Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 139

*3rd person POV

Adriana bit her nails nervously. She gnawed her nails so much that her fingertips were dripping with blood.

"Namuel... Rainelle..."

It felt like her chest was burning black. What fretted her even more was that she had no authority.

No authority to see Namuel, who was in a mess, or even talk to Rainelle to be merciful.

Rather, it was fortunate that Rainelle heard her then and stopped right before killing him. If she hadn't stopped, the wolf's neck would have snapped and bent at an odd angle.

The subsequent actions were the same. Although she put Namuel in solitary confinement, at least it wasn't a prison, and seeing as she said that the punishment will be decided after Karmeut woke up, Rainelle was patient enough.

However, human mind is terrifying.

Even though she knew that Rainelle had yielded to that extent, her heart burns like this because she can't confirm Namuel's safety right now.


Adriana squeezed her hands together as she begged to whom she did not know.

*knock, knock-*

The sound of tapping on something startled her. It wasn't the maid knocking on her door. It was a much lighter, clearer sound than that.

Adriana's gaze slowly turned to her window. There, a crow was perching on a window sill and tapping its beak on the windowpane.


Adriana hurried, wondering if it was Rainelle.

"Rainelle---! ...Ah..."

It wasn't Rainelle. The bird lacked her trademark purple eyes and sapphire necklace.

The crow squinted its dark chestnut eyes and cawed. It was a murky sound for a bird's cry, but it was also a familiar cry.

The crow croaked and put out one of its feet. Realizing that a white note was dangling on its slender ankle, Adriana hurriedly undid the note.

As if it had finished its job, the crow flew away. ---But Adriana's attention was all focused on the contents of the note.

[Come to the Imperial Palace tomorrow. I need to talk to you.]

It was a brief message, but it was what she wanted to hear more than anything else.

Even though no one was watching, Adriana tidied her dress hastily. Then, still in disbelief, she looked at the note over and over again as she muttered,

"Tomorrow, tomorrow..."

‘What do Rainelle want to say? But that doesn’t matter.’

After Namuel's rampage, it had been Rainelle, who had been holding on to a cold attitude, refusing all conversations with her. Adriana thought that it was hopeful as Rainelle was the one who wanted to talk first.

‘Of course, that may not be the case. But, but, if only we could somehow have a conversation, I will properly convey how wrong I was.’

‘...If, if she forgives me, I might be able to meet Namuel.’

Adriana trembled slightly, feeling both hopeful along with a hint of uneasiness.

‘Tomorrow, tomorrow, when I enter the Imperial Palace...’

Birds were watching her outside the window. The birds, flapping their wings while chirping briefly, soon took off into the sky.

*Rainelle’s POV

I was moving quickly to meet Galenos.

---I heard that he’s the most injured among the knights. How is he now? …Huh?


"Yes, Miss Client."

The others who were present with me gave short exclamations due to his silent and sudden appearance in front of me, but I calmed them down by raising my hand.

"I know it's a bit strange to ask you this question right now, but are you okay?"

“If it wasn’t for Miss Client, my upper body would have been ripped off instead of my shoulder. But…”

He looked around for a moment. It was the next second when a dry, bleak voice resonated in my head.

‘-You commissioned me to infiltrate Duke Howard's residence and record the nobles’ conversation in memory spheres…’

No, it was not a sound that came out of a mouth. Should I say beak?1

Hearing that, I burst out laughing without even realizing it.

"I'm grateful for that. That's why I decided to give you an extra reward, right?"

"Of course you should. I will be very dissatisfied otherwise."

He nodded his head with a voice full of dissatisfaction, which did not match his image.

Well, I was a bit reckless. I requested an assassin to get rid of the aristocratic faction centered on Duke Howard.

It might have been an easier task than an assassination request. But... if he wasn’t willing to do it in the first place, he wouldn't have accepted the request, so I can think that it was okay, right?

Of course, since his wounds were treated right away back then, I don’t think he would have any strong complaints about discomfort either.

“You did a great job.”

"---I was happy to have an unusual experience, too. Being an assassin commissioned by a crow."

The reason I was able to put on a smile under those words was because there was not the slightest hint of ridicule in Sedarun's tone.

It seemed that the maids were the ones who were furious instead as they began to mutter under their breath.

I had no intention of offending the assassin for nothing, so I opened my mouth while blocking my attendants,

"Will you accept my request another time?"

"---I’d like to be faithful to my main job, Empress of the Wolfric Empire."

"...If you have to ask for a request that's true to your job, I hope I don't have to see you often."

"Well, that’s so..."

He paused for a moment, then spat out.

"But having a link with the Empress of the Empire is a good thing for me too, so let's say it’s an exception."

...I quickly opened the fan in my hand and covered my mouth. If it wasn't for Madame Fangxia's strict education, I might have already laughed hard in front of Sedarun.

Ah, really... I can see why Sedarun is a hidden target character.

Even though I haven’t yet married, he acknowledged me as the empress, but he was not polite at the same time.

Even though he grumbled about being faithful to his original job, he made an exception because it was good to have a link.

Aren’t you really attractive? Should I say, worthy of a hidden target character?

If I hadn't given Karmeut all of my body and soul, I might have been tempted. However, all I’m feeling right now was that it is good to be in a relationship with a talented person.

"How, when, and where should I send the reward?"

"We'll talk about that later. It's not the right place to talk about it, and above all... the Empress of the Empire won't duck out on paying."

In the end, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Puho! Yes, of course. Anytime you want to talk to me, speak to a crow."

"---I guess I should do it when no one is looking."

The figure of him, who grumbled but nodded obediently, soon disappeared. Only then did the maids open their mouths, expressing their displeasure,

"Rainelle-nim, who is that rude person..."

