Records Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Chapter 30 Vampire, Detective, Hunter

The vampire couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his lips left the forehead of the sleeping woman, and gently closed the door. Old Hank glanced at Zach who had carefully exited the room, curved his lips, and slowly went downstairs, holding the handrail. Alas, Old people are always the ones that get up the earliest.

The Grande Funeral Home ushered in the darkest moment before dawn. Zach got into Benjamin’s van and left the Grande Funeral Home again before the werewolf woke up.

The vampire was too tempting to the current werewolf, and Zach didn’t want to take this risk.

Returning to Highway 27, Zach’s destination was very clear. The villa by the sea in the northern boundary of the Southern District of Barton. We can’t guess the vampire’s mental activity last night. Perhaps it was a momentary impulse caused by the residual human nature, or it was just a practical consideration of “I can’t enter the villa anyway, and I choose to wait.” In short, last night has passed, and hunters will eventually come out of that abandoned villa. All the vampire needs are for them to step out.

The sun dispelled the darkness, and above the eastern sea level, a huge fire wheel reminded all nocturnal creatures, ‘Your time is over’. Zach grasped the steering wheel with one hand and took out his metal square wine bottle to replenish himself with some food. This is the different way of eating between the normal days and before the battle.

It was just dawn, so there was no other traffic on the road. Precisely because of this, the black car driving from the right (east) of Zach was very conspicuous. And it is not the common farmer’s vehicles such as vans and trucks in the South District of Barton.

Zach frowned, stepped on the gas pedal, and blocked the car before it turned to Highway 27!

“Damn it! What are you doing!”

After the rapid braking sound, the black car stopped dangerously on the right side of the truck!

James pushed open the car door with red eyes, “What are you doing! Do you want me to die here? !”

Zach did not get out of the car, rolled down the window, leaned on the window with one hand, and looked to James Rance, who walked around the truck in a panic, and walked to the left, “Why are you here? Detective Rance.”

Helplessly, The vampire noticed that he would always run into unexpected people in this place.

James’ dark brown hair was messy, and the collar of his shirt was folded inward, and the dark circles under his eyes were more obvious than yesterday. He didn’t speak and stared at the expressionless vampire in the van.

“Don’t tell me that you are here to tip them off.” Zach tapped the steering wheel with his fingers.

“Yes, I am!” James pressed his thick brows and said, “What can you do!”

“Okay.” Zach turned his head and looked straight ahead. “I’m very disappointed, and Mr. Hermann will be very disappointed too.”


James hit the door with a punch!

“Don’t drag Hermann into this! !” Being caught in the vortex of two kinds of justices, this young detective lost the demeanor of a general’s son! “It has nothing to do with Hermann…”

James grabbed Zach’s arm that was resting on the window and stared at the vampire angrily: “You! Why are you forcing me!”

“Oh? Is it me?” Zach pushed away James’ hand: “You should know that it was not I who put the body back in that place, it was Ryan’s parents.” Zach looked down at James with a grim look: “You don’t want to get Hermann involved, then what about Ryan’s parents? What kind of parents would allow their son to disappear without any trace, twice?”

James’ clenched his hands into fists, he kept resisting the pressure that the vampire gave him. However, the vampire kept giving him new pressure and slammed it into his heart!

“No!” James shook his head, “Ryan is already dead! He shouldn’t exist! ”

“Yours is right.” Zach chuckled lightly. “So he ‘should’ be dug out and burned. If I remember correctly, this is also illegal. Even if he has a second chance, your job is to ensure that no one has a second chance?”

James was trembling all over, whether it was anger or something else.

“Look at yourself.” Zach looked at James and shook his head: “You ruined my early morning mood. Now, get out of here.” Well, we know that the vampire is telling the truth.

Zach turned the key and started the truck again.

“Wait!” James heard the roar of the old truck’s engine and slammed the door again: “What are you doing? !”

“What do you think?” Zach turned the steering wheel and unblocked James’ car, obviously, he was going to the east. “If the detective can’t finish his job, I have to do it myself.”

“No!” James took a quick step, followed the turning truck, and grabbed the window with one hand: “Revenge said that they lost contact with the people in the Northern District! Did you do it? ! You can’t do this! You have no right to…”

Zach held the steering wheel with his right hand and rolled up the window with his left hand. James’ fingers rose with the glass and eventually separated from the window. Then the voice of the detective was blocked outside the truck. Zach drove towards the villa.

The street lights are still broken, and the roads are getting narrower and narrower. Zach shook his head helplessly, listening to the horns from behind, James seemed to be determined to follow him!

Horns is not a sound that the vampire would like to hear, because…

From the direction of the villa, drove out another old car.

James’ horns sounded more quickly, and Zach slowed down, calculating the distance. The old car drove out of the area where the rusty sign was located. Zach smiled and waved to the hunters who drove past him, stepped on the accelerator, accelerating past the old car, turned the steering wheel sharply, and cut off the exit of the old car!

James’ head popped from the side of his car.

