People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 564

Chapter 346: Guardians Of The Earth

Hearing the fiery voice, Gu Yi opened his eyes unhurriedly.

She took a deep breath, then let it out.

Then he got up in good time and came to the low table to make tea slowly.

This operation made Mordo even more anxious.

“Supreme Mage, the strong outsiders fight against each other, and the mountains and rivers change drastically. If you don’t stop it, I am afraid it will be the end of the world.”

“What can I do if I make a move?”

Gu Yi sighed deeply while running for tea.

“Modu, since you know that there are strong people fighting outside, you should know that if they don’t stop fighting, the upheaval will not stop. Destruction is far simpler than guarding, and even if I try to save it, I can’t keep up with the speed of their destruction.”

“Wouldn’t it be enough for the Supreme Master to stop them?”

“If I could do it, I would have done it already.”

Gu Yi poured a cup of tea for his apprentice, and then poured a cup for himself, sighing: “They are all on the same level as me. If I also join the battle, it will only increase the degree of destruction.”

“Those two people can match the Supreme Mage!?”

Mordo widened his eyes.

“The Supreme Mage is not invincible.”

Master Gu Yi sighed again and said, “If the Supreme Master was invincible, there would not be so many invaders on Earth.”

The earth is guarded by the Supreme Master.

This is something the entire multiverse knows.

If the Supreme Mage were invincible, there would not be one invader after another on Earth.

Because no one is a fool.

Knowing that he couldn’t beat him, he ran to give away the head.

It is precisely because the Supreme Mage has limited strength.

Those powerhouses in the universe will not take it to heart and invade again and again.

This is very simple truth.

But as Gu Yi’s eldest disciple.

Modu understands the power of the Supreme Mage very well, and has blind trust and worship for the Supreme Mage. He believes that even if the Supreme Mage is not invincible, nothing can stymie her.

But now, Gu Yi said he couldn’t do it.

This undoubtedly shattered the height of the Supreme Mage in Mordo’s heart.

“Can’t we lock them up in Lingjing space and let them fight in another world?” Mordo said with a stammer.

“It can be done.”

Hearing this, Mo Du was overjoyed.

But soon, Gu Yi’s next words made his heart sink again.

“But if I do this, I have to be locked in the Aya mirror space, and if a demon takes the opportunity to invade… You know, because of the doomsday catastrophe, all futures are constricted into one and only, and I can’t observe the future through Let’s predict whether there will be a demon invasion.”


Alien devil.

They are inhuman beings.

Without human moral values and feelings, one would enjoy treating human beings like ordinary things.

for their own benefit.

They don’t care about anything.

If the Demon God invades successfully.

Not to mention human beings, the earth will be destroyed.


“If you sit back and watch them fight like this, the earth will also be destroyed!” Mordo reminded loudly.

It is not clear whether the demon **** will take advantage of the emptiness and enter.

But now, if these two guys don’t stop it, they will definitely destroy the earth.

“No, nothing will happen to Earth.”

Gu Yi seemed very calm about the question that Moro was worried about.

She picked up the teacup, took a sip in her leisurely manner, and continued, “Modu, I told you!”

“What did you say?”

“Don’t pretend to be the guardian of the earth.”

“Well, the disciple remembers.”

“If that’s the case, why are you in such a hurry?”

“But even if it is not the guardian of the earth, it is normal to guard our homeland!”

“No, you don’t understand what I mean.”

Looking at Mordo, who was still a little confused, Gu Yi chuckled: “I don’t let you call yourself the guardian of the earth, and the reason why you never call yourself the guardian of the earth is that the earth is everyone’s earth, not someone’s earth. .

No one will sit back and watch the Earth go to waste.

Everyone is out of sight, defending against a powerful presence that threatens the planet.

Earth will not be destroyed. ”


Lightning and thunder, tornadoes.

The waves are layered on top of each other, and one wave is higher than the other.

According to normal phenomena, it will not be long before a major flood swept across the world.

But at this moment, a man emerged from the water.

He was tall and handsome, wearing a green bodysuit and holding a trident. Just standing on the rough sea, looking at the direction of the American continent, with a solemn expression.

“Who the **** is fighting?”

“The four seas and seas are shaken. If a global tsunami is launched, won’t they worry about the survival of human beings?”

Saying that, he stomped his trident.

The bottom end of the halberd touched the sea, setting off a circle of ripples.

Something magical happened.

As the ripples swayed, the surging waves calmed down and continued to spread to the four seas.

But in the next second, a distant roar came.

The sea boiled again.

The man stomped his halberd again, calming the sea.

But his face darkened.

If the battle does not stop, the aftermath will still spread to the sea, causing waves of tsunamis.

That is to say.

His eyes stared at the sea until the unknown battle was over.


As the fighting intensified, continents as far as the Pacific Ocean were affected.

The earthquakes continued to intensify.

Suddenly, a light shone in the night sky.

In the light, the rays of the sun are shining.

There are green mountains and green waters faintly, and images of immortals singing and dancing come out.

But as the sun shines.

The entire eastern land was completely stabilized.

Eastern Europe.

a small country.

A mountain underground.

The sleeping dragon’s eyelids twitched, and there was a sign of waking up.

But this seems like an illusion.

The next moment, he fell asleep again.


New S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

It’s been a mess here.

Hundreds of civilian staff received information from various places on their posts, faithfully implemented the director’s orders, communicated with local officials in major disaster areas, and cooperated with the evacuation of citizens.

To help citizens evacuate.

He even took out the three aerospace carriers that were still in production.

These three aerospace aircraft carriers have only completed the main body.

Various weapons and defense systems have not had time to do.

This was originally a hidden big move that Fury prepared for the future just in case.

Now it has to be taken out in advance.

But that is not enough.

Because, disaster is happening all over America.

The earth cracked and the river flowed backwards.

In major cities, earthquakes continue to occur, and high-rise buildings continue to collapse.

Countless people die every moment.

Fury is in pain.

Ever since he saw the existence of aliens, he has been worried about this happening, and he has worked hard to prevent this from happening all his life.

But in the end, it couldn’t be stopped.

Even if he drove in the alien main ship in outer space, he couldn’t stop the battle between the two.

They are too strong.

“Director Fury, I have just called Huaxia. The light was cast by the heaven, and it is the kingdom of God in other dimensions, and they can’t communicate with the kingdom of God.”

Hill put down the phone and reported like Fury.

“Damn it, if only it could cover the world!”

Fury slammed his fist on the with blood flowing freely.

He’s already using Captain Marvel’s liaison.

But even if Captain Marvel came, this level of destruction could not be changed.

“Director, the rich areas of Manhattan are fine.”

At this time, Coles suddenly reported.

Fury was stunned for a moment, and then asked: “What’s going on?”

“It’s the situation on Gu Qing’s side.”

Coulson said, pointing to the footage from the satellite.

on the screen.

A red energy shroud bloomed from a villa, shrouding the entire Manhattan inside.

Seeing this, Fury quickly dialed Gu Qing’s number.

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