Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 36 - traffickers

Su Qin didn’t know Li Xian well in his previous life, so he didn’t know his character. She really can’t believe men too much, and it’s still such a remote suburb. If something happens, it’s really called Tian Tian not working, and it’s not working.

Su Qin and Li Xian made an appointment to meet at the bus terminal at six o’clock tomorrow morning. She discussed with her mother and asked her to post a day off at the Taobao store tomorrow, and let her mother go with her.

After the other party went offline, Su Qin saw the QQ group flickering.

This QQ group called “Little Pigs” is a National Day outing group established by Yan Yixiao. During the seven-day National Day holiday, Yan Yixiao organized a trip to Harbour Disney.

This trip was led by Yan Yixiao’s father. In addition to Meng Sisi and Yu Wen, there were several boys from Yunfei’s dormitory.

Yun Fei hesitated to go, so he asked Su Qin in the group, “Su Su, are you going?”

[One Su]: I won’t go, everyone, let’s go play. I have to do things for my mother, and I have to go to tutoring. I don’t have time to play, and I have to spend a lot of money to go to the seaport. My family’s conditions are not good, so I won’t go. You guys have fun.

[Angel of the Heart]: Su Qin, I’ll bring you a gift back!

【Sisi】: Sister Su Qin, don’t be too tired these days. Take a rest.

[Yu Wen]: What about Yun Fei? not going?

Yun Fei didn’t speak anymore, and poked Su Qin privately: “Su Su, if you don’t go, I won’t go either.”

This is a good opportunity to socialize with classmates. Su Qin advised him: “Feifei, this is a good opportunity to see the big world. I heard that Harbour Disney is very fun. Have you never been on a plane? You can try it. Feifei, When you were in the village before, even though you acted stupid, you didn’t reject talking to other children, so why do you reject playing with everyone when you came to the city?”

Yun Fei was silent on the computer side for a long time.

When he first came home, he was curious about everything, buildings in the city, computers, mobile phones… His father took him to meet friends, took him to meet other children, and to compensate him, he bought him a lot of toys that he had never played with.

Yun Fei felt that he didn’t need to play stupid anymore, he could play with other children unscrupulously. He took the initiative to court people, and took the initiative to bring some children to play games at the party.

He tries very hard to get along with the children, but his age doesn’t want to play with him.

But it was later discovered that he was so out of touch with society that he didn’t understand anything, and he couldn’t even fiddle with a child’s game console. He was pointed at and laughed at by a group of children, and he was insulted as a fool by the outspoken children.

He wants friends. But the harder he tried, the more disliked he became.

He took the toys that his father bought him, and went to find the children younger than him to play with. He wanted to share it with them, and felt that it was easier to be friends with the children. However, when he took things to find them, he heard those sarcastic words.

Those sarcastic words are still in my ears.

“He’s so stupid, he doesn’t even know that? A hillbilly from the countryside?”

“Yeah, I don’t want to play with him, I don’t want to play with unskilled hillbillies.”

“Have you heard? Actually, Yun Fei was picked up by his father. He is a country bumpkin.”

“Not just a hillbilly, but a fool. I don’t want to play with him. I pretend to play with him. He always brings us a lot of new toys.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……”

He really took those children as friends, but why, they just used him?

Fool, country bumpkin. These sarcastic words were like thorns on his back, making him uncomfortable. Gradually, he began to reject social interaction, to reject those children, and to be hostile to any strangers around him.

When he met Su Qin again, he regained the feeling of having friends.

The girl did not despise him, and stroked his head with her hand.

He really felt Susu’s kindness to him. When he gets along with Su Qin, he doesn’t need to try to please him, and even if he acts like a spoiled child with her, she just laughs it off.

He enjoys being by Su Qin’s side very much, as if she is the only one in this world, which is really good to him.

Su Qin discovered the problem from Yun Fei’s intermittent words.

These words buried in the heart, the boy can’t say, but can express in words.

