Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 4

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 4

Epilogue 4

The 4 Years Promise

After being questioned by Zerry-san, I thought of that girl.

If you asked me if I liked her from the beginning, that wasn’t true.

I think I became attracted to her little by little in this series of bizarre incidents that started with the mine collapse.

But if it hadn't been for Zerry-san, I wouldn't have been aware of this feeling.

It's frustrating to admit, but I am thankful to Zerry-san.

If not for her, I would have lived my life in such a way that my relationship with that girl… would have continued platonically as it is now.


I knocked on her room door. And I heard her reply.

In addition to her, there were many other people in the room—not only the guard knights, but also civil officials brought from the Holy Kingdom.

「…Oh, Reiji. Is there something you need?」

Lady Eva, holding documents in both hands, tilted her head slightly when she saw me.

When I saw her, various thoughts welled up in my chest.

When I first met her, she was an arrogant young lady who could only be described as "childish".

Now, however, she was discussing things on equal footing with adult civil officials.

I once thought that if I was the one who caused the young lady to grow like this, then I should be proud.

However, the current young lady has grown far beyond my imagination.

(——If I'm careless, she would grow beyond me and start treating me like a child.)

She was growing at a rate where I think that could actually come to pass..

「My lady, there is something I have to talk to you about.」

「Right now? …I have to leave soon, so there are a lot of things that need to be completed before that.」

「If so, then it is even more important that I talk to you.」

If we're going to part ways, then I have to talk to her now.


The young lady stared at my face.

I was taken aback by her beauty.

But I know. Her beauty isn't in her appearance, but her honest heart on the inside.

「I understand. –Everyone, please continue with the proceedings. Follow me, Reiji.」

The young lady and I left the room and went out to the balcony.

This room on the 3rd floor overlooked a large garden in front of us, beyond which you can see the streets of the capital city.

The sun was shining bright and warm today, but a cold wind blew.

But it felt pleasant to me.

Considering what I was about to say, my body temperature had been rising since a while ago.

「So, what did you want to talk about? Is there a problem?」

In front of other people, the young lady has a habit of speaking like a noble, but when it's just the two of us, she speaks casually.

That made me happy.

「Umm… my lady, you're already returning to the Holy Kingdom, right?」

Instead of getting straight into the main topic, I took a roundabout way.

「That's right. There are talks of my father being selected as the Minister of Internal Affairs, and that's why I have a murderous workload right now.」

「Earl Sillys?」

「Until now, he has intentionally avoided positions such as this, but it seems he can't turn it down this time.」

「But the Earl should be able to handle it easily, right?」

「Not you too, Reiji. Everyone expects him to do that, so my father overworks himself too much. That is why I am trying to take over the work as much as possible. Finally, even my father asked me to return as soon as possible because he has come to rely on me.」

「I-I see…」

「So, then, Reiji. You looked serious just now, what is it about? You didn't come just to talk about my father, did you?」

「No, of course not.」

「Could it be that you are worried about your comrades? You chose not to become a hero, right? Are you thinking that perhaps your comrades wanted to become heroes by your side?」

「Umm, that is……」

That question was certainly in my mind.

I wondered if it was okay for me to make a decision solely on what I want which might affect everyone else's future."

「Reiji… Your consideration of your friends is a virtue, but don't get too caught up in it.」


「Your friends respect your decision, right? Then it’s okay for you to decide. It's rude to them if you keep worrying about it.」


She has been watching me. The young lady has been watching me closely.

She sees what I care about, what I worry more than I do, and she says, "It's okay."

I felt her warmth touch my heart.

「You are blessed with good friends.」


「Then I can return to the Holy Kingdom with peace of mind.」

The sunlight streamed down on the young lady as her hand was on the balcony railing.

Her blond hair fluttered in the breeze, glistening with light.

Her beautiful red magic eyes that inspire people.

Right now, the 13-year-old young lady is still young, but from now on, she is sure to receive many marriage proposals from other noble houses.

When I thought of that,

(——I don't like it.)

I am the only one who knows how audacious, stubborn, reckless — and courageous she is. I want to be the only one who knows that.


「I love you, my lady.」

The words I was thinking came out of my mouth.

「I chose to continue being an adventurer. And you are a noble. I know problems would surely arise because of that. But my feelings won't change.」

The young lady was looking at me eyes wide open.

