Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 37 - the truth

Back in Yunyang City, they accompanied the girl Bobo to the police station to record a statement that night. Since the girl had no family and had nowhere to go for the time being, they were taken home by Su Qin and her daughter.

Their house is very small, and the room is very narrow. In the evening, Su Qin lays a floor, uses a mattress to spread a layer on the ground, and then lays a mat, it is also cool.

Seeing Su Qin sleeping on the ground, Bobo felt a little guilty, and said timidly, “Sister Su Su, you sleep on the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor.”

“No, it’s cool to sleep on the floor, go to sleep, it’s getting late.” After that, he turned on the light.

Although it was already October, the room was still hot, and the electric fan swung its head, blowing Su Qin here from time to time.

She lay on the ground and couldn’t sleep, so she took out her mobile phone and chatted with Li Chuan. She and Li Chuan chatted east and west, but they talked about another question. It is possible that all the girls who were abducted in Yunyang City were sent there.

There are many factories in Sangzao Town, and the transportation is very developed. From there, it is very convenient to transport the girls to all parts of the country.

Su Qin fell into silence, remembering that she was abducted and trafficked in her previous life, she was dazed outside the school, and was hit **** the head again, and it took a long time to wake up.

She couldn’t remember whether she had been to that transfer station, but judging from what happened today, 80% of her had been transported there as well.

According to Bobo, most of the good-looking and well-behaved girls stayed in China and were sent to various mountain villages. And those orphans who have no father or mother, and the girls who are not very well behaved, are sent abroad.

And Su Qin, probably the former, was sold to the mountain village.

Popo said that when she was there, what she prayed every day was not to escape, but to be sold to the mountain village.

Thinking of this, Su Qin felt a layer of frost in his heart.

Su Qin sent a long text message to Li Chuan, and the tears could not stop flowing.

“Mr. Li, do you think there are so many black-hearted people in this society? Do they have no family? Why do these wicked things? We girls, we just want to live in peace, we just want to live in peace, we make mistakes. what?”

Li Chuan was silent for a long time and told her, “You did nothing wrong.”

Su Qin’s strength in holding the phone became ruthless. There are always wicked people who are above the law. Even a bullet can’t be worth the crimes they committed.

The person who set fire to Kidnapper Village was probably also afraid that these devils would take advantage of the law?

Su Qin thought he could let go of everything in that village, thinking that it was hell. But the incident of Bobo made her realize that there are eighteen layers under hell, and the layers are miserable, and the bottom layer is even worse.

She doesn’t remember how she slept, and woke up the next morning with dry cheeks, as if soaked in tears all night.

Mother was already sitting in front of the computer and started to work, while Bobo was washing dishes on the balcony.

Seeing that she was awake, Wang Lin raised her hand and pointed at the food on the table with the dustpan knocking on it and said, “Susu, I have porridge and steamed buns for you. The steamed buns should still be hot, so eat them quickly.”

Su Qin got up, fiddled with his short hair at will, pulled out the chair and sat down at the dining table.

Wang Lin told her as she typed: “Susu, I sent the matching clothes in our store to the Tianya Forum, and changed the content of your article. I didn’t expect the response to be good. Everyone praised us for how good we look. They’re clamoring for us to post more pictures of matching clothes.”

“Tianya?” Su Qin was stunned as he chewed the steamed buns in his mouth.

Wang Lin turned the computer over to show her: “Look, there are a lot of people replying below, clamoring for us to post more clothing combinations. But my writing skills are not very good, and the copywriting is not good… Otherwise, it should be able to attract more people. many people.”

Su Qin thought about things while burying his head in eating.

Yes, she came back from the future. She only saw the popularity of Weibo and WeChat public accounts, but she forgot about Tianya and Douban. The traffic was also very large, comparable to the later Weibo and public accounts.

She remembered that there were several skin care brands that became popular all the way from the end of the world.

There are several moderators in Tianya who specialize in promoting these Taobao goods. If she brings the future experience of fashion, focuses on clothing matching, grasps the point of women, and then finds those moderators to negotiate the marketing price, will it be more effective?