She comforted: “Feifei, you can’t fit in some circles, that’s because you’re not with them, they’re just a bunch of wolves who don’t deserve to be friends with you. But think about your roommates, you treat them well. , are they also good to you? This is a friend. Sisi, Yan Yixiao, Yu Wen, they all want to be friends with you, but you trapped yourself, so that no one else can enter your world.”

“Feifei, go with them on this trip. You are the oldest and tallest boy among them. You have to play the role of a big brother and take the initiative to protect and take care of them, just like when you were in the mountain village and took care of me. Well, you know?”

Yun Fei: “I’m afraid.”

Su Qin said: “If you agree, you will come, if you don’t, you will disperse. If you can’t be friends, you can be a passerby. Life is so long, and it’s okay to be alone. It’s enough to have kindness to everyone around you.”

Yun Fei pondered for a moment, and replied “um” to her.

“It’s your first trip, enjoy it. Time will give you what you want. Don’t shut yourself down because you’ve been hurt. Don’t be afraid of being alone. There are thousands of people in the world with different personalities. There will always be someone willing to be with you. be friends.”

Yun Fei returned the word “um” again.

The next morning at six o’clock, Su Qin and his mother arrived at the bus terminal on time.

Li Xian, wearing a shirt and long trousers with a computer bag on his back, stood under the street lamp at the station entrance and waved to the mother and daughter.

Wang Lin walked side by side with her daughter and asked her in a low voice, “Susu, is there any problem with this man? Go to such a remote place.”

“Don’t be afraid, he is alone, we are two, and don’t we have self-defense items on us? Don’t be afraid, Mom, you are an adult, take out your aura.”

Wang Lin nodded, and immediately took out her aura and walked in front of her daughter.

Today, she wore a lady’s suit, stepped on a pair of low-heeled shoes, her hair was pulled up, and she walked with great momentum. Su Qin put on heavy makeup and red lipstick for her. When Wang Lin didn’t speak, she was a bit like a female boss.

Walking in front of Li Xian, Wang Lin smiled at the young man according to her daughter’s instructions, and took the initiative to extend her hand: “Hello, my surname is Wang, Wang Lin.”

It was not long after Li Xian graduated, and he was in contact with designers on weekdays. This was the first time he had contacted such an imposing female boss. He was a little “scared”, and when he shook hands with the female boss, his arms were shaking, “You… Hello.”

Seeing the young man looking scared, Wang Lin was delighted, and her brows curled: “Don’t be afraid of the young man, I don’t eat people.”

The woman smiled kindly, but under the background of heavy makeup, this smile was more like a knife hidden in cotton.

The bus drove out of the city and onto the dirt road, shaking all the way.

On the way, Su Qin got motion sickness and vomited several times. Two hours later, they arrived at the printing factory in Sangzao Town.

The factory is small and rudimentary. It is surrounded by red bricks on all sides. There is a row of workshops directly opposite the gate. Because the workers carry all kinds of printed materials, the inside is full of dust.

The machines are operated mechanically, and the workers are responsible for sub-packaging and handling. The three of them were taken by the boss into the humble office next to the workshop, and the dust was a little smaller.

The desk in this office is thick with gray, and the chairs are also gray, making people afraid to sit.

The owner of the printing factory was a middle-aged man, walking on a pair of slippers and wearing a blackened white T. He spoke with black teeth and a wrinkled smile. He was quite easy-going.

The boss has already made the packaging box and the paper bag samples of the two materials. The hatchback is placed on the workbench for comparison, and the paper bag is indeed higher than the non-woven fabric.

The non-woven fabric has a dull color pattern and a strong sense of inferior cottage.

The boss said: “The style of your non-woven handbag is too novel, not a regular one, and the price is 50 cents higher than the ordinary non-woven handbag. Also, your paper bag is not made of string. It’s a hand-held, but a ribbon, and the price of the ribbon is of course higher than that of the traditional string, about 30 cents more expensive.”

Su Qin picked up the sample and looked at it. The effect of the paper bag is indeed very high-end. In addition, it uses a ribbon to carry it. This style is no worse than those gift bags sold in gift shops.

“Xiao Su, the effect of the paper bag is really good. It looks more high-end than the handbags of Dior and Chanel. Why don’t we order this?”

