Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 71 - supermodel

Probably when he was a freshman in high school, Su Qin often instilled safety knowledge in them, and the saber that Su Qin sent came in handy at this time, and Su Qin happened to be in Paris, so Yu Wen thought of Su Qin for the first time.

She hid in the trash can, enduring the stench, a mouse crawled over her head, the sticky feeling made her sick, but she didn’t dare to make any sound. She squatted in the trash can with her saber and mobile phone in her hands, thinking that the rescue would come soon.

Unexpectedly, the police here called the front desk of the hotel after receiving Yu Wen’s call, which led to Yu Wen’s exposure. The group of wild “foxes” stationed in the vicinity blocked up several alleys, then searched one by one, and finally focused on the trash can where Yu Wen was hiding.

Su Qin’s hotel is located in District 3, not far from District 19, and it only takes 30 minutes to drive there. Su Qin first called Xu Hang and Bai Yu, and the two who received the call immediately got up and rushed to District 19 to support.

Xu Hang and Bai Yu lived in the 13th district, a little far from the 19th district, about 55 minutes, nearly an hour. Bai Yu asked Su Qin to wake up Tang Jue next door, and asked her to find a way to call someone to help first. District 19 is notoriously bad for public security, and the police station there is also limited in police force. In such a situation, it would be more reliable to find someone by yourself.

Tang Jue was awakened by a phone call from Su Qin. When she heard that a girl had an accident, she was still her friend. She sat up smartly and came out to meet with Su Qin.

The two walked to the parking lot while talking on the phone. Tang Jue contacted local friends in French and asked them to come to District 19 to help. Su Qin had studied French for a few months before she came, but Tang Jue spoke so fast that she was half-understood. But judging from her tone, she felt that the girl might be a social sister.

After getting in the car, Tang Jue comforted Su Qin and said, “Miss Su, don’t worry too much, your friend can send you a text message to show that she is all right. Don’t worry, since you are Xu Hang’s friend, Tang Jue will definitely be busy. help.”

“My classmate said that the police have been called, but I’m still worried. Let’s go to the police station first?” Su Qin asked.

Tang Jue frowned and said, “When you go to the police station to find the police, I’m afraid your classmates will be gone. Let’s go first, and some of my buddies have already rushed over to help.”

Since Xu Hang can let this girl accompany her, it means that this girl is absolutely assured of Xu Hang’s work. Tang Jue took a killing blade from the back seat of the car and handed it to Su Qin: “How about your close combat? Take this one for self-defense.”

This killing blade is about the length of the forearm and looks very ordinary. Su Qin subconsciously wanted to touch it with his fingers, but was stopped by Tang Jue: “No, this is much sharper than the Swiss Army knife you usually use.”

Su Qin hummed suspiciously, wondering how she knew what self-defense tool she was using.

Tang Jue said with a smile: “I just happened to see it when I took you back to the hotel. The one I gave you is a deadly blade that meets the requirements of the SEALs. It is very sharp and can easily pierce a board with a thickness of one centimeter. . This knife is specially designed for close combat, and you hold it for self-defense.”

Meanwhile on the other side.

Yu Wen was suffocated by hiding in the trash can. Before she could take a breath, the lid of the trash can was pushed open. The French man outside grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the trash can.

The girl was in pain and panic, and screamed loudly.

She was thin, and was dragged out of the trash can by a strong French man about 1.8 meters tall, who pressed her head against the wall. When she was dragged out of the trash can by the man just now, she didn’t know where the dagger and mobile phone she was holding had dropped. She subconsciously remembered the self-defense technique that Instructor Xu Hang gave them to the girls during military training.

She was pressed by the gangster, but her hand was not controlled. She opened her palm and used the base of her palm to attack the gangster’s nose. If this trick is used properly, it can cause nosebleeds in the light, and fainting in serious cases, but the girl’s strength is limited and she can’t do it in place. After Yu Wen attacked the opponent’s nose with the base of her palm and caused the opponent to suffer, she immediately opened her five fingers and scratched down with her fingernails.

The gangster reacted and punched the girl in the head. At the same time, it aroused the girl’s desire to survive. The fingers caught the other party’s eyeballs, causing the other party to release her in pain, covering her eyes and screaming.

Yu Wen turned pale with fright, but she had to run away. She ran back to the street and tried to stop the car, but was seen by the gangster who was guarding the front gate of the hotel and drove the car towards her.

When the white car approached her, she opened the door and grabbed her. Yu Wen was dragged for dozens of meters, and then she was dragged into the car.

