Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 9 - formula

“I don’t know what this energy cube is made of. It’s so expensive?”

“Let you know? The formula of the energy cube is strictly controlled by the alliance. If ordinary people want to learn, they can only be admitted to the top key universities in the country and choose the major of energy cube making. There are opportunities to learn, and after graduation, the students of this major are directly assigned to jobs by the alliance and become members of the direct line of the alliance. There are countless benefits and benefits. I heard that last year, our county’s top student in the college entrance examination was admitted to Qianjiang University’s energy cube making major. At that time, there were 200 tables set up in their house for people to eat for free!”

“Really or not? Doesn’t that mean a new family is going to be born in our county?”

“Who said no? Learning how to make energy cubes can not only make money by making them, but also the elves you cultivate can eat energy cubes at the cost price. With the support of energy cubes, they can be born in just a few years. An advanced trainer.”

The conversation around aroused Yun Ning’s curiosity, interjected and asked, “Is it difficult to learn how to make energy cubes?”

The man didn’t care who asked this question. He is now showing his erudition in front of everyone, enjoying the admiration of the people around him. The more questions other people have, the more it can show his huge knowledge reserve.

“Of course, think about it, if she can be admitted to one of the best majors in Qianjiang University, the energy cube production major, her college entrance examination score is beyond doubt, right? With such a high college entrance examination score, there must be no partial subjects. That is to say, her elf racial value, characteristics, evolutionary conditions, and battle tactics must have a high score. Ask yourself, how many points did you get in these subjects when you took the college entrance examination? Who doesn’t rely on science, mathematics Are you taking these points-giving subjects with Elven Social Studies to get points?”

The man took the mineral water handed over by others, took a sip to moisten his throat, and continued:

“Even a genius with such a high IQ needs a full 4 years of study to learn how to make energy cubes. Some students can’t even make low-level energy cubes until they graduate, and they can only apply to repeat their studies for one year!”

The people around me talked a lot during the conversation, some were lamenting the difficulty of the elves in the related subjects, and some were envious of the good luck of the family who passed the college entrance examination.

Yun Ning couldn’t help but move in his heart, the principle of the world axis!

It can be heard from the conversation just now that it is very difficult to learn about making energy cubes in this world, which is obviously in line with the world axis theory. It takes a genius 4 years to barely master the production method of low-level energy cubes. This is unimaginable in games.

“Is it difficult to say that the energy cubes are all made by hand? Now that the technology is so advanced, can’t assembly line work to reduce the production cost?” Yun Ning hid in the crowd and asked his second question.

“Energy cubes can’t be produced in factories. It is said that the production of energy cubes is full of uncertainties. The properties of each individual raw material are different. Manufacturers can only rely on their own experience to solve problems. There are subtle gaps in production. , the energy cubes made will become defective products!”

“The alliance teaches the students how to make energy cubes, so aren’t they afraid that the students will go out and spread the word?”

“Who would spread the word? It’s hard for people to cross a single-plank bridge and get admitted to this major. If you learn this skill, you are willing to give it selflessly. What’s more, it takes a full 4 years for a genius to learn. What if the skills are spread out? In front of you, you probably won’t be able to make them for the rest of your life, right? According to the current policy of the alliance, whoever can make an energy cube can directly join the alliance and become the trainer of the alliance’s direct line. The original intention of the alliance to control the low-level energy cube formula is to hope that ordinary people will not pursue such things as making energy cubes. In the past, ordinary universities also opened this major, and as a result, often none of the entire university graduates could graduate successfully. Later, the alliance I felt that releasing this thing would waste many people’s time, so it was stipulated that only key universities could offer this major.”

“How many energy cubes can an energy cube maker make in a day? How much money can one make?”

“This is really hard to say. Only the maker knows the profit of energy cubes. Everyone’s daily production volume is different. Also, those who can make energy cubes are called elf cultivators by the alliance. It is said that high-level elf cultivation The family can make the most suitable energy cubes according to the characteristics of different elves. There is a group of high-level elves cultivators in each big family, to formulate the most scientific cultivation plan for the children of the big family, and to provide the best quality energy cubes .So the children of the big family grow up much faster than us commoners.”

After that, the topic started to dissipate a little. Yun Ning listened for a while, but didn’t have any content that he was interested in, so he left the crowd and walked in front of the energy cube, hoping to observe this thing that he couldn’t afford up close. Whether you can’t afford it or have a look, this is Yun Ning’s inner thought.