The ribbon handbag was suggested by Su Qin, and Li Xian had to admit that the girl’s aesthetic ideas were as avant-garde as his.

Su Qin didn’t rush to a conclusion, but turned around and asked his mother: “Mom, from your standpoint, if you buy these two handbags, which one would you choose?”

Wang Lin, who didn’t speak from the beginning to the end, heard her daughter’s question, thought for a while, and replied, “If it were me, I would choose the non-woven one. Although it is not as good-looking as a paper bag, it is stronger. If Women usually have to go to work, so they can use this bag to store vegetables, rice buckets, and other sundries. But, this paper bag, after all, can’t hold heavy objects, so it might be a bit… useless?”

“Ms. Wang, let me interrupt,” Li Xian interrupted her from another position, saying, “Our paper bag looks very high-end, you women are all vain, and it’s too much to put forward such a high-end paper bag. Have face? Right? So I’m more in favor of using paper bags.”

Li Xian realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately shut his mouth and looked at Su Qin.

Su Qin raised his eyes and asked the boss, “Boss, can this non-woven fabric be coated? If it is coated, will it look more upscale?”

“The color and style design of yours is indeed much better if it is covered with film. But with your 1,000 yuan, the printing fee and the machine fee will add up to a thousand, which is not worth it.” The boss paused and pointed to the portable The paper bag said: “I personally recommend that you still use paper bags.”

Su Qin made a decisive decision: “Can you make a non-woven paper bag covered with film for us to see?”

The boss nodded: “No problem, but it will probably be finished in the afternoon. I’m afraid you won’t have a car when you go back. Are you really going to do it?”

“Well, let’s do it, can you stay here? We can pay for the accommodation and meals.” Su Qin asked.

Boss: “Yes, yes, but the conditions are not very good. There are many mosquitoes this season, so be prepared.”

“It’s okay, trouble boss.”

At five o’clock in the afternoon, the boss delivered the coated samples into their lounge.

Paper, non-woven uncoated, and non-woven coated, the three are placed together for a comparison.

After lamination, the color of the non-woven fabric is no longer so dull, and the texture is also much improved. If it is an ordinary design, even if it is made of this kind of non-woven film, I am afraid it will not have a big-name texture, but this design of Li Xian is very powerful in the color treatment, which can instantly capture a woman’s favorability.

However, the cost of making a non-woven bag covered with film was nearly a dollar more than she estimated.

Su Qin hesitated again and again, and clapped his hands: “First, make a thousand non-woven tote bags and five hundred paper tote bags.”

After 5:30 p.m., there was no car in Sangzao Town to go back to Yunyang City.

Although it is a town, it is actually a rural village with convenient transportation. The houses behind the factory are still tile-roofed houses, with a few self-built buildings.

The boss is a kind person, and he entertained them with hares from the mountains for dinner. After eating and drinking, I took the three to the back mountain for a walk, picked some seasonal fruits, and asked them to take them back to the city tomorrow.

Outside the tile-roofed houses, many jujube trees are planted. The branches are full of bright red jujubes. They are the size of a thumb and look delightful.

Li Xian happily climbed up the tree, pulled out his shirt from his belt, lifted his clothes to expose his belly, and used his shirt to cover the jujube.

Wang Lin looked straight and happy: “This kid, looking at Wen Wen Jing, is like a monkey when he climbs a tree.”

Su Qin looked at the people in the tree and was speechless.

I didn’t expect that designer Li would not pay attention to appearance so much?

Li is now picking dates from the tree, the boss also climbs up, and also carries the jujubes in his clothes. The two big men are enjoying the fruit picking.

At this moment, a unkempt little girl rushed out of the tiled house next to her, chasing a big wolf dog behind her.

Mother Wang Lin was frightened and hugged her daughter to hide.

When the girl saw Su Qin and his party, she rushed towards them as if she saw hope, grabbed Su Qin, and hid behind her, “Sister, help me, help me.”

The big wolf dog rushed towards Su Qin and the others. Su Qin almost subconsciously pushed away and hugged his mother and grabbed his little girl. He quickly took out homemade chili water from his pocket and sprayed it at the big wolf dog.

