Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 335 - Changes in the world

The yellow ape is dead.

The death of a naval general must be an event that shakes the entire sea.

From decades ago to today, navy generals have been known as the world’s highest fighting power, standing at the apex of the sea. Even the weakest Zefa has not yet died and still lives on the sea.

In comparison, the Pirates are constantly dying, like Roger One Piece, like Locke who ruled the great route earlier.

The reason is not that the pirates are weaker than the navy.

It is because the navy has become a system. Pirates often have a hard time. There are always times of old age and aging, and there are always times of weakness and no one to guard, but in the navy, every general in his tenure is at his peak. .

Forty to fifty years old, physical fitness has reached its peak and will not decline, experienced countless blood battles, combat experience is also very rich, almost in all aspects reached its peak.

Later, when they are over 50 or 60 years old, and when their status begins to decline, they will often retire and no longer serve as generals.

So it ’s too hard to kill a general …

The generals serve at the peak of their lives, and they often do not take the risk of deliberately. Even the big event of encircling and suppressing the four emperors must come up with the most stable plan and send more than double the force of the other party .

But now.

The yellow ape is dead, a naval general who was at the peak.

At this time, the government even wanted to erase the name of the yellow ape from the sea, but they couldn’t do it, because a majestic navy general could not make the information about him disappear anyway.

After the top war, the power of the world government and the navy began to decline, which also led to an increase in the number of pirates throughout the world and various vicious events.

For the whole world, Ron and Albares did a bad thing. However, in this process, Albares maintained the stability and stability of the sea by virtue of its unique commissioning mechanism.

When they fell together and cancelled each other, the world’s situation did not actually move towards a worse situation.

The only change is that the power of the government and the navy has declined, and Albares has become so famous all over the world that it has spread to every corner.

This time.

The effects of the death of the yellow ape will also be the same.

The prestige of the government and the navy will fall once again, while the Albarez Guild will rise even further. The number of crimes in the sea areas under the control of Albarez has declined sharply.

New world.

Somewhere on the sea.

“Qi ha ha ha ha … killed a general.”

Holding a newspaper, Black Beard cracked his mouth, revealing his incisor teeth, and said, “The little ones, you have to work harder, get the powerful demon fruit, and create an invincible force. We and that Sooner or later, there will be war! “

There is only one king in the world!

Blackbeard knew Ron ’s purpose was probably not One Piece, but no matter what Ron ’s purpose was, Albarez was obviously climbing to the highest point.

There is only one place at the highest point, which cannot accommodate two people.

That is to say, the world will surely usher in a final decisive battle to determine the true king who is king over the sea, and before that, he must do everything possible to enhance his strength.

“Should not come to the new world in a short time.”

Lafitte was also reading the newspaper. He took a mahogany cane and smiled and said, “They have taken part of Tezolo’s funds. ‘S legacy … shall we also intervene? “

“No, let them grab it.”

Blackbeard grinned and said, “This kind of treasure, when it reaches the apex of the sea, how much is needed, what we lack now is not that kind of thing!”

“How about … Next, are you going to find White Beard?”

Yuzhixiu held a cigar and was sitting not far away, wiping his sword. At this moment, he turned his head to look at the black beard and spoke in the smoke.

The black beard narrowed his eyes, hehe smiled, the light reflected in the deep pupil.

New world.

Mobil Dick.

White Beard was sitting in the middle of the deck, holding a huge wine jar in his hand, groaning in his mouth and dropping the newspaper in the other hand.

“The kid with the yellow ape was killed.”

When White Beard and Roger and the Golden Lion battled the sea, the yellow ape and the green pheasant were only lieutenant generals, just Cap’s followers.

“That guy … really came back.”

Marco held the newspaper and said, “It’s a good thing that he reappears. It can involve enough energy of the government. In short, we still have a cooperative relationship.”

If Ron and Albares want to conquer the world, then there must be a war between them, but in any case, they are currently in a cooperative relationship.

At least until Rong Kaido, Red Hair, and the other six emperors are settled, Ron will probably not clash with them, so the cooperative relationship can be maintained, which is beneficial to both parties.

White Beard’s dark wound was cured by Man Shirley, but due to his age, White Beard’s condition was still declining slowly. Marko knew that White Beard would fall to the strongest position in the world sooner or later, but by that time, Ai Sri Lanka should have grown up.

He turned to look at Ace not far away.

Today, Ace has experienced the growth of the top war and has fought several fierce battles with the Blackbeard Pirates. Now his strength has surpassed him, and it will not be worse than the tea dolphins and peach rabbits during the top war. Even if you really have a showdown with a general, you may not lose in the end.

“That guy …”

Ace was also reading the newspaper, and he showed a changeable look.

He encountered Ron more than once, the first time he was captured by Ron, who was also a naval officer, and the second time, he was rescued by Ron in the top battle.