“This is it!” Yun Ning resisted the excitement in his heart and tried his best to make his expression look calmer.

The Pokédex is actually useful for energy blocks!

Yes, in Yun Ning’s field of vision at this moment, the data frame that appeared when he observed his father’s wrist strength appeared:

Item: Red Energy Cube

Level: low

Effect: Slightly replenish the energy of fire-type and fighting-type elves

Recipe: Sakura fruit, no flower fruit, apple wild fruit, cranberry fruit

Production Method:……

“It’s developed!” Yun Ning exclaimed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this kind of energy cube recipe, which only the elites of major universities can learn, was actually obtained by myself!

You must know that you are not an aboriginal in this world! The world axis of this world has no effect on itself!

Compared with people in this world, learning to make energy cubes by yourself has a natural advantage!

Yingziguo, Wuhuaguo, Pingyeguo, and Cranberry fruit are all sold on the fourth floor of the “Xintiandi” shopping mall, and the price is not expensive, only 50 yuan per piece!

These tree fruits are just ordinary elf supplies. Many junior trainers who cannot afford energy cubes choose to feed their elves. After all, although the energy contained in tree fruits is not as good as energy cubes, it is also better Much cheaper. If you buy 60 tree fruits with the money of one energy cube, the power of the elves will still increase more than the energy cube.

Yun Ning walked in front of several other energy cubes, and sure enough, the production methods of each energy cube were shown in Yunning’s illustrated book and stored.

The five energy blocks that “Xintiandi” entered this time are red, blue, pink, green, and yellow. And these five are also the most basic energy block colors.

Each energy block can improve the strength of the corresponding attribute elf. If an elf has two attributes, then the corresponding two energy blocks must be taken. Otherwise, one of the attributes is too strong and will break the energy balance in the elf. , with catastrophic consequences.

There was once a trainer who had a whimsical idea to let his dumb beast take only the purple energy cube representing the super power department, hoping that his dumb beast could go further in the direction of the super power department. The beast died due to the depletion of the water system energy in the body and the shrinking of the body.

What’s more, a trainer thinks that his nine-tails have a strong superpower talent, and forcibly gave his nine-tails a purple energy cube. As a result, his nine-tailed superpowers have not improved, but the strength of the fire element has been reversed. Start going backwards.

You know, elves can only eat one energy cube a day!

Just like humans can only eat three meals a day, the amount of food an organism can take in is limited. If you force two energy cubes into an elves, the elves will pull one out.

Therefore, it is very important to control the diet of elves reasonably.

Of course, these are the troubles of the rich. For ordinary people, even letting their elves eat a tree fruit a day is an extravagant hope. How dare they think of energy cubes? One fruit a day costs 1,500 yuan a month. Yun Ning remembered that when he went to university in his previous life, his monthly living expenses were only 1,000 yuan.

Just like Father Yun’s wrist strength, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is 8 years old this year, and he has never eaten a single fruit. Since birth, Father Yun has been feeding it with human food. It took about 8 years. With more than 10,000 food expenses, his strength has been raised to level 12.

The lifespan of the wrist force is only 20 years. Father Yun’s wrist force has lived for almost half of the time. The foundation laid when he was young is too poor. There is basically no possibility of evolution in this life, unless Father Yun starts to feed it with low-level energy cubes. It, however, is clearly not possible.

Elves are really similar to pets in previous lives. Dogs from rich families eat all kinds of meat and calcium tablets from time to time. Dogs from poor families can only eat leftovers from their owners. If the owner eats meat, then he can still gnaw on some bones.

Previously, Yun Ning was very confused about his future, because he couldn’t afford to pay the high cost of cultivating elves. I know my own abilities. I have no talent for making money after graduation in my previous life. I can only enter the company to get a little dead salary. Even if I travel to this world, the result will not be too bad. Therefore, he understands very well that Father Yun refuses to give out money to help him buy elves. After all, why should others trust you when he is not sure of himself?

But it’s different now. With the help of Goldfinger, as long as you can master the method of making energy cubes, then the most urgent funding problem can be effectively alleviated!

Yun Ning spent all the 1,000 yuan he earned in 10 days to buy tree fruit. If he wants to get a return, he must invest. Yun Ning still understands this truth. Fortunately, the production of energy cubes in this world does not require a special fruit mixer, otherwise the amount of money on Yun Ning would not be enough to start up.

Under the street lamp, a figure with a bag of tree fruit in his left hand and a bag of rice in his right hurriedly disappeared into the night.

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