Su Qin and the others just saw this scene when they arrived, and Tang Jue’s dash cam also recorded this scene.

Tang Jue was talking with Xu Hang wearing a Bluetooth headset, and at the same time he turned the car into an alley, chasing after him. Su Qin was not idle, and called the police again to communicate with the police. The police also followed the route given by Su Qin to block the white car.

The white car turned into a remote area, and there were few vehicles on the road. Tang Jue rushed on the accelerator and ran alongside the white car. She scolded “Damn”, reminded Su Qin to fasten her seat belt, and directly took her SUV to the car. Its tonnage is heavier than the white car, and the white car was directly mounted on the telephone pole and turned off.

Seeing that Tang Jue was about to get out of the car, Su Qin immediately grabbed the girl: “What are you doing? It’s safer to stay in the car at this time. What can we two girls do?”

“I have it in my mind.”

Tang Jue instructed Su Qin to stay in the car, grabbed a one-meter-long iron rod from the trunk and got out of the car, and rushed towards the white car. She waved the iron rod and slammed it on the white car with a bang, cursing.

Soon, three sturdy men with iron sticks got out of the car and surrounded her. The iron rod was held in Tang Jue’s hand, and it seemed that she was doing acrobatic acrobatics in her hand and spun it around.

For the first time, Su Qin saw someone turn the iron rod so nicely in his hand, like the special effects of a martial arts movie, and subconsciously felt that he had walked to the set of a martial arts movie.

Tang Jue knocked down the three men with a few sticks, and the speed was very fast. Iron bars fell on the heads, shoulders, and knees of the three men.

Su Qin looked painful.

Two more strong men got out of the car, Tang Jue continued to entangle with them, and soon hit the back of the white car, Su Qin’s vision was blocked, and he couldn’t see what happened to Tang Jue and those two people.

Su Qin did not dare to get out of the car and communicated with the police in the car. She couldn’t speak French, so she had difficulty communicating with the police in English. At this moment, someone smashed the glass with an iron rod, and the sound of “bang bang” slammed into Su Qin’s ears, deafening.

Su Qin subconsciously locked the car door, looked at the people outside, and continued to keep calm and communicate with the police.

The glass of this car was still stubborn, but it couldn’t stand the knocks of the gangsters outside the window. After a few minutes of firmness, the glass was smashed out of the hole. Su Qin held the last line of defense and clenched the sharp blade in his hand.

When the car door was opened, Su Qin quickly fled from the other car door, but collided with the gangster after a circle. Her hair was grabbed by the gangster. Under the unavoidable situation, the girl turned around and slashed the opponent’s arm with a sharp blade. The gangster quickly retracted his hand, and she escaped proudly.

Su Qin didn’t start exercising since she was a child, her strength is not as good as the other party’s, but her body is petite and sensitive. When the man pounced on her, she quickly circled behind him, swung over with a knife, and easily cut a long mouth on the man’s arm, causing the man’s skin to tear open. Step forward.

At this moment, Xu Hang, Bai Yu and the police arrived at the same time and surrounded the place.

After Tang Jue threw the strong man down, he still didn’t forget to kick with his feet, knocked hard with an iron rod, dragged the man out of the back of the car in frustration, and threw him in the middle of the road.

The police controlled several gangsters, escorted them into the car, and sent the unconscious Chinese girl to the hospital for examination.

Yu Wen was taken to the hospital, and Su Qin and Tang Jue were taken back to the police station to record their statements. At three o’clock in the morning, Su Qin and Tang Jue came out of the police station, both of them were exhausted.

Xu Hang and Bai Yu escorted Su Qin back to the hotel to rest. On the way back, Su Qin did not drowsy and asked Xu Hang about Yuwen.

Bai Yu replied, “She’s fine, our people are with her. She lives in District 19, how dare she go out in the middle of the night?”

Su Qin roughly talked about what happened to Yu Wen. She is a typical “people come from the sky sitting on a pot at home”, and she was stared at when she stayed in a hotel. Su Qin frowned and said, “This group of traffickers is too rampant. They dare to openly rob people.”

“It’s like this here. Many times the Chinese people are robbed without calling the police, so they leave the impression that the Chinese are easy to bully. The 19th district has always been chaotic, and there are too many local gangsters here, so what we Chinese can do Just protect yourself. Of course, not every Chinese who encounters this kind of situation has the same chance of being rescued as your friend, most of them are kidnapped like this and sold to the red light district.” Tang Jue sighed He added: “There are many street girls in Paris, do you know how they got there? Most of them are middle-aged women who smuggled in from the northeast. The girls who are abducted are either forced to go to the streets or sold to other places. Countries where **** trafficking is legal.”

