Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 81: Soul Cleansing Spear

“What do you want me to do with her?”

Tian Yi looked at Han Yixue profoundly.

“What do I want to do with her….?” Han Yixiue looks at the woman on the floor--- the one that she has feared for all her life. However, now looking down on her, she no longer feared her. Instead, she pitied her.


Han Yixue went silent to think.

What does she want to do with her? Revenge? Forgive her? She does not know--- no, she knows, but she was afraid to say it. If people ruled out the fact that she had an above average Divine Sense due to living most of her life blind, then she would be a normal girl with no talents. Even during the Pill Contest where she could stand toe to toe against these Pill Master geniuses from all over the four Continent was only temporary. If she stood on the same stage as them one more time, she would burn out her stamina way before the deadline.

Tian Yi did not rush her and gave her time to think.

After a few more breaths of time, Han Yixue finally looked straight into Tian Yi’s pupils and began speaking.

“Master, if I say that I do not want revenge and that I am willing to forgive her for everything she has done to me, then not only would I be lying to myself, but I will also be lying to you, Master.”

Han Yixue walked over to where Tian Yi was standing and kowtowed, “Master, please forgive your Disciple for being so selfish, but I request Master to dirty his clean hands and make her experience what I had to endure because of her--- a life surrounded by darkness. My first few years of being blind was a nightmare--- one about living inside darkness forever…”

“I would crumble up in a corner and tremble in fear because I was not able to see anything. I would hug the wall wherever I went and would not let go because I thought that if I did, then I would get lost in the World of Darkness again. After many, many months of living like that, I have unexpectedly awakened my Divine Sense even though I did not Cultivate. Now that I have Divine Sense, the World around me is not as dark…”



Han Yixue stopped talking and waited for an answer.

However, the reply she was expecting was instead another question, “Han Yixue, when you look at me, what do you see me as?” Tian Yi asked her.

“A Hero.”

Han Yixue gave an instant reply.

Tian Yi’s eyebrows slightly lifted, and he looked at Yu Yue, “What about you? What do you see me as?”

Yu Yue did not expect him to ask her such question out of nowhere and panicked a bit, “Eh, ah… Master, whenever I look at you, I see the sun--- one brighter than the one hanging in the sky. Your heroic presence, your righteous morals, and everything else about you are blinding to me…”


Tian Yi did no reply and turned to Meng Xiang to ask the same question, “What about you? Do you also think I am a hero?”

“Un. But I see Big Brother as a Big Brother before a Hero…”

Tian Yi closed his eyes for a seconds before opening them back up and sighing, “Han Yixue, Yu Yue, Meng Xiang, I am no Hero.”


The three of them looked at him with wide eyes.

“Sure, I may slay these who are evil and help these who are innocent. However, I am no hero… I do not do these things to make others happy---- I do it because it makes me happy. I may look righteous in the eyes of the innocents, but I am evil in my own ways… Slaying evil is just an excuse people make to justify themselves, but in the end, they are only killing these they don’t like, and I am no different---- although there are exceptions where people really do it for others. I kill these I don’t like--- not because of my family, not because it makes others happy, but because it makes me happy, so do not look at me as a hero. Instead, look at me for who I am, a selfish little brat doing things because it makes him happy. I am only saying this so you do not look at me for who I never was, and when the time comes I do something out of this ‘heroic’ character, you will not be as disappointed. I will not let my friends, followers, and family know me as someone I am not.”

Tian Yi spoke to the three of them with a gentle, yet serious tone.



The three girls were shocked speechless by his speech! They were so shocked that they don’t even know where to begin!

The people watching was confused at the situation, but no matter how confused they were, their Souls were trembling from the speech that young man had just given!

“Han Yixue, therefore you do not need to be worried about having my hands being dirty--- because my hands were never as clean as you had thought they would be in the first place.

After finishing that sentence, Tian Yi turned to face Guo Bao who had crawled many feet away when he was speaking.

He began walking towards her.

He spoke as he slowly walked, “I would normally turn a blind eye to these that do not purposely block my path---- even if they have an evil soul. You did not intentionally block my path, so I will not touch you---- that was if you didn’t touch my Disciple after I had accepted her. Don’t think I didn’t see you hit her from behind because I did. However, even if you didn’t hit her, I would’ve personally dealt with you. You must be thinking ‘why?’, right?”

