Realm of Monsters

Chapter 75: Rhian

“This is Champion, he has been bred specifically for stamina. If you are looking for a centaur that can ride for long distances then look no further,” Karlok explained.

Champion was a skinny centaur compared to the previous Maximus. Yet, by no means was Champion frail. His long legs were taut with muscles. There was not an inch of fat over his body. Unlike Maximus, Champion walked in circles around his pen, prancing about in an effort to show his skills. 

“He looks fast,” Stryg said with bright eyes.

“Stamina and speed are definitely desired traits in any centaur,” Loh turned to Karlok. “But, what about weight?”

Karlok scratched his cheek, “Champion can comfortably carry up to 200 pounds, which may not seem ideal for larger beings such as some orcs. But! If we are looking for a centaur for this fine young man, then that is more than adequate.”

Loh sized Stryg up, “I’m not so sure about that. My apprentice is heavier than he looks.”

Karlok glanced between the goblin and drow. “Are you implying that Champion can’t carry the weight of a goblin?”

“I’m not implying, I’m telling you. Stryg’s weight coupled with his travelling supplies will be too much for Champion,” Loh crossed her arms.

“Surely, you jest,” Karlok barked in laughter.

“Wanna bet?” Loh raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, I don’t wish to take your money,” Karlok shook his head.

“Mm,” she nodded. “Stryg is the one paying today, but if I lose the bet I’ll match the price of whatever centaur he buys. You’ll get double the gold. How does that sound?”

Karlok swallowed, “And if by some horribly unlikely chance I lose?”

“Then Stryg only pays half-price for his centaur. So, what do you say?” 

“Thank you for your patronage,” Karlok grinned.

“Perfect. Lead us to a balance scale,” she gestured.

“Right this way,” Karlok bid them to follow.

Stryg looked at Loh questioningly. Sure, she had said he weighed more than normal this morning. But, he couldn’t weigh that much. He was only 4 feet tall. He looked at his palms. Then again, his body had changed a lot the past year. He was surprised to realize he wasn’t really sure what the outcome of the bet would be.

Karlok led them up another flight of stairs. There were only a few pens and trainers here. In the corner lay a scale. It was quite large, spanning about a dozen feet. It was no doubt meant for weighing the centaurs. The flat rectangular plates lay between a fulcrum.

“Why do they even have this?” Stryg asked.

Karlok smiled, “Excellent question. One of the factors for the price of a centaur is its weight. It’s important to know how much a centaur can weigh when you're traveling by boat. Ship captain’s often charge their passengers based on space and weight of the cargo, including centaurs.”

“Stryg, why don’t you hand me your satchel and take a stand on the plate,” Loh pushed him forward.

“...Right,” Stryg nodded reluctantly.

He stepped onto the right plate. The plate sank as the left plate shot up high. Karlok called some of the nearby trainers to place weights on the left plate. After several large slabs of metal were laid on the plate it moved down, barely.

“What the hell?” Karlok furrowed his brow. 

He motioned his men to put more weights. After a dozen or so more were placed the scale became balanced. Stryg fidgeted, he wanted to get off already.

“That’s a little over 340 pounds. It can’t be… Is he using a durability spell?” Karlok turned to Loh.

“Stryg isn’t a chromatic yellow and as you can tell there are no yellow scales on him either,” she shrugged.

Karlok ran his hands through his grey hair. He was going to lose a lot of money.

“Thank you for your patronage,” Loh chuckled.

Stryg hopped off the scale, causing the right plate to shoot up. 

“Can we go now?” Stryg asked impatiently.

“Yes, Karlok. I do think we should survey the rest of your stock. Preferably, ones that can carry my apprentice’s weight,” she patted Karlok’s shoulder.

The old vampire sighed, “Right this way.”

Stryg and Loh followed the expert breeder not down to the 4th floor, but up to the 6th floor. The floor was open wide with obstacle courses spread about. A few centaurs walked around with their trainers.

It only took a few moments for Karlok to regain his enthusiasm. 

“If you’re looking for carrying potential I have one you might like. Her name is Ann. She’s on the 7th floor.  She may not be as big as Maximus, but she outright beats him in muscle mass.”

As they neared the stairs to the 7th floor, a centaur caught Stryg’s eye. The centaur danced around her trainer and ran past each obstacle with ease. Her nimble steps made the other two centaurs seem like bumbling children. 

Her lower body’s coat was a silky jet black. Muscles rippled through her legs as she galloped up and past the log fences. Her wavy ebon hair bounced about, revealing her elfen-like ears with each step. Her skin was a shade of pale pink, which made the freckles on her nose and cheeks stand out. Her stone-grey eyes flitted everywhere, taking in the obstacle course and those around. Yet, all eyes were on her.

She was 5 feet at the withers and even with her upper body, she only stood 7 feet tall, yet she seemed larger than Maximus. The aura of confidence she exuded made her seem as if she could fight the whole world. It was as if she were waiting for an even greater warrior to ride with her into battle.

She glanced over at the wide-eyed Stryg. Her thin lips curved, she smirked. A challenge? To see if he was worthy of being her partner?

“Who is that?” Stryg watched in wonder.

“Her? Bah. You wouldn’t like her,” Karlok swatted the air. “Now, let’s go see Ann.”

“Why wouldn’t I like her?” Stryg frowned. “Who is she?”

Karlok stopped walking and slumped his shoulders, “Well, if you really wish to know, her name is Rhiannon.”

“Rhiannon?” Stryg watched the centaur run around the obstacle course.

