Realm of Monsters

Chapter 74: First Ride

Stryg sat on a bench near the magic academy’s gates. The sky was clear and the sun shined down without mercy. He tried avoiding looking up at the bright annoyance. The heat wasn’t particularly bothering, although it was warmer than what he was used to. 

Most of the students had gone home for the summer, which meant the academy was fairly empty. Stryg’s “home” was an apartment only a block away from the school, so not much had changed for him. Loh was still his master and intended to continue training him during the summer, which was why he was sitting on a bench while grumbling about the noon’s sunlight.

Loh had told him to wait near the gates at about noon. The plan was for her to come by and pick him up. Of course, she was late, as usual. He was debating going to find some shade when his master finally strode up on an elegant centaur.

“Stryg, good, you’re here,” Loh said.

“Master, I thought you were going to bring the carriage,” he tilted his head.

“Not today. I had something better in mind,” she grinned. She reached out her hand, “Get on.”

Stryg looked at the large centaur skeptically.

“She won’t hurt you. Her name’s Ruby. Come on, we have a busy day ahead of us,” Loh waved him over.

Ruby bowed her head, “This one will do her best to ensure you have a peaceful ride, young master.”

Stryg looked Ruby over. Her lower body was a sleek auburn. A saddle of burnished white leather wrapped around her body. She wore a red silk shirt on her upper body. A pair of reins were attached to a leather harness around her abdomen and chest.

She had pale skin with fiery orange hair. Stryg noticed the slightest hint of freckles behind her makeup. Her jade-green eyes held a warm light as she gazed down at the goblin.

“Right…” Stryg slowly grabbed Loh’s hand.

Loh grunted as she tried to pull him up, “Damn, you’re heavy. What are you carrying in that satchel, a couple of steel ingots?”

“Just my savings. You’re the one who told me to bring them,” Stryg frowned.

“For a very good reason,” she let go of Stryg’s hand. “You are heavier than you look. Just get up here, yeah?”

Stryg nodded. Ruby’s lower back stood at about 5 feet and a half. Stryg was only a little over 4 feet. He raised his hands, grabbed the saddle, and hauled himself up. Ruby grunted as he sat, but said nothing. 

“You sit in the front,” Loh said.

Stryg settled himself on the saddle, his back to Loh, “What am I supposed to hold onto?”

Loh reached around him and grabbed the reins, “Don’t worry too much, think of my arms like railings. You’re not gonna fall off. But, if you really feel uncomfortable you can always grab Ruby’s hair.”

The centaur turned her neck to look at him, “Please, don’t hesitate. This one was bred for comfort. Use this one in whatever way makes you feel relaxed.”

“Bred?” Stryg asked.

Loh pulled the reins gently, signaling Ruby. The centaur began trotting down the street, heading towards the trade district.

Stryg swallowed at the jostling movement and found himself grabbing Ruby’s long red hair.

 “I take it you’ve never ridden a centaur before, huh?” Loh grinned.

Stryg spoke with a nervous tone, “I have, once. When a poacher caught me from Vulture Woods and brought me to this city. I wasn’t so much riding as being strapped down though. I hated it.”

Loh’s smile fell. Sometimes she forgot how different his life had been to those of an aristocrat or even a commoner for that matter. She could tell from his rigid movements that he was still very much uncomfortable. 

“Don’t be nervous, you have no enemies here. Not while I’m around. Besides, like Ruby said, she was bred for the comfort of the rider. This will be a smooth ride, so take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the breeze,” Loh said.

“I’m not nervous,” Stryg cleared his throat.

“Of course not,” Loh chuckled.

“A-anyway, what’s this about breeding?” 

“Oh, well,” Loh cocked her head in thought, “Centaurs are bred for different kinds of purposes. Some are bred for battle, others for work, etc. Ruby’s line was bred for wealthy individuals who wish to take strolls around the city every now and then.”

“That’s all she does?” Stryg furrowed his brow.

The centaur said nothing at the slight.

“Nonsense, Ruby does much more than that,” Loh shook her head. “She’s a great listener and very patient. For example, you’re pulling on her hair quite tightly and she isn’t even making a peep of protest.”

Stryg hadn’t realized how hard he had been pulling. He weakened his grip.

“Besides that, comfort centaurs are bred to be pretty or handsome. Their upper bodies are very nice for fun times,” Loh licked her lips. 

“I see, so centaurs can be used in that way,” Stryg nodded to himself. It made sense, Ruby’s face was quite attractive. “So, there are different kinds of slaves.”