Su Qin often sees cases of women being violated on the Internet, and some netizens advocate the legalization of “sex workers” in China like other countries.

She always felt that those who called for these were either stupid or bad. If **** trafficking is really legalized in China and women are objectified, it will exacerbate the rampant human traffickers to a certain extent. Su Qin also felt like a **** to those who called for the legalization of surrogacy on the Internet.

The legalization of **** trafficking in Thailand and Germany has made it more difficult for police to track down criminal activities of human trafficking, and Thailand has become the hardest hit area for human trafficking in the world.

Su Qin asked her, “Miss Tang, you seem to be familiar with this? Human trafficking is rampant here, so there should be an organization, right?”

“Of course, what if you didn’t organize—” Tang Jue suddenly shut up when he realized that he had said something wrong. She looked at Xu Hang and Bai Yu who were in front of her, and immediately changed her mind and said, “It should be organized and disciplined, otherwise, what a group of people, right?”

Xu Hang turned his head and glanced at her: “Do you know something?”

“How do I know what?” Tang Jue said with a shrinking neck, “Brother Xu, I know you care about this, but I think you should not know too much about some things. For you, it’s safe.”

Xu Hang didn’t speak, just looked at her through the rearview mirror.

Xu Hang and Bai Yu sent Su Qin back to the hotel, and the three of them had a meeting about today’s affairs. Su Qin’s wrist was bruised. She rubbed some potion and asked Xu Hang, “Who is that girl? Is she trustworthy?”

“Okay.” Bai Yu glanced at Xu Hang, smiled and said, “This girl has a straight temperament and doesn’t mean anything. But she must know something about foxes, but she doesn’t want to tell us. This girl is from Chinatown. A juggler, my master is a boxer, and she is very open on the road. She has been here for many years, and she knows more or less about those things. This girl knows the rules, so some things are reluctant to tell people She clearly loves Lao Xu, she knows too much about these things, which may threaten Lao Xu’s safety, of course she won’t tell him.”

No wonder the girl wielded the iron rod as if she were doing acrobatics.

Su Qin thought for a while, then said, “You can follow the gangster who kidnapped Yu Wen tonight. Maybe you can find the fox.”

“Yeah.” Xu Hang nodded and said, “Telecom will contact you after today. For safety’s sake, we won’t come to see you. Tomorrow, the bodyguards arranged by the boss will come.”

“Okay. You’ve worked hard.”

Xu Hang nodded and hummed: “It’s not hard.”

After sending Bai Yu and Xu Hang away, Su Qin took a shower in the bathroom and found a bruise on his chest and abdomen, and it hurt to touch it with his hands. Her physical quality is still too poor, if she entangles with the gangsters for a long time, she will definitely not have an advantage.

Su Qin has no innate advantage in physique, so he can only strengthen his training to ensure that he can protect himself and not hold back at critical moments.

Early the next morning, J&G staff came to pick up Su Qin and Ye Fei to the company.

At nine o’clock, Ye Fei and Su Qin appeared in the hotel lobby together and were taken into the car by the staff. J&G is a local fashion brand in Paris acquired by the Siberian Group. The current chief designer, Fern, has a great craftsmanship in his designs. After he joined J&G, his sales have risen steadily, and he is very famous in the Paris design circle.

This time Ye Fei and Su Qin wanted to be his assistants and study with him. After two months, Fern will write a recommendation form based on the performance of the two and submit it to Ms. Sperger. Designers who are recommended by Fern will have a richer resume. In the future, when selecting the chief designer at the senior level, they will focus on choosing from the designers who have been recommended by Fern.

Every year D&M recommends two designers to study, and the chief designer of D&M has not changed for eight years. That is to say, when the next chief designer is replaced, the competition will not be small.

J&G’s clothing style is more casual, so the design of the architectural office building is also quite casual. After Su Qin and Ye Fei were taken to the personnel department to report, they were taken to Fern’s studio by the staff.

Fern is a man over 50 years old, with an old face, but his eyes are bright, and his clothes are also very fashionable and have his own style of dressing.

After Fern turned 50, he didn’t draw much design drawings. He would explain his ideas to the assistant, let the assistant understand what he meant, and draw a design that could meet his standards.

Fern has about a dozen assistants, each of whom is the company’s elite, and Fern’s inspiration is transformed into reality by them.

