Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 334 - The death of the yellow ape

“Mr. Yellow Ape !!”

“General Polusalino!”

Seeing this scene, the navy below the Qur’an was almost horrified.

As the battle between the yellow ape and Ron was extremely fast, they could not see anything at all and could not tell who had the upper hand, but at this moment, the yellow ape was confined in the air and surrounded by countless thunders. , There is no doubt that the yellow ape is in crisis!

The thunder is intertwined, and the golden light shines like the sun.

It took a few seconds for the aftermath to slowly dissipate. The area hundreds of meters round was completely empty, as if a meteorite impacted, and a deep pit appeared.

In the middle of the deep pit, the golden light spots were difficult to converge, condensing into the figure of the yellow ape, he was covered with scars all over him, and the naval justice cloak was already broken.

The yellow ape is not dead.

The general’s endurance is extraordinary, and as a natural demon fruit ability, the ability to withstand elementary attacks is also stronger than ordinary people.

But even so, after suffering a thunderstorm bombardment, he was still hit hard, almost killed directly in that blow!

“Cough … cough …”

The yellow ape coughed violently and coughed out a black blood mist.

The power of this blow was beyond his imagination. If he had not judged accurately and did not choose to rush out, but defended and confronted with all his strength, perhaps he would have vanished into the thunder at that moment.

Although he survived, he could feel that his condition was extremely poor. Not to mention the injuries outside the body, the key is that the injuries in the body are extremely serious, and the internal organs have been seriously injured.

“There is still fighting power.”

Ron looked at the yellow ape.

If it is a fifth-order magic, that blow may be able to directly bomb the yellow ape. Although Thunderstorm is also a very strong fourth-order special magic, it should be worse than the fifth-order magic.

After fighting with the yellow ape for so long, he released the space closure and the thunderstorm. His mental power loss was less than half. Obviously, after breaking through the fifth order, his persistence ability is 100% of the elemental affinity. It has also been greatly improved.


Without any hesitation, the yellow ape shot a laser at Ron, and at the same time turned into a golden light again, flashed towards the distance, and continued to evacuate.

Ron could not have been able to cope with it, but now he was badly hit, and it is clear that there is only the ending of the death. He certainly does not want to die here.

But Ron’s figure shook, first a coordinate replacement, appeared not far in front of the yellow ape, and then turned into a golden light flash, then blocked in front of the yellow ape.

“… you can’t escape.”

With a calm voice, Ron’s attack fell again.

The yellow ape looks very ugly, and the wrinkles of a darkened old face are almost squeezed together, but he does not intend to give up. After waving the Congyun Sword and Ron briefly, he continues to flee in the other direction, this time directly to the sky go with.


Ron’s figure flickered and appeared above the yellow ape. He reached out and pressed it in vain, the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly dropped, and the air was frozen one inch by one inch at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Yellow ape head-on hit the thousands of miles of ice released by Ron.

He tried his best to break the ice seal, the injury was worsened again, flew downward again, and continued to escape in the other direction.

Having endured Ron’s two pursuits in a row, at this moment he was already seriously injured and dying, and even his consciousness had begun to blur, just fled with his desire to survive.


The next moment.

Ron appeared in front of the yellow ape, the reddish, burning blade of destruction in his hand, and just stabbed towards the yellow ape.

The yellow ape, whose consciousness is a little vague, cannot avoid Ron ’s blow, and the burning crimson blade suddenly penetrates the body of the yellow ape.

The moment the body penetrated, the somewhat obscure consciousness of the yellow ape forced to concentrate.

Feeling the force of the devastating flame that was about to explode in the body, the muscles on the cheeks of the yellow ape shuddered slightly, saying:

“I didn’t expect that …”

There is bitterness in the yellow ape’s heart, but he never thought it would be the end before he came, and even if he looked back, he didn’t seem to have a chance to live.

Even when he met the Ron who had been with Kapu during the period of the top war, he was confident that he could cope with it or retreat. So although he thought that he might encounter Ron, he still carried a certain amount of Confidence is coming.

Unexpectedly, Ron suppressed him in speed.

The Ron in front of him may not be stronger than the Ron at the top of the war, but he has the ability to restrain him, making him not only unable to win, but even unable to escape.

“Life is always full of accidents.”

Ron let go of his hand.

Before the power of the Blade of Destruction erupted completely and swallowed the yellow ape, Ron looked at the yellow ape and suddenly smiled, saying: “Go to another world in the next life, let’s do PPAP.”


Yellow Ape froze for a moment, didn’t understand Ron’s meaning, then the whole person was completely swallowed by the crimson flame, and the consciousness fell into darkness.

Ron released his hand like this, backed away a few meters, watching the yellow ape die in the flames, the golden light was finally completely dimmed and burned out.


The entire city of Qur’an was silent.

All the navy still alive, and those who were not affected by the battle, all looked at the sky silently at the moment, at the scene where the yellow ape disappeared, there was a blank in my mind.

Yellow ape … dead?

A navy general … dead? !

The captains of the navy are almost standing still, like petrification, and they are completely blank in their hearts.


Not knowing who it was, the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

As if something had been triggered, the silent silence was broken, countless incredible and horrified sounds swayed throughout the Qur’an city, and many people almost sat directly on the ground.