「Do you remember… the promise I made to take you out of the kingdom and show you the world? It doesn't matter how long it takes. I will be waiting…for you.」

I stood next to the young lady.

「I want to live in this world with you.」

I don't use poetic phrases or sweet whispers.

Even so, I wanted to convey my feelings honestly.

Then, a single tear fell from the young lady's eyes.

「Huh!? My lady!?」

My exhilaration suddenly changed into anxiety.

I wondered if something I said made the young lady sad.

While I was flustered and couldn't do anything, the young lady wiped her tear with her index finger.

「I am so happy.」


「…Yes. I knew that you would choose freedom as an adventurer over status and honor. Because you chose to leave the country rather than be protected by House Sillys.」


I see, the young lady knew that I would choose to be "free" this time as well.

And perhaps she thought I wanted to "keep a distance" from her.

「Even if our positions are different, my feelings for you won't change.」I said.

「…You have become able to say that kind of line without hesitation.」

「Uh, I-I am trying my best here.」

The truth is I am at wit’s end dishing out this unfamiliar lines.

「4 years……」


「I want you to wait for 4 years. Then I will be 17 years old, and I will be recognized as a full-fledged lady in the noble society of the Holy Kingdom. Normally, marriage announcements are made on your birthday when you turn 17. But once you turn 17, you can decide your own future.」

「Um… which means?」

Unusually for the stout young lady, she started flushing and fidgeting.

「R-Reiji! Are you going to make me say it?! When I turn 17, I will be able to choose my own marriage partner. Even if that person is not a noble… or, for example, an adventurer.」


Does this mean that the young lady has accepted me?

I wonder if it's okay for me to be happy.

「……My lady.」


「Can I hug you?」

「!? D-Don't say stupid things! You can only do that four years from now!」

The already blushing young lady was even more cute when she got angry.

「I don't think I can wait that long.」

「I have been waiting for you to wake up from your sleep for a year.」


…It hurts when she puts it like that.

The days of just waiting without knowing what will happen, and the days of waiting four years and knowing the day will come soon is completely different.

「…B-But, I feel sorry to leave you alone for four years, so I'll give you permission for one thing. W-When it’s just the two of us… you can call me Eva.」

The young lady seems to be doing her best too.

That made me smile.

「W-What are you laughing at!? Reiji!」

「No… ah… Umm… Eva.」


「Let’s look to the future together.」

The young lady's—Eva's back straightened.

Then she displayed a relaxed smile.


I've never seen her smile like that.

As the only daughter of Earl Sillys, she was brought up in a noble society full of trickery and plots. She might not have ever displayed a smile such as this where she let down her guard and entrusted herself entirely to another.

And I was happy that her smile was directed at me.

At the same time, I realized that I had to protect Eva.

Both Eva and I were looking at each other and naturally reached out to hold hands.

When I felt Eva's warm and soft hand, my expression naturally relaxed. It was the same for Eva.

That is probably why–


I didn't notice the person who was approaching.

「Aren't you getting too close to my daughter soon after waking up from your year long slumber, Reiji-san?」

An expressionless, yet obviously angered Earl Sillys stood there.



Then Eva and I noticed that there were people behind the Earl, on the other side of the window, watching us from inside the room.

Mimino-san gave a thumbs up, and next to her was Dante-san, looking up at the sky and wiping his eyes with a towel… Was it that emotional!?

Since Zerry-san was next to them, all smiles, I knew that she must have told everyone about it. I’ll deal with her later.

Eva's subordinates and her guards looked pale at the unexpected visitor, the Earl. And Captain was looking around as if he didn't quite understand what was going on.

In addition— Asha and Lark were there too.

Asha had a lonely smile on her face. And Lark smiled broadly when our eyes met.

「…Reiji-san, I am sorry for saying something rude, but the Holy Kingdom is very busy right now, so please come back to our house another day. –Eva, it's about time to leave.」

「I understand, Father.」

Eva had already returned to her young lady self.

When the Earl went back into the room, Eva glanced at me and said,

「I was actually supposed to return several days ago, but I put it off until today. But…I am glad I waited.」

My heart skipped a beat as she smiled softly.

「You’re …going to leave, right?」

「Yes, but I know you will come over soon. Because you are–」

An adventurer who believes in freedom.

Saying that, Eva returned to the room.

My heart started beating faster.

This pounding feeling was a little different from what I had felt before.

My heart started to heat up, and I couldn't help but feel anticipation for the future that is to come.

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