Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 59: Dungeon clear part 1

[Author Note: This chapter marks one hundred thousand words!!! Thank you so much for the support so far let's get to one million!!! Yes, I am accepting gifts for this achievement lol!!! Jokes aside thank you please do enjoy.]

After five hours of constant slow repetitive fighting. The sisters are starting to develop a fighting style. With TYrs' guidance, they have skipped some of the lesser obvious dead-end styles for guardians. Each of them is becoming increasingly proficient in an aspect of Spirit Guardian DaoistEhNz4A A legendary figure. In Tyrs' memories, his streams are the most popular amongst Spirit Guardians.

DaoistEhNz4A achieved this through his use of the simple attack. As players advance they can learn skills that will eventually become builds. Of course, many streamers and professional players are setting trends on what the skill loadout should be. DaoistEhNz4A Managed to develop his style by focusing on the incorporation of the simple attack. Most players as they advance will only use skills while highly effective. Skill tend to drain a lot of mp and sp some even force a player to stand still while casting the skill. No matter the class this kind of skill fighting is popular. It's easy to remember and is the best utilisation of the limited control module. Tyr knows its inherent value in training and building players however Aria has beat that delusion out of his head. He rubs the back of remembering how she explained.

A beautiful coffee coloured petite white-haired girl wiggles her legendary staff at his face. Aria says, "The limited system is like blood is thicker than water." Fawx wearing his Phantom class gear rubs his head, trying to figure out what she means.

The idiot Fawx laughs and Fawx says, " so what that's true blood is thicker than water." Fawx sees Aria nodding in agreement.

Aria says, "in a scientific fact that true but as to how we use it is wrong. "

Fawx says, "how so it has always meant family comes first basically."

Arai puts folds her arms under her perky breasts and says, " You are an idiot, after all, that's what the limited system does it teaches you something that feels right but is fundamentally wrong in its application. The whole saying goes, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. So not only is your understanding wrong how you use it wrong and that's the limited system."

Nineth Immortal says, "TYR! Are you still with us?" For the past fifteen seconds they have been talking to him but he hasn't said anything. Tyr snaps out of it the memory he just had has been more vivid than any other. he could taste the bitterness in his throat from swallowing his words after Aria taught him the difference. Over the years he came up with his own saying.

Tyr says, "Sorry I was just thinking about something, what was the question?" Lucinda walks up to him looking at him in the face.

Lucinda says, " We understand how much you value the unlimited system but if we go back to the limited system. We will be able to run through this dungeon in less than an hour." Tyr shakes his head just like Aria.

Tyr says, "The unlimited system makes you a jack of all trades in your advanced class."

Lucinda looks with confused eyes to her sisters. She is sure that he is understanding that saying wrong.

Rena after seeing her asking for backup with her eyes and says, "A jack of Trades is a master of none."

Tyr slaps his hands together and says, 'Exactly! That's the point if you can understand the nuances of the Jaggernaught, Knight, Vanguard, Protector, Goliath, Slayer, Dreadnought, Slayer, Paladin and Spirit Guardian. You will be a much more useful player to us. After all the saying goes, A jack of all trades is master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one."

Amalya says, "That sounds grand and all but won't it make us weaker not being a master."

Tyr says, "I know how it sounds believe me. It is a lot to take in but as my own little saying goes, A jack of all trades will always be a better master than the master of one." He can see Nineth Immortals' open as if a blank is being filled.

Nineth Immortal says, "Your shitting red sand!" Tyr smiles everyone is using sayings now. Nineth Immortal even slaps Tyr on the back as the realisation dawns on her.

Rena says, "but what's up with the Slayer advance class. When I saw it in the advance selection. IT does look like a typical Guardian class.

Tyr says, "Yeah in every advance class there is an expectation to the rule. Go to the forums and check the magic advance classes and you will find the Silencer class. This class doesn't use any magic at all ever. "

Lucinda says, "Like how do you even know this?" She puffs up her cheeks she is the nerdy one in the family and her friends.

Nineth Immortal says, "Beside Rauls info packs, our inbox is filled with tutorial tips and specific missions which we are all ignoring. It's a tradition of the greatest gamer of all time if you want to be the best you should always make your own path."

Rena says, "all right cool let's get back to it. These trades aren't going to learn themselves." She forces an exasperated smile. Tyr also stands proud of her excitement. Unfortunately for Rena Tyr is a student of the Aria method.

Nineth Immortal says, "The first egg is through that tunnel." They can hear the familiar hiss of Lizardmen coming of the damp dungeon walls. Soon after entering the confined tunnel putrid scent of blood and bile. The sticking tunnel is only wide enough for three people.

Tyr says, "Sisters in front you will fight whatever comes at us." This is the perfect place for them to fight a group of enemies one on one. The cramped tunnel will squeeze everyone forcing them and the monster to rely on brutal one on one combat to the death.

Rena is facing a Red lizardman, she is fighting from a defensive position. She holds up her shield swinging a skin grating twenty-nine damage to the red lizardman. Raising her shield to block the attack coming from the Lizardman losing ten health. Her shield growls pulling her forward as she uses Shield bash to smash her predator shield. Into the teeth Layden mouth of the Red Lizardman. It stumbles back and roars eighty damaged sparkles above its head. Shaking its head and given its tight quarters prevent it from using its combat skill. It stands leaning forward as a flaming streak of fireflies towards Rena. She makes herself small in these tight quarters there is no running only blocking for her.

Tyr analyzes her fighting style now that she fights properly. He has to see what kind of style she uses. Rena is a lot like Jaggernaungt who use their strong shield to block a majority of incoming damage. He would prefer if she fights more like 

Lucinda sprawls making herself bigger enough to squeeze the Blue lizardman trying to get past her. The weight on her shield nearly doubled as the body of BLue Lizardman lays itself upon her. A gapping two hundred fifty health is lost by the monster. The smoke coming from her spirit blast shot though it had mostly missed it grazed the knee of the monster dealing a crippling blow for five seconds. Claws reaching onto her shield as it tries to pry the tiger from its master. Lucinda brings her to close to her still smoking spirit cannon. Walloping the Blue Lizardman on the head. It presses forward unabated by the forty health it just lost. A life-stealing claw ventures towards her side. Lucinda steps back. NIneth Immortal has moved back missing the next lizard behind those fight the three sisters. Lucinda retaliates after losing twenty-five health from the direct hit. Her shield taking advantage of being above the monster's arm. The monsters head glows red like a target. Her shield ploughs into the side of the blue Lizardman. Following beside it is her Tiger spirit cannon. Thrusts into the monster's mouth it explodes with a head shattering blow!!

Tyr smiles he had just used [Expose weakness] a skill that allows a warrior to identify an enemies weak point. This utility skill lets him expose a weakness and also it doubles the effect of any critical on the monster exposed. The skills main weakness is its long targeting time of three. An amount of time that even a low-level warrior cannot stand still for. Scores of hisses and growls can be heard as the ever-growing Lizardmen pile into the cramped tunnel. 

Nineth Immortal let's loose her bolts firing randomly into the tunnel. A flare of pain spikes in her newly minted tattoo. For now, there is a grave shadow. Of a massive figure that none of the players can see stalks around in the background... 

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