Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 6 - fast food of your choice

In addition to the cotton defense and healing bells, the characteristics of the electric dragon and the discharge of its own skills can also be said to exist specifically to make the electric dragon a shield.

The characteristic of the electric dragon is static electricity, and its effect is that when receiving a contact attack, there is a 30% chance to paralyze the opponent.

You must know that most of the physical attack skills require contact with the opponent, and there are not many physical attack skills that can attack from a distance like earthquake.

That is to say, the electric dragon can block a lot of physical attackers by relying on this feature alone, causing the opponent to look ahead and not dare to attack.

There is also the electric dragon’s own skill discharge, which is a skill that electric dragon can learn by leveling up. The power of 80 is not very strong, but it is enough. Although the strength of the attack is not as good as 100,000 volts, it is worse than the range of output, and it has an excellent output effect in team battles. Simultaneous discharge has a 30% chance to paralyze the opponent, which is what makes this skill really disgusting.

When a physical attacker encounters an electric dragon, it is not either to advance, nor to retreat. Attacks may trigger static electricity, and guerrilla harassment will be attacked by area-based skill discharges, which will still trigger paralysis effects.

Yes, Electric Discharge, Cotton Defense, Healing Bells, and Kihe Bomb. This is the electric dragon configuration of Yun Ning’s previous life, and then bring a leftover meal, the standard nightmare of a physical attacker!

Among these four core skills, electric discharge and cotton defense electric dragon can be obtained through upgrading. Although the healing bell is valuable, electric dragon can also be obtained through genetics. Only Qihe bullets need to be purchased by Yunning. However, Yunning has just started, and Qihe Bomb will be considered after Baa Liyang successfully evolves into an electric dragon. It is enough to have these 3 core skills in the early stage.

East Asia has the most fertile grassland in the world: the Monan Prairie.

Legend has it that during the kingdom period, this was the king’s royal horse farm, and the small fire horses ridden by the kingdom’s army were all raised here. After thousands of years of development, many families have also been born on the Monan grassland. Although no family can be compared with the aristocratic family like the Liu family, it is better than the number.

These clans on the grassland usually fight openly and secretly with each other and are not united, but once they encounter the invasion of foreign forces, they can quickly form a group to fight against the enemy. This is also the reason why, although there is no super family on the grassland, it has not been invaded by other forces.

According to the tradition on the grasslands, all the clans together recommend a strongest clan to be the arbiter to solve the problem of family A running to the grassland of family B to grab grass and eat.

This generation’s steppe leader is the Chiat family.

It is said that the Chiat family has a Heavenly King-level electric dragon, and it is an electric dragon that has successfully super-evolved!

The so-called successful super evolution refers to permanently maintaining the evolved form without the aid of super evolution stones. Ordinary elves can live for about a hundred years after super-evolution. For example, the giant needle bee has only a short lifespan of 2 years under normal circumstances, but once it succeeds in super-evolution, it can be consecrated in one step and expand its lifespan to 50 times its original life.

For the dragon-type elves that have long lifespans, once they successfully super-evolve, their lifespans can reach at least 300 years, and usually they can live to about 500 years old.

The electric dragon of the Chiat family is only 200 years old this year, and has been able to shelter the Chiat family for nearly 300 years.

Every family on the grassland keeps a large number of Baa Li sheep, because the wool of Baa Li sheep is an excellent textile raw material. Clothes woven from the wool of the Baa Li sheep have a certain ability to resist electric shock. The stronger the strength of the Baa Li sheep, the stronger the ability of the wool to resist electricity. The protective clothing worn by full-time electricians is custom-made from the Monan grassland.

Yunning searched the Internet for the price of the Baa Li sheep. As a large-scale elves, the price of the Baa Li sheep is not expensive at all. It is not much different from the sheep in the previous life. You can buy one for a few hundred yuan.

But these Baa Li sheep, which can be bought for a few hundred dollars, are all specially used for scouring wool. From birth to death, it is completely an assembly line operation, and it is not suitable as a battle elves at all. A lot of Baa Li sheep are still in the novice stage below level 10 until they die.

The Baa Li sheep, which is really suitable as a battle spirit, is sold separately.

After all, elves are creatures, and they will reproduce, so the price of elves is similar to that of cats and dogs in previous lives. The Baa Li sheep on the grassland will give birth to a large number of lambs every year. For the family who breed the Baa Li sheep, it is more cost-effective to sell it at one time than to work hard to herd the sheep.

If there is trading, there will be a market, and if there is a market, there will be packaging. Under the long-term market economy, the families on the grassland have also figured out the way to increase the price of elves, that is, to divide the elves into three, six and nine grades through genetic skills. Baa Li sheep only bangs and howls.

Yun Ning’s goal is the Baa Li sheep who can heal the bell. The Baa Li sheep can inherit the healing bell by crossing with Xiangwei Meow.

Although Xiangwei Miao is not a native elves of the Celestial Dynasty, after discovering that Xiangwei Miao and Baa Li sheep can inherit the healing bell, various families on the grassland have purchased a batch of male Xiangwei Miao to come back.

When cultivated to the peak of advanced level, Xiangwei Miao can learn to heal the bell. Compared with the big milk tank that needs to be at the peak of the elite level to learn to heal the bell, the cost of cultivating Xiangwei Miao is undoubtedly lower. After all, the big milk tank can only learn to heal the bell when it reaches the peak of the elite level.

