Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 722

Vol 2 Chapter 705: The Nature Of This War

Chapter 705 The essence of this war

The body of [Junchen Tianya] once again enjoyed the joy of synesthesia.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he screamed and his whole body was orz!

“[Junchen]!? What’s wrong with you?” The wolf girl from his family had long since withdrawn her soul and body to the safe heaven. No matter if the wall of sighs was blown up or something else, she was safe. Now [Junchen] This product is her only support, and if something happens to this product, she is of course nervous.

“It exploded! Woo, my… oh, this sting! Yabi Butterfly!”

Look how happy this child is, the king and minister! The face is a chrysanthemum!

Looking at this bad and nasty guy, the wolf girl has doubts about life – I follow this guy, is it really reliable?

sluggish for a while, she kicked the monarch and minister fiercely: “Go to hell! You are shaking!”

“Ouch – clothes -” [Junchen Tianya] cried out in pain and joy.

The incident of   【Junchen Tianya】is a case after all.

First, there was not so much fun and high-level spiritual connection. Second, after Balong incited a few times, he was surprised to find that these strange Atlanteans did not have much resentment.

【Hate it! Hate the bureaucrats who oppress you! 】

【Have it—it’s your emperor who binds your destiny—】

【Hit him! Kill him! No one should be born a slave! Jason Momoa can be emperor, and so can you—]

Common sense, such a mental attack can be described as a hundred thousand attempts.


He underestimated the peace of the Great Heaven!

It’s not that Wang is embarrassed to say that in recent years, the Great Heaven Dynasty has been peaceful, no wars, no tax hikes, and no misery for the people. The people’s satisfaction with ZF is extremely high. Compared with a country on the other side of the ocean, where millions of people have the flu and are full of thugs in the streets, they are N times stronger.

It can’t be said that there are no incidents similar to the feudal system. As long as it is stabbed on the Internet, someone will definitely take care of those who don’t have long eyes.

In such a big environment, how can there be dozens of murder cases, bitterness and hatred?

Compared with the old society, once there was a flood, there was a famine and plague, and every minute you had to eat each other, and millions of corpses were buried along the two rivers.

As long as you are not disabled, you can earn food by delivering a takeaway.

In addition, most of the player heroes are fans of dark cuisine, ahem, whether willing or not… At least the mental protection ability is first-class.

Therefore, Baron’s anger is more like a big thunder and little rain.

Arched the fire for a long time, then sacrificed a few unclean gods and it was all right.

“This…” Balon was dumbfounded.

A group of sand sculpture players are full of question marks: “That’s it!?”

Regardless of whether the player wins first, the ferocity of the three-headed dragon is still unstoppable. Those three dragon mouths could not only easily bite through half-meter-thick steel, but also couldn’t resist the hard shell of Basatan, and even the elemental group could easily bite into annihilation.

The powerful three-attribute element can erase the connection between the low-level magic item and the owner in an instant.

In a word, you can’t even get close without a heroic existence.

However, Wang Hao still chose to use the player-controlled water to fight against the three-headed dragon.

His body… was actually hiding safely in the bunkers of the fourth city wall.

Next to him stood Karandiya and Tanya, two maids.

Wang Hao was a little nervous at first, when he was nervous, he wanted to lick his tail, but thinking that this would make the two maids lose their fighting power, it was not worth the gain. So he picked up the orange cat man with a big open (absolute) heart (hope) on his face.

Originally, Daju weighed 60 pounds at the heaviest, and once became fat into a ball.

Since he was rubbed by Wang Hao, his waist is not fat, his legs and feet are smooth, he is no longer unscrupulous when he eats cat food, and his weight has dropped to 40 pounds, which is the standard for cat people.


Tachibana, whose tail was being slapped, trembled with excitement!

Well, someone Wang forgot to turn off the [Aura of Fear].

Kalandiya whispered: “Master, I don’t understand why you haven’t fought…”

It’s not because of Gou! ?


Even if this is the truth, it cannot be said casually!

Wang Hao said lightly, “It’s been a long time since you came to my world. Have you heard a sentence? [Know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger in a hundred battles]! This old saying says that only by fully understanding the strength of yourself and your enemy, To be victorious in a hundred battles!”

These philosophical words made the two princess maids immediately awe!

Is this the military philosophy of the mysterious eastern kingdom?

No wonder the master is so powerful!

Can kill all the way to today’s status!

“Master is wise!” The two women nodded and bowed at the same time: “I’ll be taught!”

Wang Hao took a sip of the green tea that Tanya handed over with a calm face.


Gou is so reasonable, I am beginning to admire myself.

He said leisurely: “You guys! Think about the nature of this battle. When you figure it out, you will be able to truly be on your own.”


The beautiful eyes of the two women flashed.

Limited by their background as a general, they dare not ask for more. It is already the greatest happiness that the defeated are not ravaged and can be reused.

They don’t mind being a vase or a maid, it doesn’t mean that they give up what they are best at in their hearts – back then, they were able to conquer the world with horses, and they could marry politically when they dismounted. Only survived the Scorpion Dynasty.

Looking at the magic mirror image that sometimes appears blurred due to the disturbance of the elements, Wang Hao crossed his fingers and rested on his chin: “You guys have to work harder!

Outside, the clones controlled by the sand sculpture players began to be quickly eliminated.

“Fuck! The scope of this AOE is so large, and there is no king’s law?”

“Nima, the faucet is so fast!”

A group of elite players are noisy. This is the first time they have mastered a heroic body, even if it is a clone, all battles are very unfamiliar.

The first feeling is fast!

Whether it was the simple physical speed of the enemy or the flow of elements, they didn’t react at all, and the Jason clone he controlled was erased from their spiritual connection.

Seeing that the number of avatars used was reduced to (2/3), many players showed annoyed expressions.

Most of them thought that this was just a very real game, and only a few of them showed contemplative expressions after hanging up once.

Wang Hao sits firmly on the Diaoyutai?

of course not!

Since each clone has a considerable amount of power, it will still lose money if it is destroyed. It’s just that it’s not Wang Hao who supports the water body, but the Trident of the Sea Emperor.

Unfortunately, the power of the trident seems to be endless, but it actually has an upper limit. This upper limit is the total amount of water element per unit time transferred from Atlantis across space.

Wang Hao deliberately lowered it a bit, which kept the number of water bodies with half his strength on the field at around 100.

Some people succeeded in causing the bloodletting of the three-headed dragon, and many more failed.

Originally, Wang Hao saw that it was almost time and was ready to take action, but the unexpected battle situation next to him interrupted him, and he sat back again.

(end of this chapter)

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