The big wolf dog had chili water in its eyes and nose, and was so mad that it circled in place with its tail tucked in, screaming “Ooooooooooo”.

Li Xian, who was picking fruit from the tree, was so frightened that he screamed “Wow!”. He was always afraid of dogs, so he almost slipped and fell.

Su Qin picked up a wooden stick and hit the big wolf dog on the head, smashing it hard, and there was a ruthless aura in his eyes.

Su Qin didn’t stop until the wolf dog stopped moving.

Because of too much force, her account was shaken numb.

Li Xian jumped down from the tree, pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, grabbed the boss’s arm, and shivered: “Old… Boss, you people here don’t tie dogs?”

The little girl “putong” knelt down in front of Su Qin, pulled her clothes, and cried, “sister, save me, save me, I was deceived, deceived.”

The boss was the first to notice the strangeness. He glanced at the house and waved to Su Qin and the others: “Go, go back quickly.”

Su Qin also noticed something, pulled up the girl and walked back.

Li Xian didn’t know what was going on. He glanced at the corpse of the vicious dog, and quickly followed them out of here.

Wang Lin followed her daughter blankly, staring at the back of Su Qin’s head, feeling more and more that this daughter was unfamiliar.

Back at the factory, the boss quickly fastened the iron gate of the factory and took them back to the lounge.

The boss pulled over the low stool and sat down, took a breath, and looked at the people in the room, “Are you all right?”

Su Qin shook his head, then turned his head and asked his mother, “Mom, are you okay?”

The way her daughter beat the dog with a wooden stick just now scared Wang Lin. She stared at her daughter at the moment, and even began to wonder if the girl in front of her was her daughter.

She shook her head: “No.”

The unkempt little girl kept holding Su Qin and refused to let go.

Su Qin took the girl to sit on the stool and asked her in a low voice, “What’s the matter? Why are there dogs chasing you?”

The girl glanced at Su Qin, then looked at the others, with a pack of tears in her eyes, pursed her lips and shook her head, “I…”

Sangzao Town has convenient transportation, many factories, backward construction, and many migrant workers.

The tile-roofed house where Su Qin and the others were picking dates was a transit station for human trafficking. Today, the traffickers there went to another place for a “meeting”.

This girl named Bobo, because she had a dog, temporarily gained the dog’s trust, but when she escaped, the well-trained German Shepherd also chased after her.

After that, it was Su Qin and the others who saw this scene.

The boss slapped his hand and scolded: “Damn, I have long thought that the group of people behind our factory is abnormal, but I didn’t expect that there is a real problem. I just heard that there were prostitutes in that den, but they didn’t. Think it’s a human trafficker!”

The boss himself has two lovely daughters. When he heard what happened to the girl, he substituted himself and trembled with anger. “It seems that I can’t let my two daughters come here in the future. It’s too **** dangerous.”

The boss also often takes his two daughters there to pick dates, and sometimes he even trusts the two girls to pick them by themselves. When I thought that the house behind the factory was a transit station for human trafficking, I felt chills down my spine.

Su Qin frowned, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to make a call.

Li Xian stopped her: “Xiao Su, what are you doing?”

“Call the police.”

“You call the police now. What if they come to retaliate? It’s too dangerous. Let’s just take this girl away. Don’t mess with that group of people.”

Su Qin almost shouted: “Didn’t you listen to Bobo? There are other girls in there! If you don’t call the police, they will be transported to other places!”

The girl’s eyes were red, like a neighing beast.

Li Xian was startled by her, and then said with relief, “I…I think…”

Well, he is cowardly, afraid of offending criminal gangs.

“Let’s delay for a moment, and maybe a girl will be sent away.” Su Qin calmed down and said, “I’ll make a call first, you wait for me.”

The boss also agreed to call the police first. He said, “Damn it, thinking of a hornet’s nest behind me makes me feel uneasy. Fortunately, my two daughters were clever and didn’t let them succeed!”

Su Qin held the phone in his hand and folded his hands to thank the boss: “Thank you, boss.”