Fern has seen the works of Su Qin and Ye Fei. Su Qin’s experience is really not good, not even as good as his intern here, but her only work is indeed amazing. Although Fern saw Chu Ming’s shadow in her design, these did not obliterate Su Qin’s design talent, so Fern paid special attention to Su Qin.

In the afternoon, J&G is going to hold a meeting to determine the clothing style for the next season. This time, Fern intends to abandon the tediousness of the past and simplify the clothing for the next season.

According to Fern’s request, after coming down, everyone needs to submit more than three ideas for him to choose, and then integrate the style.

Su Qin was not familiar with the place in the company, and because he did not know French, he quickly realized the feeling of being isolated. On the contrary, Ye Fei quickly got along with other colleagues.

Su Qin had a hard time listening to French, but she would record the entire meeting and send it to an interpreter to translate the whole process for her, and then carefully consider every sentence of Fern.

Yu Wen can’t afford to live in a hospital now, so she went back to the hotel after staying in a Paris hospital for one night. Su Qin was worried that she was a girl and let her stay in his hotel.

There is still nearly half a month before the shooting period. Su Qin doesn’t understand why she came here so early. The accommodation here is not cheap. Isn’t she wasting money to a greater extent by coming here so early?

Yu Wen said: “Susu, you know how many people are rushing for the first cover of “FashionWind”. I can’t let any accidents happen, and I can’t miss this opportunity. Once I miss this opportunity, I may never have it again in my life.”

Yesterday’s incident, Su Qin had asked Yu Wen to speak with the embassy on the phone, and the police also stated that they would take this incident seriously. Yu Wen didn’t dare to go out again, she squatted in the hotel every day, teaching Su Qin French and helping her translate documents when she had nothing to do.

After all, Fern is an internationally renowned designer, and Su Qin in his previous life also read Fern’s information. The old man’s early design is cumbersome and bold, and his later design is simple and bold. 2009 is a transition year for Fern’s design. He will make a transformation in the spring/summer fashion week in February 2009, so that everyone can see the “anti-Fern” design style.

And his transformation in 2009 will be very successful.

Fern has always advocated the back design of clothing. He likes to ask his designers to treat the back details as the front details, so Su Qin intends to focus on this point to create.

Fern’s request for details on the back reminded Su Qin of what Yohji Yamamoto said:

“When the body moves forward, the back just happens to leave a silhouette. Just a few tenths of a second slow, the life of the garment is left on the back, and that moment is indescribably beautiful.”

Su Qin can understand the charm of that kind of aftertaste, that kind of feeling cannot be expressed in words, that kind of beauty is fleeting and cannot be captured.

In order to make a design that satisfies Fern, Su Qin “follows what he likes” and follows Fern’s request step by step. When her inspiration breaks, Yu Wen’s beautiful figure can inspire her far and wide.

Whenever Su Qin lost her inspiration, she immediately turned to look at Yu Wen in suspenders and shorts. Models that meet the designer’s beauty standards are a rare source of inspiration for designers.

Her figure, her face, and the temperament of her **** pose under the lights are all seductive. Even if she stands naked in front of people, people will not associate her with pornography. Her figure and appearance belong to that kind of flattering and vulgar.

Su Qin began to click her tongue and sighed about the editor-in-chief of FashionWind’s ability to discover beauty. She had a hunch that if nothing else happened, Yu Wen would become China’s No. 1 super female model.

In Su Qin’s previous life, she did not remember the female model You Yuwen. With her rigid conditions, once she becomes a model, she will become popular sooner or later. Yu Wen has an innate talent for supermodels. Su Qin carefully thought about the reason why Yu Wen did not appear in the previous life. It may be that she was arrested by the traffickers on the night she came to Paris, the police were too slow, and there was no one to rescue her…

Thinking of this possibility, Su Qin couldn’t help shivering. If she didn’t know Yu Wen in this life, there might really be one less female model with such potential in this world.

Yu Wen and Su Qin lived for half a month, and the police caught all the traffickers who were involved in the abduction that day. But nothing was dug deeper. During the period, a staff member of the embassy called Yu Wen to condolence and told her to pay attention to safety.

Yu Wen had a helpless expression on her face, and she was terrified when she remembered the thrill of that night. If Su Qin was not in Paris at that time, who could she ask for help? the police? The group of stupid police actually called the front desk of the hotel to verify after she reported the case, which indirectly exposed her.