Su Qin is such a neat person who can do whatever he wants. She asked her mother to go to an Internet cafe and took Bobo there to teach her how to use Taobao.

Bobo was homeless and wanted to go out to find a job, but Su Qin kept her, hoping that she would stay and work for him and give her a salary of 800 yuan.

With the increasing sales of Taobao stores, one customer service is obviously not enough, two are just right, no more and no less.

Although Su Qin is small here, she usually lives on campus and only comes back on Saturdays and weekends, and she only comes back for one night a week, so Bobo doesn’t have to go out to find a house at all.

She gave Bobo an internship salary of 500, and she managed to eat and live. After one month, she became a regular, and she received an 800 commission.

Bobo was only 15 years old, and he was not good at studying before. He left the orphanage before high school and came out to work. No one would want her when she went out to find a job at her age. Su Qin was willing to take her in and pay her back. She was extremely happy.

When Wang Lin took Bobo to the Internet cafe and Su Qin was alone at home, she started editing fashion posts.

The first fashion post is “2006 early autumn collocation, Qi Peipei wears like this”.

Qi Peipei is a female star who became popular last year because of a martial arts drama. Her every move has attracted much attention in the world. In this post, Su Qin taught everyone how to match the current trendy styles, and predicted the upcoming fashion styles. At the end, he advertised the trendy styles in his store.

Once the post was sent, it attracted the attention of many netizens within two hours.

Seeing that the traffic was good, Su Qin found the moderator and paid advertising fees to help her push posts.

At twelve o’clock in the evening, Su Qin’s post was refined and became popular throughout the forum.

This post is just a test post by Su Qin, but it is very popular. It can be said that it is a great success.

The next morning, Wang Lin announced the good news: “Susu, our store’s sales are all up! The customer said that our clothes look good together, so let’s put more new styles!”

After playing the floor for two nights, Su Qin had a sore back. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. She glanced at the posts posted on Tianya, and the popularity was unexpected.

Su Qin’s ID “Yunyi Yishe” became popular in a small area of ​​Tianya, and her post was transferred to Douban, where there was no marketing, but the traffic was good.

Su Qin calculated the money on hand, except for packaging and marketing, the remaining money was less than 10,000, but it was still possible to buy a computer.

She instructed Wang Lin to post a vacation announcement and go out with her to buy a second-hand cube computer.

Seeing that the two of them were going out, Bobo said timidly, “I’m not going, right? I can help you stare at the computer at home. Although I type very slowly, I can still reply to customers.”

Bobo is a girl from the coastal area. She is thin and thin, with naturally dark skin. She is a little taller than Su Qin, about 168.

Su Qin took out a piece of clothing from the simple wardrobe and stuffed it into her: “change your clothes, go out together, take you for a walk, and buy you some daily necessities by the way.”

The girl hugged her clothes, pursed her lips, and was moved to tears, “Susu…Thank you.”

Su Qin grinned: “No thanks, we have a predestined relationship, and it is within my power to help you. If kind-hearted people help me, I will help more people in need within my power. The love of society needs to be passed on, doesn’t it? “

Although this is a bit nauseous, it is true.

On the bus, Su Qin saw the message sent by the regulations.

Eleven girls were either sent back to the orphanage or arranged by the local government to go to school.

go to school? Su Qin wondered if those girls could come out of the shadow of being abducted.

They have no father or mother, and there is no one around to encourage them. I am afraid that it is difficult for them to get out of the predicament on their own. Su Qin turned his head and looked out the window, the sky outside was blue and cloudless.

Under this clear sky, there is no lack of dark tides, black entanglement.

No amount of heroes is enough, right?

Computer city.

Su Qin and the others found a small shop that sells second-hand computers. Although the facade is not big, there are quite a few second-hand computers on the containers.

Su Qin looked left and right, and finally chose a square desktop computer and asked the boss for the price.

