Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 7 - Moving bricks

Yun Ning found that he was not suitable for moving bricks, to be precise, not suitable for physical work.

Although Yun Ning’s family conditions were not very good, it was not bad enough to let Yun Ning help out when he was a child. After all, it is a modern society, and it is not like going to the fields to do farm work at a young age like in ancient times.

Yun Ning’s grades are not very good, or Yun Ning’s grades have nothing to do with the word “good”. When I was in junior high school, my grades were always in the middle of the class, and I was also admitted to the worst high school in the county. Yun Ning felt that he was not material for reading, but his parents didn’t think so.

The ancestors of the Yun family have been farmers for eight generations and have no gene for reading. Not only the Yun family, but other families in the village are similar. Fortunately, Mica’s IQ is good, and in elementary school, she often won the award of three good students. However, Mica’s family is poorer and has many brothers. Yunning’s grandmother prefers sons to daughters and feels that it is useless for girls to study, so Mica’s primary school is not completed.

Being too low-literate is a pain for my parents for a lifetime. When I enter the city, I can only do some physical work. They worked hard all day long, they didn’t want Yun Ning to live the same life as themselves.

Yun Ning was not ranked in the town, but he was still a “child from someone else’s family” when he took it back to the village. During the New Year’s party, Yun’s father always asked his cousin Yun Ning how his grades were, and looked at his relatives with shame. After changing the subject, Father Yun laughed and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, talking about eating vegetables, eating vegetables.

Yun Ning was already tired of watching this kind of scene, but Father Yun never seemed to get tired of it.

Father Yun’s sense of superiority will probably last for another four years. Yun Ning, who became a technician after graduating from college, earned only about 4,000 yuan a month. He couldn’t compare with his cousins ​​who graduated from junior high school and became technicians. The money they got a month could support 2 Yunnings.

A drop of sweat dripped, pulling Yun Ning back from the memories of his previous life.

The bright sunlight shone on the ground, and Yun Ning, who was stabbed by the reflection, couldn’t keep his eyes open. The whole body is soaked with sweat, which is a sign of lack of exercise. I haven’t moved a few bricks in the morning, and my sweat is much more than the old brick mover around me.

She took off her gloves and took out her mobile phone from her pocket. It was only early 10 o’clock, but her stomach was already empty. The soreness in his arms, the hunger in his stomach, and the glasses that slipped off from time to time were all torturing Yun Ning’s nerves.

The clothes were wet with sweat and firmly adhered to Yun Ning’s skin. The dust on the construction site was flying. The school uniforms that originally represented youth and intellectuality were no longer what they were. Can’t wait for a breath of wind.

A brick on the construction site costs 3 cents. A long-term brick worker can move about 10,000 bricks a day, which means that they can get 300 yuan a day. If they work every day, their monthly income is theoretically around 9,000 yuan. Father Yun is the “teacher head” who does mud and water on the construction site. With 350 yuan a day, the work is relatively easy.

I don’t need to think about 10,000 bricks a day. Yun Ning felt that it would be good for him to be able to move 3,000 bricks today. When he first came here, he was very excited. By 10:00, Yunning had moved less than 1,000 yuan for a full three hours.

Father Yun should have said hello, Yun Ning could feel it.

Anyone who has moved bricks knows that lifting the bricks from the ground is the most tiring, because they have to bend over and get up again. Many brick movers have problems with their arms rather than their waists when they are old.

The bricks at the starting point were just piled up there, and Yun Ning took the highest brick in the pile every time, because this height didn’t need to bend over. Yun Ning felt that he was very witty and worthy of being a literate prospective college student in the new era.

However, after several trips, he found that the “low wall” he left behind was always cleaned up immediately, and Yun Ning gradually understood that it was not that other people were stupid, but that there were rules in the construction site. Everyone abides by this rule, but seeing that Yun Ning is still young, everyone let him.

Yun Ning felt a little ashamed, not only because of his actions, but also because of his thoughts just now. His face was hot, and he didn’t know if it was red.

The most difficult hour has finally passed, and 11:00 is the lunch time on the construction site.

I didn’t go home for lunch today. Father Yun used to go home so that Yun Ning would have something to eat. Since Yun Ning is with his father today, there is no need to go home.

I followed my father into a restaurant near the construction site. There is no air conditioner in the restaurant, only a few electric fans hanging on the wall shaking their heads left and right, it is very noisy inside, making people feel more stuffy and irritable.

Father Yun left the restaurant after cooking a few dishes. This was Yun Ning’s request. Yun Ning always felt that it was unsanitary to sit in a restaurant and eat. The stools of the restaurant were covered with a layer of black stuff, maybe it was dust from the construction site?

The building on the site has already built 3 floors, and it is said that this is the new hospital in the town. Father Yun brought Yun Ning to the second floor of the building and sat on the ground to prepare for dinner.

