Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Chapter 1 - graduation

“Hey, wake up, wake up, help me with my staff!”

After shaking for a while, Yun Ning woke up from his sleep. After wiping the mucus from the corner of his eyes, he skillfully found his glasses on the table with both hands.

“Did you go to work so soon?” Yun Ning thought in his heart, “I helped Lao Yang in the warehouse to carry the goods in the morning, but I was exhausted. I finally got to rest on my stomach during the lunch break. I didn’t expect to go to work so soon. It’s time.” I was thinking, put on my glasses, and after focusing my eyes, I found that the environment I was in was not quite right.

“What’s the situation? Didn’t I sleep in the technical department’s office? What is this place? It doesn’t look like the company’s auditorium!” Yun Ning found that the surrounding environment was somewhat familiar, but he couldn’t remember where it was for a while. On the stage, an old Mediterranean man was giving a speech, and he seemed to have heard that strange Mandarin pronunciation somewhere. Where is it? Yun Ning habitually touched his chin with his left hand, it was very smooth, not something that his 200 yuan razor could shave.

“What about you, stupid?” The voice that woke him up just now sounded again.

Turning his head and looking, “I’m going, what the hell!” Yun Ning felt his heart skipped a beat for 0.1 second, “Isn’t this my junior high school classmate Su Zhizhan? Why is he still so young after so many years? The elixir of life?” Yun Ning was a little stunned, feeling that the whole world was no longer what he was familiar with.

“Why are you so stunned? Hurry up and give me some advice!” Su Zhizhan said. Saying that, he handed over the mobile phone in his hand, Yun Ning looked down and saw a cute… Ibrahimovic?

“What do you think of Ibrahimovic? He looks so cute. He will definitely attract the attention of countless girls when he enters university in the future. This is an artifact of picking up girls! Coupled with my handsome face, I will definitely be able to get off the list at the speed of light.” Said As he continued, Su Zhizhan’s eyes lit up, as if he had seen his beautiful life surrounded by countless girls who wanted to hug Ibrahimovic in the future.

“Wait, it’s a little messy, let me stroke it.” Yun Ning felt a little confused, is this a Pokémon? Su Zhizhan is talking to me about Pokémon? When did he like watching anime? Hasn’t he always liked watching entertainment variety shows?

Also, what did he mean to me? Buy an Eevee doll? And then use this doll to chase girls in college? Does the girl think he is mentally retarded? No, no, his name was Zhizhan, and he was mentally retarded. But to chase girls with Ibrahimovic’s doll, even if people don’t think you are mentally retarded, will they feel very naive? And chasing a girl is something a doll can do?

Yun Ning expressed some doubts, and when she thought about her history of chasing girls over the years, she couldn’t help but burst into tears. But what does he mean by “going to college in the future”? Isn’t our age already graduating? Could it be that he was admitted to graduate school?

“You mean… Ibrahimovic’s… doll? Are you going to use Ibrahimovic’s doll to chase the girl?” Yun Ning asked uncertainly.

“What doll? Are you stupid?” Su Zhizhan looked at Yun Ning in surprise, “When you go to sleep at the graduation ceremony, people are going to sleep stupid? The principal’s Mandarin has such a powerful effect? ​​No wonder our school has been counting down for so many years. , It seems that it is not that the students are not working hard, but that the principal has a problem!” After speaking, Su Zhizhan raised his head at a 45-degree angle and looked up at the ceiling…with a gesture of sympathy.

“No, I’m a little dizzy right now, can you explain it to me?”

Yun Ning pretended that he had just woken up and his mind was not clear. At this time, he needed more information.

Yun Ning can now confirm that something strange has happened to him, but he can’t just ask people, “Girl, what year is it now?”

In this way, even an idiot will find out that there is a problem. It’s the right time to act stupid and be stunned. Get more information and understand the current situation.

“Looks like I’m really sleepy,” Su Zhizhan touched Yun Ning’s forehead with his hand, “We are at the graduation ceremony now, as long as we get the graduation certificate later, we can have our own elves. How is it? Are you very happy and excited?”

Graduation ceremony? Yun Ning raised his head suddenly, and a banner with the words “Revitalizing High School 2015 Graduation Ceremony” hung on the beam above the podium.

Yun Ning was in a trance, 2015? Isn’t it 2019 now? I just graduated from college and joined a company’s technology department as a technician. How come the time has returned to 2015?

Just as he was thinking, a sentence from the old Mediterranean man on the stage floated into Yun Ning’s ears: “Classmates, you have to remember that your appearance changes your luck!”

Yes, it was his high school principal, yes, there is no one else except him who can say that knowledge changes fate as beauty changes fate. This unique Mandarin pronunciation is the only one Yunning has encountered over the years.