“Because your soul makes me sick to the stomach!”

A frown appeared on Tian Yi’s face as he spoke that sentence.

“You do not Cultivate towards the Devil's path, yet your soul is rotten to the core! I have seen Souls as dark as the Void, and I have seen Souls as bright as the sun, but I have never seen a Soul that is as rotten as yours!”

The frown on Tian Yi’s face slowly turned into an angry face.

“I do not want to look into your Soul to see what you did because that will only make me sicker than I already am just by looking at you!”

Guo Bao crawled for her life, and Tian Yi walked towards her with soft, yet heavy steps.

“If this were a normal situation, I would have already sent you straight to hell and have your Soul endure eternal torturing without a chance to reincarnate!”

“If we had met in the middle of the street, I would have had made sure that you wouldn’t be able to take another step even if we didn’t speak at all!”

Tian Yi finally reached Guo Bao and stopped walking.

“Your Soul that looks like it’s being melted in rotten waste, I will do you and Heaven a favor and clean it for you!”

Lifting his right hand in the sky, it began glowing gold.

‘Soul Cleansing----’

An invisible ripple spread out across the entire Xiangliu Continent, and every individual living within the Continent suddenly felt like they were flying towards Heaven. Their whole body felt warm and soft as if they were wrapped in the World’s most delicate material, and their mind was clear without any disturbance. They have never felt so refreshed in their life before!


A long, glowing Golden Spear pierced through the cloud from above the Heavens, striking down like a Tribulation Lightning! The Golden Spear created a clear, sharp sound as it continued to travel down the sky, making everybody in the streets turn their heads to look at the Heavens.

“My Heavens! What is that?!”

One by one, people began pointing towards the sky where they see a line of golden light coming down from the Heavens like a holy beam.

“Is Heaven sending its messenger down?!”

“What the hell are you all doing still standing?! Get on your knees and start praying!”

People looked around to see that more than half of the pedestrians on the street were already kowtowing, paying respect to the holy light!

Within a few more seconds, the Golden Spear had finally reached where Tian Yi was standing.


The Golden Spear flew right past Tian Yi, and directly towards Guo Bao who was staring with wide eyes.



The Golden Spear pierced Guo Bao’s beautiful face, penetrating through her Soul and pinning her head on the floor.


A sharp and heart-wrenching scream resounded throughout the city making these who heard it cover their ears without even thinking about it.

These who witnessed Guo Bao being penetrated by the Golden Spear were so shocked they didn’t know what was going on! How the hell was she still screaming after being pierced in the face by a Spear?

Guo Bao madly squirmed on the floor and had her hands on the Spear’s handle trying to pulling it out. The Spear did not kill her, nor did it physically harm her. Instead, it burned her Soul with Golden Flames, making her experience a pain worse than the Soul Torturing the Evil Cultivators had to experience.

Guo Bao pulled the Spear’s handle with all her might, but alas, no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn’t even budge an inch.


Guo Bao tried to scream for help, but all that came out of her mouth was more screaming.


Guo Dai watched with his mouth wide open. He wanted to help his own wife, but no matter how much he fought against his will, he was unable to move a finger, let alone help her.

Tian Yi had an emotionless expression on his face as he watched Guo Bao scream and struggle, “Your Soul is so rotten that it takes longer to cleanse, but you cannot blame anyone else but yourself for that… Here, let me help you speed it up.”


Guo Bao’s entire body was suddenly engulfed in Golden Flames, and her already crazy pain increased by at least three folds! She has already passed out numerous times due to pain, yet the pain that knocked her out also kicked her back awake the next second! This kind of torture lasted for a few minutes, but to her, it was like an eternity!


The Golden Flames slowly died out, and the Spear dissipated into the air, leaving behind a perfectly untouched Guo Bao and a dead silent place.


Guo Bao tried to open her eyes with the minuscule amount of strength left in her body, but the moment she opened her eyes, she was shocked to find out that she was unable to see! She was blind!