The boss is bowing his head to repair a mainframe. When he sees three women, he doesn’t ask for a high price. He said, “One thousand and one, I will give you keyboard, mouse and earphones.”

“One thousand and one? So expensive? My monthly salary is not that much!” Wang Lin bargained like she was shopping for food on the roadside: “Eighty hundred dollars is sky-breaking!”

The boss put down the tools in his hand and was a little angry: “Are you shopping for food on the road? Eight hundred? I even replaced the hard drive for this computer! Eight hundred? Why don’t you go to the road to grab it?”

The boss is a straight man in science and technology, and he speaks straight and does not bend.

Seeing that the boss is so fierce, Wang Lin straightened her chest and said loudly: “Ferocious, fierce, what is fierce? Love to sell or not! Susu, Bobo, let’s go!”

Wang Lin took the two girls out, and before she stepped out of the door with one foot, she was stopped by the boss again: “Eight hundred! No keyboard, mouse and earphones will be given.”

Wang Lin turned around and said stubbornly, “Eight hundred, you can give everything, nothing less!”


Seeing that the boss was hesitating, Wang Lin said, “If you don’t sell it, you can’t find anything cheaper than yours in such a big market?”

She pulled the two girls, and just stepped out with her hind foot, and was stopped by the boss: “Okay, okay, I’m really scared of you, come and give me money!”

Wang Lin walked back with a smile, and while taking out the money, she grinned: “Package delivery, package installation, right?”

“Of course.” The boss took out a business card and handed it to Wang Lin: “Eldest sister, you will come to us next time you have business.”

“Okay.” After Wang Lin took the business card and received the receipt, she left an address for the boss and asked him to deliver it at six o’clock in the afternoon.

After coming out of the computer city, Su Qin gave her mother a thumbs up: “Mom, since you divorced, you have become more and more beautiful. How is it? Do you feel very comfortable now?”

“Well, with my good daughter by my side, I’ll be content, and I’ll never look for stinky men again!”

As Wang Lin spoke, she sighed in her heart again, and wanted to go back and slap herself severely.

Was her brain covered in **** before? Actually want to take care of the little three’s son wholeheartedly! Thinking of the past, Wang Lin was full of guilt.

She held Su Qin’s hand, gritted her teeth and swore, she must work hard, learn new things from the Internet, and help her daughter get on Taobao!

Next door to the computer city is Kaiyuan shopping mall. They are all at the entrance of the shopping mall. They make Taobao clothing. There is no reason not to go to see the clothing styles in the physical store.

Kaiyuan shopping mall sells jewelry on the first floor, clothes on the second floor, and gourmet food on the third floor. The three women went up the escalator to the second floor, and when they passed a clothing store, Wang Lin suddenly stopped on the spot.

She looked inside through the glass window, her eyes widened, and the expression on her clothes seemed to be haunted.

Su Qin thought she saw something, looked through the glass, and saw the father with his son, and a woman picking clothes inside.

Su Zhengguo had a brilliant business career in his early years. Although he was poor, he was very particular about his clothes. He is now working in a state-owned enterprise. He likes to wear shirts, trousers, and brown leather shoes. With his good looks, there will be no shortage of women around him after the divorce.

The son is sitting on a low stool with a toy in his hand.

The woman was taking a piece of clothing and gesturing to herself. The woman was in her thirties, with a fat body, but her face was only the size of a palm, her eyebrows were charming, and she was the type that men like.

The woman Su Qin remembered was the second wife Su Zhengguo married, Li Xiulan.

In the previous life, not long after Su Qin’s mother died of cancer, Su Zhengguo married this wife and entered the house. When they got married, Su Qin didn’t go, not even a red envelope or blessing.

When Su Zhengguo was doing business and running a factory, he met Li Xiulan, a young and beautiful part-time worker in the factory. The business went bankrupt, and Su Zhengguo lied to the family without a penny left. In fact, he not only had a sum of money left, but also took state subsidies.

