yes, as you wish.»

Eunha deliberately acted nonchalant as he poured the orange Fanta.

When he put the straw in and handed it to her, that’s when Seohyun finally relaxed her tense expression.

“Sharing it like this makes it really delicious! Unnie, right?»

“That’s right. Surprisingly good. I thought it would be some plain sandwich, but apart from the ordering part, it’s nice.»

All the sandwiches were ready.

Sitting at the table, the three of them shared the sandwiches they had ordered, eating to their heart’s content.

Seohyun, wiping her mouth with a tissue, seemed quite satisfied.

She took out a hand mirror to check if there was any sauce on her face.

“Noona, you haven’t tried hamburgers, have you?»

“I told you not to call me noona.»

“Seohyun, you haven’t tried hamburgers, right?»

“I’ve had homemade hamburgers.»

“Homemade ones are good too, but how delicious are the ones sold in chain restaurants… You’re missing out in life right now.»

“I don’t want to jeopardize my health.»

Isn’t homemade burgers the same?

Eunha thought so for a moment.

Then he shook his head, rebuffing it with his tongue.

“People don’t eat to live; they live to eat. Especially for delicious food.»

“Not me. I eat to live.»

“That’s why you’re missing out on life.»

“If you find that unacceptable….»

Seohyun closed her compact mirror, smirking slightly.

“Next time, take me to that burger place you’re talking about.»

“…I’ll think about it.»

“Oppa, I want a hamburger too!»

“I’ll consider it positively.»

He wouldn’t refuse to go.

It wasn’t something he had to do right away.

He made a vague promise.

For Eunae, it would be in the near future.

“Now you’re in sixth grade. Have you thought about which middle school to attend?»

That was the topic.

She, who wiped Eunae’s mouth, asked.

“I won’t go to middle school. I decided to go to Player Academy.»

“I thought you might say that.»

“Seohyun, are you planning to do the same?»


“Why do people around me think that was so obvious….»

Eunha tsked.

When he confessed that he wanted to be a Player, his family nodded as if they had expected it.

Others did the same.

Even Avernier was supportive, which made all the hard work he’d been doing seem like a waste.

“I guess I’ll have to get sponsored then.»

“It’s better to receive it.»

“Of course it’s going to be Sirius, right?»

Seohyun threw the question in a probing tone.

As if there were not more places to get sponsored besides Sirius.

As if he had to choose Sirius from among them.

What’s wrong with her?

Where else can I get sponsored besides Sirius?

The question was quickly answered.

She answered.

“With Alice’s sponsorship, there will be no shortage of potions while living in the Player Academy.»

“My dad’s in the Sirius group. Why would I want to be sponsored by Alice and not Sirius?»

“Is that so?»

She seemed to be in a good mood.

Eunha decided not to speak any more.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t considered being sponsored by Alice.

But Sirius’ sponsorship was very attractive.

Sirius was known for its player devices, and if he was sponsored by a group that was about to excel in the player library, he wouldn’t have to worry about devices.

Potions, they’ll get them from Alice’s sponsors.

Sirius was also allied with Alice.

He could get Alice’s potions through Sirius, and he also had Jung Hayang.

“Okay, then. I’ll tell my father.»

“Tell him what?»

“Tell him to add your name to the sponsorship list.»

“That’s why I like having close someone from the direct family.»

“If you’re thankful, say it.»

“Thank you. Really.»

In South Korea, various conglomerates held scholarship selection competitions for students taking the Player Academy entrance exam in the fall.

Originally, Eunha was supposed to take the scholarship selection competition organized by Sirius in September.

Of course, it was just a formality for him due to his father’s influence.

He had confidence in passing based on his abilities.

But Seohyun handled it for him.

He was truly grateful.

“From next month’s meeting, there will be training sessions for the kids applying to Player Academy. Eunha, you should participate there too.»

“I don’t have to do that….»

“And what if you fall?»

“How could I possibly fall?»

“Too much confidence leads to arrogance.»

His skills were not bad enough for him to worry about the entrance exam, especially considering it was just a secondary academy that focused on basic abilities, not a high-level academy.

“Aren’t you curious about what questions will be on the test this year? The instructors hired by Sirius are all competent. You won’t lose by joining them.»

“…I guess you’re right.»

Now that he thought about it, he wasn’t the only one taking the test.

He had friends taking the test.

It couldn’t hurt to listen.

“Okay. Then please sponsor me.»

“Sure. Do your best for me.»

Externally, Eunha nodded his head.

Internally, he scoffed in his mind.

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