Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 72 - got engaged

Grandma owns a cheongsam studio, and the three designers under her name are the top cheongsam designers in China. Although Li Yun Group is engaged in real estate development, her grandmother is also highly respected in the fashion circle. In addition to her close relationship with Ms. Si Bojia, few people in the fashion circle do not know her.

It is not suitable for Su Qin to send this design manuscript to anyone, only grandma is the most suitable. If it is sent to outsiders, it will definitely arouse Fern’s disgust, but if Su Qin is based on her close relationship with her grandmother and her reputation in the circle, Fern may only reprimand her afterwards, and will not do anything serious to her. punishment.

The mailbox has a record of sending it. If it is as Su Qin expected, this email will become the only thing that proves her innocence.

Su Qin sorted out the three design manuscripts and sent them to grandma. Of course, Su Qin didn’t want grandma’s comments either, she just wanted to send her works to a suitable person. But she did not expect that after her grandma received the email, she commented and analyzed her works, and wrote thousands of words, each of which was very serious.

Su Qin is going to be popular with this old lady, no wonder such an old lady can educate such a good grandson as Teacher Li. Great elders, great descendants.

Even if Su Qin did the above, she was still worried, she thought of a deeper possibility.

In order to stifle all possibilities, Su Qin made an international call to Li Chuan and chatted for more than an hour.

Su Qin asked him, if he was Ye Fei, what method would he use to save her from redemption?

Li Chuan thought for a while: “There are many ways, but I’m sure that the possibility you think of, she has a high chance of not doing it. If her IQ is really that low, it’s impossible for her to be on the D&M station just because of her sister’s relationship. Stand firm.”

Su Qin also agreed.

The next day, all the J&G design assistants’ manuscripts were collected by Kelly. Everyone’s work was placed in a different folder, and the designer’s name was folded and placed in the mezzanine of the folder. Kelly collected more than 20 folders and walked to the fourth floor. After she got to the fourth floor, she went to the bathroom, locked herself in the cubicle and started to follow Ye Fei’s instructions.

She opened more than twenty folders one by one, as well as the notes folded in the mezzanine, and found the works of Su Qin and another designer, Duke.

Each designer will divide the three works into 1, 2 and 3 according to their own energy. No. 1 is the most time-consuming and the designer’s most attentive ace work. No. 2 is slightly less time-consuming, and No. 3 takes the shortest time and is considered the worst by the designer.

Kelly swapped Su Qin’s and Duke’s No. 1 works, and also swapped Su Qin’s No. 3 works with Ye Fei’s No. 1 works.

Duke is Fern’s most valued designer. It has long been rumored that Duke will definitely take Fern’s class in the future. In China, the relationship between Duke and Fern is like a master and apprentice, and Duke is equivalent to Fern’s close disciple, which is somewhat similar to the relationship between Chu Ming and Su Qin.

Duke’s design work is always the one that Fern values ​​most, because he always understands Fern’s ideas best. He can easily turn Fern’s inspiration into reality in the most ideal way. So even if the manuscript is selected anonymously, Fern can still see which one is Duke’s from the pile of works.

So Fern believes that the work that best reflects his inspiration must be Duke’s.

Ye Fei understands Su Qin’s ability. She admits that she is inferior to Su Qin in terms of design talent, so she will not be foolish enough to pass Su Qin’s work as her own. Only the two designers came to study this time, and she didn’t need to be in the limelight. She stood out among the assistant designers. As long as she made Su Qin’s reputation stink, and made Fern disgusted with Su Qin, she would succeed. She just needs to be the biggest winner of this learning trip.

Kelly switched Su Qin’s and Duke’s No. 1 works, and Ye Fei’s No. 1 works with Su Qin’s No. 3 works.

The purpose is to frame Su Qin’s unscrupulousness in order to stand out, to frame her not only to bribe Kelly to occupy Duke’s works, but even to switch her No. 3 work with Ye Fei’s No. 1 work in order to suppress Ye Fei.

In this way, Su Qin’s behavior of squeezing out colleagues by any means is justified. After returning to China, she will also be fired.