“Run! Revenge! He is a vampire! !”

Revenge, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, looked at James who had just left and returned in surprise, ‘What is he talking about? vampire? vampire? !’


The door on the driver’s side of the old car has been torn off and flew away!

“We meet again.” Zach’s body has completely gone into the car, holding the hand brake with one hand, and pressing the other hand on the back of the driver’s seat. He smiled and looked at the man driving the car, the hunter he had tortured before.

Remember, memories will never disappear, they are just buried, buried by memories that the brain thinks are real. When the same situation occurs, memories that were once considered ‘false’ will begin to return to mind. Just like most people don’t remember the vampire’s eyes turning red, but Louise, who knows Zach’s identity, knows that she was once hypnotized.

When Zach appeared in front of the hunter again in a posture that did not conform to ordinary people, the hunter who had seen the real image of a vampire once, broke through the blockade of the false memory of the hypnotizing eyes. He remembered everything he had experienced at the Grande Funeral Home four days ago.

Looking at the twinkling light in the hunter’s eyes, the vampire’s goal of confusing the enemy was achieved, and he did not continue to give him time to react. This posture is very suitable for the vampire to bite through the blood vessels in the opponent’s neck!

So the vampire did it!

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

The violent gunfire came from the front of James’ straight arm!

The eyes of the vampire buried behind the hunter’s neck suddenly turned bright red! Silver bullet!

“JAMES! . . . .”

The black afterimage ran across the narrow road in a small area surrounded by three cars pointing in different directions!

“Uh!” James felt his feet leave the ground, and the scene in his field of vision quickly was spinning quickly. “Bang!”

There was a sharp pain behind James! He has been pressed down on the front cover of his car by the vampire with his face facing the sky!

On the constricted collar, the palm of the vampire pressed on James’ throat, and the compressed trachea lost its ability to draw air! And the wrist of the right hand has been grabbed by the vampire and bent into an incredible angle in the light bone-cracking sound! The black gun spun in the air and fell to the ground!

The sound of metal colliding, the bounce of a tight crossbow string, the whistling sound of metal takes piercing the air!

The vampire’s coat was torn in the air!

James held his neck with his left hand and slipped from the car cover in a violent cough. James’s right arm was weirdly drooping to his side, but he didn’t have time to care about his right arm, sitting on the ground with both knees, his eyes glanced left and right, and finally saw the gun dropped on the right side of the car.

The front door of the hunter’s vehicle that was thrown to the side was picked up by a black figure and blocked in front of him. “Bang, bang, bang!” The stakes pierced the lifted car door, reflecting the silver light in the sun, but was unable to penetrate!

“Find cover!”

Revenge yelled, controlling the modified crossbow with one hand, and reaching his waist with the other hand! The pin on the front end of a fist-sized ball pulled out and the ball was thrown away!

The pupils of James who had just taken the gun back suddenly constricted! He opened the passenger door of his car, and despite the severe pain from his right hand, he jumped into the car!

“Boom!” !!

Silver! The silver light spot instantly wrapped the space surrounded by these three cars!

The explosion of the car window glass, the roar of steel being penetrated by metal…


The door of the car that was used by the vampire fell, and the door that was like a honeycomb hit the ground, and then collapsed weakly.

The custom-made clothes of the vampire were riddled with holes, and the bright red blood wet his whole body!

Zach raised his arm and pulled out a silver nail that was not deeply embedded in his left chest! Sizzle! Without the obstacle of silver, the bloody wounds began to heal slowly. Slow, very slow!

“Get back! Let’s get back! “Revenge yelled, and together with another hunter, dragged his companion who was half-conscious and was still holding the bleeding wound on his neck out of the car!

The hunters did not relax. A vampire who can move in the sun is not so easy to be killed!

Revenge kept holding the crossbow vigilantly with one hand, and continued to reach his waist with the other, his fingers fell on a lighter and a brown leather bag!

“Boom!” !

The hunter’s car, already riddled with holes, shook violently under the sudden impact!

James tremblingly raised his head from his car, and the blood-stained vampire was kneeling on the ground weakly. Behind him, a dark-brown, dark-brown…wolf? !


The howl of the beast came out from the mouth of the creature that was lifting the entire car from one side!

The hunters who were leaning on the other side of the car for cover opened their eyes wide! They watched their car roll over and fall on top of them.

Benjamin, who has completely turned into a wolf that is much taller than a person, landed on the ground with his… actually, its sturdy front paws, and its head that made people involuntarily frightened turned slightly. Then its brown eyes noticed that the vampire was on his knees with his head bowed down, not moving. The deep growls instantly came out from its throat.

The heavy breath stirred up the dust on the ground, and the sharp claws were clawing the ground! Finally, it lowered its body, moved its limbs, dashed, and disappeared from James’s vision!

The sound of a car from far to near appeared behind James, and James turned his head with difficulty. The door of the vehicle behind was opened, and Old Hank, Alice, Jim, who turned into his appearance, Louise, and Maddison who he had only seen a few times, rushed out of the car.

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