Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 29 - military training

In front of ten Su Qin, his body can still pretend to go down. When he reaches the back, he simply lies on the ground, or props his body with his hands and stops moving, but he is still counting on his mouth. He barely does one hundred fake push-ups. is the limit.

The chief instructor Xu Hang was serious on the surface, but he actually gave the girl some water. If you really want to count, probably Su Qin only made twenty.

However, Meng Sisi did every push-up fairly standard. When she reached the 100th, Xu Hang called to stop and asked her to return to the team.

Classmate Meng Sisi gasped and said, “Report to the instructor! I can do another hundred more!”

After all, her high-intensity physical exercise in the past few months was not for nothing, and the muscles on her arms were not for nothing.

Chief Instructor Xu Hang: “…”

The male students below: wow… a tough girl.

Su Qin also felt that Sisi was crazy. She had lived for more than thirty years, and it was the first time she had seen such a sturdy girl.

It can turn a delicate girl into a girl, it can be seen that it stimulates her a lot.

Class 1 and Class 12 had a large number of people. In addition to an ordinary instructor named Zhang Xinchuan, there was also the chief instructor Xu Hang. The students in Class 1 and Class 12 were about to cry. The most fierce chief instructor led them, and they would lose half their lives if they didn’t die in the next half month.

On the first night of military training, the instructor did not give the students military training, but made them sit on the ground and taught them to sing military songs.

While Chief Instructor Xu Hang was going to the toilet, Instructor Zhang Xinchuan quietly said to the classmates, “Classmates, you must be honest in the past two weeks. Do you know what Instructor Xu does?”

Yun Fei in the crowd snorted coldly, “Did you drive a rocket?”

“It’s not enough to drive a rocket,” Instructor Zhang pointed at him and said, “You will offend him as soon as you come here, and you will look good in the future. Instructor Xu and Instructor Wu next door are both members of the Thunder Special Forces. A code-named Flying Wolf, A code name Falcon. Do you know the Thunder Special Forces?”

A boy asked: “So powerful, why did you come to be an instructor for us? Don’t the special forces do special tasks and are very busy?”

Instructor Zhang explained: “Instructor Xu and Instructor Wu were injured during the mission, and they are both recovering. Neither of them is willing to take a vacation, so the above gave them the task of bringing students here for military training. You Yunzhong students are excellent, all of them are excellent. You are the backbone of the country. The leader said that if the youth is strong, the country will be strong. Let me train you well. How about it? Do you feel lucky to have special forces to lead you?”

When entering the team, Meng Sisi felt that Xu Hang was unusual, and sure enough. She pulled Su Qin’s sleeve and whispered, “Sister Su Qin, I’ve decided.”


“In the future, I will go to the military academy and try to enter the special forces. Only this can reflect my value.”

Su Qin: “…Didn’t you be a policeman?”

Meng Sisi waved her hand: “It’s all the same, it’s all for the country and the people. Female special forces sound like a lot of wind, don’t you think?”

“Hey… being a female special forces soldier will have her hair shaved and tanned.” Yan Yixiao imagined the life of a female special forces soldier and found it unacceptable.

Yu Wen played with the ends of her hair and said, “Yeah, if I cut my hair, I’d rather die.”

When Instructor Xu came back from the toilet, the team immediately fell silent.

He glanced around the students and said, “I’ll let you all relax tonight. Are there any classmates here to show off their talents? Liven up the atmosphere?”

In the crowd, students raised their hands one after another, went up to sing and danced.

Yun Fei looked at the classmate who danced awkwardly in the hip-hop, tugged at Su Qin’s ponytail, and whispered, “Su Su, I dance better than him.”

Su Qin was pulled by the boy’s ponytail, turned around and hit him on the knee: “don’t pull my hair.”

Yu Wente hated those boys who were pulling their hair, so she turned around to help her roommate and glared at Yun Fei, and warned: “Little white face, don’t you feel ashamed of pulling girls’ hair?”

Yun Fei glared back at the girl, but did not speak.

The boy’s eyes made Yu Wen unhappy, and the two stared at each other like that, not letting anyone else.

In the end, Su Qin was the peacemaker and said, “Feifei, don’t stare at the girl so fiercely, like a hooligan.”

Yun Fei: “…” Him? Who’s the rogue?

Soon, the surrounding classmates discovered Yun Fei’s strangeness. This male classmate, except Su Qin, refused to talk to anyone.

Su Qin discovered this problem and felt that it was not a good phenomenon. She had been worried that Yun Fei would have a social barrier a long time ago. Now, seeing that there was almost no interaction between him and his classmates, she began to worry again.

