People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Shots Every 1 Day

Harlem is a criminal’s paradise. There are countless crimes happening every day, and what is worse than the crime is racial discrimination.

Because of the relationship between a large number of Latino immigrants and stowaways, most of Harlem is black, and because of its chaotic phenomenon, the outside world discriminates against everyone here.

Because most of the people here are black, they feel that the outside world discriminates against blacks and thus discriminates against other races.

Abuse and beating are common.

If the outsiders, not blacks, are alone or two or three, they must be robbed.

Even if you don’t have money, you will be pulled off your clothes and humiliated.

But at this time, in the face of this group of people who emerged from the alley, no one dared to step forward and implement the previous practice.

Because there are many of them.

There were a lot of people, about 300 people, walking on the street, blocking the road.

Also because they were dressed the same and walked with amazing momentum.

More because hundreds of them all carried Thomson submachine guns.

Faced with such a group of people, they couldn’t escape in time, so how could they dare to go up and find trouble?

I’m afraid it’s not a fool!

Bullying the soft and fearing the hard, looking for the lonely and looting is the way for these **** to survive.

They hid in the shops on both sides of the street, sticking out their heads to observe the situation, while discussing.

“Where did these people come from?”

“The temperament of this group of people is different from the local gangs such as the Viper Gang, the Savage Gang, and the Gunfire Negotiators. Instead, they are like the Mafia on the other side of Manhattan!”

“Who knows, but there must be a good show to watch!”

“Yes, yes. For so many years, gangs outside have tried to eat the power here, but no one has ever succeeded, not even the US military!”

“Come, come, here comes the barbarian gang!”

On the other side of the street, an equal number of people also came.

Most of them are black, wearing short-sleeved t-shirts and showing various tattoos on their strong arms or upper bodies, and most of them are holding M16 or AK47 rifles, and some of the strong guys are wrapped in bullet chains , holding a heavy machine gun, sturdy to the extreme.

“Kill them!”

The leader of the savage gang, a man with a sturdy upper body, waved his hands when the distance between the two sides was about two hundred meters. .

The Harlem area is already saturated, and there is no room for more forces to divide the cake. No matter whether the other party wants to negotiate peacefully or negotiate with gunfire, the final result can only be life and death!

Many people understand the truth that the brave who meet in a narrow path wins.

The two sides approached each other on a straight street, and whoever made the first shot would have the upper hand.

The leader of the savage gang was unequivocal and ordered to take action without saying anything about martial arts.

For a while, gunshots were heard loudly, and the whole Harlem sky resounded with gunshots.

And the enemy…that group of guys who appeared out of nowhere and looked like a mafia also fell in a pool of blood.

“Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!”

The leader of the savage gang held a heavy machine gun and fired at the opposite side, and at the same time did not forget to shout in excitement.

The gang members were so excited that they took out the RPG rocket launcher.

Five minutes later, the barbarians continued to open fire for five minutes. The ground was covered with bullet casings, and the streets were already shrouded in gunpowder smoke. You could faintly see the outlines of people lying in a pool of blood.

“That’s it?”

The leader of the Savage Gang came out from behind the wall and couldn’t help laughing wildly, “You dare to come to Harlem at this level, who gave you the courage!”

The street was silent, only the laughter of the leader of the Savage Gang echoed.

Suddenly, a voice came in from behind.

“Yes, at this level, how did you keep occupying this place?”

The voice was flat, neither slow nor slow, as if there was no emotion.

The madness came to an abrupt end.

The leader of the savage gang froze for a while, then suddenly turned around and fired.


“Boss, it’s us!”


Hearing the familiar voices of his subordinates, the leader of the Savage Gang quickly stopped the fire and looked intently.

How can there be any enemy behind him!

Yes, just brothers lying in a pool of blood writhing and screaming.

“How is this going!?”

The barbarian gang leader’s eyes widened, and there was a hint of panic in his expression.

“It’s an illusion!”

The dull voice came from behind again.

The leader of the Savage Gang repeated his old trick, turning around and shooting.

This time, there is no one behind him, and the previous situation will never happen.


As soon as he turned around, someone fell from the sky, pierced his shoulder with a steel fork, and used inertia to nail him to the ground.

“Don’t move!”

“Don’t move!”

“Don’t move!”

A man in a suit suddenly appeared behind every member of the Savage Gang, with Thomson in his hand to the point.

How is this going?

All the members of the Savage Gang were dumbfounded and stood in place at a loss.

Until a thug in a suit knocked a brutal gang member to the ground with the **** of a gun, the rest of the people reacted and threw down their weapons and squatted in defense.

“What’s the matter!?”

“Who are you!?”

After the barbarian gang leader tried to struggle to get up and failed, he gritted his teeth and looked at the man who stepped on his chest and pinned him to the ground, and questioned loudly.

He has a blue pineapple head and a ponytail that reaches his hips. He is tall and even in shape. UU reading

He was wearing black tight leather pants, a white inch shirt, a black trench coat with straight legs, and a tie that was casually hung around his neck. His delicate face always had a charming smile on his face.

And the most notable thing is his blood-red eyes with the word ‘six”, and his evil eyes make people shudder.

“The trash fish must have the consciousness of the trash fish, and it’s fine to die as a dragon. Why do you ask so many questions? It’s like a very important role.”


The leader of the Savage Gang was in a hurry, but he was speechless.

Because the other party was looking at him with a smile, and the mysterious **** eyes made him feel like he was being spied on by hell.


A steady voice came from behind.

The man known as Skeleton glanced behind him, and three meters behind him stood a half-blooded youth with blond orange eyes but yellow skin.

Behind him stood a group of guys who were dressed and dressed strangely, but exuded a compelling aura.

The smile on his face did not diminish, and he asked casually, “…what’s the matter?”

“let me.”

The young man’s words were plain, but there was an undeniable feeling.

“Then let you come!”

Zuku took out his trident and stood aside with a smile.

When the leader of the Savage Gang saw the young man, he immediately felt the charisma that everyone centered on him.

“I am the tenth-generation leader of the Pengele family, Tsunayoshi Sawada.” The young man indifferently watched the leader of the Savage Gang finish the introduction, and then said, “From now on, Harlem belongs to Pengellie. You can choose to surrender. , you can also choose to refuse. In any case, Pengele respects your choice. But to bring you destruction, or prosperity, is also our choice, and I hope you can respect us too! “

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