Records Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Chapter 29 Found You

It was past midnight and most of the city of Barton had fallen asleep. Zach was driving Benjamin’s truck through the streets under the dim lights.

Zach knew that the hunters had not left the city of Barton. The reason was very simple. Tomorrow night, there will be a full moon. When dealing with David the shape-shifter, Benjamin released new rumors that there is an Alpha in Barton. Those nonhumans who left or went hiding because of fear will spread this rumor. Hunters who don’t want to hunt Alpha are not good hunters.

Of course, it is very stupid to provoke a pack of werewolves on the night of the full moon, but the forced transformation of the full moon will expose the place where the werewolves hide. If the hunter wants to discover the identity of the werewolves, tomorrow night is the best time.

When torturing the hunters at the Grande Funeral home, Zach had already asked about the traps the hunters had set in Barton. According to the habit of werewolves, the transformation will be in relatively large woods, avoiding contact with people. The woods in the south of the Grande Funeral home, which is penetrated by Highway 27, the woods in the Western District of Barton and Newton, the woods in the west of Passing District… Traps have been set up in these places by hunters to track werewolves.

A kind of medicinal herb called Aconite can stay in the werewolf’s body, and even if the transformation is removed, it will leave traces on the person. The wolf pack is a tribal society, and the activities of the group action are mostly predation. Once a wolf eats an animal that has been infused with aconite herbs, his human identity will be exposed, and hunters can use this as a clue to discover the entire pack.

But they obviously made a mistake. Benjamin was the only one in his pack.

Zach didn’t inspect these woods. As I said before, it was foolish to contact a werewolf when the moon was full, so it would be foolish to stay in those woods within the first three days of the full moon. Because the responsible Alpha will check the safety of the transformation place for the safety of the wolf pack.

This provides convenience for Zach. The places he searched have been reduced a lot. Three of the hunters’ bases obtained from the torture have been excluded by him. If possible, the vampire would use a full hiccup to express his satisfaction at this time. He was now driving to the last place, because his main target has not yet appeared.

The truck entered Barton Southern District from Highway 27 and turned into the branch road to the east. After leaving the Northern District, street lights become a luxury item. It often takes half a kilometer to see a slanted light pole with a broken lampshade on the side of the road.

No one knew how long it had passed, the road gradually became narrow, and the sound of the waves came into Zack’s ears. The vampire stopped the car and started walking in the dark. Five minutes later, a rusty sign was erected on the side of the road – ‘Private Property, No Trespassing’. The vampire stretched out a finger. The red sparks were particularly conspicuous in the dark. Now we know why Zach chose this place to be the last.

Barton is a young city, so failed investments are not uncommon. For example, in front of the vampire, a hundred meters away, the villa erected by the sea was abandoned by its owner.

The vampire turned sideways in the dark, and his gaze did not leave the villa in front of him, and he began to circle to the left.

The voice of a man soon came into his ear.

“What is going on? They did not answer my call! ”

The vampire recognized this voice. It was the guy he had interrogated, the hunter who chose the latter option between ‘become a vampire and die’ and ‘say everything’. Of course, he would not remember that he betrayed his partners.

“Maybe they moved.”

This is the hunter who used flames to remove a layer of skin from the vampire.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow we will go into the city and have a look.”

When this voice appeared, there were obvious pauses and inhalations, accompanied by the sound of tearing bandages. It should be Revenge Gale whose gunshot wound has not healed.

“Where is that woman?”

The vampire had walked around to the left side of the villa, stopped, and looked at the reef in the dark ahead.

“I don’t know. Maybe outside.”

“Hey! Louise! Do you want to catch a cold! Come in.”

The vampire watched the woman standing on the reef turning her head in the call, and the night wind on the beach blew her loose curly hair. Louise gathered the blanket around her body, ignored the call from the villa, and continued to turn her head, looking at the dark sea, not knowing what she was thinking.

Our vampire Zach frowned. Why is Louise here?

“Louise.” Zach’s figure was hidden in the cracks between the reefs, but he did not approach her. It was not that he was worried that he would be spotted by the light, but that he was going to be wiped out if he went one step further.

Louise seemed to shiver and turned her head vigilantly. There was no one else on the reef except her. Louise smiled helplessly, her slender fingers tucked the disheveled hair behind her ears.


Louise was dazed again. She looked around and moved her steps. She even stretched her neck to look down the reef in front of her. There was still no one. Louise sighed in melancholy, but in the sound of the waves, no one except the vampire could hear this sigh.

“Left, down.” The vampire hinted helplessly to this beautiful woman who he didn’t know what she was thinking.

Louise’s big eyes were widened. This time, she confirmed that she did not have auditory hallucinations for some reason!


