Of All Things, I Became a Crow

Chapter 138

*3rd person POV

To briefly summarize the content of the recording:

[The greedy nobles began by saying that ‘a beast dares to sit on top of humans,’ then they continued to say things which would not be enough even if they are dragged and executed for contempt of the Imperial Family.

It was Duke Howard who seized the conversation with smooth words and led the nobles into: ‘It was because of the tyrannical nature of wolves that our territory was damaged.’

They also mentioned, “As can be seen from Marquis Namuel’s case, the wolf’s blood which flows in the Emperor's blood is a source of tyranny.”]

They were people who did not know the wolf's instinct well. Was there an animal that practices noblesse oblige as much as wolves?

Rainelle smiled, thinking it was funny to see them fussing over Namuel’s extremely exceptional case.

*Rainelle’s POV

Well, anyway. The Duke's speaking skill is superb. Yeah, there was no other perfect word other than it was ‘superb’.

His way of speaking was like gently seducing people. He said that a far wiser and more intelligent human being should become the ruler of the Empire while quietly disregarding the Imperial Family who had wolfish temperament that flows in their blood,.

.It was very pathetic to see the nobles falling for his words.

To think that such people are nobles who have to take care of the people. Karmeut haven’t said anything, but he must have been disappointed and disgusted.

*3rd person POV

---In the end, the recording showed:

[“Let's raise a rebellion while the Emperor is recuperating, then one of us should become emperor!]

Among them, Duke Howard seemed very intent of the idea about becoming the emperor.

The recording finally ended after they said that the plan would be implemented soon.

...And a terrifying silence fell in the meeting room.

Looking at Duke Howard, whose complexion had turned pale, Rainelle smiled. It was a soft and kind smile, but underneath, there was a terrifying blade gleaming.

"I didn't know that a person who is a duke of the Empire would have deep rejection for the bloodline of His Majesty the Emperor. No, I should have expected it. Aren't you the duke who despised me for being a flying beast in the first place? But isn’t it too much to see the Emperor like that?"


"Are you asking how? How did I find out? You want to kill me? But now it seems wiser to worry about your own lives."

Rainelle turned her head to look at the Emperor. Then, as if singing, she threw a question in a sonorous voice,

"Your Majesty, the recordings are the proof. What other evidence of treason is more convincing?"

"I'm sorry to trouble you with it, Rainelle."

The Emperor laughed lightly. But the laugh sounded sharp, like a wild beast on the verge of breaking the neck of his prey. And then he said with clasped hands,

"We arrested rebels at designated places and confiscated related documents. It's a bit barbaric, but the work of making the prisoners vomit the truth is also underway. Oh, please understand if it's barbaric. Am I not a wolf-blooded beast?"

The Emperor smiled at Duke Howard and said again,

"But, unfortunately for you, it was humans who has devised the 'method' to make one spit out the truth. I’m sorry, the only torture a beast can do is to eviscerate them alive, so before they spit out the truth, they might feel like dying."

The Emperor, who had speak something so frightening with soft tone, raised his voice,

"What are you doing? Arrest these traitors and put them in the dungeon!!"

“We receive your order, Your Majesty!!”

The knights of the Imperial Palace rushed in, roughly grabbed the nobles who appeared in the video sphere, and dragged them.

"Your, Your Majesty! This, this is a misunderstanding!!"

"Ye, yes, Your Majesty! Please have mercy!!" Ignoring the cries of those nobles, the Emperor met Duke Howard’s gaze, who was glaring at him.

"As you wish, I will personally make you spit the truth out of that mouth in a very 'human' way. Drag him away."

“Kuh---!! Let's see how a half-baked beast cub and a flying animal rule this Empire!"

Responding to his shouting full of anger, the Emperor replied with a smile,

"Watch closely from hell."

After they were taken away, an uncomfortable silence and fear hung in the meeting room. As if to dispel it, the Emperor lightly tapped his finger twice and opened his mouth,

"Now, let's continue. As the 'former' Duke said, we must decide what to do with Marquis Namuel."

