Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 226: Coaching During a Fight

"What about it, Calvin? Would you like to fight?" Instructor Lawrence asked, "It's uncommon to be able to throw hands with a woman. Especially when she is as beautiful as the daughter of the Allana Martial family."

Calvin shook his head, "Instructor, I'll pass..."

"Look at me!"

"I'm as thin as a matchstick, do you really think that I'll be able to survive a blow against Christine?" He jokingly said.

"I'm not as strong as you think, Instructor."

The following words were meant to serve as a warning which only further served to increase Instructor Lawrence's curiosity towards him.

Christine was staring at Calvin with a frown on her face.

She couldn't help but speak up, "Is the fatty there, your friend?"

Calvin glanced at Fatty Zachary and replied, "Sort of?"

"What do you mean, sort of! You're terrible, Calvin! You're my first boy, and you're just going to abandon me like this?"

Fatty Zachary interrupted and acted like an abandoned woman as he imitated a weeping widow.

The trainees stared at the scene in shock as they started to murmur with each other.

"Wait, Calvin is gay?"

"No, I don't think so, the fatty's probably lying."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Calvin was so annoyed by what he had heard that he turned to look at Christine and said, "He's sort of my friend recently, but now he's not."

"What?!" Fatty Zachary stared at Calvin in shock, "You... How could you just abandoned me like this so ea—"

"Shut up!" Calvin glared.

Fatty Zachary finally closed his mouth and he didn't say anything anymore.

Christine was utterly confused at what was happening, "Is he your friend, or not?"

"He's sort of a friend, I guess?" Calvin replied.

He had primarily talked with the Fatty in the past seven days since he discovered that no one seemed to actively approach the fatty.

The scenario was favorable to Calvin who wanted to stay low-key to avoid the eyes of the other Judiciaries.

This was the primary reason why he started talking to the fatty in the first place.

But the more he talked with the fatty, the more he realized that the latter was somewhat pitiful.

He came from a family of civil servants and it was expected that Fatty Zachary would also become one in the future.

However, instead of studying the four primary arts of the Kingdom: Calligraphy, Arithmetic, Etiquette, and Logic...

He lived a life of debauchery instead.

As a result, he was forced by his family to become an auxiliary police officer.

At least even though he wouldn't be involved with any politics, he could still be considered as a civil servant.

In a way, the family line still hadn't strayed from the path that they had chosen.

"Let's just say that you are his friend; are you not willing to help him get his justice?" Christine asked once more.

"I am very much willing to lend him a hand," Calvin replied.

"I don't need a man to lend me a hand!" Fatty Zachary interrupted.

"Shut up!" Christine glared at him. Fatty Zachary was now becoming annoying in her eyes.

"Are you willing or not?"

"I am!" Calvin promptly replied.

"Then, come up here and take a beating for him!" Christine commanded.

"No, thank you..." Calvin politely refused, "It's a lose-lose situation for me and a win-win situation for you."

"What are you talking about?" Christine furrowed his eyebrows, "How about you just say that you're a coward?"

"I might even start to respect you if you admit that you are one instead of going about it in such a roundabout manner!" Christine rolled her eyes at him which made Calvin bitterly smile inside.

'The future Goddess of Blade sure is a spicy individual...'

Calvin didn't show any of his emotions outside as he patiently explained, "This is a lose-lose situation for me because if I win, people will say that I won against a girl, and if I lost—people will say that I lost to a girl..."

"Wouldn't I still lose my honor either way?"

"This is why I shall politely refuse the kind offer." Calvin glanced at Instructor Lawrence.

'What a cunning brat!'

Instructor Lawrence inwardly said.

Calvin's words made sense and there was a coherent logic in them.

However, Instructor Lawrence still had a way to force him to fight.

"My intuition tells me that you can do it. Go up and impress us."

Calvin shook his head.

"What a wimp. Almost all of the trainees had gone up. Only you haven't displayed your skills to us, yet! What did you even come here for? It would be a huge embarrassment if someone as cowardly as you becomes an auxiliary police officer!"

Instructor Lawrence used his charisma to force the crowd to support his opinion.

Calvin quickly found himself pressured by the flak.

"That's right, Calvin! Why are you being such a coward? She might be a woman, but she's a member of a Martial family!"

"Yes, that's right! We won't disdain you for it even if you lose against her! It's a matter of course! It's natural to lose against someone like her!"

