People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 565

Chapter 347: Trade

“Beep~ the call you dialed cannot be connected.”


Fury turned off the phone and ordered, “Prepare me a plane.”

His cell phone is a specially made satellite phone that can be accessed anywhere on earth.

But Gu Qing’s is not.

In this time of landslides and fissures, rivers flow back, and earthquakes continue.

The signal base station or something is long gone.

If you can get through, there will be ghosts.

Soon, Fury left in the Kunshan fighter plane.

Come outside.

The city has been reduced to ruins.

But the earth was still shaking, and the ground cracked from time to time, and many pedestrians who fled in a hurry fell into it.

Fury took a deep breath and looked away.

He wanted to save people.

But he also knew that a single Kun-style fighter of his own would not be able to save a few.

He had to find a way to save everyone.

Quinjet flies at supersonic speed.

Soon, I came to Manhattan, New York.

New York is also experiencing an earthquake.

Although it is not big because of the distance, half of the old buildings were destroyed, and countless people died in the rubble.

But not as strongly as in Washington.

Especially Manhattan.

It was covered by a piece of crimson energy, and it was not affected by the fight. It still maintained its previous integrity and prosperity, in sharp contrast to the outside world.

next to the protective cover.

Countless Manhattan citizens looked at the outside world in shock, their faces filled with disbelief, rejoicing, and doubts.

They couldn’t believe that such a disaster happened suddenly.

Fortunately, Manhattan did not suffer.

At the same time, there is still doubt.

Why is this crimson energy shield what and why only protect Manhattan.

The energy shield did not prevent outsiders from coming in.

Countless victims poured into it.

Even the official rescue forces use this place as a rescue center and headquarters to help the outside world.

Seeing this situation, Fury was relieved.

If this energy shield would block people from entering from the outside world, then he would have to find another way to contact Gu Qing.

That’s not a good way.

Especially in today’s dire situation.

In my thoughts, the plane has entered Manhattan.

Because of the disaster, this wealthy area has also become chaotic.

Countless people took advantage of the fire.

Some people teamed up to break into supermarkets and pharmacies to loot supplies.

Others broke into the wealthy homes.

A shootout broke out with the security guards and bodyguards inside.

For a while, gunshots were heard everywhere, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere.

Fury ignored this and went straight to Gu Qing’s villa.

At the door of the villa, stood Reinhardt.

In front of him and even outside the courtyard wall, there were corpses of those who wanted to take advantage of the fire.

So cruel.

Fury’s eyes jumped, he opened the door of the fighter plane, and shouted to Reinhardt, “I’m here to see Gu Qing.”

“Come in, my lord is waiting for you.”

Reinhardt waved at him, then looked forward again, obeying his duty of guarding the goal.


Fury nodded, then let the pilot drive the plane into it.

Gu Qing’s villa has a large courtyard.

There is a dedicated private helipad.

After a while.

Fury met Gu Qing in the villa.

He said straight to the point: “Is there a way to expand this energy shield?”

“Naturally there is.”

Fury followed the voice, and Irene sat on the single sofa beside him, looking at him with a smile, “My strength is not weak enough.”

Hearing this, Fury frowned.

Asked: “You raised this energy shield?”

“That’s natural.”

“How far can you drive?”

“Why should I tell you?”


Fury was speechless.

After dealing with Gu Qing a lot, he forgot about these transmigrators, each with a different personality.

There are people as enthusiastic as the Ghost Slayer.

There are also guys like Akado who don’t take people seriously.

Seeing that Irene was with Gu Qing and took the initiative to answer his previous questions, she subconsciously felt that the other party was easy to talk to.

But at this moment, after being rejected.

The playful smile on Erin’s face.

Fury woke up instantly.

The other party is deliberately waiting for him to come over to negotiate conditions, not to do charity.

Thinking of this, Fury breathed a deep sigh of relief, then looked at Gu Qing, who sat watching the play without saying a word from beginning to end, and asked, “How can you help?”

Hearing this, the corner of Gu Qing’s mouth slightly raised.

Slowly said: “Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.”

“How do you know that thing?!”

Fury’s eyes widened.

But immediately, remembering Gu Qing’s ability, he calmed down and sighed, “Sorry, I forgot about your ability.”


Gu Qing replied calmly.

“This one doesn’t work, get another one.”

Fury decisively refused Gu Qing’s request.

He is all too aware of the power of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

In terms of detection, this thing has infinite power, and Captain Marvel has infinite energy just after the baptism of Rubik’s cube energy.

This thing must never be handed over to others.

Hearing Fury’s answer, Gu Qing was no exception at all, and made another request, “Then let’s have a top-secret plan.”

“What top secret plan?”

Fury was a little confused.

Speaking of top-secret plans, there are many more in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Can you tell me which one it is?

“It’s the one that your S.H.I.E.L.D. experimented with during the Vietnam War.”

“No, this is absolutely not possible!”

Hearing Gu Qing’s words, Fury’s reaction was bigger than that of Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

Gu Qing ignored him and just looked at him quietly.

Seeing this, Fury also calmed down.

He smiled bitterly and said, “Your ability is so terrifying that you have even discovered this top-secret plan that has been sealed in dust for 40 years.”

“What about your answer?”

Gu Qing didn’t talk to Fredo and went straight to the topic.

“No, this is absolutely not possible.”

After calming down, Fury still refused Gu Qing’s request.

After the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube is obtained, people may not know how to use it.

But that top-secret plan…

If the dust-covered giant dragon is obtained by others, just simply and crudely extract the substances in the giant dragon, and the world can be turned upside down.

After being rejected again and again, Gu Qing also seemed to be a little angry, and said angrily: “This is not good, that is not good, then what do you think?”


Fury was speechless.

Originally, he still wanted to solve it with money.

But Gu Qing, who has always only wanted money, suddenly asked for the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and a top-secret plan, which directly disrupted his plan.

Neither of these things can be obtained with money.

This also shows that the intelligence businessman who has always been very talkative is no longer there.

It is almost impossible to solve with money.

But if you don’t want money, then he has nothing to do.

“You said it!”

“If that doesn’t pay a corresponding price, please go back!” Gu Qing said impatiently.

“Why don’t you give me a credit?”

Fury said cautiously.

He knew that his request was too much, and it was almost impossible to be granted.

But there was nothing he could do.

Whether it’s a cosmic cube or a top-secret plan, it’s a matter for all mankind.

It must not be handed over to save the American continent.

But who knows…

“it is good!”

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