Su Qin’s moral corruption will inevitably affect the reputation of Chu Ming as a master. At that time, Ye Fei will use the theme to draw all the fire on Chu Ming. Even if he can’t shake his altar position, he will burn a layer of skin.

Ye Fei is not an excellent designer, but she has learned a lot of workplace skills from Ye Xuan. She is also a smart person. Knowing that Su Qin has a background and background, she may send the designs to friends, and the things sent will definitely have traces on the Internet. Even if the manuscripts are anonymous, Su Qin has a way to prove that these manuscripts are her own.

This time the situation was different. Ye Fei did not directly occupy other people’s works as he did in the company before. She knew that these little tricks were more than enough to suppress the novice, but playing this trick under Fern’s eyes would have a high chance of overturning the car. So, she did the opposite this time.

If Kelly gritted her teeth this time, it would not fail. She promised to give Kaili a sum of money and ten years of residency in a suite as a cover fee. Kaili would not be able to betray Ye Fei for this money, so this time she was confident and felt that she would be able to keep Su Qin growing. Suffocated in the cradle.

Fern was picking pieces in his office, and three of the designers had pieces that struck him as odd.

Fern pulled out the name in the mezzanine of the first folder and saw “SuQing” written on it.

What made him feel strange was that Su Qin’s No. 1 work was very in line with his taste, and really simplified the complexity; while her No. 2 work was slightly sloppy, but still understood his inspiration. But on the 3rd, it seems cumbersome and complicated, focusing on the front of the clothing, but ignoring the charm of the back design.

This No. 3 work obviously took a lot of energy, and everything was handled with exquisite care. But the design concept is not as good as the first two, it seems that it is not from the hands of one person. The works No. 1 and 2 in Su Qin’s folder originally made Fern very fond of him, and felt that Su Qin really understood what he meant. But when this No. 3 work came out, it made him feel superfluous. On the contrary, Fern felt that Su Qin didn’t really understand what he meant, and was just gambling, trying to see if a blind cat could meet a dead mouse.

He extracted the name from the second folder’s mezzanine, which had Duke’s name written on it.

Duke’s works are the same as before. Although his No. 1 work is different in design style from No. 2 and No. 3, fortunately, the three works have integrated his meaning and truly transformed his inspiration. Duke did not live up to him. high hopes.

The third folder is Ye Fei’s.

Ye Fei’s No. 1 work is very strange. Logically, No. 1 should be the one that took the most attention. But Ye Fei’s No. 1 work, although it contradicts Fern’s inspirational thinking, is too sloppy. It doesn’t look like No. 1 work that was carefully cooked, like No. 3 work scribbled by other designers. And her No. 2 and No. 3 works, in terms of style and concept, are actually very similar to Su Qin’s No. 3 work.

Fern placed Su Qin’s works No. 1, 2, and 3 in a row on the desk, and placed Ye Fei’s works No. 1, 2, and 3 in the row below. Comparing the two compartments, Fern discovered the strangeness. He reversed Su Qin’s No. 3 work and Ye Fei’s No. 1 work, and actually felt that this was the most suitable.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Fern held a meeting to show Su Qin and Ye Fei’s works together for everyone to see, hoping to hear explanations from the two of them.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Su Qin’s design, Duke was surprised: “Mr. Fern, Miss Su’s No. 1 design is my work.”

Ye Fei also expressed surprise, covering her mouth and exclaiming: “This… Miss Su’s No. 3 design is my work. Mr. Fern, I don’t know why my design is in her file, but I I swear by my soul that her No. 3 design is indeed my work. I sent this whole set of works to my assistant the day before yesterday, and I want her to give me some advice. If you don’t believe me, I can retrieve the mailing records. “

Su Qin was not too surprised when he saw the two works presented. She expected this situation, she guessed that Ye Fei might play this trick. There was a commotion in the conference room, but Su Qin sat in the chair calmly and looked at Fern.

Several designers started to stand for Duke and Ye Fei.

