Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 30 - Black person

As soon as the students of the 1st Company heard the voice of the pro-instructor, they immediately got up and looked at the instructor with joy.

Xu Hang came over, helped Yun Fei up, turned around and walked towards Wu Yang, stopping in front of him.

“Instructor Wu, you teach my students, so, do you have to teach your students?” Xu Hang looked at him coldly, with an imposing manner.

The eyes of the two were like knives, and the sharp swords came out of their sheaths, tearing open a long mouth in the air.

Wu Yang stared at him and said, “Instructor Xu, no matter what the reason, no student is allowed to do it first. This is the rule. Your students don’t follow the rules. Do you also regard the rules as dung?”

Xu Hang did not argue with him that who was at fault, but said, “Since both parties are at fault, they must be punished. What is the reason for Instructor Wu’s partiality to the students?”

Wu Yang’s tone was firm: “From the beginning to the end, I never said that I would be partial to my students. Instructor Xu, my students are not following the rules, the fault is mine, I will bear the responsibility, and I will take the load for my students 30 lock up.”

Yun Fei has been in the countryside for so many years, and his physical fitness is much better than that of his classmates in the city. But he ran 15 laps, and he really reached the limit, and he was so tired that he vomited white water.

If Instructor Wu really ran 30 laps for the classmate who called him “idiot”, he would really be able to say “Man” convincingly.

Xu Hang is also a calf guard and cannot allow his students to be bullied.

He said, “Well, Instructor Wu, you guys like to compare with us so much, why don’t you just have a physical fitness test. If you lose, ask your students to apologize to my students.”

Wu Yang raised his hand and stopped in the air, and Xu Hang gave him a high five.

Seeing the two instructors running laps on the playground, Meng Sisi pulled Su Qin’s clothes and looked worried: “Didn’t Instructor Zhang say that Instructor Xu is injured? Will this make his injury worse?”

“Otherwise? Do you still want to run for him?” Yu Wen’s heart was also tugged, and she turned to look at Su Qin: “You were really impulsive just now, other than that, it’s not easy for us to get into the cloud. If Instructor Wu makes a big fuss about this, don’t even think about starting school.”

Su Qin understood the truth, but she knew that no matter how “villain” the instructor surnamed Wu was, it was impossible for her to actually file a complaint and get her and Yun Fei fired.

A man who can become a special soldier, even if he has a strange personality, will not fail to that degree.

I heard that the instructors of the 1st and 2nd companies were competing for physical fitness, and the matter involved the honor of the whole company. The students who were in the dormitory building were all running out and gathered around the runway to cheer on the two instructors.

Yun Fei was bullied and couldn’t take his breath. After a short rest, he grabbed his camouflage jacket and waved it in the air: “Instructor Xu, come on!”

The boy was bulging with blue veins on his forehead because he exerted too much force.

The classmates of 1st Company were all frightened by Yun Fei’s roar, and they all felt that he was cold and introverted.

The students were emotionally driven. The male classmates, in particular, started shouting, “Come on, Instructor Xu”.

Of course, the classmates of the 2nd Company were not far behind, and also shouted “Come on, Instructor Wu”, with an aura that surpassed them.

The two sides are strong, and neither will let the other.

The bald Director Zhao of the Political and Educational Office heard the thunderous shouts on the playground, walked over with his hands behind his back, stood beside a classmate, and asked in a low voice, “Classmate, what’s the situation here?”

Meng Sisi didn’t look back, grabbed Director Zhao’s hand and started shaking: “Don’t worry about the situation, just follow the sisters and shout “Come on, Instructor Xu!”

Director Zhao’s hand was grabbed by Meng Sisi and waved, he used the other empty hand to hold the glasses frame, and coughed lightly: “…”

Director Zhao asked again slowly, “Are you guys doing friendship?”

this sound…

The students around looked back at Director Zhao. A boy was so frightened that he couldn’t control it and called out “Bald Zhao”.

Meng Sisi, who was holding Director Zhao’s arm and waving it, was also stunned when she heard the voice. She turned her head to see the old man she was holding, smiled awkwardly, and slowly put down his arm: “Zhao… Director Zhao.”

In the past few days of military training, the old man Zhao came to visit from time to time, and his classmates gave him the nickname “Bald Zhao”.

Director Zhao didn’t seem to hear the students calling him “Bald Zhao”. He glanced at the two instructors on the playground and asked, “Are you guys doing social activities? Such a big battle.”

The students looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to tell the truth.

Seeing that the students didn’t speak, Director Zhao glanced around and asked, “Who is the acting monitor of your company?”