Su Qin turned to his side and whispered to Yun Fei behind him, “Feifei, Su Su wants to see you dance, why don’t you try it?”

Hearing what she said, the boy’s eyes immediately lit up, he nodded heavily, and said “um”.

When Xu Hang asked who else would like to come up to perform talent, Yun Fei raised his hand high. Seeing that it was a thorn that he had cleaned up, Xu Hang let him on stage with great interest.

It was the first time for Yun Fei to dance in front of so many people, but he automatically blocked everyone present, and his eyes were fixed on Su Qin.

He took the phone out of his pocket and held it in his hand. Along with the dynamic music prelude, Yun Fei’s body joints twisted, circled, and waved with the beat.

His spacewalk was smooth and natural, like stepping on a skateboard.

The students in the audience clapped and applauded, and Su Qin also began to applaud.

Yun Fei flipped a somersault in the air, and used his hands as support to make several circles in a row. These difficult moves made the classmates cheer loudly, and the girls were conquered by Yun Fei’s handsomeness and also cheered and applauded.

Meng Sisi slapped her hands and said with emotion, “Sister Su Qin, isn’t Feifei too powerful? A few months ago, he was a little fool, but in just a few months, he has transformed into a cool and handsome boy? Awesome.”

Su Qin coughed lightly: “It shows that he has a talent for dancing.”

Yan Yixiao hugged Su Qin’s arm obsessively: “Student Su Qin, tell me honestly, what is the relationship between the two of you?”

“Little brother.”

Yan Yixiao: “Ah, ah, ah, how lucky is it to have such a handsome brother? Su Qin, what do you think of me being your sister-in-law?”

Yu Wen, who was sitting on the right side of Su Qin, snorted: “Little nympho, I won you over just by dancing? Are you here to study, or to fall in love? No wonder you went to Class 12 and didn’t do your job properly. “

Yan Yixiao twitched the corner of his mouth: “I’m just joking, and I didn’t want to fall in love early. I’m a good student. Hmph.”

Yun Fei became the most dazzling existence in the class, but he was afraid to communicate with his classmates, and was labeled “cold” by the classmates.

In the next few days of military training, no one dared to challenge Instructor Xu’s strictness. The classmates hated this instructor Xu, and the boys often scold Xu Hang as an “old devil” after coming down.

Under the scorching sun, the students who had been standing for forty minutes in the military posture couldn’t bear it anymore.

Yu Wen in front of Su Qin fainted, and Xu Hang fixed his gaze on Yun Fei, the tallest person: “Yun Fei, carry this female classmate to the infirmary.”

Yun Fei stayed still and refused the instructor’s request.

Xu Hang roared, “Didn’t you hear?”

Yun Fei’s mouth twitched: “Even if you kill me, I don’t want to carry other girls.”

Of course, Yun Fei, who defied the military order, was not killed, but was sentenced to run ten laps in the playground. Xu Hang ordered him to shout “Love the female classmates of the 1st Company” when running laps.

The assembled team of Class 1 and Class 12 is called 1 Company.

After coming down, a male classmate asked him: “Yunfei, why do you need it? You waste such a good opportunity to spend the rest of the class, aren’t you stupid?”

Yun Fei doesn’t have Banhua in his eyes, but only Su Qin in his eyes.

A female classmate fainted, Xu Hang took the team to the shade, his face still expressionless: “Everyone has it! Sit-“

There was a “crash” in the team, and the students all sat down with relief. They looked at Yun Fei running in circles on the playground and thought it was a little funny.

While running, Yun Fei shouted “Love the female classmates of the 1st Company”.

Every afternoon, when Xu Hang took his classmates to the cafeteria to eat, he would ask the male students to let the female classmates enter the cafeteria, and let the boys shout the slogan “Love the female classmates of the 1st Company, and invite the female students to eat first”.

Because of this, the female students have a special affection for Xu Hang, the Jagged Instructor.

He was strict on the surface, but when the female classmates couldn’t hold on, he would take the whole class to rest under the shade of a tree.

The seventh day of military training, evening.

Su Qinzheng and Meng Sisi were in a siege and were about to be inspected by the school leaders and instructors. Yan Yixiao suddenly ran in and said, “No, Su Qin, Yun Fei was taken away by instructor Wu of the 2nd Company!”

“What’s the situation?” Su Qin was frightened for a while, thinking that Yun Fei had caused some big trouble.

The 2nd Company is the assembled team of Classes 2 and 3. Their instructor Wu Yang often leads the team and “fights” with their team.

For example, the 1st company will fight the military boxing, and the 2nd company will also play the military boxing, and they will fight more vigorously than them.

