Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 60: Dungeon Part 2

Tyr shouts directing the dance of battle. He is a poor orchestrator. Lucky for the girls his sheer vast experience means that his advice. Is refining out the error in their combat quickly. Amalya the most competent fighter is using her Spirit Guardian class. Much like the Slayer without any of the downsides. Slayers are the most aggressive of Guardians. Their unique ability allows them to make a shield that is also a weapon. This allows them to an additional weapon on the other hand. The shield weapon combos are as varied as each simple weapon combines with a shield in its own way. Tyr favourite is a variant on the slayer. Is when a summoner advances into the Slayer advance Guardian class. The classes allow them to summon a living shield similar to a golem. The difference is of course it is attached to the player. Pritam0023 is the player who used this variant to the fullest since he had a special summoner class.

The Lizardmen are being felled like wheatgrass during harvest season. They have been slowly moving towards the first Dragon Egg. A searing pain explodes ominous music playing in the background. The team fight harder Tyr brings out his shield a boss monster is coming. He only hopes not from behind them.

Tyr says, "Once you kill that monster, a boss will appear." The wall of the tunnel pulses as the shadow of a long monster shimmers past them. It is massive enough that the head alone starts at the bottom of the tunnel reaching up almost one point five meters around in the tunnel. Tyr swallows that is a type of lower dragon. All in all, there are twelve dragon types with six high dragons and twelve lower. While he can't be sure which one the shadow is. He is sure that it is a lower dragon. There is only one place in the whole world that has every kind of Dragon and that is the continent of Deguria hidden home of the Dragons. 

The slew of enemies has pushed their levels to fifteen. Over the past six hours with an hours rest is a good time. To level five times they may have been the last team in Sunken Reef to do it but that is because the others are in the middle of the excitement.  Of course, Tyr wants to go faster but his team build doesn't allow for that yet. 

Nineth Immortal falls to her knees she cries out in pain. Three roars sound off each hitting the last Lizardman. The ground trembles terribly in terror at the rising mound becoming a Lindwuurm. A lindwuurm is a mighty snake-like lower dragon with no feet or wings. Toughed horns on its head and this one, in particular, is golden. An ear wrenching roar! Nearly knocks them off their feet. Nineth's arm glows lifting her into the air exploding with power. The image of the dragon priest aura envelops her bringing into the Lindwuurms' maw. 

He chants in old Speak Lindwuurm shrinks from its impressive 150 level to level 15 fifteen. Its golden scales are now more of a shimmer on green scales. Its size is now a manageable twenty meters as opposed to the three miles of monster that had just filled the tunnel. 

Tyr says, "Rena quickly defend Nineth, That bastard is about to drop in the middle of the field." The dragon priest flickers out of existence going back to the molten hell that is his haven. Nineth Immortal Flaps her red silver wings being inside of the range of the Lindwuurm is not to her advantage. Being able to fly is the only reason she isn't dead right now. She activates her tamer skill [Monster Analyses]. It allows her to see the stats of a monster.   

[Weakend Lindwuurm - Ancient Monster]

level 15 


Info: An ancient monster that has grown up in the shadow of a temple. It is a fast and capable fighter! 

Skill 1: Strike!

SKill 2: Dragions Breath 

Skill 3: Coil

skill 4: Recoil

Skill 5: Gaze!

Utility skill 1: Lindwuurm Legacy

Utility skill 2: Crysopel Aspect

Passive 1: Hardened scales

Passive 2: ???????

Nineth Immortal shivers in astonishment as she posts the details she can see on the team chat. Rena is the first to explode. This creature is insanely strong and she can't see how they can win. Tyr is also surprised by the number of skills. Typically when an NPC intervenes like this the monster would lose all special attributes. The ancient title is why it's so strong normally a lindwuurm is not this strong at this level. 

