Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 227: An Easily Deceived Lass

"He won! Calvin won!"

Fatty Zachary's piercing voice reverberated throughout the area.

When his words fell, the trainees and the officers around him finally awakened from their trance.

"Just what happened?"

The betting agent stared at the scene above the wooden podium.

"Calvin won?" He couldn't help but mutter to himself seeing the scene above the stage.

Indeed, Calvin seemed to have won given that his hand was placed on...

Christine's chest?

"Holy shit!" Fatty Zachary finally saw the scene up above the podium and his pupils constricted.

But then what followed afterwards was a piercing scream, "Brother! You won! Congrats!"

"Calvin actually won?!"

Fatty Zachary might be delighted by the turn of events, but the trainees were in despair.

The betting agent's eyes shone in an avaricious light. Most of the trainees had bet on Christine's victory. Even if he had to compensate Instructor Lawrence double than what he had staked, the betting agent would still earn about a hundred pesos. As a fellow trainee who had no source of income for food other than the government rations, hand-outs, and allowance...

A hundred pesos was a significant amount of money.

Furthermore, he didn't have to worry about anyone stealing his money.

How could people try to mug him when his status as the betting agent seemed to be legitimate...

Yes, legitimate.

People saw Instructor Lawrence bet on Calvin's victory on him, so the trainees thought that he must be a legitimate betting agent for the officers.

But even though the trainees were already thinking that Calvin had the victory on the bag, the betting agent still needed to wait for the authentication and recognition of both instructors. Unless they announced who had won the match, it was still unclear if he would really get the rewards that he deserved for his quick-thinking earlier.

"Instructor, sir! Who won?!" A trainee who had nonchalantly bet a peso coin for Calvin's victory earlier asked excitedly.

Instructor Lawrence didn't reply.

It was because he had no idea who won!

He leaped into the air, thinking that he had to forcefully stop the battle due to Christine's violation of using a lethal technique in a sparring session. But did she really use a lethal technique, or not? Because if she did, then Calvin would automatically claim the victory. Although it would probably be physically impossible since if Christine had indeed used a lethal technique—he would've probably been dead by now.

But since he was still standing.

Instructor Lawrence and Deputy Instructor Eutem were more inclined to believe that they had been mistaken.

However, they could swear with their lives on the line that the fluctuations they had witnessed and the wind that surrounded Christine earlier must be the result of the Allana Martial family's Art of Wind-Chasing's ultimate skill!

Left without a choice and under the threat of losing their face in front of the other trainees...

Instructor Lawrence turned to look at Christine and a gaze that seemed to be asking for help appeared in his eyes.

Christine let out a sigh. No matter what, she couldn't possibly be a sore loser and say that she won when she clearly lost.

In that battle, Calvin had thoroughly dominated her.

But she was dominated in a way that she couldn't understand at all in the entire fight.

It was only when Calvin landed that final palm strike did Christine understood.

Calvin was...

Calvin was using a Martial Art that seemed to be similar to the Art of Wind-Chasing but was actually even stronger than it!

Christine became filled with curiosity towards the young man. She wanted to know if Calvin stole the Martial Art from her family, or if he made it herself through a series of enlightenment and inspirations. If it was the latter, then Calvin was a genius that only appeared once every thousand years, but if it was the former...

Christine would definitely report her to the family patriarch!

But the question was, how was Christine supposed to ascertain which among the two choices was correct?

Well, there was a way to find this answer once and for all.

But it required Calvin's consent.

And Christine would never do the test without Calvin's contest after having received a boon from him.

"Calvin won..." Christine said these two words and the trainees erupted into cheers.

"Seriously...?" Deputy Instructor Eutem looked like he couldn't believe the words that came out of Christine's mouth.

Instructor Lawrence let out a sigh before he eventually erupted into a peal of laughter, "Eutem! Remember what you said before the match started! You're the one that's going to pay for everything that I will eat and fuck in Azucar for the next two weeks! Hahaha!"

"Damned it..." Deputy Instructor Eutem gnashed his teeth in frustration but there was nothing that he could do.

