People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Zhu Shi

Tsunayoshi’s voice was neither salty nor light, as if he was talking about something unimportant.

But the leader of the savage gang felt unprecedented pressure.

Because this is a choice between life and death.

The other party seems to respect their choice, but in fact they have no choice at all.

However, I’m not reconciled.

The Savage Gang is one of the three major hegemons in Harlem, and he is the most powerful boss in this area, but now he has to bow to an inexplicable force.

So, so…

“I choose to surrender!”

The leader of the Savage Gang lowered his head to Gang Ji.

No matter how unwilling he is, he cannot change the situation of being disarmed.

Even if he can change it, he can’t solve the previous situation… He clearly had an absolute advantage one second, killing the opponent to blood, but the next second, it became his own defeat.

This is a mysterious method that he can’t understand or understand at all… Until he understands and has the means of confrontation, he can’t resist at all.

“very good!”

Gangji nodded indifferently, and immediately looked forward, “Then, go to all the forces in Harlem and declare, either surrender or die, within an hour, I will get the answer!”

Old, low-rise buildings, dirty, smelly streets, the highest crime rate in the nation… Hell’s Kitchen, in every sense, is similar to Harlem.

However, that’s just what it looks like.

Although both are synonymous with dirty, messy, poor and even backward, the law and order of Hell’s Kitchen is relatively good… It’s a bit inaccurate to say that, after all, in terms of crime rate, Hell’s Kitchen is the highest in the United States.

But Hell’s Kitchen does not have such serious racial discrimination, and the atmosphere between gangs is more relaxed, unlike Harlem, where you often see robbery, theft and even exchange of fire on the streets in broad daylight.

The chaos in Hell’s Kitchen stems from poverty, and most crimes take place at night in out-of-the-way places. If you follow the instructions to go home and lock the door, and do not wander around at night, you will not encounter accidents.

But it is also in such an environment that a number of special occupations have been created.

Hamm Lane!

An alcoholic old man over fifty years old who is also a doctor.

Of course, it’s an unlicensed black doctor.

He is not like the black doctors in most stories, who suffered some accident and had his medical certificate revoked. He is a liar who has taught himself the most basic medical knowledge and only knows some simple first aid methods.

But even so, he was as open as a fish in water.

Because Hell’s Kitchen is a slum, most people cannot afford medical insurance, let alone pay high medical bills.

When people are sick or injured, in addition to going to the pharmacy to buy medicine, they can only choose to fight hard or find a black doctor.

Therefore, even though Hamm only knows a little medical knowledge and first aid methods, he still likes to get drunk all the time, and even though he often kills people during the treatment, there are still a steady stream of people who come to him for treatment.

Especially those with criminal records, even if they have money, they dare not go to the hospital, they can only seek treatment from him or other black doctors.

At six o’clock this morning, Hamm was drunk again.

Because Zuo Wan had just had an operation, it took a lot of effort to get the bullet out of the patient’s kidney.

Although half of the entire kidney was ulcerated due to unprofessional reasons, he saved his life anyway, and he will not be able to spend the rest of his life relying on the remaining kidney.

And he, too tired from this operation, couldn’t bear it if he didn’t drink some alcohol.

“Dong dong dong!”

At this moment, the door was knocked.

Hamm picked up the wine bottle and took a swig before he staggered towards the door. While walking, he shouted vaguely: “Come, come, don’t knock.”


The door opened.

Outside the door is a narrow alley, and at the door stands a gentle and virtuous beautiful woman… Her eyes are gentle, like a pale pink mist. Her red lips contrasted sharply with her pale complexion. Judging from her skin and face alone, she was a very young woman.

But she was dressed dignified and virtuous, with a calm temperament, especially the kimono decorated with lavender branches and leaves and bright red flowers, which added a bit of beauty, like a noble lady with extremely high cultivation.

Hamm’s eyes lit up, and he even woke up a little drunk.

He opened his broken teeth and was about to speak, but he didn’t want a wine burp out. The smell of wine filled the air, making him embarrassed.

“Sorry, sorry, I drank more in the morning!”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The woman **** placed in front of her lower abdomen, with a slight smile on her face, “I’m here this time because I have something to ask.”

“…Wh, what’s the matter?”

“I heard that the doctor often drinks alcohol before surgery. Is that true?”


Hamm admitted it generously. He was afraid that the woman would not believe it. He added, “This is something that the entire Hell’s Kitchen knows about. If you don’t believe it, you can ask anyone.”

“I believe in you, doctor!”

The smile on the woman’s face became brighter, and she continued to ask, “I also heard that the doctor often kills people!”

“I’m not God. It’s normal for UU reading to kill people.”

After Hamm finished speaking, he raised his head and took a sip of wine, then squinted his drunken eyes and looked at her with a swaying body, “If you want to find fault, you don’t have to go around trying to find me a black history. This is hell’s kitchen, you can escape the disease by luck. It is a fortunate disaster, and I still want to enjoy the treatment services of a regular hospital…”

Speaking of which, he couldn’t help snorting coldly and continued: “If you want to enjoy those, why not go to a regular hospital?”

“No, why am I here to find fault?” The woman squinted and said gently, “I came to you after hearing about the doctor’s deeds.”

“Oh, what are you looking for from me?”

After speaking, as if remembering something, she hurriedly stared at her with seductive eyes: “If you want to learn medicine, it’s not impossible, but you must pay the corresponding reward!”

“No, in terms of medical skills, I still have some confidence.”

“It’s not like he’s studying medicine, and he doesn’t seem to be sick, so why are you looking for me?”

“I heard that the doctor secretly removes the patient’s organs and sells them to gangsters when you perform surgery. Is this true?”

Hearing this, Hamm’s expression changed immediately, and he said sharply, “Where did you hear the rumor?”

“Of course from your patient.”

Between the words, the woman raised her right hand, turning it into a palm knife and stabbing Hamm’s abdomen.

The excruciating pain wiped out Hamm’s drink.

His eyes were round and he didn’t dare to look at her confidently.

The woman still kept a smile on her face, but her hands retracted little by little, taking out her large intestines and kidneys little by little.

“Doctor, there are thirty victims whose organs you stole are waiting for transplants. Your organs are not enough!”

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