At that time, Xiaosan gave him a son, and he used money to subsidize Li Xiulan and her son. In order not to make Wang Lin suspect, he told Wang Lin that Li Xiulan had died of illness. And from time to time, he brainwashed Wang Lin, instilling in her ears “the third party is dead, and the child is innocent”.

Gradually, Wang Lin actually softened. But considering that her daughter couldn’t accept this younger brother, she never let go.

With Su Zhengguo’s character, of course he can bring the child back without saying hello. But he was worried about angering the woman. After all, the rabbit was in a hurry and bit people, so women didn’t dare to deal with him, and wouldn’t they dare to bully a child?

Su Zhengguo often travels on business, so he really dare not take his son home to Wang Lin to take care of him. So, he brainwashed her slowly, step by step.

Li Xiulan is a shrewd person. While thinking about running on Su Zhengguo’s original wife, she also thinks that if Su Zhengguo doesn’t marry her for the rest of her life, she can’t be a widow like this all her life, right? She has to think about her son.

So, she concealed her unmarried childbirth. As soon as her son was weaned, she was thrown to live with her mother, while she stayed in the factory in Sangzao Town to work.

Su Zhengguo works in a state-owned enterprise, and from time to time he is sent to the factory in Sangzao Town to take over the job. He takes this opportunity to reunite with Li Xiulan.

Su Zhengguo also knew that Liu Xiulan was hooking up with men in the factory, but he just turned a blind eye, knowing what he knew, but didn’t say it. This is also one of the reasons why he is unwilling to divorce Wang Lin and marry Li Xiulan.

Su Zhengguo enjoys Wang Lin’s obedience and her free nanny. If it wasn’t for Wang Lin’s “cancer”, he would not divorce. After divorcing Wang Lin, he had no excuse for not being able to get married. In addition, Li Xiulan’s salary was higher than his, and he could earn tens of thousands of yuan in a few months. Thinking of living in the future, he married Li Xiulan.

Li Xiulan is also a woman after all. Although she is selfish, she also has feelings for her son and Su Zhengguo. As soon as Su Zhengguo got divorced, she posted it immediately, and the two got married quickly.

Wang Lin was obviously not surprised when she met Su Zhengguo, she was obviously frightened. She grabbed Su Qin’s wrist, her palms were sweaty and shaking like chaff.

Seeing that Wang Lin was abnormal, Bobo put his arms around her shoulder and asked, “Aunt Wang? What’s wrong with you?”

Su Qin also held his mother’s hand and asked, “Mom? What’s wrong with you? Are you afraid of him? Don’t be afraid, you are divorced now, and he doesn’t dare to do anything to you. Even if he has a new life, at least he won’t bother us. already.”

Wang Lin was so frightened that her lips turned purple, she pointed to the inside, opened her mouth wide, and couldn’t make a sound for a long time.

Su Zhengguo inside quickly saw his daughter and ex-wife outside the window, and was also shocked. And Li Xiulan followed her husband’s gaze and saw his daughter and ex-wife.

Li Xiulan dropped her clothes and was about to go out, but was pulled by her husband.

Li Xiulan said strangely: “Su Zhengguo, what’s wrong? Are you guilty? Do you have any heart? I have avoided her for so many years for you. Now that you are divorced, it doesn’t matter. Are you still partial to her?”

Su Zhengguo lowered his voice: “Xiulan, she has cancer and is dying. Don’t be mad at her.”

After all, he is a person. After so many years as a husband and wife, thinking that she is about to die, he is a little soft-hearted.

Li Xiulan shook off the man’s hand and strode towards the door, smiling and looking at Wang Lin, who was terrified at the door: “Sister Lin, it’s been a long time. I’m married to Zhengguo, and I’ll have a drink next month. I’ll send you a message. Wedding invitation?”

Wang Lin was so out of breath that she pointed at her “you, you, you” for a long time, unable to say a word, and her hands were shaking violently.