On Xu Hang and Bai Yu’s side, they followed the gangster’s license plate number to a car repair shop and found clues about the “fox”. The owner of this garage is a Yankee who repairs cars during the day and closes at night. According to Bai Yu and Xu Hang’s observations, the cars that drive into their parking lot every afternoon will not drive out again until after two in the middle of the night.

Bai Yu and Xu Hang are now cooperating with Interpol, and they are special informants of the police. On some occasions, it is inconvenient for the police to come forward to do things, so they will come forward. In addition, the two have established a firm foothold in Chinatown, which is more convenient than the police.

They spent more than a week in the garage, and finally squatted into a suspicious vehicle. They used binoculars on the opposite building to monitor that the car’s door was pushed open from the inside when it was driving into the garage, revealing a woman’s head. The woman was taken back by the people inside, and the door was quickly closed again.

Xu Hang put away the binoculars and frowned: “The fox didn’t succeed half a month ago, and finally started to act after half a month.”

“It’s a girl, are you going to save it?” Bai Yu asked him.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Hang said, “Judging from the situation in which they arrested Yu Wen half a month ago, they should know that they were being targeted by Interpol, so they did not dare to make big moves, but they could not cut off the supply source. They should be picking high-quality girls recently, which can sell for a good price and reduce the attention of the police to them.”

Xu Hang asked someone to check the car, which came from a hotel in District 19.

It is not difficult to find out which high-quality girls have stayed in that hotel these days. Xu Hang met some thugs through Tang Jue and gave them some money to become his temporary informant. Through them, Xu Hang learned that this morning An American girl stayed in that hotel and came to Paris alone. The girl was tall and long-legged, beautiful and eye-catching. As soon as she walked into the hotel, she received the attention of criminals.

When she was taken away, the informant Xu Hang placed nearby also saw it. Yu Wen’s situation was similar that day. She was targeted because she was too beautiful and dressed too brightly.

Xu Hang and Bai Yu stayed here for a week, and they had figured out their habits. They knew that the traffickers in the garage would not go out before a little, so they immediately called Interpol Officer Wen who was in charge of connecting with them.

The other party quickly organized manpower to outflank the garage and ambushed nearby.

At three o’clock in the morning, when the car carrying the girl came out of the garage, the tire burst immediately. The driver above got out of the car and was ambushed by the police. There were two unconscious and tied girls in the car.

The police immediately surrounded the car and rushed into the garage to arrest others. “Fox” was taken back to the police station by the police.

After police interrogation, the garage was indeed their temporary transit station in Paris. Before, they negotiated prices and transactions with customers in a bar. But a few days ago, the owners of Tanaka had an accident in China. Considering that they might provide the location of the Paris transfer station, they moved the temporary transfer station to the garage.

The reason why Xu Hang and Bai Yu didn’t find any clues about the “fox” for two months was because they had restrained a lot in order to evade the police. They only made three votes in two months.

After the police arrested the fox, they destroyed two dens one after another and rescued six hostages. But judging from the passports found in the “fox” dens, the number of people they trafficked is far more than that. They kept all the passports of the abducted and planned to sell them on the black market. This kind of passports could be sold on the black market for about 500 euros.

But in addition to the six rescued people, the other abducted people have been transported to other countries where the **** trade is legal, most of which are Thailand and Germany.

Officer Wen has been eyeing this transnational human trafficking ring for six years. Cooperation with Xu Hang and Bai Yu was also due to the introduction of the charter. After all, with their help, all the dens of this criminal group in China have been destroyed. The private anti-trafficking organization led by these two people cannot be underestimated.

According to the clues given by Police Officer Wen, Xu Hang and Bai Yu planned to visit Thailand and Germany to find the home of the transnational human trafficking group.

Xu Hang and Bai Yu clearly felt that the risk factor of this mission had increased, but this was what they were eating. Even if they risked their lives, it was their responsibility. They also know that it is not easy to find the nest of this transnational human trafficking group, and they are ready for a protracted war.

Officer Wen searched for the group’s nest for six years. Every time, the clues were cut off when he thought it was coming to an end. The undercover agent he dispatched either disappeared or the body was found shortly after.

He hoped that Xu Hang and Bai Yu, who were not in the system, could bring him surprises.

Around December 15th, Yu Wen followed the FashionWind team to an island to shoot the cover film. The January issue of “FashionWind” was launched in the middle of the month. Yu Wen’s delicate oriental face made a group of French people boil like a frying pan. As expected, this issue was the same as using a black model as the first issue, and it was strongly controversial.

Even so, the majority of readers recognize Yu Wen’s face.

