Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 3.2

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 3.2

Epilogue 3 (2)

**Keith Gran Federation Valhalla City**

「…Hmm. So he threw away the money and position that might be able to get him everything in this world, huh.」

The person who learned that Reiji had chosen “freedom”, even before Gurgio returned the Adventurer’s Guild, was the leader of Keith Gran Federation, King Geffert.

「Yes. The information is not completely accurate, but the spy reports that it is 80% correct.」

It was the crown prince who answered.

The crown prince, who is already an elderly at this point, is the biological child of King Geffert.

He is a capable man himself, but he is still the crown prince because King Geffert is still very much in active service.

His father, King Geffert, played the “I am going to die soon” card this time too.

——This time it's different. When I heard the name "Goddess", I knew it was time for me to die.

When the battle with the goddess began, he said such things, but he still survived.

The crown prince thought he would die of old age before his father did.

「Every country is still thinking that adventurer Reiji will be welcomed into an important position in the adventurer’s guild, or become a leading player in one of the countries in the Keith Gran Federation. If the information of his decision becomes widespread…」

「A war will begin to bring him into their fold.」the king said.

「Exactly. But right now we have no competitors. How should we move?」

There was no one else in this room except King Geffert and the crown prince in their chairs.

「……Do not touch.」the king said.


「Continue surveillance… No, don't approach it as surveillance, just say hello. And don't try to scout him. If someone asks for advice or help, respond. Keep your distance.」

「I-Is that okay? If he is taken by another country…」

「There's no way he'll be taken. Someone like that would have been enticed by Gurgio's invitation.」

「Yes, sir…」

「Listen, do your best not to mess with him. Think of this as my will.」the king said, to the crown prince who seemed unconvinced.


The crown prince thought to himself, “He has started with this again,” and left the room.

「Now, then……」

King Geffert looked out the window.

He overlooked a beautiful sunny garden, beyond which the glorious streets of Valhalla spread out.

「O adventurer who has gained freedom, what are you going to do now? Will you hide from the public eye? Or will you control the world from the shadows? …Even if you choose not to stand on the stage, the world still needs your power.」

The super-elderly king grinned with certainty.

When I told Dante-san that I turned down Gurgio’s offer, he grinned and patted me on the head.

「Ah, that's fine.」

I had already told Dante-san about this.

Oddly enough, Dante-san said the same thing as Gurgio.

—It's your life, you can choose whatever you like.

「So… according to Gurgio, this story will spread in about a month, so if we're going to run away, now's the time.」

「Oh, that's true too. —Mimino, shall we go as planned?」


As planned? What plan?

As I was wondering that, Mimino-san said,

「We were thinking that there is a chance you might be touched by Gurgio-sama’s offer and accept it. That’s why we didn’t tell you about the plan.」


I am not easily moved by riches and fame, you know! …Is what I would like to say, but there certainly was that danger!

「So, what's your plan?」I asked.

「Ah, we’re thinking of going to see Non first. With Her Holiness's permission, she has decided to rejoin our party.」Dante-san said.


As expected of Non-san. She fought and won the right to be with Dante-san.

「After that, we are heading to the halfling village. I haven’t contacted the village even once since I left, so my father asked me to come visit.」

Oh, the halfling village!

It is famous for its herbalists. I wonder what kind of place it is.

Upon asking Mimino-san, I learned that her village is different from the village where Duke Ebene of the Holy Kingdom was born. …How many halfling villages are there?

Then I went back to my room to prepare.



「Nah…ah〜…You can't do that〜 bochan. I'm a married woman…」



I landed a chop on Zerry-san’s head, who was making indecent noises while sleeping on my bed. She jumped awake in surprise.

「Hey, hey, what are you doing, bochan! No, you're an indecent man who lays his hands on a married woman!」

「Even in your dreams, you’re behaving improperly, huh… By the way, Zerry-san, when did you get married?」

「…Oh, right. But it was so vivid.」

Zerry-san said, and started describing her dream.

…I don’t want to hear it.

「Oh right, we’re leaving town soon, so please prepare.」I said.

「So we’re going with that plan. Is Gurgio-sama okay with that?」

「He seemed a bit let down, but didn’t say anything…」

「That's fine, then. That person is going to have a hard time explaining everything to the world leaders. It’s the guildmaster's job.」

Zerry smiled and then asked,

「So… What's your other answer?」

「Hmm? What do you mean?」

「There you go again~ Playing dumb.」

「No, seriously. What are you talking about?」

Haa……Zerry-san sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

…Her reaction kind of irritates me.

「It's obvious, isn't it? Anastasia-chan, Lady Eva, and your beautiful onee-chan. Who is your favorite?」


「Better make up your mind soon〜 A woman's season is short, after all. As it is, you've already wasted a year of those girls’ time by sleeping.」

「No, no, wait a minute. What are you talking about?」

「There you go again~ Playing all dumb and innocent.」

Haa……Zerry-san sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

…Please stop doing that.

「Anastasia-chan who's been waiting for bochan to awaken for a long time. Lady Eva who's still in this mansion after taking a break from her busy official duties to come and see you. And your sister who seems like she wants to be with you forever. I'm asking you to decide who's your favorite.」

「No, no, no, that's not… 」

「You and your sister aren't related by blood, are you?」

「It is not like that!」

「It is!」

Zerry-san suddenly turned serious.

「Didn't I tell you, Bocchan? A woman's season is short. If you don't decide now, you'll be wasting their time. Or are you perhaps thinking of having a polyamorous relationship with all 3 of them like a noble. …Ah, if you’d like, I can be your mistress! Nahahhaha!」

Zerry-san added a joke at the end, but she was serious about what she was saying.

「I wonder if that's the case… those three, well, like me…」

「That's a naive reaction! Bochan, for a young boy, you sometimes say adult-like things, but when it comes to this matter, you’re still naive.」

…It can't be helped! I never had a girlfriend when I was in Japan!

「It's quite obvious at a glance. You just need to look at them properly. Your beautiful sister might be a little tricky, but if you push her a little, you can do it.」

「That doesn't mean she likes me…」

「Your sister is also naive. She just doesn't know what to do.」

Zerry-san then got off the bed.

「Lady Eva can't stay here that long, can she? Especially if you are going to leave soon, then you should tell her now. Regarding who you choose.」

「That is……」

「Even the young lady's country has changed a lot and is hectic, isn't it? In that case, it would be unfair of you to keep her restrained to you all the time.」

「I am not restraining——」

I wanted to deny, but that might be how it looks from an outside perspective.

「Even Anastasia-chan is so wholeheartedly devoted to you that even I feel sorry for her. If you’re going to travel as a party from here on out, then it is even more important that you make your feelings clear.」


…To think the day would come where Zerry-san would corner me with a sound argument.

「I will be leaving now, so please think and make your decision.」

She then left the room.


What should I do? Decide? I have to choose one of them?"

Seriously, I've never thought about romance or love before.

Because I was doing my best to survive in this world.

「–Ah, of course you can choose me too. I'll wait in the other room!」

My heart almost jumped out when the door suddenly opened and Zerry-san popped her head in and left that remark.

「Please go away!」

「Yes yes~」

And the door closed.

I heard her going away.

Okay… she’s completely gone.


I sat down on a chair.

「What should I do……」

Wealth and fame, or freedom?

I'm much more confused than when I was forced to make those two choices.


——I didn't hesitate.

My heart was already made up when Zerry-san brought this up.


I don't think this feeling will waver.

Then all that's left is to act.

「Let's go.」

I left my room and headed for the room where she should be.

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