Louise lowered her head and looked down at Zach standing in the gap from the reefs. Her surprised call was stopped by the vampire.

“Go over there.” Zach raised his head and looked at Louise with the light in his eyes, and made a gesture.

Louise blinked, and the person in the crevice had disappeared.

Louise jumped off the reef and someone in the villa shouted, “Hey! Don’t leave the confines of this house!”

Another voice said calmly: “Let her go, there will be no vampires if there are werewolves with an Alpha here.”

Well, the thing is that common sense will make people disappointed in unexpected places.

Away from the reefs outside the villa, Zach leaned against the black cold rock and watched Louise walking with a blanket, “Why are you here.”

Louise’s joy at the sight of Zach was blown away by a single sentence.

“Why are you here!” Louise stared into the vampire’s eyes.

Zach frowned, not preparing to answer Louise’s question, and persistently asked: “Why you are here.”

Because of the cold night breeze on the beach, Louise bit her lower lip that was slightly pale and looked at the vampire quietly: “Why do you want to ask, isn’t it faster to use your red eyes?”

“Do you want me to bend your will?” Zach looked at the woman, red color began to spread in his eyes.

Louise did not speak, between her slender eyebrows, her brows slowly approached each other, and her bitten lower lip was trembling slightly, but she did not move her gaze away from Zach’s eyes, a faint of disappointment was forming between the eyebrows of this beautiful woman.

Red color occupied Louise’s vision, and the vampire’s voice was cold and calm: “Tell me why you are with hunters?”

Eventually, Louise’s disappointment did not appear in front of Zach, her face became calm while she was looking at those red eyes.

“I’m very scared.” Louise’s voice didn’t have any emotions and she began to answer the questions asked by the vampire under the command of the hypnotizing eyes.

“I’m scared every day and night.”

“In the crowd, I don’t know if the people around me have become monsters. On the road that doesn’t have anyone, I am scared that something will suddenly appear behind me and devour me.”

“I became paranoid. Whenever I get home, I will check to see if anything has been moved. Whenever I have a conversation with someone, I dare not look into the other person’s eyes. Whenever I touch other people unintentionally, I have to remember carefully if the other person’s body temperature is cold…”

Zach frowned.

“I am afraid. I am afraid of everything, people, things, day, night, streets, buildings, I don’t know what to do.”

Perhaps this time, it should be the time when a normal man says, “You can go back to the Grande Funeral Home”. Zach the vampire opened his mouth.

“And you.”

Zach closed his mouth again.

“You said: ‘If you feel insecure, you should trust your instincts and leave here.’” (Volume 2 Chapter 5)

Louise’s calm expression became agitated!

“What kind of man would say this to a woman!”

Zach frowned deeper, and Louise didn’t stop.

“Of course I will feel insecure because you refuse to tell me anything! What does ‘your descendants’ mean? ! Am I still myself? What am I to you? ! You did not tell me anything!”

“So I left! I left the only place where I would not wake up from a nightmare, worry about touching people, or worry about being hurt by monsters! Then, I lived in fear again! I didn’t know what to do!”

Louise hugged her shoulders and squatted on the damp and cold ground. The disheveled hair covered most of her face, and her voice was sad and aggrieved.

“So I went to James. Although he is too idealistic and not very practical, at least he is very frank and has enough responsibility. I just want to borrow a sense of security. ”

Zach’s brows smoothed, and he looked at the woman squatting in front of him helplessly.

“I think no one is safe.” Louise raised her head and looked at Zach with teary eyes: “I’m just happy, I at least helped him a little bit. Then I realized that I shouldn’t seek a sense of security from others at all.”

Crystal tears streaked down Louise’s face, but the grievances and sadness on her face had disappeared. It became slightly cold and firm.

“So, I found the lucky, wounded hunter, Revenge, from James At least, I have to learn to protect myself!”

Louise’s misty eyelashes moved as she spoke. She had already explained why she was here. From the beginning, she didn’t plan to show her fragility in front of Zach again. As she answered this question, she realized that the vampire had really used the hypnotizing eyes on her.

Louise tightened the blanket on her body and stood up slowly. She avoided Zach’s gaze, not wanting to let her disappointment fall in the eyes of the man in front of her.

“I answered your question, you should answer mine.” Louise’s voice calmed down.

The sound of waves hitting the reefs frequently floated in the air, like a rhythmic heartbeat. In the damp and cold night, our vampire Zach looked at Louise, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the stars reflected in his light green eyes: “I’m here to find you.”

Louise couldn’t avoid the vampire anymore, and under her long eyelashes, her eyes were also filled with stars.

“Now that I found you, it’s time to go home.”

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