Designer A: “This is too much. Miss Su takes Miss Ye’s No. 1 work as her No. 3 work, and Duke’s No. 1 work as her No. 1 work. This is a very bad plagiarism! Oh no It’s worse than plagiarism, it’s theft! Robbery!”

Designer B also expressed disdain for Su Qin’s behavior, and said angrily: “It’s a shame that you can do this kind of thing. As a designer, you openly steal other people’s works. What’s the difference between you and the bugs in the sewer?”

Duke took his own folder and found Su Qin’s No. 1 work, and then fell into silence. If Su Qin’s works are worse than his, he will definitely believe that Su Qin’s character is clumsy. But now looking at Su Qin’s works from his point of view, he actually felt a sense of admiration.

It took him a few years to figure out Mr. Fern’s character, and it took a lot of energy to become the “roundworm” in Mr. Fern’s stomach. But this Chinese girl, in just over a month, understood Mr. Fern’s inspirational thinking and created this finished product, which made him feel incredible. He didn’t know what others thought, but he himself felt that Su Qin’s design was no less than his.

Ye Fei’s eyes were full of anger, and he said: “Su Qin, I really didn’t expect you to be such a person with a different appearance. What’s wrong with being down-to-earth? So you want to trample people to the sky? Your stealing behavior is simply Disgusting!”

When the meeting room was full of accusations, Su Qin didn’t speak from the beginning to the end, nor did he defend himself. When everyone was talking about the same, she stood up with applause, glanced at everyone calmly, and said in English, “Go ahead and talk.”

Everyone looked at her, and seeing that she didn’t feel any guilt, they felt that the girl’s face was really thick to an unprecedented height.

Seeing Su Qin’s fearless face, Ye Fei thought she was going to start to justify. Ye Fei didn’t give her any chance at all, and immediately opened the laptop, called up his email exchange records, and turned the screen to Fern to see that the No. 3 work in Su Qin’s folder was indeed the No. 1 work designed by her.

After she explained to Fern, she turned to look at Su Qin, looking like she was about to cry in anger, her voice choked up: “Su Qin, what else do you have to say? You are the youngest in the company, and you usually live and work. I always help if I can, so is this how you repay me? A designer is not ashamed of plagiarism, but in the face of everyone’s accusations, it doesn’t matter, you really have no self-respect!”

After hearing Ye Fei’s words, everyone became even more indignant, scolding Su Qin angrily, and asked Mr. Fern to return justice to Ye Fei and Duke.

Fern can’t tell how she feels about this girl. Su Qin’s own design is not bad, but she steals the works of other designers. This is a matter of character. But he couldn’t figure out why she would exchange her works with Duke and Ye Fei. Is it necessary? Still not confident in your own work?

But she doesn’t look like someone who is not confident.

Fern felt that things would never be so simple, so he kept everyone in the conference room.

Another of Fern’s assistants found an agreement in Kelly’s drawer, which clearly stated that Kelly was helping Su Qin, and in return, Su Qin would give Kelly a sum of money and ten years of an apartment in Paris. residency. In addition, the company’s surveillance also captured Kelly walking into the bathroom with a stack of documents in the morning, only to come out after a long time. At present, Kelly couldn’t refute the evidence, so she could only explain it “honestly”, saying that she accepted Su Qin’s money and helped her replace the work.

This time, there are all human and material evidences. Su Qin has a mouth and is hard to tell?

Duke didn’t speak from the beginning to the end, and Fern didn’t say anything to rebuke Su Qin. As senior designers, they seem to be able to see the soul of a person from his work. In fact, they don’t want to believe that such a talented designer’s character will be in contrast to her work.

Seeing that everyone stopped, Su Qin finally said, “Is everyone finished? Can I speak?”

Duke nodded and finally said, “Miss Su, please speak.”

Duke is notoriously good-natured. Everyone saw that his attitude towards Su Qin was still mild, and they all said that it was not worth it for him.

Su Qin’s French is not very good, so she can only communicate with everyone in English: “I won’t talk about my works and Duke’s works for the time being, let’s talk about my works with Miss Ye first. First of all, I don’t think my works are better than Ye’s. Poor Miss. On the contrary, I think Miss Ye’s work is terrible, completely contrary to Mr. Fern’s concept.”