Seeing that her mother was so angry that she was about to faint, Su Qin quickly stroked her back and said, “Mom, be strong, have you forgotten what I said to you? The more depressed you are, the more proud those who hate you will be, don’t be afraid. .”

Wang Lin took a breath and tried to calm herself down, but her voice couldn’t help trembling: “You… Li Xiulan, aren’t you dead?”

“Dead?” Li Xiulan laughed: “Didn’t I stand here well?”

Wang Lin was trembling with anger.

sky! She has been deceived by her husband for so many years! This little three didn’t die of illness at all, didn’t die of illness at all! He even sent his son to her to raise him! This vicious woman!

Just as the two were talking, the little boy came out of the store, threw himself into Wang Lin’s arms, hugged her thighs, and happily shouted “Mom”.

Li Xiulan pulled her son and scolded him in a low voice: “I am your mother, you stinky boy, what are you shouting?”

Wang Lin lowered her head and stared at the little boy, an incredible guess suddenly exploded in her mind.

When her daughter disappeared, her husband brought the little boy back. Isn’t it a coincidence?

A woman’s intuition can sometimes be terrifying.

Four-year-old children are not well developed, they can’t speak very well, and they are even more ignorant about the things of adults. After Su Zhengguo brought him home, he asked him to call Wang Lin’s mother, and he called it obediently. Wang Lin treats him very well. In fact, in the heart of a four-year-old child, Wang Lin is more affectionate than her biological mother.

Wang Lin glared red, like a balloon about to explode: “You, you! You were the one who kidnapped my Susu, right? You can only send your son back when my Susu is missing, right? You vicious woman !”

She raised her hand and slapped Li Xiulan on the face.

This slap was so cruel that Li Xiulan oozes blood from the corners of her mouth, and her cheeks were so hot that there were several red handprints, obviously she was stunned.

Li Xiulan reacted and wanted to hit Wang Lin like crazy, but was stopped by her husband Su Zhengguo.

“How can you think of people so vicious? Is Xiulan that kind of person?” Su Zhengguo grabbed the excited Li Xiulan and shouted at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin’s teeth were chattering: “She can even seduce her husband, why can’t she do something vicious?”

Su Qin looked at her father and Xiao San’s family, her heart was turbulent, she stared at the little San and couldn’t calm down for a long time.

If it is as her mother guessed, is all the misery in her previous life because of this little three? The funny thing is that in her previous life, she lived half her life, and she didn’t know until she died that this Li Xiulan was the one who made her life difficult.

“Su Zhengguo.” Su Qin’s tone was not emotional, and his eyes were as cold as ice.

Su Zhengguo looked at the daughter in front of him, and always felt that she had changed a person, especially those eyes, which were cold and hollow, as if filled with a black aura.

“Susu, take good care of your mother, and dad will come to see you another day.” Su Zhengguo said, and was about to drag Li Xiulan away.

Su Qin stretched his hand into his pocket, took out chili water while the two were not paying attention, and sprayed “Zizi” into Li Xiulan’s eyes.

The woman leaned in her husband’s arms and covered her eyes and yelled.

Su Zhengguo hugged Li Xiulan and said angrily, “Susu, what are you doing! How can you treat your second mother like this!”

“Second mother?” Su Qin looked at the former father in front of him coldly, and the corners of his lips sneered: “Su Zhengguo, I have said long ago that you are no longer my father, and this woman also insults the word mother.”

There was a lot of traffic in the mall, and people came to watch quickly around.

Su Qin turned around and pulled his mother: “Mom, Bobo, let’s go.”

Until she walked out of the mall, Wang Lin’s face was still pale.

She couldn’t stop trembling, recalling all kinds of things in the past, feeling as stupid as a pig, being used without realizing it. She couldn’t believe at all that the former self actually devoted herself to raising the third child? He actually listened to her husband and asked her daughter, who had finally returned home, to go to work.

How stupid was she before?

Everyone, including Su Qin himself, didn’t know what Li Xiulan did to send her son back to “home”.