He did not know how to evaluate, but in short it is not an enemy now.

“Dad, do you want to go to Blackbeard to settle the bills at this time?”

Ace put down the newspaper and looked at Whitebeard.

The experience of the war on the top allowed him to grow a lot. Although he was still passionate, he was no longer so rash. He realized some of his shortcomings and mistakes.

“it is good.”

Something beyond Ace’s expectations, White Beard simply agreed.

Marco and others were slightly surprised, but when they thought about it carefully, they felt reasonable.

Now that the navy has died a general, and when it is time for the handover of the old and the new marshals, there must be a mess, and there is absolutely no way to participate in the war in the new world.

On the side of Kaido, there is also a faint conflict with the red-haired pirates recently, and most of them ca n’t participate. BIGMOM has n’t returned to the great route … It is indeed an opportunity to find the black-bearded pirates.

After a few days.

The white-bearded pirate corps was dispatched and encountered a certain area with the black-bearded pirate corps. There was a fierce battle. The battle shook the whole new world and brought countless forces to the attention.

The end result was that Black Beard escaped the battlefield, and the evil ruler and Bages died in battle … At the same time, the White Beard Pirates also died a captain of the twelve team.

The result of this war shook the world.

The Blackbeard Pirates are the same as Albarez and are recognized as one of the three weak emperors, but this time they are fighting against the White Beard Pirates head-on, almost equal!

Although it ended up with Blackbeard’s escape, there is no doubt that the Blackbeard Pirates are now truly qualified to fight against the top forces.

White Beard, Black Beard, Beast Kaido, Redhead Shanks and Ron.

The pattern of six emperors, three strong and three weak, has been broken for less than a year, and now only BIGMOM Pirates are left, and the rest are gradually showing a situation of difficulty. .

In this sea, it is impossible to predict who the ultimate winner will be.

When White Beard went to trouble with Black Beard, the Albarez Guild was indeed competing with the world government for the property and resources left by Tezolo.

The city of Guran where Ron is located is obviously impossible to snatch. Now the government cannot send enough troops to deal with Ron, so the only thing that can be contested is to take a walk in various entertainment sectors around the world, and the government will seize it. And confiscated.

When Nami piloted the giant ship of Qur’an and returned to Alabstan, the time had passed for almost a month.

So far.

Tezzolo ’s legacy is almost complete, and Ron gets most of it, accounting for about 9% of Bailey in the world.

The world government has obtained a small part of it, taking about 6% of Bailey, and of the remaining 5%, 3% was stolen by a large number of underground forces and the other 2% It was completely lost because of chaos.

Nine percent, it seems that half of Tezolo ’s total assets have not yet been obtained, but in fact this figure is so large that it is almost difficult to calculate, far exceeding that left by the Don Quixote family of Doflamingo Those properties are not at the same level.

This 9% of the funds can be said to have turned Albarez’s money into a figure, even if all the sea-building stones in the world are purchased, it is enough.

Albarez Guild headquarters.

In the room on the top floor, Ron was sitting on the sofa, discussing with Nami Robin and others about the establishment of the Albarez Bank.

It has 9% of the world ’s wealth. Although this fund is huge, if it is left untouched, it will gradually disappear with the passage of time, ten or twenty years, after all, these are pure properties, and It is not like Tezolo who controls the world’s entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry must not be suitable to do it. On the one hand, it needs the strength of black and white, and on the one hand, it also needs special talents to manage. Kalina may be able to do a little, but it is also impossible to do Tezolona. Kind of degree.

When Nami no longer knew how to use so much money, Ron briefly mentioned the concept of a bank.

With Albarez ’s current status, it is not a problem to establish a bank in the waters under his rule. As for the whole route or the world, it is not possible. There is no problem with circulation in the dominated sea.

Like the BIGMOM Pirates Group, they once established a unique system belonging to them in the waters of all countries, exchanging their living rights for life.

The kind of situation that completely broke the original environment and system can appear and maintain a certain stability, so let’s not talk about such things as banks.

“This is the case …”

Ron wrote something on the paper with a pen, and finally put the pen down, saying: “Try to do it in this form, it is also beneficial to the development of Alabstan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Huh …”

“You can think of this kind of plan, Ron, you are really suitable for governing the country.”

Wei Wei sat across from Ron. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but exhale, glancing at Ron’s gaze, faintly admiring.

She was shocked when she heard Ron ’s plan at first, but if you think about it carefully, with the name of Albares and the credibility of the Arabistan government, it is not difficult to maintain such an institution. It is easy to gain the trust of the people.

Once the capital flows, the driving effect is a tremendous change.

“Govern the country … or forget it.”

Ron smiled and shook his head: “I don’t have so much time and energy to manage the affairs of a country, and I never planned to rule the world or something.”

“Okay, let ’s just talk about it here. Let ’s discuss the rest. I ’m going to study new magic.”

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