The words drew the eyes of the remaining nobles to focus on him.

The traitor issue was also very big, but since they were immediately caught and taken to prison, it seemed to be settled for now.

And the decision on Marquis Namuel was a matter as important as the traitor issue.

Even if it was not intentional, the crime of almost killing the Emperor was serious.

When the discussion was turned toward Marquis Namuel, the smile on Rainelle’s face also disappeared.

After confirming that everyone's eyes were on him, Karmeut slowly began to speak,

“The crime of attempting murder of the emperor is very serious and heavy. It is a crime that would not be enough to punish and behead the person himself, but also the whole family.”

Having said that, the Emperor looked around. Then he uttered the word “However,” with force.

"You all are aware that this situation is extremely unusual. The rampage after eating Crobanlock. The awakened wolf's power from being a member of the Imperial Family. It's all a combination of bad luck."

Karmeut let out a long sigh.

"...I know it's a difficult problem. Marquis Namuel contributes to the Empire in many ways, and is a great talent. But at the same time, he's also a criminal who committed a serious crime."

Having said that, he continued,

“So, I would like to temporarily suspend the punishment of Marquis Namuel.”

"---Your Majesty, but…"

"I know what you're worried about. --However, I'm not just neglecting it."

The Emperor's gaze briefly fell on Rainelle and then moved on.

"Marquis Namuel is currently detained in the Imperial Palace. They say it will take three full weeks for his body to recover from the effect of the rampage. Decisions on his punishment will be postponed until after his body recovers."

At his words, Marquis Wilhelm speak up,

"---Will all due respect, this is a presumptuous statement, but I'll dare to say it, Your Majesty. This has been circulating among the nobles."

The Marquis looked around and opened his mouth with difficulty,

“For Imperial wolves, the stronger one rises to the position of emperor, and there is a question if Marquis Namuel is stronger...”

“I’ll let Marquis take care of those people. I'm sure you're not incompetent enough to handle that either."

Marquis Wilhelm shut his mouth. Looking at him like that, the Emperor said,

"This is an attempted murder case, not a murder case, and Marquis Namuel's talent and loyalty are worth considering. However, the important thing in this case remains the same, so we will postpone the decision until his body recovers."

It was no one else, but himself, who made such a decision, so the nobles did not object.

Rainelle's eyes squinted slightly, as if she was dissatisfied, but the meeting continued.

After discussing the issue of restoring the territory and the Capital that had been destroyed by the incident, the meeting naturally came to an end.


*Rainelle’s POV

"Are you not satisfied with the decision I made, Rainelle?"

I nodded my head at Karmeut's question as he lightly pinched my cheek.

Of course not!

"You almost died."

"But I’m not dead."

"If I didn't help you, you'd be dead."

At that, Karmeut smiled. Then, as if to soothe me, he gently stroked my cheek.

"Rainelle, Rainelle... Calm down a little."


I couldn't continue to talk. Because Karmeut kissed me. My body trembled as he covered my lips and entwined my tongue.


It was as if my breath was taken away, and my legs became weak at the kiss that seemed to eat me.

"Executing him doesn't end the job. If we do that now, it'll just be an excuse for resentment and to relieve anger."

His strong arms wrapped around my waist and supported my body. With a soothing smile, Karmeut lightly rubbed our foreheads together.

"And Namuel is a competent man. It's a waste to get rid of him by executing him. Besides, he's as good as being shackled by this incident, no?"

It was not difficult to understand what the words meant.

"...Are you trying to pressure Namuel on the pretext of attempted murder?"

"I have to let him be pressured. Sometimes mercy is a bigger burden."

As he said “So take it easy, Rainelle,” and hugged me tightly, I let out a sigh.

It was strange that I kept being not satisfied even though he said it was fine.

I don't like it...but Karmeut makes the decision. I also said that to Namuel.


"Thank you for being understanding, Rainelle."

I sighed again at his behavior of smiling happily and kissing my cheek.

---Still, I don't feel so bad because I'm hugged like this.

"Are you going to visit Namuel?"