“Or Rhian for short. Trust me, you won’t like her. She’s just a showhorse,” Karlok said.

“What’s a showhorse?” Stryg asked.

Karlok cleared his throat, “It’s just an old term from some other Realm. Nowadays we use the word to refer to the most pedigreed of centaurs. Animals bred to awe and inspire an audience with their nimbleness, strength, speed, beauty, and intelligence. Crowds will gather all around just to catch a glimpse of one of them. Rhian is our most promising show horse we currently have.”

“So, she’s the best then?” Stryg asked.

“The best of the best, you might say,” Karlok prattled on.

“And the most expensive of the lot. Our coming to this floor wasn’t mere coincidence, was it, Karlok?” Loh narrowed her eyes.

The vampire placed his hand over his heart, “You wound me. I would never try to deceive you. I swear it on Bellum’s name. Let her smite me with her sword of flames if I lie.”

“You were never a pious vampire, but you were always a greedy one,” Loh shook her head.

“The world is a cruel place. We only try to get by,” Karlok smiled sadly.

“You call all of this ‘just getting by?’” Loh gestured all around her.

“I admit we could be doing worse,” he laughed. “Well, I can see you both are only interested in the more mundane sort of centaur. A travelling companion to shoulder your travelling burdens, perhaps? Well, fear not. There are plenty of potential companions upstairs.”

“Wait, I want her.” Stryg pointed towards Rhiannon. 

“Oh?” Karlok beamed.

“Stryg. She isn’t what you’re looking for,” Loh said.

Stryg cocked his head, “But she’s the best, yes?”

“She’s not the best warrior, Maximus is. She doesn’t have the best stamina, Champion does. She doesn’t have the best weight limit, Ann does. Do you see what I’m getting at?” Loh spread out her hands.

Stryg glanced at the vampire breeder, “Karlok, can Rhiannon carry my weight?”

“Oh, most definitely. She also has great stamina. She may not be as strong as Maximus, true, but in terms of overall balanced traits, Rhiannon surpasses all others.”

“Don’t listen to him Stryg, he just wants to make up for his losses from the bet. She probably costs twice, if not thrice the price of the others,” Loh said.

“But, she’s the best overall, right? Isn’t she worth it? Why would I not want the best? Besides, she’ll be half the price thanks to the bet,” Stryg argued.

Judging from the way Rhiannon moved she would undoubtedly excel in battle. Her coat was the color ebony, as was her hair. It was almost like fate was bringing her to the Ebon Hollow tribe. Stryg could see it now. Him as chief, riding into battle on a shadowy steed, casting bolts of flame at their enemies. It would be glorious.

“Stryg… Are you sure that’s the only reason you want her?” Loh pursed her lips.

“Huh?” Stryg looked up from his daydreaming.

“It wouldn’t be because said centaur is prancing about naked with an incredibly large bust bouncing up and down?” Loh raised an eyebrow.

Stryg blinked. “...What? N-no, of course not. Do you really think I would make such a decision based on her breasts? As if a warrior could be distracted by such a petty thing.”

“What about a horny teenager?” Loh crossed her arms.

“All our centaurs are willing to serve as comfort companions as well,” Karlok interjected. “Most are not bred with that main purpose mind you, but they can fulfill that need. Based on Rhiannon’s upper body I don't think she would fail in that regard, even compared to Ruby.”

“How am I not surprised,” Loh sighed. “Stryg, we’re not here to get you a comfort companion. If that girl, Feli, isn’t satisfying your needs at home, just go to one of the brothels in the Night District. What you need right now is a centaur for travelling, not a show horse. However, I won’t stop you from buying her. It’s your money after all. But, if you do, I believe this experience will ultimately teach you an important lesson.”

“Which is?” Stryg tilted his head.

“To not think with your dick,” Loh grinned maliciously. 

“People think with their brain,” Stryg pointed out.

“It’s a saying. Trust me, you’ll understand soon enough,” Loh rubbed her temple. “Karlok, we’ll buy her if the price is reasonable. But, I want your guarantee that we can return her if she isn’t what Stryg truly wants.”

“Miss Noir, all sales are final,” Karlok chuckled.

“My warning is final,” Loh tapped her mage necklace. 

Karlok cleared his throat, “Did I say final? I meant very much disputable. If you are not satisfied with any of our centaurs I will personally make sure you have your money back guaranteed.”

“Good,” Loh smiled thinly, “Now, bring that damn centaur over here.”

“Right away.” Karlok walked over to the obstacle course.

The trainers ceased their routine. Rhiannon paused in her steps. Karlok walked up to her and began talking. After a moment, she chuckled and followed Karlok back over to Loh and Stryg. The centaur stopped a few feet from the mage duo.

Karlok held out his hand, “May I introduce you to Rhiannon, incredibly talented show horse, and prized centaur of the Swift Winds establishment. This is high master mage Loh of House Noir.”

Rhiannon bent her forelegs and bowed her head, “Miss Noir, it is my utmost pleasure. I cannot honestly say I am surprised to be chosen by a scion of a Great House. Nonetheless, it is the greatest of honors and one that I will strive to live up to.”

“She’s a cocky one isn’t she? Maybe they are a perfect match,” Loh burst into laughter.

Karlok coughed. Rhiannon gave him a questioning look.

He signaled his eyes over at the goblin, “And this is Miss Noir’s apprentice, Stryg of the… Ebon Hollow tribe. He is the one who has chosen you and will become your new rider.”

Rhiannon’s jaw went slack, “Eh?”

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