The little man Yan Yixiao walked out of the crowd and raised his chubby hand: “I…I…”

Director Zhao: “What’s the situation? This is it?”

Yan Yixiao coughed lightly: “Go back… Go back to Director Zhao, the two instructors are testing their physical fitness, and the two students from our company are cheering for the instructor!”

Director Zhao’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Really?”

The students answered in unison: “Yes!”

In the past few days of military training, the students not only improved their physical fitness, but also learned to unite. Even though the male classmates didn’t like Yun Fei very much, at this time, they all started to defend him, and no one made a small report.

n minutes later.

On the playground, on both sides of the runway, students from 1st Company and 2nd Company stood on both sides of each other. Old Man Zhao acted as the center of the 38th line station, raised his fist and followed the students: “Come on, Instructor Xu!”

2 Lian’s classmates all turned to look at him with resentment on their faces.

Director Zhao had no choice but to raise his fist and roar: “Come on, Instructor Wu!”

In this competition, neither of the two won in the end, because they were both injured, and they were persuaded to stop by another instructor.

Wu Yang’s students felt ashamed because the instructor was punished for helping him, and took the initiative to apologize to Yun Fei.

At eight o’clock in the evening, on the playground, the night wind was gentle.

The students of the two companies sat opposite each other on the playground, singing songs to each other. What they played was not a military song, but a popular popular song at the moment, “Love if You Die” by Xin Orchestra.

The squad leader of the 2nd company got up and sang a song, regardless of whether it was tuned or not, and shouted in a broken voice: “You have to love it when you die, it’s not full and unpleasant!”

According to the rules, the squad leader of the 1st company also stood up and replied, and then the two companies began to chorus.

Yan Yixiao has a sweet voice and a small stature. He is the Pikachu elf in the class. Facing the big boy from 2nd Company, she blushed and couldn’t utter a lyric for a while.

The classmates in the class cheered her on:

“Come on, squad leader, show your momentum!”

“Squad leader! I don’t have the momentum to go back with your sweet voice!”

“Come on, squad leader! Just work hard! Leave the rest to us!”


Yan Yixiao clenched a pair of small fists, took a deep breath, and roared, “How deep is the feeling, only in this way can I express it! White!”

Although this sound is not as loud as the other party’s voice, it still has the momentum of “screaming the throat”.

The classmates on both sides shouted and sang, and no one let anyone else, the momentum was magnificent. Xu Hang and Wu Yang also sat cross-legged and looked at each other, proud of their students.

After the song, during the break, Xu Hang began to tell the students about being a soldier.

Meng Sisi listened carefully and asked him, “Instructor Xu, why did you choose to be a soldier? Now is the age of peace, and you don’t need to fight.”

Yu Wen tilted her head, leaned on Su Qin’s shoulder, and said with a sigh, “Instructor Xu, we don’t know how to fight in the army, why should we have military training?”

Su Qin also nodded and complained, “What’s the point of tossing a group of children?”

Students, you speak my word.

Xu Hang glanced at the students, his eyes were like torches, and the words were sonorous.

“Iron-blooded man, you can’t just think about sticking a bayonet in the ground, but also thinking about fighting to defend the country. Our country has been bullied because we are weak. If we want peace, we must improve our own strength. Is military training? Just to torture you?”

“No. Military training can enhance your physical fitness, and at the same time let you know that your willpower can be so sturdy. Of course, from the perspective of my country’s national defense strategy, improving your survivability in wartime is at least in the face of real wars. At the same time, it will not add additional pressure to the military, medical and other departments.”

“Only the strong can stop the war.”

“Youth are wise, the country is wise, the country is rich when the youth is rich, the country is strong when the youth is strong, and the country is independent when the youth is independent. Our soldiers defend the home and the country, and your students study hard.”

The sentence “Only the strong can stop the war” made Su Qin roar in his heart. She looked carefully at the instructor Xu in front of her, and suddenly felt that this person had grown taller.

Xu Hang took out a bullet necklace from his neck and said, “This bullet was taken from my body. It was the first time in my life that I was shot. It is very memorable.”

Yun Fei saw Yu Wen leaning her head on Su Qin’s shoulder, pushing her head away with her hand, with a “don’t lean on my Su Su shoulder” expression.

Yu Wen: “…” I want to hit someone.

Meng Sisi raised her hand and asked him, “That… Instructor Xu, I think my physical fitness is not bad. I want to go to a military academy and become a special forces soldier in the future. Can… can you give me the bullet necklace? Take it for me. A little encouragement, I will go to the special forces to find you in the future!”

