People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Blades

SHIELD headquarters.

Coulson is reporting to Fury.

“A ghost with the same characteristics as humans…”

After listening to Coulson’s report, Fury pondered slightly, “It’s no wonder that neither us nor the police and the FBI can find any clues. It turns out that the investigation was in the wrong direction at the beginning.”

“On the way back, I asked the archives. All murders happened at night, which is in line with what Gu Qing said that ghosts are afraid of the sun.” Coulson added.

Furui’s eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly, “Just like this, we still can’t judge whether Gu Qing’s information is correct. Go and get the surveillance video near the scene at the time of the crime, find out the suspicious guy, and then investigate further.”

“I have asked the people in the archives to investigate.”

After speaking, Coulson hesitated for a moment, then continued: “If Gu Qing’s information is correct, how should we deal with ghosts?”

If it’s just dealing with super warriors, it’s fine.

With the various black technology equipment of S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as it is not particularly powerful, it can be solved.

But according to Gu Qingqing, ghosts have physical qualities far beyond that of humans, as well as immortality and immortality, as well as other strange abilities.

In this case, there is no way to fight.

When Fury heard the words, he was also lost in thought.

After a while, he said, “Find the ghost first, and then I will arrange for an expert to deal with ghosts to help. Besides, aren’t ghosts afraid of sunlight? You can try an ultraviolet searchlight to see if it works.”


After receiving the order, Coulson left the director’s office.

And Fury was lost in thought again.

If Gu Qing’s information is correct, how did he know about ghosts?

And why is there a weapon that can deal with ghosts?

In addition, he said that my misappropriation of funds was out of temptation for the powerful, or did I really know something?

If you really know something, what is the intelligence that can threaten the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Originally it was just an ordinary supernatural event, but now its importance is infinitely higher.

“These things must be investigated clearly!”

Fury focused his eyes, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

“Master Gu Qing!”

The person who saluted Gu Qing was a young man with a medium build, gray hair, long cheeks, and a weak temperament.

He is “Otto Suwen”, a puppet summoned by Gu Qinggang.

“Otto, you will stay by my side as an assistant in the future. You are usually responsible for all the large and small affairs of the convenience store. The rest of the tasks will be notified separately.”

“Understood, my lord, I will definitely work hard to do my job well.”

Otto answered sincerely.

Gu Qing nodded slightly, very satisfied.

Otto is not suitable for going out to do things, so Gu Qing decided to keep him by his side as an assistant.

And he himself is the hand-slinger.

Anyway, at present, there is no miserable and twelve ghost moons to help obtain the prayer value, and Otto is not worse.

“Then I’ll leave it to you here, I’ll go out for a walk.”

“Please rest assured and leave it to me.”

Otto took the task with confidence.

Manhattan, Greenwich Village.

This is the wealthy area of New York, a quiet town away from the hustle and bustle of the city and only a 20-minute drive from the bustling city.

Green mountains and green waters, lush green shades…

When you are in it, your heart will become peaceful.

But today, an uninvited guest came here.

He is a black man.

About thirty years old, with a short head and wearing sunglasses.

The body is very strong, wearing military camouflage pants and vest, carrying two long swords, and a large-caliber pistol on his thigh.

He is the son of a curse, an abandoned person who lives only for revenge, so he has no name.

But the outside world has such a name for him – Blade Warrior.

“right here!”

The blade fighter came to a villa and stared at the gate with condensed eyes.

He doesn’t have the ability to see through, so he can’t see what’s inside.

But his sense of smell is super sensitive, especially to blood.

He smelled a strong smell of blood.

In this villa, it’s like a slaughterhouse… a human slaughterhouse.

“Are you having a blood feast again?”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Blade Warrior’s sunglasses.

He was born on a mission… his mother was bitten by a vampire while giving birth to him, and eventually “died”.

And he was born half-human, half-vampire.

He was born with hatred on his shoulders, shouldered the mission of exterminating vampires, and eventually became a vampire slayer.

He has killed an unknown number of vampires, and he knows each other’s habits and characteristics very well.

Extremely thirsty for blood, and takes pleasure in eating humans.

However, because humans have become the world leaders, the behavior of the vampires has also begun to subside, and they are only active in the dark.

But there are still madmen.

They often use various lies to gather a large number of human beings, and then start a blood feast.

Every time a lot of people die.

“I will definitely kill all the vampires!”

The blade warrior murmured to himself in a low voice, and then kicked the door open with a kick.

But what caught my eye was not the **** **** I imagined, but a hall covered with cobwebs, like a spider’s lair.

How is this going! ?

The blade warrior narrowed his eyes slightly.

Judging from his experience, this place should be stained with blood, like a hellish scene. Why is it a cobweb lair?

Isn’t it a vampire?

The so-called vampires are not as suspenseful as in fantasy novels.

Although they have immortal bodies and their physical strength surpasses that of ordinary people, that’s all, they don’t have all kinds of blood magic that is beyond imagination.

This kind of covering all villas with an area of more than 300 square meters with cobwebs is simply not something that a vampire can do.

No, even if you can do it, you won’t do it.

After all, the two are not the same style.

“who are you?”

At this moment, a voice came from upstairs.

The blade fighter looked up and saw a child standing behind the railing on the second floor.

But the blade fighter never relaxed because the opponent was a child. Instead, his hair stood upside down, and his entire body was tense.

Judging from his appearance, this child is only about ten years old, with white hair and white clothes, and red spots on his face.

If it’s just that, it’s nothing, it’s even a little cute.

But his eyes are very strange. The pupil is divided into two layers, the outer layer is white, the inner layer is blue, and there are two dark spots inside.

The whites of his eyes were blood red, like flesh that had been peeled off, which was extremely terrifying.

However, it’s not just looks.

In the blade fighter’s keen senses, this child exudes a terrifying aura, which makes him feel unprecedented pressure.

“I’m asking you something!”

The child’s voice sounded again, with a hint of impatience in his tone, “Breaking into someone else’s house without any reason to satisfy me, then leave it as food!”

“It really is a monster!”

The blade fighter took a deep breath, suddenly pulled out his two spears, raised his hand and shot.

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