She got along well in Sangzao Town, and she caught up with the traffickers, and it was she who preached to the traffickers that Su Qin was beautiful, kind, easy to kidnap, and a little girl with a clean body and never had contact with men.

And these, Su Qin in the previous life didn’t know, and when she came back, she didn’t know either.

If in this life, she did not accept her mother, did not persuade her to divorce, and did not meet Li Xiulan with her mother, she would be kept in the dark forever, and she might never know that the “died” junior was Li Xiulan.

Is this what God intended for her to be reborn? Let her see the truth?

Back home, her mother Wang Lin was sitting on the bed crying, while Su Qin went to the balcony to breathe, trying to digest the shocking news.

Fortunately, she was reborn in this life, and fortunately, by chance, she went to the vicinity of the factory and met Bobo. All of this seems to be arranged by God, tying their fates tightly together.

Human trafficking transfer station, Sangzao Town, Li Xiulan, abduction… These clues are connected together and twisted into an unexpected truth.

When the traffickers at the transfer station ran away, they would definitely move their nests. After a while of silence, they would definitely start all over again. Thinking of this, Su Qin’s heart could not be calm for a long time, what she wanted to do, but her ability was limited.

Su Qin remembered Li Xiulan in his previous life, the owner of a small factory in Sangzao Town. Thinking of this, she called the owner of the printing factory and asked her to inquire about Li Xiulan.

The boss recited the name again before saying, “She. We are a flower in Sangzao Town, who doesn’t know her here? Xiao Su, I have something to tell you, this woman is not a good person, she often talks to her. The social hooligans in the factory mixed together.”

“Then, did she have any contact with the trafficker?”

The boss said, “I don’t know, why are you asking about this?”

“Oh, didn’t my dad divorce my mom? The person I’m looking for is Li Xiulan. I want to know if her net worth is innocent. As long as she doesn’t do anything illegal, I will accept her.”

The boss sympathized with her: “Well, I’ll call and ask my nephew. He is also in the society and has some connections. I’ll ask him to inquire for you.”

Su Qin: “Is there a connection? Well, boss, you can talk to him. I’ll call him here and tell him in person, how about it?”

The boss sent her nephew Xiao Shu’s phone number.

Su Qin edited a text message to ask if the other party was the boss’ nephew. Only after the other party expressed his affirmation did Su Qin get to the point.

She wants Xiaoshu to help check Li Xiulan to see if she has had contact with human traffickers. If there is contact, Li Xiulan will take the title of “behind the scenes”.

Sangzao Town is not big, and it is a little bit well-connected, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find out these things. There is no airtight wall in the world. Those people who dare to take root there must also have a “social circle” locally.

In order to allow Xiaoshu to do her best to help her investigate these matters, Su Qin promised to give Xiaoshu a thousand dollars.

Money can make a ghost run the mill, of course Xiao Shu will not refuse, and since he is the boss’s nephew, it is unlikely that he will cheat her.

Just to save Bobo’s heroism towards the boss, Su Qin believed in the boss’s character.

After Wang Lin cried, she called Su Qin in, held her hand and said, “Susu, my mother is sorry for you. It must be that woman, that woman caused you to be abducted, otherwise, where in the world could there be such a coincidence? Mom was wrong, wrong from the beginning, selfishly thought that if I listened to him and took good care of the house for him, he would be as good to me as before… I was so wrong, I helped the third son to raise his son, and even drove him away own daughter…”

Su Qin hugged his mother, patted her on the shoulder and comforted: “Mom, it’s all over, what we have to do now is to make money quickly and become stronger. Only by making ourselves stronger can we be able to have the ability and means in the future. Go punish those two bitches.”

Thinking of Xiaosan’s family, Wang Lin’s teeth itch with hatred.

Although she had the courage to divorce, she didn’t have the courage to take revenge on her husband. But today, the appearance of Li Xiulan made a mass of hatred rise in her heart.

The mother and daughter were talking, Bobo stared at the computer screen and said in surprise: “Sister Susu, Aunt Wang! Our matching post is on fire! Even my space is spreading.”