However, this is not the real reason why the Prairie family gave up the big milk tank. The main reason is that the big milk tank has only females and cannot give birth to the little Baaley sheep.

As long as there is a Baa Li sheep that can heal bells, there is no need to introduce Xiangwei Meow, because the skills have been passed down. For the grassland family, this is an investment that will benefit a lifetime.

You must know that acquiring skills through genetics is the most economical way. Although humans have discovered that skills can be taught through skill machines, it is said that the production cost of skill machines is extremely high, and it is also extremely difficult to learn. , it is simply not comparable to the way of heredity, which is directly engraved into the blood.

The way of selling elves is a bit similar to the self-selected fast food in the previous life. Each skill is clearly marked with a price of 3,000 for the healing bell and 2,000 for the discharge. As long as you have the money, you can even buy a “super” baa sheep that has inherited more than a dozen skills. I don’t know if there is any “spot” on their pasture. If not, will they let the elite electric dragon in their hands give birth to one on the spot?

Compared with the skills, the host Bail Sheep can be regarded as a “rao head”. As long as you buy a Bail Sheep with a skill of your own choice, the price of the Bail Sheep itself will be waived. If you buy a Baa Li sheep that can heal bells, you only need to pay 3000 skill costs, and the hundreds of dollars will be waived. It gives the impression that the elves are not as valuable as the skills.

In fact, the same is true. After all, skills are a one-shot deal, and the price can be estimated. The elves themselves are a bottomless pit that burns money. It’s pointless to buy elves and not cultivate them.

Yun Ning only had the dozens of pocket money he usually saved. It’s not enough to buy even a bleat for wool.

At lunch, he understood what his father said. After all, he was reborn through time travel, not a real 18-year-old boy. Parents actually hope that they can live their lives in peace and quiet, and not to pursue that vague future.

But they couldn’t bear to break their son’s dream, so they could only hope that Yun Ning would retreat. Every year, countless families go bankrupt because of training a trainer. How many can really succeed? In the eyes of my parents, the few mid-level league trainers who hold real power in the town are already their gods.

It takes at least a few hundred thousand to cultivate an intermediate elf. However, it does not mean that you can be regarded as an intermediate trainer by owning an intermediate elf.

The trainers of the general alliance will train 6 elves, which is the maximum number of elves that ordinary people can take into account. If you only have two or less elves to enter the intermediate level, then you can only be called “quasi-intermediate”, only if you If you have three or more Intermediate Pokémon, you will be called an Intermediate Trainer. The same is true for “quasi-kings” and “quasi-elites”.

Three middle-level elves mean a cost of more than one million, and this is still the cost if you have the teacher’s guidance to avoid detours. If you are a commoner without a teacher to teach you, and you have to explore and test everything by yourself, the cost of cultivating elves will be several times higher!

At the same time, being able to stand out among the many alliance trainers to become a “frontier official”, even if it’s just a small town manager who controls the fate of tens of thousands of people, they must have paid a huge price.

Don’t you see that many alliance trainers become cannon fodder and sacrifice every year? It is said that several middle-level trainers in Zhenxing Town are from families. Among them, there are members of the big family who are ineffective, and they were thrown into the town by the family and left to fend for themselves. There are also talented children of the Xinxing family. He can grow.

It can also be seen from here that the strength gap between the big and small families in the alliance, what the small family strives to pursue, may be just what the big family casually gives up. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The afternoon time passed quietly in Yun Ning’s thoughts. When Yun Ning looked up and looked out the window, he found that the sky had been dyed red by the setting sun.

“It’s broken, the rice hasn’t been cooked yet!” Yun Ning quickly ran to the kitchen and skillfully washed the rice and put it into the pot.

When Father Yun came back, he wore a pair of gloves and threw them on Yun Ning’s bed, saying, “This is for you to move bricks at the construction site tomorrow. Try it yourself.” After speaking, he turned and went into the kitchen to prepare tonight’s dishes. .

Yun Ning opened the package and tried it on. The size was just right, but it was a little hot in the summer, and it was hot to the touch.

During dinner, my parents never mentioned the topic of Yunning’s original elves again. After dinner, Mica turned Yunning’s school uniforms out of the closet. After all, you can’t wear school uniforms after you go to college. If you go out to move bricks tomorrow, you will definitely wear your clothes. The last residual heat.

Just walking out of the intense study life in high school, Yun Ning has not yet developed the habit of sleeping in, and woke up at 6 am the next morning. Unlike my previous life, I couldn’t get up before 8 o’clock after going through college life.

After eating a simple breakfast made of mica, I followed my father to the construction site. Before leaving, Mica rambled about, and then let Yunning be careful, he would rather move less than let himself be tired, and then let Father Yun remember to say hello to the foreman, arrange easier work for Yunning, and finally even ask the wrist to take care of him. Yunning.

This made Father Yun impatient for a while: “I went to the construction site to do the work of moving bricks. How can I let the foreman arrange easy work? A teenage boy, if I’m really tired, just go home and sleep for a night.” Ignoring Mica’s ugly face, she took Yun Ning out of the house. Arm and Mica waved and followed.

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