The sudden thank you made the boss feel inexplicable. He scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and said, “Why are you saying thank you, it’s not you who was kidnapped and sold. Go and call.”


Knowing what happened to her daughter, Wang Lin watched her go out of the room, and then looked at Bobo, the little girl sitting on the low stool, with a tear in her heart.

At that time, her daughter was abducted and sold. Wasn’t she so embarrassed? Thinking of this, Wang Lin’s eyes filled with tears and rolled out.

Li Xian was restless, so scared that he didn’t know how to place his hands. Thinking that those were criminal gangs, his hands could not stop shaking.

She took a few breaths to calm herself down.

Su Qin walked out of the room, pressed the two numbers “11” on the numeric keypad, and deleted it, dug out the phone number of the regulations, and called him.

The charter’s phone couldn’t get through, and Su Qin was pacing in a hurry.

Calling 110 is not a good choice. She can’t believe the police here in Sangzao Town.

Sangzao Town is so big, it makes no sense that there is such a large transit station for human trafficking, but no one knows about it, so she has reason to suspect that there are black police in the police in this area.

Many of these small local police stations are not from regular police academies, some are veterans, and some are local powerful gangsters.

Thinking of this, Su Qin was even more afraid to call 110. In order to be safe, she wanted to call the charter first to hear his opinion.

But the phone call couldn’t get through, and she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Just at this time, Li Chuan called.

She took a few deep breaths, connected, and said “hello”.

Su Qin thought of the girl in the house and the transit station for human trafficking behind the factory, and recalled all kinds of past lives. She couldn’t find a safe person to save those girls, and she was even more anxious.

Li Chuan heard that her voice was a little abnormal, and frowned and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Li Chuan.”

The girl’s voice trembled even more.

She used to call him “Mr. Li, Teacher Li” on weekdays, and he rarely heard her call her name. Li Chuan noticed her emotional ups and downs, and her voice was solemn: “Su Qin, did something happen to you?”

“I’m in Sangzao Town.” Su Qin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, “Quanxin Printing Factory.”

On the other end of the phone, Li Chuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office, copying his pocket with one hand and holding the phone with the other.

He looked at the night view of the city, did not speak, did not interrupt the **** her phone, quietly listened to her, quietly listening to the girl’s breathing ups and downs.

“Behind the factory, there is a transit station for human trafficking, and now there is a girl with me. I can’t believe the police here. I called the regulations and couldn’t get through.”

Li Chuan’s eyes filled with a sullen breath, “Are you safe now?”

“There are dozens of people in the factory, and it is temporarily safe.”

Li Chuan’s voice was cold and steady: “Stay there, don’t go anywhere, wait for me and the regulations to come over.”

Hearing the man’s steady voice, Su Qin’s heart suddenly settled down.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qin stood outside for a while, took a few deep breaths of fresh air, and jumped a few times to calm himself down.

After she regained her composure, she pushed the door open and said to everyone with a relaxed expression, “The police have been called, and someone will come over soon.”

The boss slapped his knee, remembered something, and called out “Oops”.

Li Xian was startled by him, swallowed his saliva, and said nervously, “what’s the matter?”

The boss said: “Most of the police here are local gangsters, and they often do things like charging protection fees. I suspect that the smugglers have a relationship with the police here. , our alarm is worthless.”

Su Qin thought of this for a long time, and said, “Don’t worry, my friend is in the city police station, and I will let him bring someone here. With the assistance of the city police, even if the police at the local police station have ten courage, they would not dare to. Drain the gang of criminals.”

Outside, it was already dark, and there were chirping insects and frogs.

Li Xian is afraid of dogs. Thinking of the vicious dog who was beaten down by Su Qin, he couldn’t help shivering. He said: “When the traffickers come back and find that a girl has been lost, will they send dogs to track them? Dogs have the most sensitive noses, if…”

He swallowed his saliva, and just after he finished speaking, he heard dogs barking outside, and someone smashed the big iron gate in the factory with a bang.

“anyone there?”

Everyone in the room was terrified.

Su Qin knew that the group of traffickers were all devils and vicious people.