Xu Hang looked at the little girl, the corners of his lips curved, took off the necklace, spread it in the palm of his hand, and handed it to the little girl.

The classmates in the class looked envious and shouted: “I want to be an instructor too!”

Meng Sisi took the necklace, and Lezizi hung it around her neck.

Xu Hang spread his hands at the students and smiled: “You study hard, and if there is a chance in the future, the instructor will send you!”

Having said that, Xu Hang looked at this group of children and knew that he might not have the chance to meet these students again. What impressed him the most in this military training was, of course, the first wave of students who had been “fixed” by him, the four girls and the boy.

Su Qin looked at the instructor and had a bad impression of him at first, but now, it has changed a bit.

As soon as the instructor came, he dismounted them, and he must have said “100 push-ups”. But when it is time to do it, as long as the first twenty students do it seriously, the latter will still be cheated by the students using various methods.

Of course, Meng Sisi is the most bizarre existence in the class. Before the military training was over, he won the title of “Sige”.

In the past few days of military training, the revolutionary friendship between Class 1 and Class 12 is very strong. The classmates who had been at odds at the beginning unexpectedly became good friends.

Xu Hang is relatively strict with the students. In addition to kicking the stance and practicing square formations, he also teaches martial arts and enemy punching.

The girls in the class were all delicate, so Xu Hang often called Meng Sisi to the stage and asked her to demonstrate self-defense to the female classmates with him.

The girls learned two tricks and began to practice against each other, but because they were too “sinister”, the boys liked to complain to the instructor: “Instructor Xu, are your teaching methods too dark? In the future, the girls in our class will use this to deal with us, What can I do?”

Xu Hang said with a serious face: “These tricks are self-defense methods, boys should not be slack. Do you think bad guys will only attack girls? Think too much. Boys are not allowed to watch and learn together!”

When they slept until midnight, the students were always woken up by a whistle and had to go downstairs for an emergency gathering.

In half a month, both boys and girls have been darkened by a degree.

At the beginning of the military training, Ban Hua Yuwen had to comb her hair well every day and smear it carefully. But when the military training was coming to an end, I would tie a rubber band in my hair, and I was so tired that I didn’t even want to apply sunscreen.

Su Qin was also tired, and felt that the military training was more difficult and tiring than her work and study.

Every night after talking on the phone with her mother, she would also make a phone call to Li Chuan. Always fell asleep after saying every two words.

Listening to the breathing of the **** the other end of the phone, Li Chuan would take the initiative to hang up.

It’s good to hear the little girl’s voice every day, he doesn’t ask for much.

The military training is hard, and gradually, the students feel that there is joy in the pain.

On the day of graduation, the heat subsided, the sky was overcast, and there was a drizzle. The students in the square team stood as pine, as still as stone tablets.

After the flag-raising ceremony, the freshmen of senior high school began the military training parade. Step neatly across the rostrum and accept the leadership review.

After the show was over, the instructors’ cars were parked at the door. The instructors, carrying their bags, lined up at the school gate, ready to get in the car.

In the past ten days, Su Qin has been very tired. He plans to go home to take a good bath and check his mother’s “homework” for the past two weeks.

After the team disbanded, Su Qin lifted her legs and walked to the dormitory building, and found that she had become a clear stream. She was the only one walking towards the dormitory, while the other students gathered a large group to the school gate.

Su Qin followed and found three girls in their dormitory, crying and crying around the instructor, suddenly felt that he was too careless?

She has lived her whole life and knows that some people are just passing by in life. Even if you cry like a tearful person now, in a few years or ten years, these people will disappear from your life.

She liked Xu Hang, an instructor very much, but faced with this distinction, she couldn’t cry.

Su Qin turned his head to look at Yun Fei, and even this kid was secretly wiping his tears.

She stretched out her hand, patted his shoulder, and comforted: “I’ll see you again in the future, don’t be so sad.”

Yun Fei bit his lip: “It’s not sad.”

Su Qin was amused by his duplicitous appearance, and continued to see the classmates to see the instructor off.

Yu Wen and Yan Yixiao shoved apples and gifts into the instructor’s hands, red eyes, biting their lips, and said nothing.

Xu Hang comforted the two girls: “What’s there to cry about? Forget how I dealt with you in the first place?”

The two little girls didn’t forget his fierce look at the time, but they didn’t forget the way the instructor guarded the calf and gave them water.

This man who always takes “100 push-ups” as his mantra, but also brings them a lot of positive energy.

