People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Tired Vs Blades

“Bang bang bang…”

The blade fighters fired a salvo of two guns, and the gunfire intertwined into a rain to hunt and kill.

The child didn’t expect the blade fighter to be so decisive, so he started the fight without saying a word, so his reaction was a bit slow.

But his speed was very fast. Although he moved a step slower, his defense was completed before the bullet arrived.

The slender spider silk popped out of his fingers, intertwined into a web in the air, and then tightened into a cocoon to protect him inside. The bullet hit it with a flurry of sparks, but it didn’t make any impact.

Instead, the bounced or empty bullets left fist-sized holes in the walls and furniture.

Do pistol bullets have such great power?

It is naturally impossible for ordinary pistols to have this kind of power, but the Blade Warrior is half human and half vampire, inheriting all the advantages of vampire immortality, super physical fitness, super recovery, etc. Weaknesses such as stakes.

Therefore, his weapon is also a super-caliber pistol modified according to his arm strength. Ordinary people, even the most rigorously trained ace soldiers, will break their wrists due to the huge recoil force with just one shot.

But such a huge recoil brings unimaginable power. It is obviously a pistol, but it is like a hand cannon or an anti-equipment sniper rifle.

However, such a powerful pistol could not cause the slightest damage to the cocoon made of spider silk… Although the blade fighter did not think that this raid alone would solve the battle, he was also greatly surprised by the result.


A round of bullets emptied.

The blade fighter quickly put away the pistol and rushed into the house.

He took three steps and two steps, jumped onto the coffee table, then kicked hard, leaped up, grabbed the hilt behind his back with both hands, and jumped to the second floor, pulled it out, and chopped it off.


The two swords slashed on the cocoon, bursting out bright sparks, and the blade warrior was also bounced back by the reaction force.


The spider silk flew back, and the silkworm cocoon disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The child’s hands were intertwined with cobwebs like flower ropes, and he flicked them lightly, and the cobwebs were ejected, expanding continuously on the way.

The blade fighter accelerated and retreated with the help of the rebound, and when he hit the railing, he did a backflip and jumped back downstairs.

The next second, the cobweb flew by.

The railings were suddenly torn apart and scattered all over the place.

Seeing this, the blade warrior couldn’t help but take a deep breath, and the happiness of the rest of his life after the catastrophe came spontaneously.

If you just take a step slowly, the one who will be torn apart is yourself.

At that time, even with the recovery ability of a vampire, it is impossible to survive.

“The style is quite decisive, but the strength is not enough!”

The child stood on the edge of the platform with a calm expression, looking down at the blade warrior.

The blade fighter looked at him silently and did not respond.

“You’re not an ordinary person…” The child continued: “I thought at first that you broke into other people’s homes for robbery or something, but you launched an attack the moment you saw me, obviously not for money, so who are you? For what?”

“Hidden in human society, feeds on human beings, and constantly plunders the lives and dignity of human beings…” The Blade Warrior said rarely, “Although you are not a vampire, you are also a fellow of the same type. You should all be extinct.”

“Is that so, to protect humans?”

“No, it’s for revenge!”

The blade fighter put his hands on his back waist, suddenly pulled out two spiral flying knives, and threw them at the child.

And he took a step slower and followed closely behind.


The child’s eyes trembled slightly, showing a look of interest.

While popping out the spider silk, sticking to the flying spiral knife, and reflecting it back, he asked, “Vengeance for whom?”

no respond.

The blade warrior jumped up again, pulled out his two swords, and slashed flying swords.

Then, when he landed in front of the child on the second floor, he raised his two swords again and cut them down without hesitation.

“It’s for the family!”

There was a hint of excitement in the child’s voice.

At the same time, his body deflected, dodging through the gap between the two swords.

The blade fighter was shocked and immediately changed his move.

But the child slapped a palm first and hit him on the chest. The strength that did not match his appearance made him unable to control his body and rubbed back.

Then, before he could stand still, the child kicked him again.


The powerful force made the blade fighter fly into the air, smashing through the wall like a cannonball, and falling into the next room.

“Only losing the bonds of family can make people so angry…”

The child followed leisurely through the hole in the wall, and saw the blade warrior lying in the ruins of the other side of the wall… His chest was sunken, and his face and arms were full of blood.

But just the effort of the smoke and dust to dissipate has been restored to its original state.

Looking at the blade warrior who stood up again, his eyes became dignified, but he did not lose his fighting spirit, the satisfaction in the child’s eyes became stronger and stronger.

“The stronger your family’s bond, the more angry you will be when you lose it, and you will become stronger, so powerful that you will destroy the enemy’s clan. How deep is your family bond?” Great enemy.

He has encountered a lot of perverts, often when the other party’s nerves are more abnormal, UU reading www. The more and more will make unexpected behaviors.

If you don’t deal with it carefully, you will fall into defeat in one fell swoop.

“My name is Tired, do you… do you want to be my family?”


The blade fighter who was in the counter-attack posture was stunned, and several question marks appeared on his head.

“I’ve been looking forward to my real family, but no matter how I look, I can’t find a real family.” Lei said to himself: “But you are different, you can be so angry for your lost family that you want to destroy your enemies. , your bond is genuine, and your words will definitely become my real family.”


The blade fighter slowly exhaled, and then looked tired with pity, “Although I don’t know what happened to you, I can tell you with certainty that I can’t be your family.”

“It’s okay, I’m good at creating bonds.”

Her tired mood seemed to have recovered, and she said calmly, “If you don’t agree, I’ll hang you up first, cut off your fingers one by one, and then cut off your toes one by one, and finally…”


The blade fighter interrupted his words with his actions, and his double swords turned into white awns and slashed.

I don’t know if I was tired because I didn’t expect the opponent to suddenly attack or what, I didn’t dodge at all, and was slashed on the neck by the blade.



The blade was slashed on the neck, blocked by the skin, unable to move an inch.


The blade warrior exclaimed.

Tired glanced at him, as if thinking of something, and some couldn’t believe it: “Although I don’t think so, but you have been approaching me since the beginning, don’t you think that once you get close, you can solve it me?”

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