Su Qin left his position, walked to Mr. Fern, put his three works and Ye Fei’s three works together, and said, “In order to meet the standard required by Mr. Fern as much as possible, I specially spent I spent a lot of time delving into Mr. Fern’s other works to get to know him, so as to express his inspiration more perfectly. I’m not very good at French, so I recorded the whole meeting, and when I went back, I had someone translate it. , listened repeatedly, and listened carefully, so I summed up the main point of my personal opinion – simplifying complexity. I think the main point of the summary is not wrong, and everyone can clearly see that my design style is completely different from that of Miss Ye Fei. Why do I Want to steal Miss Ye Fei’s work? In everyone’s eyes, how inferior and insecure I am to steal a work with a completely different concept from mine?”

Designer A snorted coldly and replied in French, “Miss Su’s defense is very pale and unconvincing.”

Instead, Su Qin laughed lightly, put the so-called evidence of the agreement in the middle and said, “The signature on this is indeed very similar to my signature, and it can be said that it is a fake. But Miss Kelly, you said that I instructed you to do this, but What evidence do you have? Do you have evidence? Can you show everyone the emails we exchanged?”

Kelly said without changing her face: “I have deleted all the emails I exchanged. Since I am doing this kind of thing, of course I can’t leave anyone behind. Evidence? The agreement between us, and your misappropriation of Miss Ye and Duke’s designs. Isn’t it all evidence for behavior? What kind of evidence do we need?”

Su Qin gave an “oh” and smiled: “That’s weird. Miss Kelly deleted the emails from her private mailbox, but didn’t hide the agreement between us. Miss Kelly’s way of thinking is really different. “

Originally, it was very difficult for Su Qin to clean up this matter, but now everyone heard Kelly’s flawed words and began to waver, wondering whether Kelly was deliberately framing Su Qin.

Su Qin borrowed a computer from a colleague and handed it to Kelly: “In order to prove my innocence, I would like to ask Miss Kelly to log in to your email. I want to publish the content of our correspondence for everyone to see.”

Kelly was startled, frowned and reiterated: “I said, I have deleted all the emails, how could there be?”

Su Qin didn’t seem to hear: “Miss Kelly doesn’t want to log in to her email, is she worried that I will prove her innocence? Miss Kelly, what are you afraid of? Who instructed you to slander me? The other party gave it again. What benefits do you have? Maybe as the agreement said, the other party promised to give you ten years of salary and ten years of residence in an apartment? Wow, if this is the case, the conditions are too generous, right? No wonder Miss Kelly would abandon such a Good job.”

“Enough!” Ye Fei finally couldn’t bear it anymore, and scolded Su Qin angrily: “Miss Su, don’t you think you’re going too far? Now that the evidence is complete, can your sharp mouth clear these charges for you?”

Su Qin said: “Why is Miss Ye so angry? Before the charges are judged, you all scolded me with such ugly words. Are you still not allowed to struggle to the death?”

All the emails exchanged between Kelly and Ye Fei have been deleted. Kelly logged into the mailbox fearlessly and showed it to everyone. It was really empty.

Everyone looked at Su Qin as if they were watching a monkey show, and felt that this woman was probably the most disgusting side discovered, and her current behavior was her expression of unwillingness and her dying struggle. Fern didn’t speak, and everyone shut up and continued to watch the girl’s embarrassing performance.

Su Qin took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and plugged it into his laptop. A cute animation of “Panda Hero” flying out immediately flashed on the screen. The computer was remotely controlled by Hero Panda. After extracting the email account and password, Panda stopped controlling it. And Panda also invaded the mailbox server and found the mail cache between several days.

Fern didn’t know what Su Qin was doing. He obviously lost his patience and asked her, “What do you want to do?”

“Prove my innocence.” Su Qin put the phone on the conference table, glanced at it, then raised his eyes and said to Fern, “Mr. Fern, please be patient, my friend will help Miss Kelly recover. Deleted emails. Trust me, Mr. Duke, I definitely didn’t instruct anyone to exchange our work.”