"Yeah, we won't mock you for losing Calvin..."

"But we will surely criticize you for being such a coward!"

"That is why we want you to go up there and fight!"

"Fight for your sake!"

"Fight for us!"

"You can do it!"

The trainees exclaimed with Fatty Zachary in the lead.

At first, Calvin felt somewhat moved to hear their words.

But when he noticed the gloating looks on the faces of the trainees...

Calvin discovered that they weren't sincere in supporting him.

They just wanted to see him getting his ass handed over to him by Christine.

'T-T-These bastards...'

"Hey, Calvin! Go ahead and fight her! I'll go and bet for your victory!"

Fatty Zachary exclaimed as he took a peso coin from his pocket and muttered towards the betting agent in a low voice, "Christine. All-in."

"Wait, didn't you just say that—"

"Shh! That was obviously a lie! Do you think that bastard will be able to defeat a daughter from a Martial family?"

"I was just making him feel good, that's all." Fatty Zachary rolled his eyes at the betting agent.

"But why bother being so dishonest?" The betting agent couldn't understand.

Fatty Zachary shrugged as he casually explained in a low voice. "Well, this is what friends do to each other. That's all."

The voices of the two were low that the others couldn't possibly hear them.

But who was Calvin?

Calvin was a Predator whose senses had been enhanced!

The other trainees might not be able to hear their conversation, but Calvin could hear it as clear as day.

Hearing the fatty's words, Calvin didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

"All right, I'll go and fight, okay? Are you guys satisfied now?" Calvin rolled his eyes at the other trainees and they rejoiced in excitement.

Instructor Lawrence secretly hopped over to the betting agent and he made a bet to Calvin's victory, much to the excitement of the students who were worried that their betting system might collapse due to the lack of betting supporters behind Calvin.

But with Instructor Lawrence betting twenty pesos at once...

The betting agent felt at ease and business became booming once more.

Calvin was aware of all of these and the idea in his mind—that Instructor Lawrence was suspicious of his true power was further reinforced.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh.

'How troublesome...'


As Calvin was walking up the wooden podium, he suddenly thought of an idea.

'The Allana Martial family's Art of Wind-Chasing is still an unpolished martial technique...'

'Perhaps I might be able to help Christine find the true path to the peak of the Art of Wind-Chasing through this fight?'

'But how?'

'I can use the Art of Wind-Chasing to guide her, but it would be incredibly suspicious if I just suddenly used the same martial art as her despite not being a member of the same family.'

Calvin thought hard and long and he didn't realize that he had just stepped inside the ring.

It was when Christine made her move did Calvin awaken from his trance.

"Don't you dare turn your attention away from me!"

Christine closed the distance of five meters in a blink of an eye.

Calvin raised his head and he could vaguely see the faint movements of Mana underneath her skin through his Predator Senses.

The Art of Wind-Chasing was a destructive martial art that not only brought devastation to its enemies but it also greatly enhanced the movement capabilities of its user.

However, this particular attribute of the martial art made it so that it was incredibly difficult to learn—even when one was particularly compatible with the art.

Being the rudimentary version of the Art of Mana Manipulation, the concept used in the Art of Wind-Chasing was more vaguely defined than the concepts used in the Art of Mana Manipulation.

But both of them were basically the same, although the Art of Mana Manipulation was more of the Art of Wind-Chasing's parent.

And as a master of the Art of Mana Manipulation...

Calvin was obviously more powerful than Christine.

But he wasn't out here to prove that point.

He was out here to impart some valuable knowledge and insights to Christine.

And what other way was less suspicious than imparting insights in the middle of battle?

Calvin took a step backward to dodge the incoming kick.

"Too slow!"

Christine sneered.

She lashed out with a kick towards Calvin's ankles.

She was clearly trying to make him slip and fall to the ground.

But Calvin dodged it with a simple hop.


Christine was astonished by the steadiness and calmness that Calvin displayed in the face of her attack.

But she had no time to marvel at what she had seen as Calvin twisted his body and sent a kick directly at her chest.

"That's futile!" Christine raised her arms to block the kick.

She circulated the latent Mana in her body to help her block the incoming attack, however... when Calvin's foot landed on the back of her forearm. He struck one of her acupoints in a stroke of luck, causing the Mana in her body to seize up and malfunction.

