Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 2 - Reality

There was a lot of information in Su Zhizhan’s words, and Yun Ning couldn’t digest it for a while, so he could only continue the cliché and asked, “Then why do you react so much to what I said? Also, what is the price of Ibrahimovic and Pikachu? thing?”

“You…” Su Zhizhan looked at Yun Ning and was at a loss for words. After all, it is very difficult to explain a thing to a little white.

After reorganizing the language, Su Zhizhan said: “Let’s start with the price of Pikachu and Ibrahimovic. The price of these two elves is actually about the same, only a few thousand yuan, which is about the same as the price of a laptop. I just said, If the elves are not cultivated, they are not much different from ordinary animals, and the cost of elves’ cultivation…”

Su Zhizhan leaned on the back of the chair, sighed, completely relaxed his body, and said, “Do you know why I reacted so much? It’s because of the evolution you just said, the evolution of Ibrahimovic and Pikachu needs the help of evolution stones. , and the price of an evolution stone… The minimum is several million! After all, no matter how rare elves are, they can reproduce, but evolution stones are extremely rare. Use one less than one. At present, humans are still There is no stable way to obtain evolution stones, and elves researchers speculate that the generation of evolution stones may be related to divine beasts.”

After speaking, he lowered his head and played with his mobile phone. The pictures on the phone screen switched back and forth between Pikachu and Ibrahimovic. After a few seconds, Su Zhizhan said again: “For a commoner family like us, don’t think about evolution and the battle between elves. After all, my parents’ annual income is only hundreds of thousands of yuan, even if they don’t eat or drink, they should It takes decades to afford an evolutionary stone.” Although Su Zhizhan tried to keep his voice steady, Yun Ning could still hear the trembling.

“Buy a cute elf to help us court, then finish college, find a stable job, and live a peaceful life is what we need to consider, young people don’t daydream, **** with peace of mind That’s the right thing to do.”

Su Zhizhan raised his head, looked at Yun Ning, and said to Yun Ning in a joking tone. Although Su Zhizhan said it very lightly, Yun Ning still saw a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

“What about those powerful elf trainers? If everyone is like you, how did those powerful trainers come into being?” Yun Ning found the loophole in Su Zhizhan’s words. Can’t everyone be a low-level trainer? There will always be a strong presence. This is the theorem that every world will not change.

“Why do you think everyone is like me?” Su Zhizhan found that this was the first time he knew his deskmate today, and the whole ivory tower looked like he didn’t know the suffering of the world.

“Although commoners like us account for the majority of society, there are also a lot of wealthy families. The children of these big families not only have easier access to powerful elves, but also have more money to nurture them. It’s like we are the most powerful in China. The Liu family of the dragon family, everyone in their family can have a thorn dragon king as their core combat power, and the direct descendants of the Liu family can even have a miniature dragon as their initial elf.”

“Look at what kind of elves these are! Not to mention the scarcity of mini-dragons, even if a family like ours gets a mini-dragon, how much resources do we have to cultivate it? I’m afraid it won’t be able to evolve into a Huck if it dies of old age. Dragon. As for the Dragon King…”

Su Zhizhan paused for a moment and continued: “This is the real gap between the big family and us civilians. There are black horses everywhere, but how many of them can evolve into sea thorn dragons? The lifespan of black horses is only 5 short. Years or so, and Mo Haima needs at least advanced strength to evolve into a sea thorn dragon.”

“Like our county, there are only a few senior trainers in total, and they all hold important positions in various departments. What’s more, it is not enough to evolve into a sea thorn dragon. After all, the lifespan of a sea thorn dragon is only ten years. Think about it, you 18 Mo Haima, who was subdued at the age of 28, has finally acquired high-level strength, but it will die of old age when you are 28 years old, so isn’t the resources you invested in the cultivation in the early stage equivalent to a waste of water?”

“The evolution of the Dragon King is different. From the original water system to a combination of the water system and the dragon system, the most important thing is that the lifespan of the dragon type elves is very long, and breaking a hundred years is not a problem. According to legend, there are many emerging families. They will subdue a few bluebirds and evolve into Qixi bluebirds after reaching advanced strength, which can protect the safety of the family for generations.”

Su Zhizhan changed his posture and continued: “The Liu family has a fast dragon in charge. The dragon scales on the fast dragon can help the sea thorn dragon to activate the dragon bloodline in its body and evolve into the thorn dragon king. This is the true heritage of the big family. It can be said that , the number of dragon scales that limit the Liu Family Thorn Dragon King team is the number of dragon scales, after all, the dragon scales that can activate the sea thorn dragon bloodline are not ordinary dragon scales, the specific situation is the secret of the big family, not us ordinary people can know.

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and picked up his mobile phone, “Now I know why I want you to **** without thinking too much? Not to mention those elves who need evolution stones, even if they are elves who don’t need evolution stones, think about it. To evolve, the energy required is not affordable for small families like us.”