When Su Qin got the magazine, she was also impressed by Yu Wen’s cover image of this issue. The model stood in the original cave in the new fashion, holding a machete, expressionless. Under the photographer’s lens, Yu Wen’s almost impeccable facial features are displayed to the extreme. Her world-weary eyes closely follow the camera, and her flaming red lips are seductive. Her facial features seem to be born to be flat.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the best debut of “FashionWind” in Su Qin’s opinion this year.

Because of the efforts of the executives of “FashionWind” to stop it, this issue of the magazine was not sold much, and it was shot out on the same day. The management of “FashionWind” did not expect this issue to be released so well, and hurriedly printed more, but the editor-in-chief was not in a hurry to release the printed version. Many readers couldn’t buy the January issue of “FashionWind”, and the Internet was full of mourning.

At the end of January, the printed version was released, and the January issue of “FashionWind” was fired for nearly half a month. The sales volume actually jumped to become the third fashion magazine in the country that month.

“FashionWind” became popular again because of this maverick, and Yu Wen was also discovered by the fashion industry. Yu Wen received an invitation from “VOGUE” to shoot a fashion blockbuster and became the first female model in China to appear on the French version of “VOGUE”.

Yu Wen, who was supposed to prepare for the college entrance examination, chose to temporarily suspend her studies because of these opportunities. And as China’s first popular French female model, she was fired to a unique height by the domestic media. Since then, in addition to the label of “the school that produces the first female astronaut in China”, Yunyang Middle School has added a label of “the school that produces the first international female supermodel”.

After coming to Paris, Su Qin updated his fashion Weibo more frequently. In order to increase the popularity of his Weibo, Su Qin took a picture of Yu Wen’s street wear and posted on Weibo. In order to maintain his consistent style, he specially posted a normal photo of Yu Meiren and her snake face PS photo.

Although Yu Wen has become popular in France, there are still many netizens in China who do not know Yu Wen. Even so, this Weibo has been retweeted. Yu Wen’s photogenic feeling is too strong, the dress she wears happens to be the street shooting clothes worn by a popular female star in China. Yu Wen’s figure and temperament directly overwhelmed the popular actress, perfectly showing the difference between a hanger and a person.

After Yu Wen left the hotel where Su Qin stayed, Su Qin lost his inspirational muse. Every night, I would play videos with Li Chuan, and I would often draw pictures while watching the videos while watching the **** men exercising through the videos.

In mid-January, Su Qin finally completed the “homework” assigned by Fern. This time, Fern planned to ask a female assistant named Kelly in the office to collect it. Kelly and Ye Fei recently got together, and the two seem to have a good personal relationship. Su Qin noticed that Kelly changed brand-name bags every day recently, and it was very difficult for her to buy those bags with her salary.

Ye Fei will win people’s hearts no matter in his past life or in this life. She will give material temptation to everyone who can use it, making people willing to do things for her. Ye Fei in this life does not rule out such behavior.

It stands to reason that there is absolutely no need for Ye Fei to bribe Kelly. She must have her reasons for doing this. Su Qin suspected that Ye Fei was planning to buy Kelly and exchange her own or other people’s works.

In order to get rid of all interference factors and choose high-quality manuscripts, Fern asked all the assistant designers not to write names on the manuscripts.

This is Fern’s habit, and he enjoys it very much.

Ye Fei plagiarized the works of many people in her previous life. This time, it is about whether she is eligible to run for chief designer in the future. She has no reason to let it go. She will definitely find a way to make herself stand out.

In the eyes of others, although Ye Fei has nothing to do with the company, her ability is not bad, and the sales of the works she designs are not bad, so she can be regarded as a moderate designer.

But Su Qin knew very well what kind of person Ye Fei was. She liked to occupy the manuscripts of small designers who had no right to speak. Seven of her ten works are plagiarism. Among all the designers who participated in the creation this time, except Su Qin, Ye Fei may not dare to offend anyone.

Compared with those designer assistants, Su Qin is a soft persimmon.

Su Qin was sitting at the desk, tapping his pen on his lips, thinking about this serious question. In order to avoid the misappropriation of her work, she is thinking of ways to deal with it.

About fifteen minutes later, she said to the man in the video who was doing a plank, “Mr. Li, I need you to do me a favor.”


Li Chuan heard the sound coming from the computer and looked up at the camera of the laptop.

Su Qin said, “You can give me your grandma’s mailbox. I have a set of design manuscripts here. I want to send it to the old man to see and let her comment.”

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