After hearing Su Qin’s words, Kelly became obviously nervous. Ye Fei also frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Su Qin’s phone vibrated, Ye Fei immediately panicked, and said first: “Mr. Fern, Miss Su’s actions are obviously smearing the company. I suggest Mr. Fern report what Miss Su has done to D&M. So that D&M can deal with her, such a depraved designer doesn’t deserve to be in the fashion industry!”

After reading the text messages on her mobile phone, Su Qin refreshed Kelly’s mailbox interface, and all the emails deleted by her came back. And there are all the correspondence between Ye Fei and Kaili, and there is no communication record between Su Qin and Kaili.

Ye Fei’s private email, she herself had taken the initiative to show Fern just now, and several colleagues also knew her private email and sent her some documents privately. Su Qin opened the email in front of everyone in the conference room, and began to read the letters from Ye Fei and Kaili word by word.

In order to make Ye Fei feel late, Su Qin specially handed the computer to Duke and asked him to read the letter to everyone.

The dialogue inside made people feel particularly disgusting, the dirty little jokes between women and women, and the words expressed malice towards Su Qin. The contents of the letters of the two were read out on this occasion, as if they were being whipped in public, and they were deliberately sprinkled with salt while the skin was ripped apart.

Su Qin proved that he was framed, and this result was what Fern wanted to see. While Su Qin proved his innocence, he also indirectly proved that Fern’s vision was right.

Faced with such a reversal, Ye Fei was confused and excitedly defended: “Mr. Fern, listen to my explanation! Those emails were not sent by me at all, they must have been Su Qin, who stole my computer and sent them These emails! She must have found hackers to steal my mailbox and send these emails that I don’t even know about! Mr. Fern, please believe me, I would never do such a thing! There are a lot of unreasonable things about this. where she must have directed and acted this play, slandering me for framing her. Mr. Fern—”

Mr. Fern heard what he wanted to hear, and of course he didn’t want to waste any more time. With a frown, he asked the security to take Ye Fei out of the conference room.

The meeting continued, Fern began to make an order with everyone, and the episode was passed quickly as if it had never happened. In the end, Mr. Fern decided to let Duke combine his work with Su Qin’s outstanding design. If Su Qin was not going back to China at the end of the month, Fern really wanted her and Duke to participate in the design of the next season.

Ye Fei was kicked out of the J&G office building and bought a return ticket that night. Being bullied abroad, of course she wanted to go back to her sister Ye Xuan to vent her anger on her behalf.

This incident was a big deal. Mr. Fern sent an email to D&M, strongly rebuking Ye Fei for his bad behavior. Originally, Ye Xuan wanted to keep her sister’s position at D&M, but it was a coincidence that those trainee designers who had left D&M in the past formed a group to accuse Ye Fei of plagiarizing their designs.

These intern designers have reported to the department leaders before, but were fired. In a design company, old designers take the new people they bring under them as free laborers, and it is not a new thing for them to steal the ideas of new people. In the company, everyone turns a blind eye. The newcomers can either choose to be patient, and one day they will come out and bully the newcomers below. Either they are full of energy, and they fight with the old designers who stole their works, but usually it is the newcomers who are fired in this situation.

This incident was posted on the Internet by the designers before, but because these designers were very soft-spoken, the popularity of the Internet was not high.

In the previous life, Su Qin’s works were occupied by Ye Fei. After she went to complain, she was also expelled. She also posted on Weibo, but she didn’t have many fans, and that Weibo was lost in the sea, and no one cared at all.

Su Qin now has 50,000 Weibo fans, and these 50,000 are real fans, and the user stickiness and activity are very high. Her Weibo traffic is not low. In order to make this matter a big one, she deliberately helped the intern designers who left D&M to seek justice.

#D&M started with plagiarism? The topic of # was brushed up and attracted the attention of many people.