She calmed down, quickly came up with a countermeasure, and asked the boss: “Boss, go get some work clothes, and also, you can ask the female compatriots in the factory to borrow a set of clothes for this girl to put on.”


The boss quickly went to the rest room next door and asked the worker for a woman’s dress, and instructed the worker not to come out later.

Su Qin and the others quickly changed into work clothes, masks and hats, and went to the workshop to pretend to carry things.

The boss pretended to be sleepy and went to open the iron door, “Come on! Knock knock knock, what knock did you knock in the middle of the night? Is there anything wrong? Let’s not let people sleep?”

Pulling off the iron bolt, the people outside rushed in with a few German Shepherds. The boss was so frightened that he sat on the ground and pointed at them: “You… what are you doing? Don’t mess around!”

A total of ten men rushed in, each holding a big wolf dog.

The man at the head held a dignified and dignified German shepherd, looked around and said, “Boss, let’s find a girl. My sister, she is young and ignorant and rebellious, did she come to you?”

“Oh…you mean that little girl with disheveled hair? She would come to our factory before it was dark, and said a lot of nonsense to my workers, and then we drove them away.” The boss got up from the ground , poked his temples with his fingers, “Has your sister ever been stimulated? Here, it doesn’t seem to be very easy to use. However, Sangzao Town is so big, she shouldn’t run far as a girl, you can take your dog to find it. Find.”

The man looked at the boss in disbelief. The dog in his hand barked at the operating room, and he said, “Boss, do you mind if we take a tour?”

The boss was stunned for a moment, glanced at the dozen or so vicious dogs, pulled the shirt draped over his shoulders, and nodded calmly: “It’s all printed products, what if you dogs go in and get me dirty prints? .”

The man smiled: “I’ll go in alone.”

The boss didn’t dare to stop him, so he let him in.

There were three women and a thin man in the workshop. The four of them were wearing work clothes, white gloves, white masks and hats.

The man frowned and looked at them, the dog on the leash sniffed carefully, and barked at one of the girls.

The man and the dog rushed over, grabbed the girl by the shoulders, and pressed her thin body against the wall. The girl looked terrified, her eyes widened, struggling and shouting: “You…what are you doing! Husband! Husband save me!”

The man tore off Su Qin’s mask, stunned for a moment, then let go of her, lowered his head and scolded the dog “idiot”.

The dog seemed to understand, lowered his head, and made a sound of “Ouch”, very aggrieved.

Su Qin also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she wore Bobo’s clothes inside.

Standing not far away, Bobo moved a gust of wind, and her scent entered the dog’s nose. The dog smelled the smell, turned around abruptly, and barked at Bobo.

Just when the man was about to bring the dog over, Li Xian grabbed a paper bag, rushed towards the man, and smashed it on the man’s forehead.

As he smashed, he scolded: “You’re a motherfucker, dare to bully Laozi’s wife! Laozi beat you to death! It’s amazing to have a dog! I can’t beat you to death! Go to Laozi!”

The caregiver’s dog bit him.

Li Xian screamed “wow” in pain, screaming and roaring: “Dare to let the dog bite me, I will send you to the police station! Let the police shoot your dog! Damn, bite, bite, bite The more ruthless you are, the more money you will lose to Lao Tzu!”

A big man roared like crazy, cried like crazy, his cheeks were wet with tears.

The trafficker clearly didn’t want to cause trouble, so he drank “black bear let go”, and the trained dog let go immediately.

In order to prevent the matter from escalating, the trafficker took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from his pocket and threw it to Li Xian: “Brother, I’m sorry, I’m looking for a girl, this dog protector, bit you, I’m really sorry. Take the money and get an injection.”

After he finished speaking, he led the dog and left with the others.

When the traffickers left, the boss quickly locked the door and returned to the operation room to carry Li Xian back into the house with Su Qin.

Li Xian was lying on the bed crying “wow”, grabbed the boss’s hand and asked, “Boss, am I going to die? Will I get rabies? … I don’t want to die yet, I haven’t become a big designer, I’m still I haven’t made any money, I haven’t married a daughter-in-law yet, I don’t want to die like this.”

