Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Demon standing tribe, sorcery also standing

Chapter 25 The Demonic Clan, Wu Ye Li

Don’t say that Kunpeng will take care of the house or not.

On this day, above the Heavenly High Heavenly Hall, Di Jun was sitting on the dragon chair on the central high platform, Tai Yi was sitting on the large chair a little under Di Jun’s left hand, drinking with a golden gourd in his hand, one With a wild face, the gourd was picked from the gourd vine by Taiyi and had not been refined into an immortal sword, so he used it to drink.

At the bottom, the ten monster gods of the monster race are standing on the left hand side, and on the right hand are the leaders of some other monster races. Sixty percent are in the Da Luo realm, and the rest are in the Taiyi realm. This is not a time when golden immortals are everywhere, and Ronaldo is not as good as a dog, so Ronaldo is still influential in this heavenly court.

This meeting is holding a dynasty meeting. Emperor Jun and the demons are discussing some things about the demons. Taiyi has no sense of rights. You say that he knows how to fight without a brain, but his strength is not bad, and he has a chaotic clock. He just likes to practice.

Everyone discusses the development trend of Yaozu.

Bai Ze said: “My monster clan occupies this heavenly treasure. I am blessed with heaven. Based on the sky, I should establish a clan. We should use the name “monster” as the name to promote the status of my monster clan.”

Dijun was very happy after listening to the Dao. The demon clan is just what they claim to be, and they are not recognized by the heavens and the predecessors. This move can gather the demon of the world. Isn’t it beautiful?

Emperor Jun said: “Just do what you said! This announcement must be magnificent, so that all living beings will know it!”

At this time, Bai Ze said again: “Your Majesty, you forgot, who is the support of Zixiao Palace!”

Di Jun said: “Oh, yeah! I almost forgot.”

So he said to his wife: “Let’s take a trip to Zixiao Palace with Weiwei Brother!”

Taiyi said in a puzzled way: “Brother, why do we want to tell Daozu when we establish a clan?”

Dijun replied: “This Hongjun is the first saint in the world, and he should know about Dao Ancestor, otherwise Dao Ancestor will ask me to wait for trouble, what should I do?”

Taiyi replied: “Thank you for your teachings, then let me go to Zixiao Palace.”

Then the two flew to the top of Buzhou Mountain, passed through the chaos, and reached the Zixiao Palace. Since the Zixiao Palace did not preach, this would be a closed door.

The two stood in front of the gate of the Zixiao Palace. Di Jun said one step earlier: “Daozu, my brothers seek an opportunity for my demon clan to get a proper name, and set up the demon clan’s heaven to look at Dao Zuenzhun.” The two worshiped and obeyed.

But the two of them waited for a long time, only to hear an “um” sound from inside, as if there was nothing, and the two were also very dazed, not knowing whether the ancestor agreed or disagreed.

So Di Jun was cruel, pulled Taiyi back to the heavenly court, and told the demons that the ancestor had agreed.

After this, the Yaozu chose a lucky day and swears to heaven.

On this day, all the demons in the Lingxiao Palace gathered together. Emperor Jun Taiyi was standing under the incense table, followed by a group of demons and gods. The incense table enshrines the ranks of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao. When everything is ready, the heavenly court official said:” The auspicious time has come, pray to heaven”

Emperor Jun Taiyi moved forward to the incense table. After the incense was put on, Di Jun said: “The way of heaven is above. My monster race was born by adhering to the fate of the ancients, and the heaven and the earth bestow the “Heavenly Court” on the spiritual land. , Hetu Luoshu suppressed the luck, established the demon clan, Wang Tiandao Jianzhi” After the crowd worshipped three times, the emperor Jun said: “Demon clan, stand!”

After the word “Stand up!” was spit out from Emperor Jun’s mouth, the heavens immediately descended on merits, and the goddess scattered flowers and golden lotus blossoms, making the heavenly glorious.

The five success virtues from heaven were cut off by one or two of Emperor Juntai to reach the quasi-sage stage; the three success virtues belonged to the monsters and gods, and the rest were obtained by the people of the monster race.

After gaining merits, especially the ten great monster gods, all of them advanced to the early stage of the quasi-sage, becoming the main backbone of the monster clan, and later played a great role in the war with the witch clan.

at the same time. In the Pangu Temple of the Wu Clan, the ancestor witches also heard the ancestors of the demon clan in the heavenly court.

Dijiang said: “The monster clan is established, how can my witch clan do what I do?”

Zhujiu**: “Since the monster clan establishes a clan, then my witch clan also establishes a clan.”

Other ancestral witches said: “goodness”

So soon after the demon clan established the clan, the witch clan burned incense and prayed outside the Pangu Temple, but the ranking of the witch clan’s worship was not heaven, but Pangu.

The people of the witch tribe stood behind the ancestral witches, and after the twelve ancestral witches offered incense and worship, they said: “The avenue is up, and Father Pangu opened the heavens to fall. I am the witch clan. Today, my witch clan lives in the predecessor. The earth is the foundation, and the Pangu Temple is used to suppress the air luck, and the Dao Jianshi?” After that, he prayed three times and said: “Witch, stand!”

Suddenly, it was the merits of heaven again, but this time it was different, it was descended from the great road, after all, the human and witch clan only recognized Pangu, not the heaven. The body of the twelve ancestor witches was strengthened after incorporating merits, as did the people of the witch tribe.

These two tribes have established tribes, and in the eyes of those who are interested, they don’t have to have the tribe’s merits in the Dragon and Han Tribulation.

(End of this chapter)

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