Even the princes and nobles of various countries, some people were paralyzed at this moment, watching Ron quietly suspended in the deserted sky, his eyes full of fear.

“Really … killed the general.”

Nami was not far away, looking at the sky, could not help murmuring.

She knew Ron was very strong, and knew that when Ron appeared, she would be able to stop the yellow ape, but she didn’t expect that a navy general would just die in Ron’s hands.

She could perceive that the breath of life belonging to the yellow ape had all disappeared, and there was no trace of it anymore, completely annihilated in the flame.

“Six Emperors …”

Kalina was also in ruins, looking at the sky and muttering to herself.

She knew that Ron was one of the six emperors, and that the division of Ron on the sea was one of the three weak emperors, and Albarez was one of the three weak emperors.

After today.

All this will be rewritten.

The head-on confrontation, defeating and nearly killing a navy general, Ron’s powerful strength is undoubtedly enough to stand at the pinnacle of the sea!

With the wealth of Tezolo again, the Albares Guild may not be able to surpass the White Beard Pirates in one fell swoop, but it can certainly enter the top field!

Naval headquarters.

Just a few days ago, the green pheasant and the red dog decided to use a duel to divide the victory and defeat, and the winner became the navy marshal … As for the loser, they did not say.

The Warring States were very helpless about this result, but they could not stop it. The current situation can only be like this. Continued dragging will be even more detrimental to the Navy.

At this time, he was waiting for news from the yellow ape.

Recently, Tezzolo ’s funds have been flowing to the Albares Association, which makes the world government very concerned, and he is also very dignified.

He knew very well what would happen if the Albarez Guild received a lot of funds, it would develop rapidly in a very short period of time, from a weak imperial force to a strong imperial force!

Although it is difficult to contain the Albares Guild because of Ron and the current world situation, it is impossible to allow the Albarez Guild to develop.

In that case, even if a new naval headquarters is formed, it will be difficult to deal with.

“There should be news …”

The Warring States looked at the phone bug on the table and pondered that the yellow ape had arrived in Gulan City two hours ago. It should be understood that there was a society in Gulan City.

So far no information has been sent, is there any fighting? !

Windspeaker …

The Warring States pondered for a moment, but it was not very worried. Although Nami ’s tricks were strange, it was still impossible to deal with the yellow ape. Even if Ron was there, he would use the same method of confronting Kapu during the war , The same can’t help yellow ape.

As long as Huang Yuan understands the situation there, the government will not sit idly by, and even if Ron is there, he will send enough support to stop it.

Just when the Warring States pondered.

Poo poo poo poo poo!

The phone bug on the table finally rang, he exhaled, picked up the microphone, and directly chose to connect, saying: “I am the Warring States … How is the situation in Gulan City?”

“War … Marshal of Warring States …”

The Warring States heard a trembling voice.

His brow furrowed slightly, and there was a vague premonition, saying, “What’s wrong? What happened over there ?!”


The trembling voice continued to tremble.

And as the voice echoed in the Marshal’s office, all the movements in the office stopped, and the sight of this side almost showed incredible.

Cap on the sofa.

Admiral flying squirrel at the door.

Colonel Braniu, the headquarter next to him.

Everyone’s movements were all solidified. Even Kapu showed a look of astonishment, and bit a piece of fairy shell to stop the movement.


The fingers of the Warring States were shaking, and he strongly pressed down the shaking in his heart, and the voice began to sink.

The trembling voice over there was repeated again, but before it was finished, there was a scream, and then the voice stopped abruptly, and the phone was hung up.


There was silence in the entire Marshal’s office.

Like a prelude to the coming of the storm, it seems that the entire sky has dimmed in an instant, and I can already feel the tsunami that is about to erupt and hit the world.

at the same time.

On the other side of the world government, the highest level of Pangger Castle.

Wu Laoxing was sitting on the sofa with a sullen face, and a few phone bugs were placed on the coffee table.

“No information yet …”

“The phone won’t work either, it might be an accident.”

Unlike the Warring States side, they also have CP0 information here, and it has been speculated that Tezolo has been replaced and may be dead.

“Yellow Ape has arrived, it should not be a problem, but no information has been sent for so long, it is not very good to continue to wait.”

If Tezolo is dead, his industries all over the world will be affected.

The Albarez Guild is obviously seizing Tezolo ’s wealth, and their government will never let this wealth go away. Now they must make all preparations in advance.

Once accurate information came from the city of Guran, if Tezolo was really dead, then the government must act immediately, and if you slow down, there will be huge losses!

at this time.

The phone bug finally rang.

It was not the phone bug on the table that contacted CP0, but the phone bug on the other side that contacted the navy headquarters.

Wulaox stared at each other, and one of them reached out to answer the phone.

After a few seconds ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the appearance of the five old stars all became extremely stiff, even when the top war broke out, they never showed such a look.

“I didn’t solve him …”

“The problem is still here, and it’s getting bigger.”

Twenty-three years in the era of big pirates.

After the top war, less than a year later, it was defined as one of the three weak emperors, and Ron, whose life and death status was unknown, appeared in Qur’an.

CP0 and the general Yellow Ape arrived, and there was a fierce battle with Ron in Qur’an City. The specific situation of this battle is unknown, but the result is that it cannot be contained and spread throughout the world.

Navy general Yellow Ape, fell to the sea!

The news spread.

The whole world is in shock!

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