“Beastkin aren’t slaves,” Loh pointed out.

“Then why is Ruby wearing a docility collar?” Stryg asked.

“That’s not a docility collar, it’s simply a collar she wears as my pet. Like I said, beastkin aren’t slaves, they’d be worked to death quite quickly if they were. Although, there are many beastkin who are forced to wear docility collars, that's mainly because they are feral or misbehaved. Beastkin are animals and are treated as such.”

“I don’t really see the difference between slaves and pets,” he cocked his head.

“Pets are loved by their owners, slaves are enemies or criminals have been forced into labor,” Loh explained.

“But, they both have masters they have to obey, right?”

Loh frowned, “Yes, but pets are animals, slaves are not.”

“I remember professor Rime once talked about beastkin being animals and how they have been ‘domesticated’ because of that. I wasn’t sure I agreed with that logic. After all, aren’t we all animals?” Stryg looked back at Loh.

“Animals are creatures without magic, simple as that. Why would you think we are animals?” Loh raised an eyebrow.

“Well, by that logic most people of any chromatic species aren’t mageborn and therefore animals, yes?” Stryg looked around at all the civilians passing by on the street.

Loh furrowed her brow, “In a sense, I suppose you are right. I admit beastkin are similar to slaves in many regards, but so are any draft animals. They must obey our orders or they are punished. Of course, there are certain differences. People aren’t born slaves, they are captured and enslaved for crimes against the city, and their children are born free. However, slaves have no rights. Beastkin on the other hand are bred and are afforded a few amenities, such as being able to enter buildings and the like.”

“So, slaves are the captured enemy, whereas beastkin are more like omegas of a tribe then?” He could at least wrap his mind around that concept. Although, he still didn’t see much of a difference between the two.

“Sure, let’s go with that. Some of the other Realms were said to disagree with some of our practices, such as slavery or domesticating beastkin. But, who cares what any of them thought. Look at where we are now. Our Realm has prospered on the backs of our enemies. As for beastkin, well, they were created to serve as soldiers for the Mortem, but that was a long time ago. Now, they serve us,” Loh patted Ruby’s side. “Isn’t that right, Ruby?”

“Yes, Mistress. This one is your humble servant, ready to serve you in whatever way you wish,” Ruby dipped her head in a quick bow.

The Ebon Realm was a cruel place, Stryg understood that. He had grown up with such a notion. Yet, for someone to be so submissive was a strange sight to see. How many centuries of cruelty had been driven into the beastkin’s psyche to have a species created for battle be so docile?

Nonetheless, he understood. The powerful ruled the weak and if the weak didn’t obey they would be culled. That cruel reality wouldn’t change.

He believed the Realm wouldn’t change either, it wouldn’t spare one little goblin. He needed to become strong to rise and rule above the rest, otherwise he’d end up like the beastkin and commoners, a life of servitude to the powerful. 

“See, Stryg? Ruby is a wonderful companion to talk with. Try and relax. Don’t worry too much about riding, you’ll get more practice soon enough,” Loh said.

“What do you mean?” Stryg asked.

“We still have about two months before summer is over. I plan to take us on a trip outside the city walls. It’s time you have a taste of what the world around is like. It will also give me some time to properly train you in orange magic,” Loh said.

Stryg smiled broadly. He’d finally learn how to cast orange spells.

“But, first, you’ll need a mount. Preferably one bred for battle or long distance travel. Which is why I told you to bring your savings,” Loh pointed to a large building in the distance.

The grey brick building was massive, taking up the entire block.

“The Swift Winds?” Stryg read the name on the large polished steel sign.

“The store is very exclusive, only aristocrats and high-ranking military officials are allowed entrance. But, the place lives up to its reputation as one of the best beastkin breeders in the city. They specialize in centaurs. They have all different kinds of centaurs, all top notch. I got Ruby here as well. The owner, Karlok, is one of the most skilled breeders you’ll ever meet.”

“Are you saying that I’m going to get a centaur?” Stryg asked with wide eyes.

“Obviously, why else would we be here? You’ve saved up enough money, you can get whatever centaur you want.”

Several guards at the entrance bowed as Loh strolled up. The double doors slammed wide open as a grey-bearded vampire strode out. His green overcoat did not do much to hide his potbelly.

“Well, if it isn’t Loh Noir, resident genius extraordinaire!” The vampire laughed with a bright smile.

