Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 721

Vol 2 Chapter 704: Chief Trial Version

Chapter 704 Leader Level Experience Edition

“Bang!” A Jason dashed forward like lightning!

is obviously the type that can cut people without beeping!

“Ow!” Baron’s flaming faucet took a bite when he faced this thing. In the gap of one thousandth of a second, Jason, who rushed forward, made two consecutive arc maneuvers and forcibly wrote an [S] in the air.

The double-heaven sword in his hand collided with the dragon neck, and it was instantly separated.

Balon originally thought that the elements lingering around his neck would well resist the clone’s attack, swaying away a fierce shock wave or something.

But no!

The opponent cut the almost imperceptible gap in the element group extremely smoothly, broke the element equivalent to the shield, precisely cut it on its dragon scale, and gave the whole piece of red dragon scale to the tooth like picking teeth. gouged out.

“The Shape of One – [Water Slash]!” This Jason exclaimed softly.

The    didn’t stop there, his backhand was the second knife, and the knife beam went straight into the dragon’s neck for more than one meter.

“Is it the main body?” Balon controlled the fire faucet and bit back, biting empty.

For the three-headed dragon, who was no longer a serious living creature, the miss of this move was not fatal. Baron moved his aching neck, and beneath the indifferent dragon face was a surprised and disturbed heart.

Because at the same moment, the two Jasons on the other side activated. They put their hands together, and the invisible water flow suddenly turned into thousands of needles.

The water needles are like mercury pouring down to the ground, piercing all the way up, bypassing the elemental protection, piercing the gaps between the dragon scales, and even the thick dragon skin can’t stop the intrusion of these fine water element needles.

Even if there is a corpse dragon here, it is not something ordinary heroes can do to break defenses!

The attacks on both sides were completely synchronized, and Baron was a little stunned—both sides are the main body? how can that be! ?

That’s not to mention, the three Jasons in front of them joined forces to cast spells, and a fairly high-rank water cannon blasted over!

Don’t underestimate this trick, when 10 tons of water is compressed in less than one cubic meter of space, the density and hardness of water immediately surpass that of steel.

This move is tantamount to a light cannon!

Even if the dark dragon head suddenly mobilized the power of darkness, making the cannon seem to have hit a solid city wall, and most of the water-type power was deflected by the shield, which still brought deep confusion to Baron!

Are these Jason real too?

That’s not counting!

More Jason Momoa Shots!

Under the agitation of various elements, magic circles emerged one by one – water arrows! Ice gun! Tulong! tornado!

In addition to the fire element, all kinds of high-level spells poured out, making people dazzled.

The intensive wave of spells chasing the three-headed dragon king madly bombarded Luan.

This has no skills at all. If you don’t consider the type of elements, this is already covered by World War II-style firepower.

I don’t understand at all, why Jason would go to the magic turret flow!

This is completely inconsistent with the information!

At the same time, there are also many Jason rushing up with a variety of weapons, pedicures for pedicures, bird chops, coughs, meat chops!

The weapons in their hands are heroic anyway.

Some of them are natal weapons at first glance, while others are used for temporary play.

Don’t forget to fire from the mouth cannon!

“Hahaha! Can you guess who my body is?”

“If you guess it, let you hehe!”

“Can’t guess, then shit-”

Wang Hao is of course impossible to say or do the above unethical things.

That’s right!

At this moment, it is the elite sand sculpture player who controls Wang Haoshui’s separation!

Unlike the players who were promoted to heroes, these players have potential, but they have not been redeemed yet. Giving them control of Wang Hao’s water body is more like a high-level experience.

It is impossible to really taste the taste of top power just by watching. You can only rely on imagination, it is definitely more effective.

Now that Wang Hao lets them control their own water body, it is undoubtedly a rare experience for them – they can make good use of the power of their boss, even if each water body is at most less than 50% of Wang Hao’s peak strength .

Player [Drunk Bird] stared at the time countdown in the upper right corner of his retina: “Come, come! Come!” What he was talking about was the time when he could manipulate 50% of his power to water.

After the countdown was over, he, who had already synchronized his spirit with the clone, immediately felt an incomparable power of water pouring into his body.

Without hesitation, he struck out an 18-chain water wheel slash.

seems to be in a chopping posture, turning eighteen circles in one breath, but manipulating a body far beyond that of ordinary heroes (even if it is a water body), there is still a feeling of turmoil.

The movement of the surrounding objects seems to have slowed down, and I have more room for action.

Stronger dynamic vision combined with more exaggerated strength and speed, the effect is that 18 knives are slashed in the same place.

Large pieces of dragon scales shattered, and dragon blood splattered everywhere!


The fire dragon was in pain again, its long snake-shaped neck twitched sharply, and [Drunk Bird], who was immersed in that mysterious feeling, didn’t have time to react, and the Jason water he controlled was blown away.

“Ah!?” [Drunk Asuka] realized that he had lost control of his water body when he came back to his senses.

My brain felt a little prickly, and then I was mentally exhausted.

But he was still very excited.

Any kind of exhaustion is the special effect of the ‘game’.

The scene of a strong man standing on the shoulders of giants is what fascinates him the most!

Baron found something wrong here!

It was thinking of changing his life above, after all, Jason’s human body is there. It fights a bit of blood, as long as Jason is injured, even if it is an injury, it is worthwhile.

Who would have thought that Jason would be such a chicken thief that his body wouldn’t appear?

It spreads its perception wildly, and what it senses is still unreliable water bodies. It probed the spiritual invasion, and soon found out that those guys are not Jason himself. Although the guy on the opposite side has good mental strength, it is only ‘good’, far from the hero level, let alone the overlord level. .

“Bastard! Don’t look down on me – come out and face me! Jason Momoa -” The three giant dragon heads let out a roar that shook the world at the same time.

In the roar of   , a frantic mental shock wave spread in all directions, and immediately stimulated the mental defense barriers of the cottage Jason.

The distance was fine, and the first circle of Jason’s mental barriers were shattered by this violent mental force.

Desires such as   【Anger】, 【Rebel】, 【Destruction】, etc. immediately rushed to the minds of these elite players along the spiritual channel.

Uh, the ‘network cable’ is broken again.

No matter how strong Baron is, he still can’t blow up the player on Earth.

The player hero who is closer has to take this blow.

Someone resisted! Some people can’t stand it!

The player hero [Scorpio Lonely]’s eyes were red for a while, and his mouth was ambiguous: “The injustice has the head, the debt has the owner! [Junchen Tianya] accept the order-”

“Huh?” The [Junchen] who was directly controlling a crayfish man, and then indirectly controlling a shield crab was stunned. Before he could react, a two-meter spear had been inserted into the back crotch of the shield crab.

Haruka’s [Junchen] in the Earth Villa immediately gained synaesthesia.

His eyeballs bulged.

This feeling, why is it like eating Sichuan spicy hot pot?

Don’t blame me for your monarchs and ministers…I also collect money to do things…

In case of indecision, first kill a monarch and subject Tianya to sacrifice to the sky, um, no problem.

(end of this chapter)

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