“What’s more, the lifespan of the elves is in front of you. You have worked so hard to put in a lot of resources to make your elves evolve. As a result, they will die of old age in a few years, and the gains outweigh the losses. If you really want to play elves vs. , If you are addicted, I suggest you to conquer a unicorn. As long as you get out of the rookie stage and enter the primary level, you can evolve into a giant stinger with a certain fighting power. Although it only has a lifespan of 2 years, the investment is small. You can still play.”

“Isn’t there any way to increase life expectancy?” Yun Ning asked unwillingly, forgetting that he was covering Su Zhizhan for a while, this question is likely to arouse Su Zhizhan’s suspicion.

“How not?”

Su Zhizhan said without raising his head.

“Isn’t it all said in the textbook? Evolution, the evolution of elves itself is a kind of sublimation of life level. After evolution, the lifespan of elves usually increases to a certain extent. There is also the legendary super-evolution. It is said that if elves can break through themselves , To achieve super-evolution without the aid of evolution stones, then the lifespan of this elf can at least exceed 100, even if it is just a giant stinger with only a short lifespan of 2 years!”

Su Zhizhan’s words made Yun Ning feel a little stunned. He didn’t expect that even super-evolution had been discovered in this world, so how much advantage does he have as a traveler? This is Yun Ning’s biggest doubt right now.

Looking at Su Zhi’s lack of interest, it was obvious that he was hit by reality. He lowered his head and looked at the pictures of Ibrahimovic and Pikachu on the phone, wondering what he was thinking. Yun Ning didn’t speak. He took out his mobile phone and started to surf the Internet. He couldn’t ask any more questions. If he continued to ask, it would most likely arouse suspicion from the other party.

Skillfully unlocking his mobile phone, the various apps on the screen are still familiar, and when he opens the forum, what catches his eye is a post titled “How to use 30 million to cultivate an elite elf”, driven by curiosity Next, Yun Ning clicked in.

The first thing I saw was the familiar and tactile: “Laxatives, people are just starting to compete in Tianzhu”, and then began to talk at length. Yun Ning watched patiently, and the more he read, the more speechless he felt. This answerer actually asked the landlord to cultivate one Ghost Stone, and then pays an elite trainer to help him win a Pixie, and after Ghost Stone eats this Pixie, he can evolve into a Gengar with elite strength.

Looking at the group of people downstairs discussing the feasibility of the matter, Yun Ning was speechless for a while, can this kind of urban legend be taken seriously? Silently clicked the cross in the upper right corner and entered other websites to continue to learn about the world.

The headlines are all kinds of news about elves, or a certain company has developed equipment suitable for elves training, or a certain university holds a college student elves competition who wins, or there is an elves riot in a certain place, the alliance has already Dispatch elite trainers to suppress.

The history of the world is what Yun Ning is most concerned about. After some investigation, Yun Ning learned that although this world is very similar to the world he lived in in his previous life, the history is completely different. It is not the people of the previous life who ended the ancient monarchy. It was the various aristocratic families who were fed up with the oppression of the king, so they united to overthrow the king’s rule and formed the world’s elves alliance.

The uprising started from the continent of Europa and then spread all over the world. Each country formed its own elf alliance, and the power in the alliance was also from various big families. The commoners were the pawns of the aristocratic families during the uprising, so the aristocratic families also gave the commoners Certain opportunities and upward channels. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

At least the whole society looks the same as in the previous life, and commoners can climb up through their own efforts, but it is the big family like the Liu family who really control the world. Not to mention anything else, a fast dragon that has lived for hundreds of years flew out and easily leveled a county without a problem.

A text message reminded, it turned out to be a piece of news pushed by the Genie Toutiao APP, Yunning clicked to view it, and it was a short video called “Eastern Dragon King vs. Western Dragon King”. In less than a minute, the number of hits has exceeded 10 million.

With a flick of the thumb, the video starts playing. It can be seen that the battle point is above a sea, and it is unknown whether it is in the sea area around China or the sea area on the Europa side.

The characters in the video are very small, and the people who were obviously photographed are far away. We can only vaguely see two shadows flying against each other in the sky. Lights of various colors shoot out from the mouths of both parties. Well, the blue one should be the freezing light. , the yellow one should be 100,000 volts, wait, what is the white one? Could it be to destroy the death light?

All kinds of light fell on the sea, this sea area was frozen for a while, and the water in that sea area was blasted to the sky for a while. In this environment, the two sides of the war, who were originally unable to see clearly, became even more blurred.

Suddenly, I don’t know which Dragon King’s destructive ray of death. After being avoided by the other party, it landed on a small island in the distance. In an instant, the small island exploded and fell apart. The smoke and dust in the sky blocked the view of the camera. After the dust settled, the two sides of the war had no idea where they flew, and the video ended here. All kinds of 666 floated on the barrage, and Yun Ning was dazzled by all kinds of touts.

Yun Ning was looking at it in fascination, and the voice of the dean on the stage came from there: “Please come to the third and fourth class of high school to get your graduation certificate!”

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