Now Yun Ning can be sure that he should have crossed, but the time of crossing is not long, only four years.

Yun Ning is trying hard to recall what major events will happen in the past four years, to see if he can participate in it and make a fortune. Graduate student at a prestigious university.

“Why are you so stupid? What’s so good about the Mediterranean Sea? Come and discuss our initial spirit!” Su Zhizhan’s voice sounded from his ears again.

“If Ibrahimovic can’t do it, you can consider Pichu, the same cute thing, but Pichu can’t control electricity well, and sometimes he will give electricity to himself, then it’s not good to get electricity to the girl, if it’s not good, just Pikachu. Practical. Sex is stronger than Ibrahimovic. At least Pikachu can charge her phone when she is out of the house. It is no problem to be a large power bank. Think about it, when you meet a **** the road and her phone is dead, At this time, letting cute things like Pikachu go up to chat, not only can solve the problem of the girl, but also attract the girl’s attention, so the probability of success will not increase?”

Su Zhizhan continued to immerse himself in his own fantasies.

A call brought Yun Ning back to reality.

Ibrahimovic? Pikachu? Isn’t this a creature that only exists in games and anime? How can I hear what Su Zhizhan said, these creatures do exist and can be raised by humans?

Could it be that you have traveled to the world of Pokémon? But it’s not right, the same table is the same table in the high school, and the principal is the principal of the high school. Yun Ning can be sure that he must still be on the earth, but the time has changed. Maybe you need to continue to set up some more information.

“Just Pikachu, Ibrahimovic is so expensive, can you afford it?” Yun Ning tentatively asked.

This is Yun Ning’s previous experience of playing Pokemon. Ibrahimovic basically has no wild ones, and they can only be obtained through special means, while Pikachu is distributed in a large number in the Everpan forest. Moreover, Ibrahimovic’s evolution type has also surpassed Pikachu’s evolution type in terms of racial value. Not only is it stronger, but the key is that Ibrahimovic has a variety of evolutionary types, which are more flexible and can deal with various situations.

“Ibrahimovic is more expensive?” Su Zhizhan said in surprise, “Ibrahimovic and Pikachu are about the same price, where is it more expensive? You don’t even know the price of elves, right?”

Yun Ning was a little surprised. Ibrahimovic is obviously rarer than Pikachu, and the evolutionary type is more powerful. How can it be the same price as Pikachu?

Although Pikachu can carry lightning beads to double his double attack, but Pikachu is essentially a crispy skin, and it might be possible for a migrant worker (repair old man) to throw a quick punch in seconds. What’s more, where are the lightning beads so easy to find? The difficulty of finding a lightning ball is not much different from that of obtaining an Eevee.

“Ibrahimovic’s evolution is obviously stronger than Raichu in terms of racial value. How could it be the same price as Pikachu?” Yun Ning continued to ask tentatively.

“You…you…. Yun Tianwang is above, please accept the little one!” Su Zhizhan’s expression was extremely exaggerated. Ning bowed down. “I never imagined that there would be someone with lofty aspirations by my side, it really makes me ashamed!” After speaking, he wiped the sweat that didn’t exist on his forehead.

“No, what do you mean?” Yun Ning was a little baffled, he was just talking about the pros and cons of Ibrahimovic and Pikachu and, as for such a big reaction?

“you do not know?”

“What do I know?”

“You really don’t know? Are you kidding me?”

“Nonsense, UU reading www.uukanshu.com hurry up, it made me look dazed, it’s fun, isn’t it?”

“No, you are really a weirdo. You are about to receive your first elf. You don’t even know the common sense of elf?” Su Zhizhan asked suspiciously. In his opinion, Yun Ning should not ask this question. A common-sense question.

“A common-sense question?” Yun Ning’s heart skipped a beat, it was broken, could it be seen that something was wrong with him? You can only pretend to ask casually, “Are you talking about the common sense written in the textbook?”

Yun Ning made up his mind, if the other party said that these common senses were in the textbook, then he would say that he was a scumbag and didn’t learn it well. If these are not the contents of the textbooks, then it means that you have spent all your mind on the textbooks and have no time to pay attention to extracurricular things.

“How could these things be written in textbooks?”

Su Zhizhan said:

“It seems that your mind should be on the textbook. The purchase and sale price of elves will not be written in the textbook. The textbook will only contain the evolution of elves’ characteristics and race values. How can things that are not on the table be written into textbooks?”

“You know, the book says let’s use love to influence elves and make them our partners. Oh, it sounds nice. To put it bluntly, isn’t it just using strength to subdue elves?”

“But the question is where do we civilian families have the strength to conquer elves? Cultivating elves requires a lot of resources, and the strength of elves without resources is no different from that of ordinary animals. Little Rada is really useless when no one is trained. I will definitely be able to beat ordinary mice!”

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