There are a lot of people added to Bobo QQ, all kinds of netizens, who used to have online dating on it, and were tricked by traffickers to Sangzao Town.

Her space is mixed, and her netizens are even more diverse. I was shocked when I saw Su Qin’s matching post in the space, and hurried to tell Su Qin the good news.

In the current QQ space, the log function is very popular. Netizens like to reprint articles on the Internet to their own space to improve the space.

Su Qin’s post mentioned the star Qi Peipei, and there are enough dry goods. Even if many netizens don’t like to see through the outfit, they will retweet it for the star they like.

This collocation post became popular, which has a lot to do with her seizing the opportunity. She brought the thinking of future people to the present, and the novel descriptions and avant-garde collocations in the article are naturally sought after by everyone.

There are two computers at home. Su Qin and Wang Lin divide the labor and cooperate, one serves as Taobao customer service, the other serves as the editor of collocation articles, while Bobo is responsible for cooking for the two and watching and studying on the sidelines.

Su Qin has accumulated experience in her previous life, and she writes articles about clothing and accessories very quickly. In order to cultivate users’ reading habits, she plans to update them once a week.

With Bobo helping Taobao, she can use the spare time to write matching posts and make work plans when she goes home every week.

Seven days off, Su Qin “rested” for three days.

On the fourth day, she began to take books and stationery to Lichuan Company to ask him to make up lessons.

Every night, Li Chuan would ride the battery car to take the girl home.

After the incident in Sangzao Town, whenever he rode a battery car, Su Qin would notice something hard and bulging in his trouser pocket.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, Li Chuan sent the girl back to school.

There was a peddler pulling a cart of fruits to sell at the school gate, so he rode Su Qin over there, parked on the side of the road, and walked towards the fruit stand.

Su Qin also took off his helmet and walked over with a small step.

Li Chuan picked up an orange the size of a fist, took out a foldable saber from his pocket, scratched a small tooth, turned and handed it to Su Qin: “Tast it, is it sweet or not.”

Su Qin took the orange tooth carefully, for fear that the sharp blade would scratch her finger. She put the orange in her mouth, tasted it, sipped it lightly, and said, “Sweet.”

Li Chuan put the knife into Su Qin’s hand, took out his wallet, and said to the boss, “Six catties of oranges, six catties of grapes.”

Su Qin hurriedly said, “Mr. Li, there are too many.”

“Eat more fruits and be healthy.” Li Chuan took out a few hundred dollars from his wallet and put it in her hand: “Pocket money.”

“…” Su Qin was shocked by the man’s actions. In the past, he never gave her any money, but at most he bought something.

But now, what’s going on with the money?

She hurriedly shied away and put a few hundred dollars back into Li Chuan’s hands: “Mr. Li, you are so good to me, I don’t know how to repay you. You gave me the money. Really… I can’t accept it.”

“Take it.” Li Chuan put the weighed fruits into her hands together, his tone was not polite, but with irresistible sternness: “In the future, at work, worry less about snacks, and in life, I will take care of you more. I lent you this money, and I made it back to me later, not in vain. You are my apprentice. Master treats apprentice well, isn’t it just right?”

Seeing that the man was stubborn, Su Qin no longer refused, and planned to save all the money and put it in the book he gave, and then slowly return it to him when he made money in the future.

If she wasn’t a soul in her thirties, I’m afraid, she would already want to promise her by now, right?

Su Qin didn’t know what Li Chuan thought, but she also felt that Li Chuan’s treatment of her was not as simple as doing a long-term public welfare, but more like…

She didn’t dare to think deeply. After all, Li Chuan was very good. She didn’t think Li Chuan would like her little girl’s film.

Li Chuan took her to the gate of the school and said to her, “By the way, I will come to my company for something in the future. I have applied for a suspension from the school, and I shouldn’t go there again.”

“Ah? Suspension? But you just started a Ph.D.”

The man’s behavior shocked Su Qin.