Nineth Immortal can't see any more than just the basic overview of the monster. Unlike how she hoped certain things can only be experienced. The Lindwuurm whips its tail at Nineth Immortal who is flying towards the others. A lion appears smashing into it, Rena is thrown back a value of twenty appearing over the Lindwuurm. While a red one hundred oozes out of her. She coughs up blood at this level she only has about two hundred health in total. To lose half her health to a simple attack shows how much the consecrated ground aura is affecting them. Tyr as a warrior only has One hundred and sixty-five health however his speed is more than enough to keep up.

Nineth Immortal says, "Be careful the fall added to your damage. Use a potion Tyr and Amalya support her Lucinda stay in reserve in case of an emergency." Tyr opens his mouth before decided to follow her lead. At this point of the game, death is expected. NOt that Tyr will allow that. His shield can't handle the damage this Lindwuurm outputs but he can help a lot. The Lindwurrm pulls itself together. The words flash in bright gold as they are all now in the fight each of them having attacked. 

Rena and Tyr Scream, "Get Down!!!" The Lindwuurm had coiled and like a fountain spews great balls of fire every three seconds for thirty seconds. It takes only a second fireball for them to realise that they can dodge as most hit around them. The ground lights up as the fireball gets closer so as long as one is not in the light they won't get hit. Lucinda fires as she is furthest in the rear. Her Tiger spirit cannon is the strongest attacker amongst her sisters. A tiger shape fire dart punches the Lindwuurm on its reverse scale. The upside soft scale at the nape of its neck. This is lucky even a seasoned player would have a hard time hitting its reverse scale on a regular basis. 

The Lindwuurm hisses continuing even as it received three hundred damage. It becomes more like a volcano the fireballs doubling forcing everyone to dodge. Nineth Immortal shoots Tyrs' crossbow as she flies. Like a ragtag bunch of soldiers, all the girls attack after every dodge. Rena ran closer to the centre of the Lindwuurm hoping that it has a minimum range. She and the Lindwuurm exchange damage one hundred for one hundred and three. Still running closer she takes a potion. Beside her, a leopard slams into the Lindwuurm coiled body producing a meagre eighty-eight lose its life. 

Tyr is fighting for his life the fireballs seem intent on ruining his health. Every step of his is followed by three fireballs. Amalya fires first following her Spirit shot that deals only one hundred and twenty to the Lindwuurm. She has timed almost perfect as it is returning to its normal fighting stance. Her Spirit shot hits it in the side under the jaw. 

Nineth immortal says, "Let's get it." After an attack like that, it must either be weakened. Tyr is right next to Amalya. The pair leading the damage charge. value of red and plain white spread across the Lindwuurm body. The Monster slams its tail much like a spear at Tyr. The rattle of his shield shouting to him as fifty health floats away from him. 

Lindwuurm, "Careful it has a high damage." As Tyr is a level fifteen with a shield blocking at least seventy damage. He still lost almost a quarter of his total health. 

Lindwuurm bodies Rena literally. Sprawling out its body to push her back into the wall. It follows with a Lunge at Lucinda. She matches it with a shield bash making sure to stay on the ground so she is not shot back like her sister was. The players let loose skills matching the Lindwuurm every move. They are fighting a losing battle. After a minute of the intense low-level battle. The Lindwuurm has only lost one thousand and seven health. 

Amalya says, "Can't you use that same skill from before." Her shout stifled under the roar of her spirit cannon firing a simple attack. At the hardened scales of the Lindwuurm, she dodges its strike! The piercing attack must be dodged Tyr has learnt that the hard way after talking three shot and now losing his shield.

Rena says, "Doesn't he look faster though?" Tyr without his shield is fighting like he normally would. Being a warrior he realises mostly of passive and critical attacks to win. Of course he will be also adding skills he smiles as he remembers the conversation that leads them to split up right after agreeing to work as one team. 

a few hours earlier, everyone is sitting at their respective biobed. They are inside the play zone where they can shop for household goods on the Extrasolarnet. Raul is standing in the middle of conference room they are in. 

Raul says, " The shifting Island is more important than you think." 

[Author note: From the net chapter on Player damage increased because writing grind isn't as fun as I thought. This should make grinding faster but boss fights are still engaging and not twelve chapters of -99  etc. ---Yes I just used hyperbole.]

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