Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 10 - make

“Huh, it failed again.”

Yun Ning leaned against the head of the bed with a frustrated expression.

This is the second time Yunning has failed to make it. The cost of one production is 200 yuan, which means that Yunning has now wasted a full 400 yuan of raw materials.

You must know that Yunning only earned 1,000 yuan for 10 days of moving bricks at the construction site, and the material cost of 400 yuan is equivalent to Yunning’s four-day salary.

It is extremely difficult to make an energy block. Each of the 4 kinds of fruit has its own characteristics. There is no problem in keeping them separate, but once they are mixed together, the energy between the several kinds of fruit will react.

All Yun Ning needs to do is to balance the four energies and mix them together so that they can produce some kind of magical change. This feeling is like a chemical experiment in a previous life.

Some people may ask, the production of energy cubes is nothing more than mixing together four kinds of tree fruits. To put it bluntly, there are only so many ingredients in it. Why are the mixed products not all the same? Can fire-type energy be made into water-type energy by you?

The person who asked this obviously did not understand the chemical reaction principle of the previous life. Let’s put it this way, diamond and graphite are both composed of carbon atoms. Can their properties be the same?

Yun Ning studied polymer materials in his previous life. The same several raw materials are reacted at different temperatures, and the results are completely different!

And the making of the energy cube gives Yun Ning the feeling that it is the synthesis of polymer materials in the previous life.

Synthesis of polymer materials has a characteristic, that is, there are many by-products. For example, the reaction temperature of a certain product is 200 degrees, but your reaction vessel has a process of heating up, then when it goes through 100 degrees, in your flask There are already by-products.

How to quickly raise the temperature to the required temperature and how to reduce the production of by-products, this is the key point of polymer material synthesis!

In the same way, the energy block is made so that the four kinds of tree fruits can react together, but the two fruits will also react in pairs, and the reactants produced by the two reactions cannot continue to react with other fruits. If a large number of two-two reactions or even three-three reactions occur, the remaining energy will not be enough to make a complete energy cube, and in the end, only a lump of two-two reactants and three-three reactants can be obtained. of waste.

Looking at the two pieces of trash in front of him, Yun Ning had a headache.

“How can we better control the four energies?”

After two attempts, Yun Ning found that there were differences between each individual fruit.

For example, Yingziguo, when Yunning made it for the first time, found the energy of Yingziguo in the material and its fury. Yunning used the method of controlling the other three kinds of fruit to control Yingziguo, resulting in the energy of Yingziguo. Going beyond Yunning’s control, he took the initiative to react with other tree fruits, which eventually led to a failure.

When making the energy cube for the second time, Yun Ning learned the lesson of the last time and strengthened his control over Yingziguo, but he did not expect that the energy of Yingziguo was relatively stable this time, but Wuhuaguo’s energy exceeded Yun Ning’s control had three or three reactions with the other two fruit trees.

“too difficult!”

No wonder the alliance stipulates that only students from key universities can learn how to make energy cubes. As a traveler, they are not affected by the world axis of this world. It is so difficult to make energy cubes, so the learning difficulty of the aborigines in this world can be imagined. .

What’s more, Yun Ning is not an ordinary traveler, but a student majoring in chemistry. Although he was only a student of three universities, Yun Ning’s ability to control chemical reactions was much stronger than most people who had never been exposed to experiments in his previous life.

Don’t think that doing the experiment is very simple. When a freshman does an experiment for the first time, he accidentally shakes his hand and adds an extra drop of reagents, which will make his reaction fail.

“No wonder it can’t be mass-produced in the factory. The gap between the individual fruits of this tree is too big!”

The third production still failed. This time, the energies of Yingziguo and Wuhuaguo were very peaceful, but Pingguo and Cranberry rioted together. Yun Ning could only watch helplessly. In response, he had no choice.

“Come again!” Yun Ning did not believe in evil and started his fourth production.

First of all, Ying Ziguo, very good, this time Ying Ziguo did not act as a demon. The energy is gentle and easy to control.

Then there is Wuhuaguo. Like last time, the energies of Yingziguo and Wuhuaguo are very peaceful.

The point is here. Yun Ning carefully added the wild apples to the reaction vessel. Sure enough, the energy of the wild apples was so violent that Yunning couldn’t control it for a while.

“Take your time, don’t worry.” Yun Ning took a deep breath and encouraged himself.

Under Yun Ning’s careful operation, the riot of Ping Yeguo’s energy gradually subsided.

And lastly, cranberries.

Yun Ning controlled three kinds of tree fruit with his left hand, and put the cranberry fruit into the reaction vessel with his right hand.

Bless Arceus, the energy of the cranberry fruit does not riot!

Of the four kinds of tree fruits, there is only one type of energy, Ping Ye Guo, which is still under the control of Yun Ning!