"Hmm... he’s recovering. If I go, he'll feel like he’s sitting on a cushion of thorns. I think it's better to go after his body recovers to some extent?"

Um, that’s for sure. Eh, but if he doesn't come, wouldn't it Namuel be restless too?

When I looked at Karmeut with that kind of thought in mind, he laughed softly and added an explanation.

"Of course, I'll have to tell him to rest well through the servant so that he can get some rest."

Seeing Karmeut smiling while saying that made me laugh too.

---surrender, I surrender. I really don't have anything to say if you’re like this.

"Oh, and go talk to Lady Adriana. ---You two have become awkward, haven’t you?"

I paused at those words.

[“Please, please, just once! Let me see Namuel just once, okay? I won't do anything! I'm just going to check on him---!!”]

I remembered the image of her, kneeling and begging in front of me. As I forcibly separated Adriana and Namuel and detained him, Aria pleaded in front of me.

At that time, my mind and heart was all over the place because of the fact that Karmeut was driven to the brink of death, so I coldly ignored her request. No, rather, I ordered relatively unscathed knights to return Adriana to her manor.

Because if I didn't do it, I thought it would only irritate my nerves and upset me.

It was only when Karmeut mentioned it that I thought of Adriana.

---She must be worried sick, right? The person she loves is not well, but she can't go to see him.

My anger wasn't completely gone. No matter what, the fact that Adriana is one of the causes hasn't changed. However... After Karmeut regained consciousness and the incident was somewhat settled, the anger did not flood my whole being like before.

"...I haven't spoken to or met her since then."

“What do you want to do, Rainelle?”

"...I don’t know."

I honestly don't know. Even though I was angry, it wasn't that I couldn't understand her feelings. Even so, I didn't want to forgive, but I don't want us to be on bad termseither.

"I don't know," I replied honestly, shaking my head.

"...Yes, maybe you don't know."

Karmeut didn’t judge. He just gently stroked my hair and comforted me silently.

"If you're having a hard time, why don't you send and exchange letters? You can also express your thoughts through letters."

"...Should I, do that?"

“Yes, and it would be good to tell her about the decision on Marquis Namuel as well.”

I flinched at those words.

"...You know?1"

"There aren't many things that can explain why the frail noble lady doesn't faint or escape from the spot where magic, blood, and swords ran rampant."

When he said that, Karmeut laughed.

"...you can tell just by looking at it. Rainelle also had asked my counsel about it before, right?”

"I did, but... Karmeut didn't really like the story, so I thought you’d forgotten."

"---It's about Raainelle’s's friend. Even if I don't have interest, I can't forget what I heard if it’s something related to you."

Whispering softly, Karmeut playfully kissed my cheek and continued,

"That's why. It's better for friends to reconcile quickly, Rainelle. Unless you really hate them."

He slightly shrugged his shoulders. Then I nodded.

-The more you drag it, the deeper the emotion gap2 gets.

"---Okay, I'll do that."

Karmeut laughed. Then he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, whispering,

“Oh, Rainelle, there’s also a topic that came up in the meeting room earlier…”


"When shall we get married?"

Heat rushed to my face at the sudden question.

"Ma-, ma-, ma-, married?!"

"Yes, married. Didn't you take the empress lessons so diligently in order for us to get married?"

"Yeah, that's true, but----!! Uh, well, since I hear ‘marriage’ all of a sudden..."

The gap between the words ‘getting together’ and ‘marriage’ was too great.

No, I know the meaning is similar! To be together! But it's kind of like, like---!!

“In front of everyone, I want to let them know that you are my mate, not anyone else.”

He whispered softly, his lips lingering in my ears.

"So that no one can lay a hand on you. I want to let everyone know that you are my partner and my only mate. I will give you everything I have so that I can have all of you."

I bowed my head at his action of kissing my ear, revealing a strong possessive desire.

It was too alluring to reject his words.

No, actually, me too...

I felt his breath on my lips and I closed my eyes…



1 About Aria in love with Namuel

2 Emotion gap: a state in which it is difficult to reconcile because they have bad feelings for each other.

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