There are not a few people like Yun Ning. Many “teacher heads” who build houses like to eat like this.

“Old Yun, is this your son?” A middle-aged man in gray short sleeves asked Father Yun, and there was an advertisement for a certain hospital on his clothes. “How old are you?”

“18, just graduated from high school, isn’t this here to experience life? Earn some college living expenses for yourself.” Father Yun replied quickly, for fear that people around him would think that his son came to work on the construction site because he couldn’t read. , The words also pointed out that his son has a university to read and has a bright future.

“Oh, then your son is very sensible!” The middle-aged man praised, “My daughter graduated last year and can’t suffer much. She can only work as a salesperson in a shopping mall to earn college living expenses.” Although he said his own The daughter is not good, but the pride on her face cannot be concealed.

Other people also participated in the chat. One would say that your son is sensible, and another that his daughter is filial. For a while, it became a large-scale commercial exchange scene.

“What kind of elves are you going to raise?” This question was asked to Yun Ning.

“Bai Li Yang.” Yun Ning took a sip of beer and a bite of vegetables. Drinking a bottle of beer after doing physical work on the construction site couldn’t be more beautiful.

“Oh, oh, Baa Liyang is good…” The other party obviously didn’t remember what kind of elf Baa Liyang was for a while. In his opinion, elves like arm strength who can help him are the king.

“Bai Li Sheep is good, I heard that it is very profitable to breed Bai Li sheep now.” Another middle-aged uncle interjected. In his opinion, Yun Ning may be preparing to apply for Bai Li sheep breeding, so he chose Bai Li sheep. Sheep as their initial sprite.

Although the alliance stipulates that only people who have obtained a high school diploma at the age of 18 can have their own elves, but this does not mean that all qualified people will raise a elves of their own, just like in previous lives, in theory, everyone Pets can be kept, but there are still very few people who actually keep pets.

The proportion of elves in this world is much higher than the proportion of pets in previous lives, but there are still many people who do not keep their own elves. For example, Yun Ning’s family only has the arm strength of Father Yun, and Mica does not have a spirit of her own.

The topic continued to go back to business talk. Middle-aged people have the topic of middle-aged people. Young people like Yun Ning can’t get in.

Learning from the experience in the morning, Yunning’s efficiency in moving bricks in the afternoon has increased. Before the time to get off work at 6 o’clock, the number of bricks moved by Yunning today can break the 3,000 mark.

Holding the wrinkled 90 yuan in his hand, Yun Ning felt a little emotional. This may be the hardest money he has earned in his two lifetimes. In his previous life, he also participated in many work-study activities after he went to college. The part-time general manager in big cities It is easy to find some. The most tiring thing is to go to the hotel as a waiter during the National Day. Although the hotel’s plate is very heavy, it is nothing compared to the bricks on the construction site.

When I got home, the family had already prepared meals. Mica works as a textile worker in a textile factory in the town, and gets off work earlier than the construction site.

Looking at the dust and sweat stains on Yun Ning’s body, mica’s eyes felt a little distressed. He wanted to ask Yun Ning if he was tired today, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com said to his lips, but he quickly washed his hands and eaten.

Yun Ning, who had finished dinner and took a bath, lay on his bed, calculating how long it would take before he could afford a Baa Li sheep.

According to the speed at which I move bricks today, I can only earn 2,700 yuan a month. Even if I improve my efficiency later, it will take almost a month to save up to 3,000 yuan.

It’s a long way! Yun Ning turned over and turned on his mobile phone. Although he was very tired from moving bricks today, he was still full of energy.

While watching the video of the battle between elite-level trainers on the phone, while imagining that he would become a king-level master and kill the Quartet, Yun Ning could not distinguish between reality and fantasy, so he fell asleep.

In the dream, Yun Ning became a peerless genius. He became the champion of the provincial college student competition in his freshman year, the national college student competition champion in his second year, and cleared 17 elf gyms across the country in his junior year, becoming the youngest gym-level trainer in history. At that time, Yun Ning, who was inflated, took defeating the king-level master as his graduation project!

After graduating, Yun Ning became a high-ranking member of the alliance. Countless families begged to marry their daughters to him. In just a few decades, Yun Ning established his own family and cultivated several dragon-type elves of the heavenly king level. To ensure the safety of their own descendants for generations.

A rush of alarm bells woke Yun Ning up from her sleep. She rubbed her troubled eyes and put her phone in front of her eyes. It was already 6 o’clock. It was time to get up and move the bricks.

Dreams are always beautiful, but you have been lying in bed, no matter how beautiful the dream will come true one day.

Dress, wash, eat, go out. The words that mother cared about did not change from yesterday. Yun Ning felt that he had become accustomed to the boring life of two points and one line.

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