For example, Company 1 sings military songs, Company 2 also sings military songs, and their voices are louder than theirs until they overwhelm their momentum.

Although Xu Hang is the chief instructor, the instructors of the 2nd company seem to have a lot of background, and they always fight with Xu Hang.

Xu Hang had already warned the students he brought to see the instructors of the 2nd Company take a detour.

Su Qin wondered, Yun Fei… how did he provoke the instructor of the 2nd company? When she and her roommates found Yun Fei, many classmates were already watching, and Yun Fei had already been punished to run fifteen laps with sandbags tied.

Yun Fei obviously couldn’t support it, and his legs fell to his knees, panting on the ground.

Wu Yang asked him, “Do you apologize!”


Instructor Wu picked up the big boy and continued to throw it on the track: “Keep running!”

Yun Fei was full of stubbornness, got up, and continued to run. Just two steps away, his stomach pumped and he vomited a mouthful of white water.

Su Qin looked at Yun Fei with a pale face, ignoring the obstruction of his roommate, rushed to the runway to hold him, and said distressedly: “Feifei, don’t run away.”

The big boy lost his strength, and fell down on Su Qin softly, resting his chin on her shoulder, like a well-behaved golden retriever.

Su Qin held Yunfei and glared at Instructor Wu: “Instructor Wu, what did our Ban Yunfei do wrong, why did you punish him like this?”

“You beat the students in our class, do you still want me to treat them kindly? Your instructor Xu doesn’t know how to educate students. I’ll help him.” Wu Yang raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

Yun Fei rubbed the tip of his nose on Su Qin’s neck, and said in a very aggrieved tone: “Su Su, they call me a fool.”

Su Qin’s eyes lit up, and his aura was no less than that of a man: “Instructor Wu, did you hear? It was your students who attacked my brother first, and if they were to be punished, the students in your class must also be punished!”

The two sides held each other, and the arrows were drawn.

Military training is a credit system. If any student fails to meet the standard or is reported by an instructor, he will face the risk of being notified by the whole school or being expelled.

This is Yunzhong. This school has strict school rules and pays attention to the morality, intelligence and physique of students.

This school, no love, no fighting. Once found, they will be fired without negotiation. If Yun Fei’s behavior of beating people is brought to the political and religious office, he will definitely be expelled, and Su Qin will definitely face punishment for openly scolding the instructor.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Wen quickly turned around and instructed Yan Yixiao and Meng Sisi: “You guys hurry up and find Instructor Xu, and I’ll go to pull Su Qin.”

As soon as the words fell, the two girls turned their heads and ran towards the instructor’s dormitory.

Yu Wen stepped forward to hold Su Qin and asked her to say a few words less. If this matter gets to the political and religious office, it will only be her who suffers.

Su Qin also knew that it was not easy for her to get a special quota to be admitted to Yunzhong, but she really couldn’t see Yun Fei being bullied.

She raised her chest and looked directly at Wu Yang, her aura was not lost at all: “Instructor Wu, the students in your company insulted my brother as a fool, why are you not allowed to refute him? He is wrong, are the students in your class right? You If you want to train students, I have nothing to say, but your partiality is too obvious, right? Your students choose things first, and even if they are punished, your students must be severely punished. “

The student of the 2nd Company who was beaten by Yun Fei stepped forward and said sophistiously: “Anyway, it was him who moved first!”

The classmates of the 1st Company who were looking around couldn’t stand it anymore, so they gathered around to help Yun Fei to speak: “Is it reasonable for your classmates from the 2nd Company to bully others? Are you cursing politely?”

The classmates on both sides quarreled. Wu Yang frowned, took out the instructor’s aura and roared: “You all want to fail the military training? 1 Even all of them have—”

All the students of the 1st Company stood still in conditioned reflex.

Wu Yang: “50 push-ups!”

The classmates of 1st Company looked at each other, feeling that it was unfair at all. The classmates of 2 even watched the fun with a smug look on their faces.

Su Qin’s teeth were itching with anger. In her previous life, the instructor during her university military training was amiable and amiable. It was the first time she had seen such an instructor.

Just when even the classmates were doing push-ups aggrieved, Xu Hang’s loud voice came from behind:

“All the babies in 1st Company have—”

The voice is serious and the ending is elongated: “Get up!”

When the classmates heard Xu Hang’s voice, they were moved to tears.

– It’s still my own instructor.

The author has something to say: When we were in high school, as long as we fought, no matter who started the fight first, both sides were fired. In the past, we were bullied by the instructors of the next class during military training. Wow, I was really handsome by the instructor at that time. So everyone can see who is the CP of Instructor Xu Hang?

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