Su Qin lifted his trouser legs for him, the dog’s teeth marks were deep. She turned her head and asked the boss, “Boss, do you have iodophor or alcohol here?”

The boss nodded: “I have it, I’ll go get it now.”

Su Qin then instructed his mother: “Mom, go and bring a basin of water and find another piece of soap.”


Wang Lin went to the kitchen to get a basin of water, then went to the rest room next door, and asked a worker for a bar of soap.

Su Qin first cleaned Li Xian’s wound with soapy water, and then disinfected his wound with iodophor. But being bitten by a dog can’t be careless. Su Qin asked the boss, “Boss, is there a place for rabies vaccination in Sangzao Town?”

The boss replied: “The health center in the town has already closed, and we have to wait until tomorrow morning.”

Wang Lin wet the towel, wrung it dry, and handed it to Su Qin: “Su Su, let’s leave this place early tomorrow morning, and don’t come again in the future.”

When the boss heard that they would not come again in the future, he realized that he would lose a big business, and hurriedly said: “Don’t worry, when you come to me, your safety will be guaranteed to you. I will hire a few security guards tomorrow, and I will also raise a few A dog, I still don’t believe it, how dare those **** take me.”

“Boss, we won’t give up working with you because of this. Don’t worry, we will all come to you when we need printed materials in the future.” Su Qin said while wiping his hands.

Although Su Qin seemed to be the youngest, the boss spent an afternoon with the three of them, and probably knew that this girl was in charge.

She also dresses up quite maturely today, plus she speaks and thinks maturely, giving people the feeling of being in her early 20s.

Li Xian was obviously terrified, lying on the bed, crying.

About two hours later, outside the factory, there was the sound of cars rolling over the muddy dirt road, and then the car horn blared.

The PHS in Su Qin’s pocket rang. The caller was Li Chuan. She answered the phone and put it in her ear and said “hello”.

“Open the door.”

Su Qin was stunned for a moment, hurriedly said “oh”, and went to open the door for Li Chuan.

As soon as the big iron gate opened, the strong light from the car outside hit Su Qin, stabbing her so hard that she couldn’t open her eyes.

The man stood outside the door, wearing camouflage short-sleeves and camouflage trousers tucked into his boots. On the man’s waist is a leather bag with a sharp blade, which should contain the contents of a military dagger.

Li Chuan seldom wears short T, but more long-sleeved sportswear or long-sleeved shirts. At this moment, the short camouflage T on his upper body was clinging to his body, showing that the man’s chest was very strong.

His arms are also sturdy, about two degrees thicker than Su Qin’s arms, and the tendons and flesh are smashed solidly, making them very powerful.

Usually he wears long sleeves, and it is impossible to see that his figure is stronger than others see.

There was a thick haze in the man’s eyes. Due to the clenched fists, the muscles in his arms collapsed tightly, and blue veins were faintly visible on his forearms.

When he saw Su Qin, his eyes softened instantly, and he rushed over with a stride, hugging the girl’s thin shoulders, and restrained when he was about to hold her in his arms.

Su Qin raised her eyes to look at the man, her uneasy heart immediately settled down, and she called out “Mr. Li” weakly.

The man grabbed her shoulders tightly, and after a while, he said, “I’m here.”

Su Qin smiled at him, then glanced at the two police cars parked behind him: “Thank you.”

Li Chuan rolled his throat, patted the **** the shoulder, and wanted to say something, but he never said it.

The boss also came out of the factory and explained to the police about the “human trafficking transit station” behind the factory.

The charter brought five police officers. Due to the cross-regional fighting, they were followed by three police officers from the local police station.

When the police left, a fat man jumped off the SUV behind.

Fatty had a few sabers attached to his body, grabbed a dagger in his hand, and walked to Su Qin. Seeing that the little girl was fine, she raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead: “Sister Su Qin, it’s fine if you’re fine, but it scares us to death.”