“Karlok, I take it you got my message?” Loh returned the smile. 

“Of course, I cleared my schedule just for you. Come, let us talk inside, the sun isn’t great for my skin,” Karlock waved them inside.

“Gladly. Come on, Stryg.” Loh dismounted.

Stryg didn’t need to be told twice, he jumped off and nimbly landed on his feet. Ruby trotted over to the side, next to a few carriages. She bowed to her mistress as they walked inside.

“How has Ruby fared? Are you dissatisfied in any means?” Karlok asked.

“Not at all, she’s been wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to see us,” Loh said.

“It’s my pleasure. It’s been too long my friend. When I heard you were coming I simply had to handle the tour myself,” Karlok clapped his hands together. “Now, this must be the apprentice you spoke about in the message, yes?”

“Yes, we’re here today to buy him his first centaur,” Loh patted Stryg’s back.

Stryg slightly inclined his head, “I am Stryg of the Ebon Hollow tribe.”

Karlok twitched at the tribe’s name, but smiled right afterwards, “Well, Mister Stryg, I believe we can find you a centaur suitable for your needs, whatever they may be.”

“We are looking for a centaur suitable for travelling,” Loh interjected.

“What sort of travelling conditions? The Valley? Travelling by boat? Forests, mountains, tundra?” Karlock rattled off.

“Travelling through the Valley, long distance stamina, and some battle potential,” Loh said.

“Hmm, Dusk Valley has become more and more dangerous these past few months. Okay, follow me. I’ll show you some of our best stock,” Karlok said. 

He led them upstairs to the 4th floor. The floor was covered in pristine wood and iron pens. Centaurs stood in each pen, most standing still, while a few potential buyers walked by. 

“Most of the higher floors are used solely as showrooms to display some of our finest centaurs,” Karlok began.

“None of them are wearing clothes,” Stryg noted.

“They have no need for clothes, young lad,” Karlok chucked. “The vast majority of draft centaurs never wear anything more than a harness. Although, aristocrats do enjoy dressing up some of their own personal pets. Make them look pretty, respectable, or whatnot.”

He walked up to the first pen, “This one here is Maximus. He is one of our best battle centaurs. He was just broken in recently.”

An enormous grey centaur stood quietly, his eyes closed in meditation. His lower back reached over 7 feet. His upper body added another 3 feet. His entire body rippled with muscles, even the orc, Kegrog, looked small in comparison. 

“How are these creatures at the bottom of the food chain?” Stryg muttered in wonder.

“Huh?” Karlok cocked his head.

“Ah, I think he means how did you come about breeding centaurs?” Loh explained.

Karlok stroked his beard, “My family has been in the business since the beginning, almost 400 years ago. The beastkin were roaming the Ebon Realm for a few years at that point. The ebon lords had just decided the beastkin were not only a failed creation of the Mortem, but animals too. Feral creatures that posed a danger to our Realm.”

“The ebon lords commanded that every beastkin be either captured or killed,” Loh recalled.

“Exactly. Most beastkin were defeated, but they didn’t go down without a fight. Many died in the battles against the beastkin. Of course, a few of the beastkin with advantageous traits managed to escape, like the lamias. My forefathers in the Northern Lands managed to acquire some of the captured centaurs,” Korlak said.

He went on, “There were only a few of the creatures known as horses in the Realm at the time and only the ebon lords had them. As you know, the horses in these lands would eventually all die out. But, one of my ancestors was very clever. He realized that centaurs could be the mount our Realm needed and so he entered the breeding business. And as they say, the rest is history.”

“So, Stryg what do you think of Maximus?” Loh asked.

“Hello?” Stryg called out to the centaur.

Maximus kept his eyes closed.

Stryg furrowed his brow, “Hey, I’m talking to you, Maximus.” 

The centaur didn’t respond.

“He can also be a little rough around the edges, but I promise he’ll get the job done,” Karlok added.

“I believe it, I’ve never seen a centaur like him. You’ve really outdone yourself,” Loh said. She glanced over at the pen, “Huh? Stryg, what are you doing!”

Stryg pulled out a copper coin and hurled it at Maximus’ forehead. His head jerked back from the impact.

“Do I have your attention now?” Stryg glared.

The creature opened and narrowed his eyes at the small goblin. Stryg hissed back. 

“Hmph,” Maximus closed his eyes again.

“Can we see others?” Loh smiled wryly.

“Most definitely, right this way,” Karlok gestured.

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