Calvin's lips repeatedly twitched.

These bastards...

Are they really instructors?

How could they bet on who will win in a battle between two trainees?

As for this Fatty, damn. This guy is shameless.

He obviously made a bet in support of Christine but he's acting like he's won the jackpot because of me.

Calvin could only shake his head.

The eventful morning soon came to a close.

Evening came and while Calvin was wandering the training grounds to go to the lavatory which was a few hundred meters away from their sleeping dormitory, a silhouette came descending upon him.

Calvin subconsciously entered a fighting stance.



"Why are you here? Damn, you scared me." Calvin sighed in relief.

"I'm here to find you."

"Oh? So straightforward, for what reason?" Calvin lightly chuckled.

"Fight me."

Christine calmly said, "I came here to ask you to fight me."

"Later, I'm about to go and visit the Instructor right now to ask some questions."

Calvin wanted to lie his way to escape Christine, but the lass was insistent...

"I'll accompany you, then."

"Sigh..." Calvin didn't bother with her anymore as he continued to walk in the direction of the lavatory.

But halfway through there, he stopped and asked, "Why are you following me?"

Christine raised her brows, "I just said that I'll accompany you to the Instructor's Quarters. Why does it feel like you are trying to avoid me?"

"Oh, finally you can take the hint? Also, let us say that I'll accept your invitation to fight. But a sparring session requires that both participants must be in their peak physical condition to prevent inconsistencies in their performance..."

"Do you really want to fight me right now even though I am so tired?" Calvin asked.

"Really? You're tired?" Christine sized him up, "Why did you react subconsciously when I appeared out of nowhere earlier? The fast movements that you displayed didn't seem to say that you're tired. Furthermore, your actions are also quite trained. Calvin, just who are you?"

"Hey, it's rude to ask for the identity of someone that you barely know!" Calvin retorted.

"How else am I supposed to know that person then, if I don't ask for his identity?" Christine cheekily replied.

"That actually makes sense." Calvin nodded his head, "But I still don't want to spar right now."

Calvin turned around and tried to continue on his way to the lavatory, but Christine stood in his way.

Fuck... I have to be in the shitter in five minutes or else I might not be able to hold this back...

Calvin started to sweat bullets and he was now getting annoyed with Christine.

"Really, just tell me what you want from me, please..." A pleading tone was now laced in his voice.

Christine who was acting like a stubborn duck that had just imprinted on Calvin promptly replied, "I want you to fight me."

"Out here in the middle of this training grounds?" Calvin asked, "Lass, it's the middle of the night... Are you sure that you want to fight when it's too dark? You might never know what will hit you once we fight."

"It's fine, I can use the wind currents to find out where you are." Christine confidently replied.

"It's not fine! It's too dark! How about we compete in something else for now instead of Martial Arts?" Calvin made a proposal.

"That will do, I guess?" Christine replied in doubt.

"Okay." Calvin nodded his head, "The stakes are as follows. Can you see the female dormitory area over there?"

"On the count of three, the first person to reach that area will win."

"If you managed to win against me in speed, then I will spar with you tonight. If not, then you will not bring up this sparring session again for the rest of the week..."

"Do you understand?"

Christine didn't even say anything. She simply nodded her head in response.

Calvin immediately crouched and prepared to run.

Christine also did the same and she stood beside him, exactly a few meters away.

"On my mark!"





As soon as his words fell, Christine immediately rushed out towards the female dormitory area with the fastest speed that she could muster.

She even activated the Art of Wind-Chasing as her latent Mana rushed towards her lungs and legs. 


"She's too easy to deceive!" 

Calvin mumbled in his heart.

He was somewhat surprised that the youngest daughter of the Allana Martial family of Ashmelion and the future Goddess of Blade had once been an easily deceived lass when she was young.

Christine Allana really seemed to be an innocent child that was untainted by the filthy environment of Ashmelion.

To think that she could easily be deceived!

Calvin inwardly chuckled.

Then, his expression suddenly paled as his stomach started rumbling.

Immediately afterwards, he ran and made a break for it towards the training camp's lavatory.

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