“You will live. However, you will remain blind for the rest of your life. Don’t even bother trying to use Divine Sense because I have also crippled your Cultivation to the point that not even this World’s most miraculous Pill will be able to fix. You will live your life as a Mortal starting now, blind.”

Tian Yi turned around and began walking towards the main gate, ignoring the surrounding fearful gazes towards him, “Let’s go back to the Sect. I want to live a quiet life for a while…”


Yu Yue and Meng Xiang quietly followed him.

Han Yixue looked towards Guo Dai and bowed, “Thank you, for giving birth to me and taking care of Mother when she was alive… Goodbye, father.” She showed him a genuine smile before turning around to follow Tian Yi.

“Ah…….” Guo Dai didn’t know what to say and could only silently watch her walk away. He was aware that no matter what he said to her, she would not stay in the Family anymore. Memories began flooding into his mind from the moment she was born to the day her mother died. He had truly loved Han Yixue and her mother, but after her mother had died, something in his mind snapped, and his feeling of Han Yixue and her mother had suddenly disappeared without notice. He did not know why, but after what had happened today, his mind felt refreshed, and he could finally think properly--- but it was too late.

Tian Yi and his group left, leaving behind a huge crowd of bewildered and dumbfounded spectators. After what had happened today, the news of a mysterious Young Master came by the Guo Family, the 2nd strongest Family within the Xiangliu Continent and crippled the mistress, a Spirit King like an ant! Even the Guo Dai, the Family Head was unable to do anything but watch his wife get disabled! And Han Yixue, the girl who was known as the 'nameless girl' had accepted the mysterious Young Master as her Master, creating a Master and Disciple relationship, which was also the reason why the Young Master had even bothered to stop by the Guo Family! It was because he wanted to take revenge for his new Disciple! Such news spread throughout the entire Continent like wide fire, and the fire would continue burning even after many, many months.






“What, disappointed that I am not the hero you think I was?” Tian Yi asked the oddly quiet girls.

“Eh?” The girls were surprised at his sudden question.

“Definitely not!” Yu Yue shouted with a serious tone, “As a matter of fact, I respect and trust Master even more now!”

Meng Xiang nodded, “Un. You are my Big Brother before anything else, so you are still the same to me.”

“Even if Master were the devil, I would have still wanted to be your Disciple…” Han Yixue added.

“Is that so?” A smile appeared on Tian Yi’s face, and he quickened his pace a bit.

“Let’s hurry up and head back to the Sect as soon as possible. I have just joined the Sect, yet I’ve been away for so long. When we return, I’ll teach all of you the things you need to learn to be ready for the future.”

“Be ready for the future? And since when did Master joined a Sect?” Yu Yue was confused.

“I joined the Profound Dragon Spirit Sect in the Jin Long Continent when I first came down to the Mortal’s Realm in order to experience a Sect life, but I left shortly after without really experiencing it. When we go back this time, we will be staying there for a while. And while we’re there, I will prepare you all so when it comes time to return to the Celestial Realm; you will not freak out as much…”

“Eh? Master, what is a ‘Celestial Realm’? I only know of the Spirit Realm…” Han Yixue said.

“It’s a Realm higher than the Spirit Realm. There is more Realm above the Spirit Realm than you think, but don’t worry because I will slowly teach you everything you need to know about this Universe.”

“There are Realms above the Spirit Realm?! And Master came from such a place?!” Han Yixue was shocked.

“Heh, you are what they call a frog in a well.” Yu Yue laughed at her ignorance.

“It does not matter where I go. As long as I am with Big Brother, I will be happy.” Meng Xiang happily said.

“Haaa. Sister Meng Xiang, you will not be thinking like that once you grow up…” Yu Yue sighed.

“Eh? Why not?” She asked.

“It is too early to explain to you, so ask me again once you grow up a little bit more…”

“Booo.” She booed.

“Hahaha.” Tian Yi laughed at their interactions as they returned to the hotel to prepare for their trip back to Jin Long Continent.

A note from BaiSiwa

Bad News and Good News.



Bad News - I am still busy and will stop Legacy chapters for a bit.

Good News - More N1UH. I've been slacking in the Chapters, so there will be nothing but N1UH for the next week.

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