Just as the classmates were talking to each other and competing with gifts in the hands of the instructor, Meng Sisi hugged the man and cried like a tearful man.

Her voice was intermittent: “Instructor Xu, what you said to me last night, I will not forget, never will. As long as the hurdles in life are a hurdle, they can always pass. Instructor Xu, wait for me.”

The male students felt that it was too much for “Brother Si” to occupy the instructor, so they pushed aside Meng Sisi and rushed to hug Instructor Xu.

The hugs of the boys were not as gentle as the girls, and Xu Hang was almost suffocated by the embrace of the boys.

Su Qin looked at these children, couldn’t help laughing, and the corners of his lips were natural and pure.

This is the youth of a group of children, it seems, she doesn’t remember that she is an “old man”. Compared with the ups and downs of the previous life, her chest is full of sourness at this moment.

Such youth is so good.

Xu Hang waved goodbye to his students, got into the car, looked at the instructor sitting opposite him, turned his face away, and his eyes were slightly red.

In front of the students, the instructors didn’t dare to be too sad, but when they got into the car, the atmosphere calmed down, and the instructors began to secretly wipe their tears.

The military vehicle drove out of the campus and drifted further away.

Through the iron gate, Xu Hang looked at the girl who was crawling on the door and tried to wave to him. He couldn’t help but curled his lips and waved goodbye to her.

The students of the Little Ghost University.

These students are probably his best memories in the past twenty-five years, right?

Back in the dormitory, Su Qin glanced at the time, hurriedly stuffed dirty clothes into his bag, and said hello to several other girls: “Girls, I’ll go first, see you at school.”

Yu Wen, who was looking in the mirror, stopped her: “We’re going to have dinner together, aren’t we?”

“No! There are still people waiting for me, let’s go first!” Su Qin threw his backpack on his shoulders, waved at them without looking back, and ran out of the dormitory.

Meng Sisi was still sitting on the bed crying, staring at the bullet necklace spread out in her palm, sobbing hard.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Yan Yixiao jumped up, knocked on the bed, and said to her, “Brother Si, don’t cry, if your old man really likes Instructor Xu, go after him in the future.”

She understood the reasoning, but Instructor Xu didn’t even leave her contact information.

Yu Wen sat cross-legged on the bed, stared at her dark self in the mirror, and cried out, “Oh my God, why did my face look like this? I’m going to die, I’m not alive!”

Yan Yixiao turned around and comforted her: “Don’t be sad, you’re fine. Look at Su Qin, black has turned into a piece of carbon, and he didn’t say a word!”

Thinking of Su Qin’s piece of “charcoal”, Yu Wen felt so relieved and lost.

Outside the school, there is a sea of ​​people.

The long queue of cars lined up from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. The scene of the traffic jam was spectacular. The parents who came to pick up the students directly caused the traffic to be paralyzed.

Su Qin stood at the school gate and looked around, but didn’t see any Lichuan people.

I agreed to pick her up and have a meal together, why didn’t I see anyone for a long time? Su Qin was about to take out his mobile phone to call Li Chuan, but saw the man standing ten meters away from her, looking around.

Li Chuan, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, seemed to have just gotten off work and didn’t have time to go back to change his clothes.

Su Qin jumped up and waved to the man, but the man thought she didn’t exist.

She walked over and slapped the man on the shoulder.

The man’s cold and sharp eyes moved on her face, and he was obviously stunned for a moment, before his expression returned to softness.

Li Chuan looked at the black-haired girl with short hair and ears in front of him. After a while, he frowned and said, “Su Qin?”

Why… so tanned? He almost dared not admit it.

The author has something to say: Li Chuan: “There are not as many scenes as the instructors, and the most miserable male protagonist in history.”

Yun Fei: “Hee hee hee hee…”


Yesterday’s chapter on the secret code of the special forces, I specifically asked the special forces today. People told me that there is no such thing as a code name in reality… In reality, the training of special forces is more ruthless and cruel than on TV. After reading the comments, I feel that your military training is very happy. I used to be a freshman in Xinjiang, and I was dragged to the military base. I didn’t even have a bed. Everyone in a class slept on the ground. Location. It was very cold at night, and there were no windows. The quilt was swept away by the head teacher. I didn’t dare to grab it, and then sneaked into the quilt of the girl next to me… The instructor gave him a slap when he came, and the mantra was “100 per day.” Push-ups “make your life worse than death”, the most important thing in high school’s military training life is unforgettable.

Also, I tried push-ups and did fifty reps in one go… Push it, 100 on and off is definitely no problem. (the less standard kind)

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