Yun Ning slowly approached the four kinds of tree fruits, for fear of an accident.

Integrate smoothly!

At this time, the contents in the vessel are only a mixture of four kinds of tree fruits, and there is no complete reaction, so it is not an energy cube.

Yun Ning carefully kneaded the dough-like dough, hoping that they would react fully.

As Yunning continued to knead, the “dough” in the reaction vessel began to become transparent, and the texture became similar to jelly.

“It’s done!” Yun Ning was very excited.

This is what the energy cubes found on the Internet look like!

After four experiments, Yun Ning finally mastered the production of energy cubes!

I just don’t know how effective the energy block I made is.

Turning his head to see the last remaining material, Yun Ning was a little excited. If he succeeded in making another energy cube, then he would have earned 5,000 yuan tonight!

is not that right? A tree fruit costing 1000 produced two energy cubes priced at 3000, isn’t it 5000? Moving bricks for a month does not make much money!

Yun Ning had some thoughts in his head. According to this efficiency, earning a million dollars a month is not a dream!

However, the reality gave Yun Ning a heavy blow.

“What the hell, this time there are three fruit riots!”

Yun Ning was a little mad, as if seeing 3,000 yuan leave him.

No, not only 3,000 yuan, but also the dream of earning a million a month.

It seems that this is the real difficulty in making energy cubes. The properties of each tree fruit are different. No one knows before putting it into the reaction vessel. You can’t take a bite in advance, right?

You must know that according to the laws of this world, each fruit has the same effect. Don’t you see that the fruit you planted at will in the game in your previous life makes no difference as long as it matures? If you say that the paralysis is relieved, the paralysis is relieved, and the detoxification is detoxification. There is no unclean situation in which the poison is removed. Before you make an energy block, you should take a bite to see if the energy of the tree fruit is peaceful, then the effect of this tree fruit will be less. Part of it, how do you get an energy cube when the energy is out of balance?

“What determines the success rate of making energy blocks should be the ability to control the number of wild fruit.” Yun Ning secretly said in his heart.

“The higher the level of cultivator, the greater the number of Berserk Fruits that can be controlled. When a cultivator can control four kinds of tree fruits at the same time, he can ensure that he can produce 100% low-level energy cubes.”

Now I can only control one, which is roughly equivalent to a freshly graduated senior, that is, the lowest level of elf cultivator.

But enough is enough, isn’t it?

As a prospective college student who has just graduated from the third year of high school, he has already reached the level of a senior graduate, and he is a senior graduate of a key university. Is this not enough?

Win at the starting line!

Yun Ning looked up and looked out the window, the moon and stars were few and everything was silent. The last house with the lights on in the residential building opposite also turned off the lights at this time.

It’s getting late. I spent a lot of energy tonight. I’ll give my parents a surprise tomorrow morning.

Xu Shi was a little too tired last night, so that Yun Ning couldn’t be woken up by the alarm clock this morning.

Yun Ning heard his father’s voice in his sleep, opened his eyes, and saw his father’s face.

“After only 10 days of work, you are so tired?” Father threw the school uniform he was wearing today on Yun Ning’s bed, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com turned around and said, “Don’t go if you can’t bear it, and preview at home with peace of mind. University courses.” After speaking, he left Yun Ning’s room.

“Wait, Dad, I’ll show you something!” Yun Ning quickly put on his clothes and ran to the kitchen. Today’s breakfast is already placed on the dining table, “Where’s the wrist strength?” Yun Ning didn’t see the wrist strength in the kitchen.

“Wrist~” Arm force’s voice came from behind, Yun Ning turned around and saw that Arm force was holding a bottle of soy sauce in his hand.

“There’s no more soy sauce at home. I’ll ask Whirlig to go to the canteen downstairs to buy a bottle. What are you looking for Worship?” Father Yun asked slowly, chewing noodles in his mouth.

“Dad, look, what is this!” Yun Ning took out the energy cube he made last night from his pocket as if offering a treasure.

“Gudong.” This was the sound of swallowing saliva behind him.

Although Wrist has never eaten an energy cube and doesn’t know what Yun Ning is holding in his hand, Wrist can clearly feel that it is of great benefit to him!

“What is this thing?” Mica stepped forward, looked at the thing in Yun Ning’s hand and asked. She has never raised her own elf in her life, and she is not interested in anything related to elf breeding, so she did not recognize it.

“Energy cube?” Father Yun asked uncertainly, “Really or not? Where did it come from?” There are three questions in one mouth.

“His father, what is this?” Mica was a little angry, and she didn’t know how to explain it to herself first.

“Energy cubes, high-grade elf food, 3000 a piece, where did you get the money? You shouldn’t be able to make so much money moving bricks at the construction site. You can’t do things against the law, you will be expelled from the school!” Father Yun His voice was a little hurried, for fear that Yun Ning would take a detour.

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