As a result, her forearm didn't receive the reinforcement of her Mana.


A crisp sound rang out as Calvin's naked foot landed squarely on her forearm.


The force that Christine received made her exclaim in shock and pain as she stumbled backwards.


The trainees stared at this scene, dumbfounded.

'What just happened?'

Even Deputy Instructor Eutem looked confused.

He glanced at Instructor Lawrence and found that the latter was also in deep contemplation.


"What did you do?"

Christine knew more than anyone as to what happened the moment Calvin's foot made contact with her forearm.

Calvin simply smiled. Instead of answering, he responded with a kick.

Christine raised her arm once more to block the attack, but the same thing happened.

The moment Calvin's naked foot made contact with her arm, her Mana would seize up and cease to function.

'What is going on?!'

Christine started to panic.

Calvin's attacks were starting to make her feel the pressure.

It wasn't that Christine wasn't doing her best to fight.

She was doing everything that she could to resist Calvin's attacks, but every time his fists or feet made contact with her body.

Her Mana would strangely malfunction, rendering her helpless.

Calvin was staring at Christine with a helpless look on his face.

'How dense was this girl?'

'He had sent no less than twenty attacks since their fight started, yet she still can't understand?'

'Take a hint, young miss!'

Calvin screamed in his heart.

He closed the distance once more and started an attack with his palm opened wide.

Christine retreated backward, but Calvin pursued her to the corner of the wooden podium.

Gnashing her teeth, Christine inwardly cursed, "Damn it! Am I going to be forced to use that?"

Seeing Calvin moving closer to her, Christine knew that she had to make a decision.

Taking a wide stance, she raised both of her hands into the skies before she brought them down at the same time.

"Ultimate: Wind Blades!"

Calvin's pupils constricted. 'This girl... did he just use a killing technique in a sparring match?'

He was about to get off the wooden podium and retreat when he realized that the Wind Blades didn't seem to contain the lethality that it originally had.

'This girl... She has excellent and fine control over her Mana!'

'To think that she could reduce the strength of a killing technique to the point that it would become non-lethal!'

Calvin instantly saw through what she was planning to prove by using a killing technique.

She was planning on proving something!

She wanted to prove that Calvin's neutralization of her latent Mana was only a coincidence!

'Did this girl already forget that we have already exchanged close to thirty attacks now? How could there be such a coincidence in this world?'

Calvin shook his head.

But he could somehow understand what Christine was going through right now.

It was probably shocking for her to know that someone else knew her body and technique more than her.

Yes, she was thinking that Calvin knew every nook and cranny of her body due to the fact that he was able to neutralize each and every gathering point of her Mana to the extent that he was rendering her Art of Wind-Chasing useless in the fight.

Christine wanted to prove that she was stronger than Calvin's assumptions...

She wanted to prove that she wasn't someone that could be underestimated.

But both Instructors didn't know that Christine was using a non-lethal version of a killing technique.

It was because the moment they saw the faint circulating winds around her body, they instantly realized what was about to happen.

'She's using Wind Blades?! Is she crazy?!'

Deputy Instructor Eutem cried out in his heart.

Instructor Lawrence awakened from his stance faster than Eutem.

He leaped onto the wooden podium, but even his swift reaction was too slow in the face of the Wind Blades.

By the time he appeared in mid-air, Calvin's palm was already flying towards Christine.


'He's going to die!'

Instructor Lawrence lamented in his heart.


A huge explosion rang out.

A cloud of dust dotted the skies as the trainees and the officers observing the fight found themselves unable to see what was happening on the podium.

They also found it hard to breathe.

"What the fuck just happened?" The trainees were confused.

"Are we being attacked by an enemy?"

"Are you retarded? This is a training base full of armed personnel. What kind of enemy would do such a bold attack?"

A ruckus descended among the crowd, but as the dust cleared up...

The scene above the wooden podium shook them to their very core.

Christine was standing in front of Calvin, while the latter's palm was pushed onto Christine's sternum.

His palm was dangerously close to Christine's modest bosom. 

"Can you understand?"

Calvin asked with a smile.

Christine's lips twitched, "Yes..." 

She stared at Calvin as if she was staring at a monster. 

Then, she suddenly blushed as she politely asked, "By the way can you move your hand off my chest?" 

"Oh, my bad..." 

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