"He's an assassin who helped during the incident that threaten His Majesty’s life. I also make a personal request to him."

"But he shouldn’t appear so suddenly like that... This is the Imperial Palace, Rainelle-nim!"

"It's okay if he doesn't do it too much. After all, he is one of the most capable assassins. It's rather strange if he enters the Palace by following the procedures."

Saying so, I managed to calm the maids while walking, and before I knew it, I have arrived at my destination.

“Sir Galenos. How are you feeling?”

"Ah, Rainelle-nim."

I stopped him from forcing himself to get up.

"Please lie down."


"Should I give you an order?"

At that, he fell silent and leaned his back on the headboard. Looking at him like that, I slowly sat down on the chair next to the bed.

Galenos’ injuries were serious. His vertebras were cracked, his internal organs ruptured, and his thigh muscles were torn by Namuel's bite. In addition, unfortunately, I heard that the wolf's claws brushed his blood vessels, causing him to lose a great amount of blood.

“I heard that no matter how much you are healed with divine power, you need enough rest. I’d like to tell you not to worry about anything and just take a good rest.”

“---Uh, Rainelle-nim. His Majesty the Emperor...”

"---He's done with his recuperation and is handling government affairs."

Hearing that, Galenos clenched his fists tightly.

"---Then I'll come back too."

"Sir Galenos."

"My Lord is doing government affairs, how can I rest? Besides, I've already had enough rest. Rather, it was frustrating because I couldn't move my body. So..."

Hearing him, I sighed deeply. ---It was because I remembered what Karmeut had said:

[“If Galenos says he wants to come back, let him do it. It’s a waste of time to stop him.”]

---It was as if he had expected this situation. Hm, was his and Karmeut’s friendship so close in the setting?

"---Haha. Karmeut knew everything."

"---Yes? What do you mean..."

"His Majesty said that if Sir Galenos said that he would return, then so be it. Judging your answer, it seems that His Majesty had already expected it."

At those words, Galenos’ eyes widened slightly.

“If you judge yourself to be in good shape, do whatever you want. However, you should keep in mind that only when you are healthy is the Emperor's back safe.”

"-I'll keep that in mind, Your Highness the Empress."

I covered my mouth with a fan as I felt tickled at the sound of ‘Your Highness the Empress’.

I said, "I haven’t married His Majesty the Emperor yet."

"...But His Majesty's companion is Rainelle-nim."

I didn't feel like refuting him, so I just laughed it off.

---To be honest, I didn't want to give the seat next to Karmeut to someone else either. Furthermore...

I felt good because I felt like the title ‘Your Highness the Empress’ suits Karmeut's companion.

Is it because I had only heard ‘Rainelle-nim’ until now, and then I suddenly heard ‘Your Majesty the Empress’? Or is it because the heart is so tricky?

...But, it felt good. My mood became better. That was why I got up from my seat while laughing.

“The next time we meet, I hope to see you in good health.”

"Yes, Your Majesty the Empress."

"Then I'll be on my way. Take good care of yourself."

Watching him bow his head respectfully, I left the treatment center. Of course, many other knights were badly injured besides Galenos. ---Unfortunately, some people died.

Still, after Karmeut recuperated, and enough time had passed to catch the traitors and get rid of them, it felt like the wounds and damages Namuel had inflicted when he ran amok were getting better.

Anyway, Miel must be doing well in his treatment.

I almost forcibly pushed his back for him to go through his treatment. I appreciate his loyalty, of course, but I can’t bear a person who’s not in a good shape following me around.

Besides, I heard that when a high-level spirit is going through forced dismissal, the contractor’s intestines will become mush. ---Of course, if it really turns into mush, he'll die instantly, so that's most likely a metaphor! No, in the first place, if such a metaphor is used, that means it’s serious!!

Please, please, please! I hope you get better and come back!! If someone is sick from loyalty, it's a lot of pressure! It's very burdensome!!

Walking while grumbling inside, I suddenly realized that I had visited everyone I wanted to visit.

Uh... what should I do now?

After thinking about it for a while, I realized. Oops, there’s one more person I need to meet, right? -It won't be a pleasant meeting, but...

I was debating whether to meet or not, but in the end, I made up my mind to go meet this person.

Since Adriana is coming tomorrow, I'd better meet Namuel beforehand and hear his thoughts.

After taking a few deep breaths, I made my way to the room where Namuel was being confined.

Leaving the maids to wait outside, I went into the room by myself.

-I'd rather us be alone. That way, in the unlikely event that Namuel ran out of control again, the maids wouldn’t become stumbling blocks.

I didn't want to risk the life of the innocent maids. Well, because it's inside a room, it's a disadvantageous place for me... But since Namuel's physical condition isn't good, I don't think it will be as bad as before.

"...Ah! Rainelle-nim---!!"

Namuel, who was sitting in bed reading, tried to get up as he closed the book.

---I can understand why he's trying to get up when he sees me, but it's uncomfortable when a sick person did that.

After restraining him from getting up, I started talking,

“How are you feeling?”

“It has improved a lot.”

"...That's good news."

A brief silence fell. He didn't seem to know what to say. His restlessness was clearly visible, so I opened my mouth first,

"Tomorrow, Miss Adriana will enter the Imperial Palace."

Namuel's shoulders shook with a flinch.

Looking at it, I hesitated for a moment.

Am I really qualified to ask this question? Could it be that I am too nosy?

...But, because of the feelings between them, Karmeut almost died.

Conflict arose within me --But my mind was already tilted to one side.

"Marquis Namuel. What do you think of Miss Adriana?"



1 This, we’re not so sure of the translation either, but we assume that Sedarun is a bird too(?) Maybe not a crow though.

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