Su Qin posted the sad workplace self-reports of four designers on Weibo, and broke the news that D&M designer Ye Fei was arrogant and domineering by relying on her sister Ye Xuan’s status in the fashion circle. Su Qin threw these posts to her mother, and asked her to help to revise and polish these manuscripts. These self-reported posts instantly turned and climaxed, making them attractive.

Recently, Ye Xuan has been in the limelight on the Internet, because she is the helm of the fashion industry, and she has a lot of resources, and is held in the palm of the stars by the stars. For this reason, netizens also gave her the title of “Xuanniangniang”. Ye Xuan and many first-line female stars in the circle are “best friends”, and many male stars in the circle are “buddies”, so no one who is a star chasing netizen does not know about Ye Xuan.

After all, Su Qin is a fashion blogger. Those who follow her Weibo, of course, also know about “Niangniang Xuan”. After reading the contents of the self-reported breaking news post, netizens feel contempt for sister Ye Xuan’s behavior.

Ye Xuan can be considered celebrity traffic anyway, and the keyword of this Weibo went up in the square again, attracting many netizens to watch. The forwarding volume of Su Qin’s Weibo immediately reached 2,000, which is already a terrible traffic indicator for Su Qin now.

Ye Xuan, who was able to keep Ye Fei’s position in the first place, completely quit for her own reputation. Ye Fei was expelled from D&M, and even stinks in the industry, becoming synonymous with “plagiarism” and a black spot that she will never want to wash away.

In early February, Su Qin returned to China.

It was ten o’clock in the evening when I returned to Yunyang City, and there was a light snowfall. As soon as Su Qin arrived at the exit, he saw Mr. Li in a coat, dragging his suitcase and trotting over, throwing himself into Mr. Li’s arms, standing on tiptoe and holding Mr. Li’s face and kissing him.

Assistant Yue took the luggage to the trunk for Su Qin and put it away.

Li Chuan picked up the girl and lifted it up, felt her weight, and frowned, “I’ve lost weight.”

Su Qin stuck out his tongue and said, “I miss you so much, so I lost weight.”

Su Qin’s villa has been renovated, and Wang Lin and Bobo have moved into the villa last month. So after the car drove back to the villa area, Su Qin was struggling to decide whether to go home first or go to his house with Mr. Li to make out.

Li Chuan didn’t give her a chance to choose, and directly asked the driver to drive the car into the house. As soon as Su Qin entered the living room, Feibao and Boing approached her with their tails wagging, sticking out their tongues to let her touch her head.

Li Chuan fitted Boeing with a prosthesis, and now Boeing walks very steadily, and will not limp like before.

The indoor temperature was as high as 30 degrees, and Su Qin took off his jacket and only had a thin sweater on his body, which was also very hot. She was hanging up her coat when the man behind her dragged her suitcase into the hallway and closed the door. The man didn’t change his shoes, he walked towards her, hugged her, and pressed her on the entrance cabinet to kiss her.

Su Qin was a little breathless from the kiss. He pushed him away, his eyes were watery, and he whispered, “Mr. Li, can you be gentle? I brought you a gift, which is in the suitcase.”

“What gift?” Li Chuan pressed the tip of his nose against hers, and spoke with his cold lips gently pressed against hers.

Su Qin said, “Let go of me, and I’ll go get you a gift.”

“Forget it, I don’t care about any gifts, I just want you.”

Li Chuan originally only wanted to kiss her, but when he saw the girl’s wet and bright eyes and slightly flushed cheeks, he couldn’t hold back his desire in an instant. He carried the girl into the bathroom on the second floor and shared a bath with the girl.

When the water curtain fell, the two were entangled, and the desire that had been restrained for two months was released at this moment.

In the Spring Festival of 2009, Su Qin went to Li’s house with Li Chuan as his girlfriend. At the New Year’s Eve dinner table, Li Chuan proposed to be engaged to Su Qin.

“What?” Li Chuan’s uncle was eating when he choked when he heard Li Chuan propose to get engaged to this 19-year-old girl.

Not only Li Chuan’s uncle, but also Su Qin himself were choked and coughed violently.

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