Li Chuan said with a smile: “The company is too busy, and there is no way to do it.”

“Then, will you continue to go back and read in the future?”

“Depending on the situation, I will talk about it when I have time.” Li Chuan’s eyes fell on the girl’s hand and said, “You hold the knife and put it on your body at any time, you know?”

When he mentioned it, Su Qin realized that Li Chuan’s knife was still in her hand.

Thinking of the situation in Sangzao Town, Su Qin took a breath and nodded: “Got it. Teacher Li, you should go back early too, and pay attention to safety on the road.”


Li Chuan watched the little girl enter the school before turning around and walking towards the parking lot.

The phone in his pocket rang, the man put the phone between his ears and shoulders, went to get the helmet hanging on the handlebar, and said “hello”.

The charter on the other end of the phone said: “Lao Li, the above has suppressed this matter, and the newspapers are not allowed to report on this human trafficking transfer station. According to my investigation, the human trafficking transfer station is really related to a transnational trafficker. The blocs of the population are connected.”

“Why not report it?”

“After all, a transit station for human trafficking was run away near Yunyang City. This report will cause social panic.”

Li Chuan can’t understand this kind of news that suppresses this kind of news, whitewashing peace? Can’t reporting this kind of thing make parents and children raise their awareness of safety?

Those children who are protected in the ivory tower are innocent and simple. How does the “Safety Manual” in the school urge them? I’m afraid that those children have long been tired of the “Safety Manual” and the teacher’s advice. If they are not made to feel a sense of crisis, they will not understand at all, danger is lurking around, and they will feel that the hammer cannot hit them.

The charter added: “By the way, Lao Li, I squatted in Sangzao Town for a few days and found that Su Qin’s stepmother is really not a thing.”


“Didn’t I go to the informant to inquire about the matter, those informants didn’t know much, and then they told me that Su Qin’s stepmother Lu Ziguang. I went to her and wanted to inquire about something, but she actually accepted me. Thousands of dollars! This old woman, vampire, bah. It’s fortunate that Sister Su Qin and her aunt have moved out now, otherwise, she might be tortured.”

Li Chuan never knew that Su Qin had a stepmother.

Su Qin returned to the dormitory with a large bag and a small bag, washed all the fruits, put them in enamel bowls, and waited for the roommates to come back.

Meng Sisi and Yu Wen went upstairs with a large bag and a small bag. The two girls were chatting about things, and Su Qin could hear their voices from afar.

As soon as the two came in, they saw Su Qin sitting at the desk doing homework, and excitedly dropped things and came to hug her.

Meng Sisi sat down beside her, wrapped her arms around her neck and said excitedly, “Ah ah ah, Sister Su Qin, guess who I met in the harbor this time?”

“TVB’s peerless superstar?”

“No no no no…Xu Hang, Instructor Xu!” Meng Sisi said brightly, “God, Sister Su Qin, you don’t know how handsome my Instructor Xu is in a suit! He! Too! He’s so handsome!”

Yu Wen on the side rolled her eyes and said to Su Qin helplessly: “She has been talking about this since the plane landed this morning. She has gone crazy!”

“And I have to get to Instructor Xu’s phone number! At the shopping mall, he walked around with his arms around my shoulders, but he disappeared soon. Hey, no matter what, I think I still have a good relationship with him. Destined!”

Su Qin followed her description and thought about the situation at the time. I was afraid that Xu Hang was on a special mission at that time, right?

Yan Yixiao grabbed a few copies of the “Safety Manual” issued by the dormitory aunt, rushed in from the outside with a backpack on his back, and said in his mouth:

“It’s so annoying. Our dormitory heads were called by the dormitory aunt and listened to her nagging about safety issues. I don’t understand. The “Safety Manual” is published once a month. What’s the use? What about walking together after school, is it annoying? I don’t believe that in broad daylight, there are people who can’t kidnap me, so I know it’s alarmist. Really…”

“Human traffickers want to kidnap you, but there is really a way to make you disappear in front of everyone.”

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