Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Yaozu plan

Chapter 26 Demonic Plan

After Hongjun passed down the three-corpse method, killings began again on the wild land. Why?

It turned out that these killings were due to the fight for the spirit treasure, and the fight for the spirit treasure was to slay the corpse. Even if it was a low-grade innate spirit treasure, many people were fighting for it. The number of magic treasures possessed by the three thousand red dusters is limited, besides. As mentioned earlier, there are no treasures yet, and more than half of the innate treasures are in Hongjun’s hands.

And these people competed for the spirit treasure, and gradually everyone discovered that the three corpses after using different spirit treasures were also different in Taoism. There were Da Luo and Taiyi, and they were very strange. , The way is not good, it can only be based on personal chances, and some people think: if the quality is not enough, the quantity will come together.

But, what you can cut out with the number is still not good, there is only one three corpse, just like saying that you can’t always turn into three good corpses, that’s definitely not good!

Therefore, there are more and more murders and treasures.


On this day, Emperor Jun Taiyi held a court meeting in the Lingxiao Hall. At this time, the two of them were magnificent. Although the ten demon gods are also quasi-sages, after all, where is the gap, there is no way, it is strong (#^-^#)

Di Jun sat on the dragon chair, Tai Yi sat aside, looking absent-minded, but where is his strength? As Di Jun’s brother and Heavenly Court’s number one fighter, Tai Yi possesses the innate treasure chaos clock, which is not inferior to Di Jun. .

Everyone first discussed the Yaozu’s absorption of the Yaozu elite from the wild land, and then discussed who the Yaozu was persecuted by the Wuzu, and what a mess. The good emperor was very hurt. After finishing all kinds of chores , Finally came the highlight.

Dijun said: “My monster race has occupied the heaven for many years, but still needs strong combat power to support it. I don’t know what the Zhongqing family thinks?”

Bai Ze, the emperor’s dog-headed strategist, understood his thoughts, and said, “Does your majesty want to recruit some hidden masters from the predecessors?”

Dijun stared at Bai Ze, and said, “I am really worthy of my monster clan talent”, and said on the face: “Yes! Although my monster clan’s combat power is good, I need more talents.”

Bai Ze said again: “Your Majesty, the minister has a word, I don’t know if it should be said?”

Di Jun said: “Quickly speak”

Bai Ze said, “Among my demons, there are many masters, such as the unsophisticated Fuxi and Nuwa brothers and sisters, Beiming’s Kunpeng, and so on. There are many quasi-sage masters among them. If they are recruited to join the heavenly court, my demonic power will increase. A huge grade, but these people are from the Purple Heaven Palace listening to Taoism, and they must be joined with great profit.”

Di Jun said: “Then what kind of profit is used to attract these people?”

Bai Ze said: “Xu Yi Lingbao, and high quality, but also fame and fortune, will naturally make it join”

Di Jun said: “Lingbao is easy to say, but what about fame and fortune?”

Bai Zeyan said: “Your Majesty is the Demon Emperor, and Your Majesty Tai Yi is the Demon Emperor. You can make Nuwa Fuxi the Emperor Wa and Emperor Xi. Isn’t Kun Peng called the Demon Master, let him be the Demon Master. Then the three of you will definitely come. I am in heaven.”

Di Jun was overjoyed when he heard the words, but the people below were unhappy. There were originally two people on the heads of the demons, but now there are three more, making people feel uncomfortable? Someone started whispering to talk about the matter below. Di Jun was happy that he had just passed him, and he remembered that he might be decentralized like this, and began to care about gains and losses.

Bai Ze said again: “Your Majesty, this matter must not be neglected. Fuxi and Nuwa do not love rights, just let them sit down.”

Since Bai Ze has said so, Di Jun is not hesitating, and he is not a nonchalant person. He said: “Okay! Then after the meeting is over, follow me to Fengxi Mountain.”

Dijun said again: “The rest of the hermits, let others bring innate Lingbao to invite, and if they don’t come, let Taiyi go” and said to Taiyi: “Second brother, do you understand?”

One too much: “Understand”

Well, this temptation cannot be changed and threatened.

Listening to the Tao of Xiantian Lingbao, everyone was not at peace again, and said, “Those of us who followed you in the morning have no Lingbao. Give it back to others.”

Di Jun saw the dissatisfaction of the people, and said: “Those who join my heavenly court, the widow will reward an innate spirit treasure, and the others will not be stingy as long as they have made the battle.” These demon gods have all followed the emperor. Jun can’t favor one another for so long.

As soon as they heard this, the eyebrows were overjoyed, and they all shouted: “Your Majesty benevolence.” Di Jun laughed and looked at Bai Ze.

But Bai Ze’s brows tightened and his face was melancholy.

Dijun asked: “What makes you unhappy?”

Bai Ze said: “This is Kunpeng who doesn’t know what to do. If it’s just a general condition, he won’t agree.”

At this time, not only Emperor Jun was stunned, even the indifferent Taiyi also looked at Bai Ze. After all, there are still many people in the heavenly court who are optimistic about Kunpeng. Not to mention his creation of monsters, this move is also a harvest among the monsters. In addition to the many demon clan people taken in by Beiming Kunpeng, it is also a powerful force, and even the reputation and status are chasing Di Jun. Can Di Jun Taiyi not be nervous?

(End of this chapter)

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