Li Chuan was unfamiliar with the route of Sangzao Town, so he brought a panda as a driver. Hearing that this guy was in danger, he hung all the knives he usually collected on his body. He had also been hiding in the car just now. He watched too many shootout films on weekdays and was worried that a shootout would happen outside.

Panda was sweating profusely, heaving a sigh of relief and said, “This place is too far, Su Qin, why are you here? Hurry up and leave it to the police.”

Su Qin didn’t dare to stay here, for fear of being retaliated by the traffickers.

She went back to the house, called her mother and the little girl named Bobo, and helped Li Xian into the car together with Li Chuan.

There are six people in a car, which is a little crowded. Panda was driving, and Li Xian had an injury on his leg, so he took the co-pilot.

Li Chuan, Su Qin, Wang Lin and the girl named Bobo sat in the back.

The car hit the road, and the dirt road was bumpy and bumpy.

Su Qin was next to Li Chuan and noticed that he was sitting on the man’s leg. He subconsciously grabbed the front seat and used his strength to vacate his body in a half-squat position.

Li Chuan noticed the little girl’s small movements, grabbed her shoulders, and pressed her body down. Under this pressure, half of Su Qin’s buttocks sat on the man’s lap, and the other half sat on the little cushion.

Wang Lin noticed her daughter’s awkwardness and pulled her: “Susu, sit on mother’s lap.”


Su Qin sat on his mother’s lap, but his face turned red.

I don’t know why, but her heart was beating so fast.

The moment she opened the big iron gate and saw Li Chuan, there was a strange sense of dependence entangled in her heart, and she even wanted to throw herself into his arms.

Li Chuan’s cell phone in his trouser pocket rang, he took out the phone, connected it, and said “hello” coldly.

The man frowned harder and harder.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qin asked him, “Is it the call of the charter?”

“Well.” Li Chuan took a deep breath and said, “The traffickers seem to have received the news, and they all ran away. The good news is that when they escaped, they failed to take away the girls who were detained there. A total of 11 girls were rescued.”

“Eleven?” Su Qin clutched his beating heart, and still felt his scalp tingling after listening to this incredible number.

When she was about to sigh, “Fortunately, the police were timely” when Li Chuan said, “Since it is a transit station for human trafficking, there must be a large human trafficking group involved.”

Li Chuan didn’t dare to think deeply, but when he heard the number “eleven”, he shuddered.

He put his hand on the girl’s shoulder again, and shook her thin shoulder: “Don’t run around after school in the future, I’ll pick you up on Saturday, if you encounter such a situation, keep calm and call me as soon as possible. phone, you know?”

Su Qin’s ears were a little dazed, she grabbed the driver’s seat cushion, the tighter she was.

The number “eleven” made her think deeply.

Bobo, who was silent from beginning to end, whispered, “We are all a group of underage orphans, and no one will pay attention if we get lost. Those people want to sell us abroad.”

There was a “boom” in Su Qin’s mind, as if something exploded.

She was abducted and trafficked in her previous life, and since she was rescued, she has been paying close attention to reports on “trafficking women and children”. She remembered that in her previous life, there were several non-governmental organizations formed by retired special forces, specially responsible for the rescue of these women and children who were trafficked abroad.

Because it involves transnationality and the police are not easy to operate, many parents are willing to give them money to save their girls.

Domestic media reported several times that Su Qin knew that the parents of some girls could not afford so much money, so he took the initiative to contact this organization and give them money so that they could save one by one.

But Su Qin’s financial resources are limited after all, and her tailor shop’s income is also limited, so there are very few girls saved. But that non-governmental organization often gave her feedback.

The transnational human trafficking criminal group is far more terrifying than she imagined.

The girls who are sold to the mountains to give birth to children are considered “lucky”, and even worse are the girls who are sold to the red light districts of Thailand as child prostitutes.

The author has something to say: everything that should be laid in front of you is almost done. Next, Su Su is going to start the money-making model of the school tyrant. Make money early, buy a house and a car early, and find a retired special forces organization. You can guess who is in the organization.

There is a prototype of the retired special forces organization, you can Baidu “special forces rescue children abducted and trafficked”. Today’s Professor Li is very happy and has a lot of scenes.

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